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Like wtf has happened to the Community team at Jagex.

Why is everything hidden away. You won't communicate your reasoning for making certain decisions anymore. You won't communicate ETAs. You've pulled back a ton of stuff. It's no longer "Living Games". It's dead silent.

On stream you said there were "No questions". The entire chat was full of them. You said you can't answer them because Mod Mic/Mod Warden weren't there. Yet for the past 5 years you've done streams that hasn't been an issue. OSRS does weekly streams where they constantly answer chat's questions and concerns or at the very least acknowledges it. You can't even do that.

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about 5 years ago - /u/Shaunyowns - Direct link

I joined the stream towards the end and I was a bit confused to hear that there's no questions to answer especially when seeing the chat being absolutely slammed with them.

I'm also confused as to why there appears to be a 3 month follow limit on the chat which really limits new user experience, I mean 3 months is way too long.

An acknowledgement at the least should have been done, even if they can't answer it otherwise you get frustration like this.

Also gutted to hear no real Archaeology news yet :(

about 5 years ago - /u/JagexOsborne - Direct link

We are getting very close to giving the date for Archaeology, but we couldn’t for this livestream.

We could have said exactly that in the livestream, but that’s not new information and people have been peeved at us giving that kind of non-update in previous live-streams. We have wondered whether to cancel or shorten live-streams while we haven’t got a date or update on other content, but that would mean going even more silent than we are.

Ultimately, the problem here is that we don’t have new info on Arch for you. I definitely feel you, and it feels frustrating here too. We want to get you that info and we will get you the info imminently.

One positive is that we are doing this to have complete confidence in the date, which will mean that you can also have complete confidence in the date when it arrives, and I can reassure that the launch date won’t be disappointingly far in the future.

about 5 years ago - /u/Shaunyowns - Direct link

Originally posted by JagexOsborne

We are getting very close to giving the date for Archaeology, but we couldn’t for this livestream.

We could have said exactly that in the livestream, but that’s not new information and people have been peeved at us giving that kind of non-update in previous live-streams. We have wondered whether to cancel or shorten live-streams while we haven’t got a date or update on other content, but that would mean going even more silent than we are.

Ultimately, the problem here is that we don’t have new info on Arch for you. I definitely feel you, and it feels frustrating here too. We want to get you that info and we will get you the info imminently.

One positive is that we are doing this to have complete confidence in the date, which will mean that you can also have complete confidence in the date when it arrives, and I can reassure that the launch date won’t be disappointingly far in the future.

Love you Dave <3

We could have said exactly that in the livestream, but that’s not new information and people have been peeved at us giving that kind of non-update in previous live-streams.

I agree, but saying "there's no questions" feels like it hurts the viewers you and I both know we rehashed ourselves a ton on stuff in the past but just saying something like "we can see the questions on Archaeology we know how much you want news but we want to finalise and make sure we're all good", etc. I did see other questions on War's Retreat and Group Ironman also.

We have wondered whether to cancel or shorten live-streams while we haven’t got a date or update on other content, but that would mean going even more silent than we are.

Good decision! If the worry is there's no date/update why not focus on the game? Run a couple of events, play with the players and just have a little more of a casual laid back stream, doesn't have to always be a Q&A!

One positive is that we are doing this to have complete confidence in the date, which will mean that you can also have complete confidence in the date when it arrives, and I can reassure that the launch date won’t be disappointingly far in the future.

I believe in you to nail it!

about 5 years ago - /u/JagexOsborne - Direct link

Originally posted by Sprx10

People were asking regarding info on status of Group Ironman mode too during the stream, but were being ignored on that front too.

I will be honest, I didn’t see any questions on Group Ironman at all.

The work to make OSRS Group Ironman happen will open the door to us having it, so we are waiting for that before we commit time to it

about 5 years ago - /u/JagexOsborne - Direct link

Originally posted by Siyy

I definitely feel you

At this point i can tell you that IDon'tBelieveYouAnymore

That’s fair enough

about 5 years ago - /u/JagexOsborne - Direct link

Originally posted by Shaunyowns

Love you Dave <3

We could have said exactly that in the livestream, but that’s not new information and people have been peeved at us giving that kind of non-update in previous live-streams.

I agree, but saying "there's no questions" feels like it hurts the viewers you and I both know we rehashed ourselves a ton on stuff in the past but just saying something like "we can see the questions on Archaeology we know how much you want news but we want to finalise and make sure we're all good", etc. I did see other questions on War's Retreat and Group Ironman also.

