over 5 years ago - RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hello everyone welcome to a very special
3s Q&A focused on the upcoming violet is a
6s blue quest it's a focus on art and audio
10s so we are going to be joined by many
13s people during this stream and you're
15s gonna be seeing a little bit of an
16s insight into the processes of how we do
18s our concept art artwork itself
21s environment modeling animation and audio
24s so a little bit an insight to an area
27s that we don't really discuss much I
29s think that's safe to say here in regards
31s to runescape but something that we've
33s started a lot more we do the early done
35s just a few months ago of course and now
37s we're here with the violet is request so
39s first of all joining me to my left
40s Marty Barker and then to my right margin
42s nice pants so nice pants is gonna kick
45s yourself great mundane by the way so so
48s Before we jump onto the screen just
50s first of all what is your role Jagex and
52s what do you work on so I am a concept
57s artist on the team I've been on the team
59s for about one and a half years now
61s lately I've been doing stuff like the
65s writers of the apocalypse for the
67s Halloween event so yeah that's awesome
72s so are we good to throw on his screen
75s John so we're gonna kick this way so now
77s you can see the concept that now though
78s yes sir thank you very much so I would
83s just like to start out with giving a bit
86s of a shout out to all the beautiful
88s people that I met during reinfestation
90s yes this was my second year in fest and
93s I had an absolute blast I had a lot of
96s good art related questions during the
99s event so thank you for that and also I
102s would like to give a shout out to Neil
105s also mod a few sees he is actually the
113s one who has been drawing all of these
115s beautiful concerts that I'm gonna be
117s showing today so yeah let's just get
121s right into it basically for this type of
126s assignment which is a bit more like a
129s light-hearted sort of feel since it's
132s like a Christmas theme and all that
134s it's a nice break from getting and
136s getting this sort of thing like in in
138s contrast to all the dark and a lot of
146s that going on so this is a nice break
147s from that so basically that's one of the
150s main pillars for for this event like
152s basically the light-hearted playfulness
155s and like the warm fuzzy sort of
157s Christmas feels so this as you can see
161s are some of the initial sketches that we
165s did for violet I don't know how how much
169s people know about they know they know
170s violet such I think in God's to a
173s backstory and an overview we've had
175s ramen on shreem in the past actually
176s ramen he hasn't microphone so just
179s clarify we have a ramen who's just
180s decided to say this is gonna be his most
182s children remember so he's over the
184s corner somewhere nice and chilled out so
186s the war give me a backstory on minor
188s well sir what's the deal violet is an
190s orphan who was left in the land of snow
192s by some not very good parents and these
197s yetis found her in the woods covered up
200s in a blanket so they did give her a
201s blanket and they've decided to know what
207s [Laughter]
217s these decided to adopt violet and raise
224s her but they never told her she was
227s human they've always been worried
229s because she is you know human they've
231s raised her as a Yeti and violet has
235s reached 86 and she would like to go to
237s yes down but the parents obviously
241s worried because she's not due yet even
243s they don't know how she's gonna be
244s received and the player comes along and
247s you find out in the quest there yeah
249s yeah awesome thank you very much sir so
255s jamming on that like the the thing about
258s the age of violet that's kind of where
261s we started so we started doing some
263s drawings trying to figure out where do
265s you work
266s the design was and like we played around
272s the different range of Ages for her we
275s started out a little bit older but then
278s we sort of settled on there like five to
280s six years old and we realized there was
283s going to be a very small character so we
284s wanted to make sure that the shapes were
286s really readable and we used a lot of
290s warm vibrant colors for her palette
292s because the theme is some based in a
295s very snowy landscape so we wanted her to
297s stand out from the landscape and yeah we
301s played around or I should say Neil
303s played around the idea of her having a
305s fox tail which got cut literally and we
312s sort of integrated that into her hair
314s design instead so yeah she has these so
317s a huge ponytail so as a team at home how
319s do you all how do you guys get together
320s and decide now what's the best approach
322s for and how do we get from X Y X from X
325s to Y and so on and so forth so how does
326s that work process wise we Lutron's sit
328s down next to each other and chat really
335s these are someone who starts off with
337s sketches like yes done there then we
340s just put it in front of the team put in
341s front of the 3d guys I put in friends
343s developers and then we all sit down and
345s pick it apart basically also a second
348s set of sketches comes out that later on
351s so you get to the final version
351s presumably yeah okay that's basically
354s how it goes and eventually we end up
357s with something like this this is
359s basically the final design sheet for
361s violet and this sheet is very important
366s since it's basically what we send off to
368s the 3d artists to make the final model
370s and we also try to incorporate some of
373s the emotional or expression sketches I
377s should say just to help the animators
379s kind of bring life to the character
381s later on I'm sure they're going to talk
383s about more of the animation step that's
385s amazing and also we played around with
388s some ideas for snow particles fish she
391s has these huge ponytails that she could
393s drags along in the snow and they I'm not
397s sure if that actually made it to the
398s model but
399s so it's a fun idea and we like to
401s explore these things really early on and
403s then if we have to we'll just cut it
406s Indian so moving on to the yetis this is
415s a bit of a an interesting one because we
417s have chosen to go with a different
419s design than the current one and that's
421s already in the game is in the bottom
423s left corner correct so that one is
427s basically the more gorilla like sort of
430s brute force kind of character and we
432s wanted to go with something that have
433s has a little bit more character and hint
436s towards more personality and also that
440s kind of goes well with the with the
443s theme that we're going for like the more
445s lighthearted stuff so we can base these
447s new characters basically violets new mom
451s and dad make make a kit that will work
454s with some characters with a bit more
457s emotion I'm not sure I just find there's
459s something about seeing rigged up faces
461s that happy angry and sad in the
462s accompanying faces it just makes me
464s laugh I love it I mean it's amazing it's
466s not used to like create the chat heads
468s then don't you see in the dialogue or
470s was that separate the animators really
472s sure that yeah they're kind of
474s expressions we want the character to be
476s able to capture also and with with the
479s current animation rigs and stuff that we
