about 2 months ago - RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s either of us have a single kill count
1s here and I'm being told that I've got to
3s be on the Legacy interface so your F1
6s through five yeah oh yeah of course it's
8s like the PVP days uh I've been here once
11s before where I accidentally did a little
13s bit of murder at ed3 like the CR thethan
16s boss I went in a bit early cuz we're
19s doing a bit of a showcase and I
21s accidentally murdered everyone but so
22s you're not actually like a massive saden
25s fan
27s necessarily well not really but you know
31s since he's my dad I mean yeah sometimes
34s you know sometimes you get a bad
37s spawn I think it might be really fun to
39s kind of play off of that if you've got a
40s team of like veteran RuneScape Iron Man
43s people and then you're coming in like I
44s don't know what to do I feel like I know
46s what I bring to the team you know I
48s bring the fashioncape I bring the looks
50s I bring the laugh I also bring the
52s horoscope and star sign girin I feel
55s like we'll be okay perfect that is I I
57s will say that is what every group Iron
58s Man team needs