We have wondered whether to cancel or shorten live-streams while we haven’t got a date or update on other content, but that would mean going even more silent than we are.

Good decision! If the worry is there's no date/update why not focus on the game? Run a couple of events, play with the players and just have a little more of a casual laid back stream, doesn't have to always be a Q&A!

One positive is that we are doing this to have complete confidence in the date, which will mean that you can also have complete confidence in the date when it arrives, and I can reassure that the launch date won’t be disappointingly far in the future.

I believe in you to nail it!

I don’t think I would have said ‘there were no questions’ personally, and I am sure that Mod Poerkie meant that there was none he felt comfortable asking. I can see how that would have been taken poorly, and sorry for saying it.

I personally don’t think we should stop the live-streams completely, as there is info that some (but not all) would find valuable like M and S changes.

about 5 years ago - /u/JagexOsborne - Direct link

Originally posted by agree-with-you

I love you both

Not sure what I’ve done to deserve that, but I will take it

about 5 years ago - /u/JagexOsborne - Direct link

Originally posted by ImRubic

Thank you for responding.

I personally understand not being able to give an exact date, but players want communication regardless. If you can't give us an ETA, an ETA for the ETA is better than nothing at all.

As for canceling livestreams due to a lack of information. I don't get this. OSRS literally has streams every week despite not producing the same degree of content as you guys do. Why is something that's so simple for them seemingly really difficult for the RS team? Not even stream needs to be a showcase of super mega awesome content.

I think something like Mod Jack where he explained the decision making behind their changes is a great example. It create discussions and sparks ideas.

We can achieve a livestream every week, that’s not the issue for us. The issue is that a livestream without the one glaring piece of information everyone wants can be inflammatory and - to many people - makes the livestream completely worthless.

I agree with you though, I would prefer us to keep talking and doing other things like the Mod Jack bit.

We will take note that acknowledging Archaeology is better than not. We tried acknowledging it in previous live-streams, which didn’t go well, but it feels more positive to do so.

about 5 years ago - /u/JagexOsborne - Direct link

Originally posted by SamihM

What about all the other updates that are being planned. It looks like everyone is working on Arch and the rest of the updates are still in design phase. Are we getting no other updates?

The same rule that is being applied to Archaeology - that we should only talk about things when we have supreme confidence in them, and have a release date planned - are being applied to all updates. It’s something that Mod Warden has instilled in us, and it will mean a more confident announce and better updates. We need to iron out the kinks about how we reassure you that things are coming, and we will have things to say very, very soon

about 5 years ago - /u/JagexOsborne - Direct link

Originally posted by k032

Might be in the minority but I'm ok with Archeology taking as long as it needs to and being delayed.

I don't want game developers to crunch for content. Hearing horror stories at other studios like Epic Games, Rockstar, Treyarch, I can't wish that on someone for video game content.

I will be honest with you, I value a lack of crunch so so highly. Jagex is a real exception in the games industry about minimising crunch, and I love that aspect of working here.

Thank you for the kind words about Arch too!

about 5 years ago - /u/JagexOsborne - Direct link

Originally posted by SwreeTak

Thank you, LoreMaster.

EDIT: I love you too. <3 Even though we still don't have RoP ;)


about 5 years ago - /u/JagexOsborne - Direct link

Originally posted by ImRubic

I can't speak for everyone but previous streams didn't go well because we had no ETA for Archaeology AND no ETA for anything else. Players had nothing to look forward to or when to expect something.

Off the back of a year where we had months with no updates I'm sure you can see how demotivating it is to some players when it's happening yet again. This could be an issue the stems from the Road Map. If it is, I highly recommend more frequent small/medium updates over infrequent large updates.

Of course, having sparse information is never going to feel good. All I can offer is reassurance that this won’t be the state forever, or for very long at all. It’s taken me a while to adjust myself, because my instinct is to talk a lot and often. I would also like to say that the time spent on Archaeology absolutely can be seen in game. I don’t want to overhype unnecessarily, but it’s got so much care in it.

about 5 years ago - /u/JagexOsborne - Direct link

Originally posted by SonofZeruiah

If a stream is called q and a, I would appreciate it if questions were being answered in the chat. Otherwise please market the stream as something else. Calling this stream the mining rereblance discussion would’ve helped set better expectations. Or another stream where you prove to us content is actually tested before release would be good, because the answer, “the rerebalance to mining cannot come until tested” is disheartening since the first rebalance felt as if no one checked how awful the mining would be.