480s use for the characters nowadays we can
482s definitely bring a lot more character to
484s the to the characters as well so here's
491s an example of a bit of a production
494s pipeline sort of things so basically we
497s draw a bunch of stuff we show it off to
500s the designers and the 3d artists and
502s they bring back feedback in this case
505s bernardo AKA multi clumsy did a bit of
509s an over paint on the initial design we
512s felt it needed a little bit more bulky
516s bulkiness a bit more fluffy and it says
521s friendly looking I'm not sure if I agree
523s with that difference between I mean I
525s think the one on the left a bit more
527s friendly looking than the one was right
528s personally but yeah but that that's one
530s of the notes and we kind of took the
533s note and brought it to the final design
534s and this is basically what we came up
537s with as a fan of the sign for the yetis
540s so this is the default one to the Latvia
543s yeah fluffy and nice and basically this
547s is a like a potential for like your
551s generic URI that we could fill the world
553s with that the older models could go to
556s this may be okay if you choose to go to
558s go that route awesome and then based on
560s that we also made the Dead and the
562s mountain versions as well
564s yeah just variations to to add to it so
571s that's basically it on the yetis and
574s then a bit of a side note kind of thing
576s this is this hasn't really made it into
579s production this time around but we felt
581s we should explore these I'm gonna try to
584s pronounce it I mean I'm not great I'm
587s not great hope Nowell no you're like no
591s please please tell me but basically
595s since these guys are very closely tied
599s to the yetis in in the Lord because
602s these are basically the guys to spit
604s song humans to make them yetis sort of
606s thing that's from what I've done and so
610s we chose to go ahead and just make some
613s initial designs for these guys as well
614s just because they're in just in case we
617s wanted to need them and even at some
619s point so basically just oh thank you
623s very much so everyone in fact they're
625s safe thank you two more nice pants for
627s that little a wonderful summary for the
629s concept that into otherwise it's
631s requests a little bit of a as you
634s mentioned a pipeline of how stuff starts
636s off in its initial concepts and makes
638s its way to kind of a final so we come to
640s my left now with mod D Barca what are
643s you up to sir so for the livestream I've
646s been asked to design a Christmas card
648s these are the Christmas based around the
650s quests so you can see yeah
653s I've started off with a few thumbnails
655s here of what's is it Trevor was the
657s daddy end
659s yeah and violet and they're having a
662s very unfair snowball fight that's my
663s idea so he's holding this massive thing
666s potentially crushing her and she's
668s running away screaming which is the I
670s thought that was enough so I usually
673s start off with a few thumbnails like
674s that just yet a few ideas down and pick
676s one and now I'm growing it up basically
679s just adding detail and get an idea of
681s the proportions and kind of how hands
684s are gonna work while holding a massive
685s snowball and expressions people are
687s gonna look kind of happy they're joking
689s around you know it's not gonna be so as
693s I mentioned I'll see the back of your
695s image the entire stream so what we tend
697s to do is stream for this is we
699s interchange sections and so we'll cover
701s another artist or animator and so on and
704s then we come back to him to kind of see
705s how its purpose is going but just as a
707s quick fYI in case people aren't aware of
712s so on lead concept for runescape so yeah
722s while so I'm actually doing more drawing
726s today than I usually get to since
729s becoming a lead this is why we do more
731s streams yeah also no I'm just gonna draw
740s along yeah I can't cut back to me later
742s and see how it's get awesome alright
743s next up we come over to mod Alex on my
746s rights
747s hello so um first formal Alex who are
750s you what are you doing here jack I'm a
752s senior environment artist and I was the
754s only environment artist on this project
756s yeah eleven and a half years down Wow
759s yeah okay yeah it's feels like it
765s this project in particular it did yeah
769s so before we jump in environmentally and
773s just couple fins to get out the way so
775s presumably a brand new environment has
777s been created but yes yes several yeah we
779s did yeah
781s there's quite a few new maps quotes for
782s this one about seven new environments so
784s if we look at projects window and this
786s is take a live Dungeness example how is
788s the dungeon
790s regards to how different is it working
791s on a massive project like le dungeons
793s versus a large project quest wise as
796s well it's blue Wow okay
798s it's the planning stage that's more
801s important than that one there's a lot
802s more to think about so you've wall
804s you've got a lot longer to work on
805s something like elite dungeons there's a
807s lot more planning and forethought that's
809s got to go into it where you can make new
811s things when you can reuse things a
813s project like this one was actually
815s timewise quite small one and he had he
818s was about four weeks to do all of this
819s so it was a lot of there's very few new
822s things in this it's all rehashed and
824s reused from elsewhere and they're all
826s simple tricks and nonsense
829s hopefully looks good end of the day
831s awesome well I mean Sri Sri Sri sure
835s well it's like let's do it alright here
837s we go see we've got their game up now so
839s I mean first of all the buildings I mean
842s especially this year personally like the
845s graphical quality environmentally wise
847s and so on this stepped up so much and I
849s mean it just shows me the scarce and
851s clothes looked amazing we had elite
853s dungeons we've had obviously so lack the
856s environment around the lost Grove and so
858s on it looks amazing excuse the plug so
860s okay I'm literally I'm just going it
867s looks I guess in essence what this is
871s the Arias that's all before here yeah
874s okay so this is and I've got to be
876s really careful not to yeah trying to
880s come up with ideas for this I've
881s realized that doing environment art it's
883s it's riddled with spoilers I can't
886s something to show that isn't just gonna
888s give the game away is pretty difficult
889s yeah but this is from the introduction
893s early part of the quest so we've got
896s this farmhouse here this will be will be
899s a Yeti house at the end of the day so
901s when I was told that this is what we
903s were going to be doing that we were
904s going to be using yetis and that they
906s need a house the whole I was freaking
909s out because I saw them in the previous
913s previous clips of this big gorilla type
916s thing and we've got nothing like that in
918s game but when they went through a bit
919s more of a friendly redesign
921s you know the law I was told about the
924s law that they were once humans that have
925s been turned into yetis the idea of an
928s abandoned farm mate was a lot more
930s plausible the idea that this was
932s probably aware that Yeti lived as a
934s human in its previous life but then it's
936s become overgrown overgrown the buildings
945s that it wouldn't use once it became a
946s Yeti so it's a bit more derelict and so
