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EDIT: If you agree, PLEASE tag the Mods in this post. Anything to gain visibility and make them at least give us a reaction - JUST ONE REACTION! ANYTHING at this point! Even if it's a "Sorry, we wont do anything"! If enough of us do this and spread awareness, they’ll have to make a statement. I call on you, fellow scapers! Apes together strong!!!!!!!!

So here's an issue I've had to deal with at scorpions that should absolutely fall under Disruptive Behavior, but let's not kid ourselves. Reporting doesn't do anything.

We all know a lot of people have multiple accounts, apparently up to 15, botting/AFK'ing corrupted scorpions, and it's usually the same people, day in, day out.

We all know the complications of this, so I won't get into it other than it seems like neither u/JagexHooli or the rest of Jagex even wants to acknowledge the massive issue this is.

No, this post is about something else that is just so f*cked up on so many levels.

These people are starting to follow people around worlds to make sure you can't farm.

Here's what happens;

  1. You find a world, and of course it's all taken. So after hopping you decide to take a corner for your slayer or whatever.
  2. The afk'er/bot owner comes back, puts all his feathers into his BoB, blocking any and every kill there for you.
  3. He mocks you, tells you how many accounts he has, etc. etc. You are forced to hop.

You think that's it? No. Here's what they do now.

  1. They will literally follow you on every world to make sure " no farm 4 u ".

  2. They will use one of their alts to literally go through every world to find you, and then crash whoever is in that world with the feather trick or crash you, forcing you to hop again.

  3. Congratulations. You are now prevented from killing scorpions for whatever reason. Ushabtis,slayer, money or just because you feel like it.

Before you say "Turn your online status to friends only so they can't see what world you're on" - I've done that. The issue is that they just use one alt to shuffle. Do you think they gave up after finding me on 9 worlds? Nope. And why would they? The rest of their accounts needs 1 click on a potion every 5 mins. They have literally all the time in the world to use one of them to track you down. To teach you a lesson. To make sure you won’t return to this content so they can continue their mass farming.

Now I can't farm scorpions. Because it's usually the same people. And they apparently write down names of your character. So there goes that. I'm super pissed off and plead to Jagex to do something about this. One thing is crashing, fine. But following people around in every world to deny them a feature/monster? f*ck that.

Reporting doesn't do anything as we all know.

u/JagexHooli u/JagexKari we want a reply. Anything. Just one reply. How long are you going to ignore this?

Please excuse my English as it isn't my first language...

EDIT: Thanks so much for the award! I hope that this post will be able to get a reply from the mods/Jagex. ANYTHING.

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almost 4 years ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Hey everyone, thanks for bringing this to our attention. We're going to take a look at what's going on from every angle and see if we can do something. Give us some time to fully investigate this if you could, but we are on it.