With the release of Zamorak, it's apparent that Jagex will be designing bosses around flat damage mitigation which leaves Melee and Ranged at a severe disadvantage as they will be taking significantly more damage throughout any fight.
Watching 'world race' for Zamorak, a majority of the high enrage team has been having everyone use mage tank, as the damage mitigation plays such an impactful role throughout the fight, since twin shot effectively reducing the active time to soul split flick to about 30% of the time, meaning that the other styles consistently take much more damage.
Animate dead with the other styles' tank armor would allow both style to effectively even the field with magic, as many of the benefits of the other styles (high adren gain with ranged and high burst with melee), have been effectively rolled into magic with the numerous content it has received other the past year.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. If there was anything I missed that would make these styles blatantly OP say something down in the comments
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