950s in regards to mobile if you have to
952s change if you have to specifically do
954s anything for mobile users at all is it
956s just a matter of this is the map and
958s then it goes elsewhere it's it's more of
960s a technical thing for mobile it's making
962s sure that we're limiting the number of
964s textures we use so that it's not yo
966s drawing too much powerfully so
967s presumably where you have all of this
969s draw distance on mobiles would be
972s optimized the actual assets themselves
974s have been switched out for a lot of
976s lower poly ones because we've got better
977s textures now the models themselves can
979s be lower poly so in theory it should
981s just be able to port straight across to
982s mobile and work absolutely fine but yes
986s I was saying about like shortcuts that
988s we took with this project and all of
990s these buildings were taken from a piece
992s of content that never got Reneau yeah so
995s from a few years ago now we we built all
998s these these kits of buildings they're
1000s never one life so I decide to do a bit
1002s of dredging and came up with these ones
1004s they've all been retexture to look
1006s slightly more wintery going for that
1009s hole we wanted a nighttime environment
1016s and and the blue to sort of it would
1018s accentuate the characters nicely the FTS
1020s being blue they'd they'd fit in really
1021s nicely but the fact that violets quite
1023s warm
1023s she should pop quite nicely in the
1025s environment so we went for blue but with
1027s these sort of glowing lights glowing
1029s windows tranq ray that warms or
1030s Christmas the aesthetic because for
1044s those players that like doing quests and
1046s just walking around and giving things
1048s yeah let's not eat yellow snow Wow okay
1053s it's always good to go around examine
1055s yellow snow tastes like lemon what it
1059s tastes like okay this kind of I guess
1066s ties it with a fun FEMA guess of this
1072s confirmed chat line of this story and
1086s now up loan it so obviously going
1090s spoiler territory is there anything else
1092s environmentally wise that's kind of
1093s being touched in this regard is that
1096s other little areas that go into it yes
1097s so I mean obviously this is only one
1099s part yes the quest there's a lot more
1101s sort of to where it differs from some of
1104s the larger projects where you've got one
1105s like massive sprawling environment this
1107s is like lots of little pocket
1108s environments yeah in order to do that
1111s we've created it's just yeah if I go
1113s here this is one map square and that we
1115s call an imposter square it's basically
1118s designed to line up with any of the
1120s other environments and could be instance
1121s in around anywhere to fill out the draw
1123s distance so it looks like so literally
1127s going it instead of going into that
1128s listing map editor and it's having to
1130s make so many squares for the disorders
1134s and so you can see here like you've got
1136s lots off in the distance trees mountains
1138s it's not very exciting but it was the
1142s fact that the area is a lot larger than
1145s it really is XT is the imposter only NXT
1147s can do imposter stuff right yes yes
1149s that's a nasty feature autopsy shows on
1153s top of this we've also reimplemented a
1155s lot of the surface world Christmas
1157s elements that we did last year I did be
1158s I was asked on Twitter to do run the max
1161s guild and out City so they will roll
1163s that out again yeah I already see it in
1166s game everyone it's sort of iterate on
1169s the the Christmas thing up for the game
1171s world by it's really simple it's like
1173s retexture for the trees so we're we've
1175s got some of the foliage textures click
1178s of a button you can swap it to a snowy
1179s version additional models like the
1182s presents underneath the trees have
1183s gotten the surface world are all added
1184s in
1185s but um yes we started to push that even
1187s further with the snow on the roofs of
1189s buildings that some I mean a perfect
1192s example of the imposter square so if you
1194s turn the camera towards this way they're
1196s like this there you go so that's that's
1198s essentially where the map square ends
1199s this farm building is on it's only one
1201s night square in game that's replaced
1204s with so just so questionable to hear
1208s some of the music or sound design for
1209s this quest we do have and we do have
1211s audio and NIT towards the end of the
1213s stream but it's up to mod slippers what
1215s he wants to show so well yeah yes a
1218s little bit of audio ok perfect we have
1221s an audio reveal as well very much
1223s awesome stuff but I mean again I think
1225s device I mean if we got a custom skybox
1228s here then as well as they'd like a
1229s dedicated skybox those are just a reused
1231s one it's a tweaked one I only can't
1236s remember which one it was Iraq saw in
1241s Mauritania I mean this guy painted a few
1248s of the stars and like ship to the
1250s position of the moon a little bit and
1251s just sort of took some of the hard edge
1253s out of it did you take the stars out of
1255s the front of the moon or the Stars on
1258s the front of the Moon the Stars I mean
1269s so if we just talk about environment
1270s itself so yeah is there multi multiple
1274s stage process and it's like concept that
1276s in that sense or is there is yeah it's a
1278s very prescribed series have to do I
1281s haven't got anything to show on for
1283s illustrating that but it would be a
1284s route initially start with a very basic
1288s block out you throw together a very
1290s simple height map so all of this without
1291s any of the ground textures on it and
1294s some basic cubes to work out the
1296s footprint of all the assets like the
1297s buildings and to work out what the
1299s blocking is going to be and then
1301s gradually that's iterated upon by
1303s replacing things with slightly more
1304s developed models and then the
1306s the final model sort of like a white box
1308s gray box flying last set stage process
1310s and then things like populating it with
1313s all things like trees and rocks and
1315s plants and things like that is the very
1316s last thing you do not well originally I
1320s would have done the lighting last but we
1322s wanted to get that in early so that the
1324s characters could work to it with their
1326s designs so that they sat right in the
1328s environment and didn't get lost awesome
1337s did you have fun working on a product I
1339s did yeah it was it was it was tight you
1342s guys asked for quite a lot yeah this is
1347s only a fraction of it and hopefully some
1351s things people really like yeah yeah it
1353s was a lot of fun to do I love doing
1354s Christmas outtakes so we're coming up
1356s obviously towards the half well just
1358s under the halfway point I hope you're
1359s all enjoying this so far because we we
1362s love trying to do these streams when we
1363s can and you know to give you a little
1365s bit of an insight as to how these
1365s processes happen so hopefully you enjoy
1368s Narberth thank you so much having
1370s awesome so as I mentioned we'll be
1372s checking back in through the stream with
1375s multi box let's go back and see how this
1377s little cards come along now I'm drawing
1379s as fast as I can but we are not gonna
1381s get done with this by the end of this
1383s stream this would tell for hours I
1386s probably will record this when I
