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So, I started Fate of the gods, and at the beginning, Azzanadra mentions that it is in my interest to bring back Zaros.

I have been doing quests by timeline, excluding a few miniquests, like the dungeoneering ones, boric/doric and the last one I have not completed is Mahjarrat Memories.

To be honest it's so hard to keep track of what I have done, agreed or said to quest characters. But I don't recall ever agreeing to bring Zaros back.

I don't know much of Zaros, aside from what the memories I saw with the memory shards, which pretty much make me understand he's a god who's fascinated by learning and putting in practice what he learns, and seeing the fruits of his actions, but sometimes the fruits of his actions are what is considered bad for certain civilizations, whereas on his eyes, they are just actions.

But, i'm getting far from the actual question. At what part in the storyline/quests, did I agree into bringing him with Azzanadra?

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about 1 month ago - /u/JagexRowley - Direct link

Originally posted by VioletCrow

Looking at the transcript here it doesn't look like you agree to bring Zaros back beforehand - it looks like you decide whether or not to help Zaros in this beginning dialogue with Azzanadra. If you don't want to bring back Zaros though, then no quest, hence the only way to proceed is to agree to bring Zaros back.

Or to play along and make up your own mind later, like Sliske's dialogue at the start proposes.