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I'm posting this since Jagex hasn't and I want to ensure anyone from any timezone can submit their questions. I also want to ensure Jagex have enough time to contact any team necessary in order to answer these questions.

Hey all,

Jagex will be on stream tomorrow to talk with some of the Leads from the team in order to cover:

  • Login Lockout
  • Wishes
  • Elite Dungeon exploit abuse
  • Sophanem Slayer Dungeon - Scorpions
  • Client crashes
  • Mobile

If you have any questions you'd like to ask the team, about these topics or any other, please drop them in this thread and they will hopefully answer as many questions as they can during the stream.

External link β†’
almost 4 years ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Big thanks /r/ImRubic for setting this up!

As a heads up, we were already running with a replacement for one Lead tonight but we've just learned something has come up for another Lead that's unfortunately going to stop them attending.

We're still going to have a stream tonight that we're pulling together now, but we'll be postponing the Leads Q&A to next Tuesday to make sure we can do this properly. Please keep the questions coming as we'll get these in and sorry that we ended up having to delay this one.

As for tonight's new plan, we're going to be showing the Wishes off in-game and in-depth to give you a big look at those alongside some updates on the Mobile front. We don't want to leave a lot of these topics hanging for a week given we were promising to discuss them today, so I'll be covering as many updates as I can on these at the top of the show so we can get you those updates.

almost 4 years ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by ImRubic

Thanks for the heads up.

I'm curious if there's a reason that Q&As are unable to be held unless there's a lead present. It seems to be a constant issue where these streams get delayed. In the past Jmods could hold Q&As without requiring leads to come on.

It's just because this one is a Leads Q&A specifically, though we definitely need to do more General Q&As for sure which isn't Lead reliant (has been quite a while!). We'll look into sorting more of those.

You are definitely right on the delays as well - we have had a good few this year. We're sorting these well in advance but we've had a number of surprises come up over the past few months. We'll see if we can do anything to be better contingency wise.

almost 4 years ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by Disheartend

its tagged as jmod reply in this thread.

We've also got the word out on social which should help too!

almost 4 years ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by mIeXzB9FrUfGXwo

General Q&A with chat would be nice depending on available jmods. Kudos for not cancelling stream!

Mentioned this in another comment, but we should definitely do General Q&As more often again! We'll look into making some happen.