1388s continue it back up oh really so yeah we
1391s might be able to make a video available
1392s is the process kind of thing if people
1394s are interested right now I've basically
1396s made a bit of sketch based on the
1399s thumbnail I've added in essentially a
1402s mask following the lines as a sketch and
1404s now I'm coloring it yeah Photoshop trick
1409s you can mask off any shape you like and
1411s paint within it without having to
1413s laborious lead go around every single
1416s detail so that's one of the concept art
1418s tricks we use every day just to speed up
1420s the process of doing this kind of thing
1422s that's one of the advantages digital has
1424s over traditional media and right now all
1427s I'm doing is blocking in very basic
1429s colors and values just to see how
1432s everything
1433s reads the idea being when I'm done with
1436s regardless of how much extra detail I
1438s add the overall image should look okay
1441s if it reads small it reads big basically
1444s is the idea everyone in chat I presume
1450s you all want to see a video of this um I
1451s will wait for the confirmation I'm
1452s pretty sure it'll be a yes but I mean
1455s what are you hoping to get done at the
1456s very least by the industry will have
1459s maybe some a shaded idea of what the
1463s carts gonna look I've jumped a color
1464s much earlier than I usually do just to
1466s get something interesting going it'll
1468s look like something oh and we carry on
1476s because this this is the by the way I
1478s love these dreams and it's constant
1480s moving parts and we get to show so much
1482s cool stuff so all right next up Maude
1486s Sparky so we bring up to the roof to
1488s screen hello we are on your screen now
1490s first of all sir summarize for us who
1492s are you what do you do you're Jax so I'm
1494s not Sparky and I am a junior characters
1497s I have been singing a few streams
1500s showing off characters looks incredible
1504s as a model Wow
1505s so yes this is what I've been working on
1507s for fast and one from the better those
1510s who went to runefest probably saw me
1512s texture now and when I started them fast
1522s [Laughter]
1526s we had a lot of people coming out at the
1528s start of the day and not see much nobody
1530s mo JC in there almost final things as
1534s yeah so this was based on the concepts
1537s done by yes he's gonna probably kill us
1546s we had the same one constantly but he
1547s shouldn't have such a complicated name
1548s there's money laughing yeah this one's
1554s great fun and the hammer especially was
1556s an amazing thing to work on something
1559s completely different looking we've done
1561s here quite like like goodness me know
1565s you can shoot as well
1566s speaking to the animators of
1568s moving correctly just to clarify you
1571s might be hearing whispering because John
1573s is just making sure that de Baca is
1576s getting the recording for you guys so
1578s yeah the whispering come from so don't
1582s you there's no creepy horror audio
1584s filter in the background here as we're
1585s going through those four he's just
1587s assisted him to sab record it's you know
1590s anyway Paul so we want to get you in
1593s here should kind of option camera a
1594s little bit yeah come up this back okay
1596s so just that through Sparky's right is a
1599s mop or baked goods to Pauline lead
1605s runescape animator how long is that
1610s there's a lot of veterans in the
1612s graphical Martines it's great that's
1614s also see the age alright so yes I find
1619s it they need to interrupt your flow by
1621s all means yes or a lot of that stuff
1624s since it's quite new in hair as extreme
1627s as making sure you know we've got a reg
1630s floor correct talking to the animators
1632s here and making sure that everything was
1635s in place to get the animations perfect
1637s especially they will started recently to
1639s do a lot more topology in the face and I
1641s think this is something you'll be
1642s touching on yeah he exists pushing the
1645s flesh states brushes a bit oh yeah yeah
1647s so making sure look like everything is
1648s wired to really sure a lot of expression
1652s where before this was probably about
1653s four four polygons and you couldn't push
1657s as far as sometimes wanted so as well as
1662s violet I'm not sure if it's been shown
1664s yet the model for I don't know let's do
1669s it this might be the first time reveal
1670s here so that's so awesome
1678s say this was made by yeah I mean this is
1693s I mean the model quality again I
1695s mentioned obviously the graphical and
1696s environment stuff in 2018 but I think
1698s this year in particular the models have
1699s just taken a huge
1700s step up in regards their quality light
1703s is that by any particular reason why
1705s this year it's kind of happened I've
1706s been we've been doing stuff I'm just a
1708s little off we've had designs on things
1712s just kind of come together obviously
1713s exactly as we designed it all at the
1715s same time yeah they're beautiful time in
1718s there it's tough yeah well it's an
1721s excellent mic placement there there you
1722s go nice positional microphone there I
1724s only got topology see Wow again as as
1728s things progressed we were able to put in
1730s a few more follies and just make sure
1732s everything is there like actual fingers
1734s that Bend correctly and don't just snap
1743s yes I mean it's it's not just kind of a
1746s added detail just for the character
1749s actually helps us an impatient types to
1753s be able to form the the anatomy of the
1755s body correctly before things would kind
1758s of intersect so if like an arm moved
1761s lower arm move up towards an upper arm
1763s maybe get too much intersection going on
1765s between the different parts but
1766s obviously yeah the the geometry helps us
1768s out as much as it doesn't make this
1770s character look good so I believe we may
1774s I mean there they are side by side and
1776s that looks amazing as it is so I mean
1778s it's pretty awesome we have videos
1789s awesome squeeze in nice its you're
1800s unprofessional yeah can we keep it on
1803s this cameras Johnson was what we planned
1805s it so these should open on the correct
1807s side I believe yeah so if we we get some
1813s others rule them just bear over some
1816s moment guys just setting the videos up
1817s so you can on Steve make sure they're
1819s shown in the best way which is the first
1821s impressions okay say alright we're good
1824s here John this
1827s being wrong again so I don't think I've
1831s been through the whole process and
1834s particularly fine detail before but I'm
1837s obviously aware of the fact we don't
1838s have that much time so I'm gonna kind of
1840s try and speed through this and try and
1843s explain to you the process of how we
1844s build up animations kind of layer by
1846s layer
1846s so my animators and I will start off
1851s with with really strong characters like
1854s this by having a design meeting so we'll
1856s gather kind of as much detail as we can
1859s on the kind of backstory the personality
1861s of the characters from the content
1863s developers and the quantum ice and the
1865s character modelers and make sure we kind
1867s of understand what the character is
1869s about from there we're essentially
1873s looking we discuss how what which
1877s animations we need and how we think
1879s they're going to link together and how
1882s they're going to play out what the key
1883s poses of the animation are going to be
