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Been asking about Arch Glacor drop rates. Since Gwd3 bosses had their drop rates buffed a couple of weeks ago, is there any talks of buffing arch glacor drop rates?

My last core drop was at 433 kills (HM)

My last dark nilas drop was at 600-650 kills (HM)

My current kc is almost 1900 HM... this is insane imo and i'm not the only one complaining about this And yes all I do is streak to 800% enr and reset, yet I only have 35 nilas at almost 1900 HM kills

(((The main reason i'm posting this is the dark nilas drop rate, it's insane.)))

Can I please just get an answer to the question i've been trying to get an answer to for the whole stream? Or can you atleast look into this?

/u/JagexHooli /u/JagexSponge

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over 3 years ago - /u/JagexSponge - Direct link

Hey, sorry to hear about your dud luck - I believe it's on the Glacor team's radar and they're investigating what changes they need to make (if any).