23 days ago - RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s RuneScape has just received its biggest
3s update to combat in years and it has
5s resulted in some of the biggest Buffs
7s that the melee combat style has ever
9s seen both the fury and the upgraded
11s version of the ability have received
13s some love making them much less clunky
15s to use and increasing the chance for the
17s next ability to be a critical hit
20s Creator Fury even guarantees a critical
22s hit allowing for some incredibly strong
25s combos on top of that came some changes
27s to my favorite melee weapons in the game
30s I'm talking of course about the Frozen
32s Blades of Lang dropped by the arch gayor
35s which finally live up to what you would
36s expect from a tier 95 weapon set these
39s swords now come with an incredibly fun
41s and Powerful area of effect special
43s attack as well as a new passive which
45s further boosts that special attacks
47s power alongside all the other changes
50s made to the general combat systems in
52s this update there has never been a
54s better time to take on some combat
56s challenges with the newly improved melee
58s combat Style