1886s and their lot the storytelling poses so
1889s you are literally going through and
1891s quickly posing out all those poked all
1895s those positions that are required to
1898s communicate to you guys what the feeling
1900s of the character is and what the
1901s intentions of the character is and these
1903s are kind of the building blocks to
1905s giving a character an illusion of their
1908s own thought process though that what
1910s they're doing is is something that they
1912s want to do rather than it just being
1913s parts that are moved around so this is
1915s called the the blocking process and it's
1919s kind of like blocky on here if you look
1921s at this graph editor these are
1923s representations of how the how the
1925s timing and the positions of the poses
1927s are built up that's the very basis of
1931s the animation then we go into the
1933s breakdown so this is this is about
1935s adding the kind of overlapping details
1938s and the the kind of secondary poses that
1941s allow allow the keep allow you to show
1945s how you'll get from one key post to
1946s another so these are essential in in
1950s maintaining weight and showing the flow
1953s of a character and defining whether
1955s something's rigid or whether something's
1957s what kind of biological so you can see
1960s here little violet she's starting to get
1962s some of the additional storytelling
1964s keyframes in here and you can tell she's
1966s definitely trying to act like she's the
1968s Yeti just the mat animation anyway
1969s exactly it's pretty obvious she's trying
1971s to do a raw know some sort that's press
1972s sort exactly says we who's we've just
1975s spoke about we've got these extra facial
1978s details now which allow us to add some
1980s some extra facial controls and this this
1982s is kind of an intermediate level so far
1984s we're gonna be pushing this a little bit
1985s more in future content but we're
1989s essentially trying
1992s wow really trying our might the the
1995s characters emotion so as you can see
1998s think gradually build up there's more
2001s detail in more storytelling motion until
2004s you finally get to kind of a a smoother
2008s version of the animation with kind of
2010s added vibration here as she's screaming
2012s her little lungs out with their tiny
2015s cute feet which I can't get over see
2019s that's the kind of that's a very basic
2020s like rough overview of how the animation
2023s process builds up and that's between
2025s myself is lead and an animation team we
2030s sit together on we essentially go
2033s through each animation and designer is a
2035s team and kind of call each other out on
2038s what things are necessary what aren't
2039s well things are extraneous and try and
2042s push each other to get a better
2043s performance out the characters that we
2044s make so this one's a good example of
2047s sometimes the action is a little bit
2048s more simplistic kind of like a post
2056s treatment so if you can get a pose that
2060s kind of communicates exactly can we give
2064s what I need to gift that we seriously
2066s need to get that is amazing I love that
2068s so that was basically the the comedy
2072s epitome of the storytelling pose and now
2077s more biscuits animated this was sorry
2080s mod hing was the animator on the
2082s previous violet animation
2084s so this is a adding in again those poses
2087s that allow you to get from the key pose
2089s back to the idle pay so it can blend
2091s into the reminded me of dr. evil so he's
2098s actually pulling stuff out of his teeth
2100s and here we go this is incredible
2104s yes so it's literally when you're
2106s blocking out you are using steps curves
2108s which is a bit of a contradiction in
2110s terms but essentially they'll hold on at
2113s one pose until a certain say 20 frames
2115s and the animation and then snap to the
2117s next pose and then snap back and then
2119s you introduce splines so you convert
2122s those steps into supplies and if you
2125s essentially just curved transitions from
2127s one post to another and then you have to
2130s do work to make sure that they're
2132s leaving one post movie or quicker than
2135s they are automatically and that takes a
2137s bit of cleanup work and where you really
2139s put in the kind of performance and the
2141s put in the hours
2143s so that's Yeti so this is an example of
2149s because violet is obviously kind of
2151s aping her parents foster parents she's
2154s she's like you know kind of obviously
2156s growing up convinced she's the same
2160s initially the idea was to have a run and
2163s it was gonna be quite Bolton even see
2164s what I'm doing on camera here you know
2169s kind of running quite boldly and kind of
2171s aping the natural characteristics of the
2175s family but we decided that really we
2179s wanted a bit more of a contrast and
2181s she's so cute and so little in
2182s comparison who we actually went for
2185s maybe a little bit more of a
2187s conventional walk stroke run I mean she
2192s she moves at the same speed as there's a
2195s big Yeti NPCs yet she's almost running
2199s really and her gait so we went for a
2203s slightly more twee little girl run and
2209s I'm glad we did because it may be as
2213s kind of psychologically would have been
2214s more authentic if she if she was like
2216s properly
2217s of aping the parents it kind of I think
2220s there was enough of that with the raw
2221s and we wanted to make sure that we still
2223s kept that kind of human element so it
2226s was definitely a good move and quite
2230s adorable so that was a nod hangs hard to
2234s work on that beautiful little bouncy
2237s energetic walk in stark contrast to the
2243s lumbering walk so obviously you can
2247s immediately see the difference in weight
2250s I won't go for the breakdowns here but
2253s essentially we are dealing with two
2257s creatures of you know pretty vastly
2259s different masks different weight so
2262s things on this guy overlap more they
2265s slow down and ease in and out at the end
2268s of motions whereas little violets
2271s actions are like really immediate and
2272s sprightly and young and we thought it
2278s was kind of a nice imagining a nice
2281s narrative with like little violet
2283s legging it around and like you know the
2285s big parents like you know constantly
2288s chasing after you and I getting tired as
2291s they get into route their old ears so
2294s that's a very much so it's a lot easier
2298s to see when they're actually in
2301s locomotion moving forward it's kind of
2304s simpler to construct them on the spot in
2305s a cycle to start with but then
2307s offsetting them at the same speed that
2309s they will be moved in the game engine
2310s allows you to see the reality of what
2313s they'll look like in the game so just
2315s for we don't the last one will probably
2318s end at this clip and when we're done
2320s with this little section outline yeah
2322s ramen to answer some of the questions
2325s you asked about they're totally a quest
2328s legs and so on we'll get to that in just
2329s a few minutes so just bear with us I
2332s didn't want to interview and I thought
2333s no fun so yeah I mean last little video
2336s here you can see the the reality of the
2340s implementation and the engine is that
2341s these guys even though they're vastly
2342s different sizes move forward at the same
2345s speed as each other
2346s so you end up with a a walk
2349s on the left with a Yeti guy lumbering
