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over 5 years ago - /u/JagexRowley - Direct link

Originally posted by I_Kinda_Fail

I mean, she's only half reptile, the other half is humanoid, isn't it? It's like with centaurs, would the top half of a female centaur have breasts, or would their lower half have nipples for their young? How would they drink from the human nipples if they're so high up in the air? Do they lose their horse nipples?

Regardless, it's fantasy, and this is apparently someone's addition to the fantasy.

Quite so, and that's where the artist went.

She's a god, not a reptile, and thus can take whatever form she wishes, anatomy and reality be damned.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexRowley - Direct link

Originally posted by Draco_Esques

Crondis was a crocodile turned goddess by Tumeken. Crondis is a reptilian goddess.

Was she now? Okay, I'll bite, but tell me, what would be your source for making that claim?

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexRowley - Direct link

Originally posted by Draco_Esques

Your centaurs are two halves of a mammal. Do they have a mostly able bodied foal bottom running around with a crappy human infant flailing around up top because we don't have the motor skills foals gain at birth? No. It's a bad example.

Reptiles don't have tits. They house MAMMARY glands because they're for MAMMALS.

This also makes me want to touch on the feline humanoids, why do they only have two functioning mammary glands? Felines have more than 2 young or two mammaries.

Fantasy lacks any knowledge of the creatures we twist to fit our idea of humanoid.

Real-world rules need not apply. Gods sit in their own classification - even if one started out life as one thing, upon ascension they are no longer that thing, and are no longer beholden to any limits/rules/anatomy/whatever that may have applied to said thing.

While there is often value in basing fantastical elements of fictional universes on real-world analogues (primarily for ease of understanding on the part of the audience), doing so is not a necessity.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexRowley - Direct link

Originally posted by Draco_Esques

I figured. There are two crucial bits of information on that page you appear to have glossed over - Reldo's blurb at the top, and that I was the author of this piece.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexRowley - Direct link

Originally posted by Draco_Esques

if real world rules need not apply, then why not just make a crate with tits on it and say it's just the goddess of mimics? because that's silly. There are rules that bind fantasy and reality. To ignore these rules would be to shirk any laws that bind the realm of reality or fantasy and reach into the depths of chaos itself seeking structure.

This is my point exactly, we could totally do that if we wanted! Or maybe a talking cabbage with dreams of world domination? Or a place where three different versions of the same character exist together? Runescape is a silly game at times.

There are no rules in a fantasy universe save for the ones they create for themselves, and it's not worth getting upset over something based on it not tracking with our reality (doubly so for such an innocuous and unimportant point).

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexRowley - Direct link

Originally posted by Draco_Esques

you know this just makes me more irritated about you calling Crondis a goddess not a reptile even though you wrote it as a reptile that ascended?

Don't always take everything you read (or that an NPC tells you) at face value, especially something prefaced as a (poor) translation of a parable (of a dream) and so having questionable veracity. That's not to say there isn't some truth within it, as there could well be. That's not something that should irritate you, though.