Another stream idea: show us or tell us about other content coming. Right now confidence is low because nothing is coming and archaeology is delayed without anything else said other then “wait”.

A stream dedicated to the roadmap would be good too. Roadmaps don’t have to have exact dates for everything, this would allow a soft time to look forward to for Archeology and restore some confidence that other updates are actually coming.

A data stream would be fun again, as well, especially one for the new dinos hunted.

Another stream discussing the additions or changes to herblore 120 and farming 120 to get player feedback would be good too.

P.S. Sorry if anything I said sounds aggressive or agitated. My goal here is constructive criticism, and if anything else came out, I’m sorry.

I honestly feel that the Q&A answered a lot of player questions (probably weighted a little too much towards the Reddit questions), it just didn’t answer the massive single question that we are still not ready to answer.

Regardless, it’s clear that calling it a Q&A when you don’t answer the central question is just irritating, so we’ll be mindful of that next time.

We aren’t ready for a roadmap livestream yet, otherwise I would be all over that! I would love to give that to you. A data stream is also an incredible amount of work, more than you’d expect (we actually had to cancel Runefest talks on that subject for exactly that reason), but we would love to do more of them.

I take on board your general feedback that non-Q&A streams are valued. I remember when people were crying out for more Q&A streams, so I suspect we have swung the other way

about 5 years ago - /u/Shaunyowns - Direct link

Originally posted by ExtremeHunt

Jagex is full of bad practices, it's quite outstanding how someone even managed to score a degree in this field. Another security vulnerability was back when the RS companion app was still a thing, where you could bypass the bank pin client-side with just injecting JavaScript. I am not sure, but I think that vulnerability never got fixed either, so probably the same is going to happen with this vulnerability.

It's not like there exists tools to test a design on how secure it is and ultimately when it gets implemented /s. But there is, Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool is such an example. Pretty much it's just a checklist a dev can utilise to test a system's security (assuming they do this before coding and not after everything is coded). It easily finds 100s and RuneScape is no exception.

I am not sure, but I think that vulnerability never got fixed either, so probably the same is going to happen with this vulnerability.

It was fixed, I saw a post on it and got it fixed this was prior to the ComApp decommission.

about 5 years ago - /u/JagexOsborne - Direct link

Originally posted by brueglasshues

Okay but what about limiting chat to 3 month accounts?

I have no idea about that. We had a different team behind the cameras today, thanks to Mod Jon’s holiday, so this might have been an oversight

about 5 years ago - /u/JagexOsborne - Direct link

Originally posted by ImRubic

Thank you for taking the time to answer all these questions on Reddit. I greatly appreciate it.

Thanks Rubic.

about 5 years ago - /u/JagexOsborne - Direct link

Originally posted by Coltrainer1

I know you may not be able to answer this, but could you at least reassure us that Archaeology is still slated for the first quarter of 2020? If you can't say, understandable.

I can’t, sorry.

about 5 years ago - /u/JagexOsborne - Direct link

Originally posted by TeeeZy

will this be a definitive arch release date or just more guessing games for the playerbase about when arch will be released?


about 5 years ago - /u/Shaunyowns - Direct link

Originally posted by JagexOsborne

Not sure what I’ve done to deserve that, but I will take it

Take this silly reply and get out you bust your ass and deserve the love!

about 5 years ago - /u/Shaunyowns - Direct link

Originally posted by ExtremeHunt

Interesting, but the wiki didn't state this despite some changes that were made available in the patch notes. So therefor I was confused by this. Also how long was it even before it was fixed until the app was made obsolete? If a year or even less then a year is kinda shocking to have such vulnerability being a thing for possible ages.

Timeline wise I’m not sure but it was absolutely fixed I can tell you that for sure

about 5 years ago - /u/JagexPoerkie - Direct link

hey there,

I just want to drop in myself as well and let you know that I've seen and read the thread.

I'd like to echo what Mod Osbourne has already said and we can look into better acknowledging the frustration in chat around certain topics (in this case the Archaeology Release date).

Likewise it can be tricky what questions to ask or not to ask from chat. Saying 'there are no questions' is probably not the phrasing I should have used yesterday, my apologies for this.

If we ask questions from chat, we want to make sure those on the couch remain comfortable, we are able to provide a decent answer and the response we give is true or something that will happen. Balancing all these can be quite tricky and we can only get better at this the more we do it.

On a side note, we can deffo look into the phrasing and naming of our Livestreams and whether we call them a Q&A or something else.