2352s along in a bit of a labored pace but
2355s then you have little violet almost
2359s running to keep up really so technically
2361s she's going up walk speed in that
2364s calmness but obviously her gait is there
2366s more of a run and a scent lovely
2370s adorable little difference between the
2372s teeth when you see him going together us
2374s Wow I was not prepared for just how
2377s therefore you guys want to go into this
2378s that's I mean obviously it's amazing to
2381s see so we've just moved to a new stool
2383s so just moved admire and these are some
2385s of the first examples of our kind of
2388s foray into that it's also so which is
2390s obviously showing you know it's
2391s obviously showing it depends yeah we're
2392s ready getting more character in there
2394s but it's really out in the beginning for
2395s us but you know we're gonna be
2397s constantly striving to get a lot more
2398s character into the creatures more
2401s legibility in their folder creatures
2404s kind of going into my afro shaker for a
2407s refresh in that sense we definitely want
2409s to shake up a lot of stuff it's gonna be
2412s a long term yeah I mean it's a long term
2418s I mean as if every player in scope
2421s there's there's certainly plenty of
2422s content for us to get our teeth into Wow
2436s I think I mean again I just love how in
2442s depth or going into it's awesome like
2443s seriously the time and effort to wants
2446s to do this we obviously to do the video
2447s as well to show everyone on the stream
2449s about so it's awesome so yes and that
2452s was a modelling and animation but
2455s more sparking more pull be so everyone
2459s thank you so much John we just come to
2461s the big camera a second please Raman
2465s color questions this rattle is offered
2466s on the quest so
2470s I saw I'll just sit behind this chair
2472s difficult you're the quest the course is
2475s nervous just a novice quest have a tan
2477s lengthwise really lengthwise depends if
2480s you want to read everything
2481s I'd say about time ten to twenty minutes
2484s okay cool quiets no new requirements and
2488s then rewards you can share XP XP I saw
2511s the check Meno and talked through I I'll
2515s come back to you the men with more
2516s questions like that means off in the
2518s chat guys so multi back or back again
2521s what have we done since the last time we
2523s get back to you what more covering in
2525s basically it looks also the colors are
2528s incredible already thank you yeah it's
2530s one of the great things about digital
2531s you can just add loads of color whenever
2532s you like
2533s so because I want to do this quickly
2535s I've just focused in on their facial
2536s expressions and just try to give him a
2538s sort of well-meaning yet slightly
2541s pressive kind of face and she's
2543s obviously in on the jerk as well kind of
2545s so the both sort of smiling having fun
2547s yeah as soon as you focusing on the
2550s faces of the characters and their the
2552s way their shoulders and their arms are
2554s sort of oriented with their head so that
2555s gives you most of the story you're
2558s trying to tell and the rest of the pose
2560s is just follow on from there so yeah if
2562s you're drawing characters think about
2564s the facial expression and where the head
2567s and shoulders set and then you can
2569s basically draw the rest of the character
2570s down from there and it should follow on
2573s it's the best way to start
2574s I mean for what 45 minutes it looks
2579s incredible just before five minutes
2580s already
2581s Rama comes to be very quickly for some
2583s more questions yeah there's a little bit
2586s voice acting is always good top voice
2589s acting and there's a reason why I've
2590s asked my question we'll get to it in a
2591s few minutes and also is it Fritz pipe
2594s yes yes really and this is a permanent
2597s quest not an event quest is a permanent
2600s quest it the reason
2602s it's not so much Christmassy is because
2604s obviously you could be playing this in
2605s the summer summer at any point and it
2608s wouldn't really make sense for you to be
2610s like looking at Christmas trees and
2612s things so yeah it's a bit more seasonal
2615s as opposed to Christmasy how many points
2622s one okay okay so that be 101 quests
2625s points did we do yeah so so I mean how
2635s are you looking on the concept cars
2637s color going into it well I mean it looks
2640s great
2640s what texted me I'm having here yeah I
2646s mean I just had a little merry xmas kind
2648s of thing alrighty so I think we are good
2669s to do my last final sections before we
2673s wrap up here so very first time on this
2675s runescape stream I believe in a very
2677s very long time we have some from the
2680s audio team on here we have more slippers
2682s hello sir first of all I kind of spoiled
2686s what you do with jagex cuz I'm great
2688s that but in essence and you want from
2690s the audience because it anything in
2691s particular you working on the audio side
2692s of things like all the other people in
2695s the audio team ie I say why I do Ord
2699s sound effects I do dialogue and the do
2702s music so yeah we do all three of those
2705s things and we tend to work in a kind of
2707s more of a kind of Kanban way so you know
2710s jobs will come in and we'll kind of pick
2712s things that we like things we want to do
2715s some people might want to do some old
2717s school stuff some people want to do some
2718s rs.3 stuff and you know we kind of work
2720s on things as they come awesome so for
2723s the quest file that is blue and have you
2725s been involved in all of the elements
2726s nobody won this or only specific bits
2728s yet all of it everything everything you
2730s hear in this quest is from me oh so
2734s you've now set the bull's eye
2736s oh yeah Jagex slippers by the way it's
2740s just for when you play the question time
2741s how awesome the audio is right so I can
2744s already see on the PC here we have clips
2746s so yeah shall we should we do this are
2749s we gonna leave the concept that bothers
2751s plays yeah awesome that's perfect okay
2753s even better we're gonna have violet as
2755s blue music tracks playing as a okay yeah
2763s great so I just thought I'd first of all
2766s answer the question about voice acting
2768s yes
2769s so it's not a fully voiced quest but we
2772s do have a small amount of voice in there
2774s we wanted to give file it a little bit
2778s of a little bit of character through her
2780s through her voice so she she doesn't
2783s talk but she does have emotes that she
2785s does so when she laughs or when she's
2787s excited about things or when she's
2790s roaring we hear the Sandford doing that
2793s and to get those sounds we actually we
2796s got more days as kids in it was really
2800s sweet it was really nice we had to like
2802s in order to get them high enough to sit
2804s on the - you know to get to be able to
2807s reach the microphone we had to like
2808s create a little platform we just got
2813s them in there laughing and you know
2815s making something so I haven't I've got a
2817s couple of examples here that I can play
2818s if that yeah on the stream let us know
2822s when we play this if the audio is coming
2824s through just so we can make sure you can
2825s hear it guys do it if I hear that okay
2828s yeah I chewed it for the headphones but
2830s we'll wait to see if they can hear it on
2832s the fin just see ya oh my oh em gee yeah
2838s yeah they definitely pick me up yeah
