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D&D would be repeatable, but like troll invasion can only claim rewards once a month. Repeatable mainly to reclaim the armor if lost.

Outfit would become similar to warpriest gear. If lost, need to repeat the D&D and repair at an armor stand at a cost similar to Barrows repair costs. (Debatable if existing gear should become the armor).

Rewards chest - get to choose which skill you can get BXP in or a piece of unowned gear. It would be reduced to the same XP you'd get from troll invasion, but be BXP. +10% BXP towards the skills that were originally offered.

Hati - This would work like tracking in the hunter skill. You'll have to search out the paw prints. Eventually it will spawn and would become an instanced solo boss (similar to the battle at the statues you carve into a god).

Sköll - Mechanics would work the same way. Though would be able to bring other types of wood to reduce the amount of time to build the fire.

Elder 7 logs

Magic 14 logs

Yew 28 logs

Maple 56 logs

Willow 84 logs

Oak - Regular 100 logs

Unemployed Tool Leprechaun. An NPC created to be a very (hilariously) grumpy Tool Leprechaun who complains he got fired for being incompetent by not being able to note produce, only can unnote them. After you kill Sköll the first time, he will offer for 10k coins to un-note any noted logs you bring him. The 10k is paid once a month that he will spend on his favorite hobby, tracking down and attempting to capture a rainbow to summon unlimited pots of gold. He will swear to all the gods that he'll reimburse you with interest if he is ever successful.

Summoning Fenrir: With the deaths of Hati and Sköll, you will acquire the hearts of both creatures. These have to be put into a summoning pouch with 2 gold charms and 100 spirit shards and then go to an area where the wolf nearly spawns. There will be a giant scorch mark on the ground with a severely damaged obelisk where you can use the pouch on it and summon the wolf for the final battle.

Additionally, it would be nice to include Eir's Helmet and Spear that can be used as weapons in-game and help against slayer monsters.

Fenrir's tooth can be turned into a necklace offering 1% XP to hunter up to 50k a day. Would require completion of the D&D each month to offer this bonus.

Jormangund Ring - +6 prayer bonus and teleports players to the hand in location of the crystal triseklion fragments.

EDIT: Just realized 3 hours prior to me making this post that there already was a thread with similar suggestions


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about 5 years ago - /u/JagexOsborne - Direct link

Really nice idea. Personally like this a lot