7 months ago - /u/JagexAzanna - Direct link


We've just revealed almost an entire year of amazing content coming to RuneScape in our first ever RuneScape Ahead!

We know you've long wanted to see further into the future for RuneScape and we're delighted to finally bring you such a long-term look at our content plans. This Roadmap has been directly informed by your feedback from the 2024 Player Survey, and we really hope you love what we're cooking up,

Dive into the blog here - https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/new-area-expansion-amascut-boss--more---the-rs-ahead-reveals

And don't forget while all the main announcements for future RuneScape content will be in RuneScape Ahead, we're hopping online the next day for an extended discussion in our livestream show - RuneScape Ahead Expanded!

Tune in tomorrow at 16:00 BST at Twitch.TV/RuneScape to find out more about the reveals!

External link →
7 months ago - - Direct link
We've just revealed almost an entire year of amazing content coming to RuneScape in our first ever RuneScape Ahead! Check it out here...
7 months ago - /u/JagexAzanna - Direct link


We've just revealed almost an entire year of amazing content coming to RuneScape in our first ever RuneScape Ahead!

We know you've long wanted to see further into the future for RuneScape and we're delighted to finally bring you such a long-term look at our content plans. This Roadmap has been directly informed by your feedback from the 2024 Player Survey, and we really hope you love what we're cooking up,

Dive into the blog here - https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/new-area-expansion-amascut-boss--more---the-rs-ahead-reveals

And don't forget while all the main announcements for future RuneScape content will be in RuneScape Ahead, we're hopping online the next day for an extended discussion in our livestream show - RuneScape Ahead Expanded!

Tune in tomorrow at 16:00 BST at Twitch.TV/RuneScape to find out more about the reveals!

External link →
7 months ago - /u/JagexJack - Direct link

Originally posted by Geoffk123

Making Useful High level ranged and magic armor that goes hand in hand with the 110 smithing update?

i guess they're implying Primal was a useful high level armor?

Yeah I didn't word that very well. The project is a way off at the moment, but the intention would be that we rethink how armour works a bit in order to make it useful, and then provide both budget and expensive (i.e. masterwork) armours for all three styles. That could involve, for example, upgrading TMW to 100.

I have to be careful what we promise in a video because now that we're trying to discuss updates that are further away, we haven't necessarily yet investigated what is feasible for the project to accomplish.

7 months ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by manray12

Nevermind--->(Black Party Hat again for Christmas Event has already forced existing down. A lack of imagination for a new rare degrades the enthusiasm for another (very rare luck) event, ie... black halloween mask during halloween event? Why not just give out Christmas Crackers with party hats if you can't think of new rewards? Only last years winners and current holders will see this as betrayal, so its easy. Otherwise,) -- ---THIS INSTEAD---> outstanding announcement.

Just a note on the Black Party Hat - we stated it would be available each Christmas along with the original announcement. It's always been the intention for that event that each Christmas would bring new another set of opportunities to get it.

The black partyhat is a very rare drop available each Christmas - but to have your chance, you'll need to be on Santa's Nice List at the Christmas Village.

Quote from here: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/a=13/christmas-village--the-black-party-hat