2841s okay so that's one of her when she's
2844s excited we got another laughing well
2847s trying to bump the audio up a little bit
2849s John have you done that
2853s the balance that's fine we have multiple
2856s clips that we can play over again so I
2862s can hear it over there that's great I
2864s think I only bought three with me
2866s there's obviously more than that no
2881s that's fine I mean it's coming through
2882s okay based on the chat as well she says
2884s she reminds me a boo from Monsters Inc
2886s that yeah that was definitely when when
2891s I was sort of like going through it with
2893s more days and mod ramen like that's one
2894s of the sort of inspirations definitely
2896s that came up so that's a nicely bridges
2900s on to the other you know what I want to
2901s talk about next really which is the
2902s music so obviously we've got new music
2904s tracks for this for this quest and yeah
2908s there's so the the kind of the pitch
2911s that I the first thing I heard about
2913s this quest was it was gonna sort of be
2914s the John Lewis advert of runescape you
2916s know what is something kind of really
2918s kind of heartwarming and light-hearted
2920s and Christmassy and and I wanted to make
2923s the music something that was like like
2925s like you might get from a kind of family
2926s film you know that kind of a nice sort
2929s of film sound but but also something
2931s light-hearted and jolly that kind of
2932s really gave you the feeling of the kind
2935s of the mischievous tone of violet so
2939s I've gone for that and then but in terms
2941s of like the actual sort of sounds they
2944s went to go for and the actual kind of
2945s sound world I was after I didn't really
2947s want to go down the kind of jingle bells
2949s kind of route and you know Rudolph the
2951s red-nosed reindeer that kind of stuff I
2952s wanted to make it a bit more a bit more
2955s kind of orchestral something was maybe
2956s more winter than Christmas so I actually
2959s I bought a couple of examples of them of
2962s some things that I used his inspiration
2964s so the first one was from Marla's first
2967s symphony and this is the opening to that
2969s it's a bit quiet so so Anita might do
2976s are you hearing it for there I can hear
2979s it through here so you'll know when to
2980s stop okay that's fine
2981s [Music]
2984s someone can hear beeping I can tell you
2989s well that's from we won't be able to fix
2991s this during the stream we have to leave
2992s it unfortunately yes
2996s so that's yeah that's not me obviously
2998s that's the genius that is Gustav Mahler
3001s and then I also got some inspiration
3003s from Stravinsky from his ballet
3005s petrushka and this is this is a very
3008s kind of very Russian wintery theme this
3013s is so good I love the idea of
3015s introducing the chats the inspiration of
3018s this and then how do you bring it to a
3019s runescape style audio so I'm looking
3022s forward to this because I have no idea
3024s distractedly a Stravinsky attract also
3026s can't wait yeah I mean these are both so
3029s both these tracks of things you know
3030s that I listen to all the time you know
3032s I'm really into Castro music and so you
3034s know these kind of flavours are
3035s definitely you know something I wanted
3037s to aim for
3038s so just somebody's off just taken over
3040s the driving here am ii yeah this is so
3044s so once it's here to combine those
3046s things with the kind of like almost
3047s disney-esque sort of like jolliness so
3049s and I'll play I'll show you sort of the
3053s the beginning of the the main sort of
3055s feature track of this piece and this one
3057s that's gonna be on the splash screen and
3058s everything so login screen yeah
3062s so this one is there's like there's two
3064s main themes that run through this and
3066s for me when I'm composing like it's all
3067s about taking small seeds of ideas and
3070s growing them into something bigger so
3072s you kind of start off with a with one
3073s thing and then you add other instruments
3075s to it or you kind of change it a bit so
3076s it develops over time so the very the
3079s very thing the first thing we're gonna
3080s hear is this selfishly I do wish I could
3089s hear that's just that's the first theme
3099s this makes me happy
3101s this is happy music that's very much
3104s about you know that that's very much
3105s about you know violet doing her kind of
3107s like you know running around and had you
3109s know her kind of jolly vibe and then so
3111s the next thing we hear is that but we're
3113s going to add some more instruments into
3114s it
3114s oh wow you know those are those little
3124s bits and then and then we're gonna hear
3126s like we're going to hear about a few
3128s different times throughout the piece and
3130s sometimes it's sometimes it's played on
3132s the flutes like it is there and then we
3134s actually hear it in different you know
3135s and on other instruments at the time as
3137s well and then there's actually another
3139s piece in the quest where which one is
3142s that and this one where we actually hear
3144s it's the same theme but it's in it's in
3145s a minor key so it's got more of a
3147s nighttime vibe you did not put that
3148s soundtrack is that actually what's
3150s called in-game to say what it's cool
3155s yeah okay this one's called the best is
3159s yet to come there's also one here called
3163s time waits for snow man so we get the
3171s same same theme but this time it's in a
3173s minor key so it's more of a kind of
3174s nighttime vibe thanks coming back to you
3185s so come back to the main theme again so
3187s then like that's a we've got that kind
3189s of blinky punky flute theme and then
3190s there's also this this other main theme
3192s this is kind of the big catchy hook this
3194s is the bit because it's a quest it's not
3195s necessarily something that you know he's
3197s gonna get played like you know over and
3198s over and over again like raids or
3199s something so you kind of have to make it
3201s you have to make it instantly catching
3203s you can't just you know you ya you can't
3204s you can't get that kind of nostalgic
3206s feeling through the repetitions so so
3208s this is the main theme
3220s Wow
3223s [Music]
3234s it's
3236s [Music]
3241s I shouldn't talk during it is okay
3244s that's gonna talk overexcited that's it
3246s the string to hear about your Bay kicks
3248s off it kicks up so much Midway turn and
3250s it's not like the intro to like this
3251s epic movie that's about so that I mean
3255s that's one thing I like to do when I'm
3256s composing a lot actually is to kind of
3257s get that to get that to really reinforce
3259s the themes what you do is you introduce
3260s something like I did there ones on the
3262s string so just you play it on its own
3263s like to start with and then like you get
3266s this a really big crescendo the drums
3267s will come up and then you're all of a
3268s sudden it's being played on loads of
3270s instruments at once so it's you know so
3272s that so I really wanted to get that kind
3274s of warm feeling you know it's cold but
3275s it's warm it's you know heartwarming
3277s sort of sort of sound and then like the
3279s way that I've developed that over time
3281s is like so it changes key so we hear it
3284s in a few different keys so next time we
3285s hear it this is a bit lower so this is
3289s in I think originally tin at this one
3291s sounding do flats has one solo and then
3295s there's the the one we hear it at the
3297s end
3299s Wow it's gonna so this is kind of a big
3302s finale
3302s [Music]
3309s another this is stuff honestly we need
3312s to get what you want me to
3314s I love sex versus appreciate that yeah
3318s so I mean that's erm like think I think
3321s yeah I'll just show you this a couple of
3322s other tracks so then like this one from
3324s the beginning this is kind of really
3325s this is called little rascal and this is
3327s just like this is this is violet being
3330s really cheeky is reminding of my style
3333s anime episode of Tom and Jerry or
3337s something like yes they're really good
3339s it's a big it exactly and then we've got
3343s time waits for snow man and this one
3346s this is maybe a little bit more like the
3349s kind of sleigh ride II kind of jingle
3351s bells you kind of bye
3352s [Music]
3372s I kind of spoil myself by listening to
3376s the tracks just before the content comes
3377s out but I knew this was coming so I
3379s didn't want to do it just for like just
3380s so I could be like okay like what have
3382s we got here but it's just much I don't
3384s know it's just it's just instantly
3386s vibrant like happy themes and stuff and
3388s just I think it's really cool it's been
3390s like I mean for me like I you know I've
3393s I I knew as soon as I saw that this was
3396s coming out like I just knew that I had
3398s to do the audio and I was like please
3402s please everybody can I do the Christmas
3404s music and they were like okay fine even
3407s though I was already kind of like
3408s involved in yeah surely everyone wants
3412s to get involved in these well actually
3414s no we're quite lucky because there's
3415s some stuff going on in old school and so
3417s like a mardian and odd server I just so
3422s that's good you know we've got yeah we
3424s were able to share it out a lot but yeah
3426s I mean this I sort of thought I knew
3427s from the beginning I was like I really
3428s really want to do this and I thought oh
3430s I'm gonna you know I'm gonna you know
3432s I'm gonna really enjoy it and I have
3434s enjoyed it every second of writing this
3435s music has been you know just absolutely
3437s Brits come across wonderfully the team
3438s of the team have just done such an
3440s amazing job of making this quote you
3442s know making this quest of the art looks
3444s just incredible and the you know this
3446s tour was stories just lovely so yeah
3448s always want to do stuff this this kind
3450s of brilliant so do we see any of these
3454s tracks releasing anyway Spotify
3456s SoundCloud or anything like that
3457s is there any way they'll be able to hold
3459s of these that is a good question I don't
3462s actually know how that's handled to do
3463s with the Spotify stuff that's the
3465s question that I went that won't be
3466s anything to do with with no yeah I mean
3469s obviously it will be there in you know
3470s in the game input in player and then
3471s it'll no doubt end up on various
3473s people's YouTube choice do you say if
3476s you've got any kind of any feedback on
3477s there the things you like or don't like
3479s about the music then you can certainly
3480s go on them on one of the youtube
3482s channels and just you know we often sort
3483s of keep a beady eye on what people are
3485s saying on there oh yeah obviously you
3487s know send me a message on Twitter
3489s Jagex jagex lipids that's the one oh man
3492s so I mean is there anything else at all
3496s I mean I was so good we haven't talked
3501s anything about sound design as well
3502s obviously so you know we do we do all
3504s the sound effects
3504s I mean I can't really say anything about
3507s like the specific sounds that we made
3510s because that will kind of give away you
3511s know the way the the quest but like one
3513s of the things that's a bit different
3514s about working on quests as opposed to
3516s working in like on raids or skills and
3517s that kind of stuff is that you and you
3519s have very bespoke things you know little
3521s things that only happen once that you
3524s know the sort of you know like it's like
3527s point-and-click kind of thing and you'll
3529s get a little text box saying this thing
3530s happened or you know this things
3531s appeared in your inventory whatever so
3533s they actually sort of visually happen on
3534s screen they're just more kind of like if
3536s they happened in theory and so you
3538s really need to use the audio to kind of
3539s make it feel like it happened you did
3541s this thing to this tree or you did this
3543s thing to this item or whatever you're
3545s essentially a storyteller but without
3547s the video right yeah exactly you're
3549s using that audio to get across what
3551s you're trying to trade absolutely and I
3552s think I think when you're working in
3553s quests that you know that there's
3555s there's no it's never more important to
3557s tell stories or something it is when
3558s you're working on quests so that's one
3559s of the things really great about doing
3561s that as a sound designer Wow so as you
3572s might have seen as we're going for the
3573s audio in the background mods debark has
3576s been cracking on with the Christmas card
3580s so before we wrap up but on the stream
3581s house how are we looking on this it's
3585s I've got about three hours left so to do
3593s the card itself what do you actually
3594s have left to do just like I have no idea
3597s the best ways to approach these kind of
3600s things is to sort out your design early
3602s first get where your lights and your
3604s darks and your saturated colors and your
3607s warms and cools are then render for
3610s hours and hours are now candlelit all
3611s that's nice if you don't do the initial
3616s kind of architecture of the image first
3618s you'll end up the rendering something
3621s for ages then realizing it's in the
3622s wrong place I'm going to move it so yeah
3624s basically you've seen the initial stages
3626s of making an image this is basically
3627s still sketch I'll still move things
3629s around and stuff
3631s and then it will be basically two to
3633s three hours of going in tiny details
3635s like this
3637s and just kind of doing that smoothing
3639s things that refining refining making
3641s sure the light plays off them nicely and
3643s all this kind of stuff
3644s it's kind of zen-like but not very
3645s interesting to look at I mean I mean I
3648s think the chat I I think I think they'd
3651s find it interesting to look at
3652s unfortunate we don't have a four stream
3655s avoids John Mayer might kill me we are
3659s recording this so fingers crossed we'll
3662s have a kind of a time-lapse of how it
3664s goes around so we'll see but apart from
3668s that I mean I absolutely love these
3670s streams
3671s I don't think we did it enough light
3672s giving an insight to the our processes
3675s you can't set about your environment
3676s your modeling your character out yes so
3679s many different so many different pieces
3683s that plug into it's just incredible then
3685s for the first time in a very long time
3686s it's not ever of course how many audio
3688s most of us from audio showing how the
3692s tracks come about with the inspiration
3694s for Eddie Gotham and then also giving
3695s you guys a preview of that it's all
3697s shaping up quite wonderfully by that
3700s it's blue Raman releases when is it
3703s release December 2nd specific taper
3704s December 17th
3706s ok look forward to this quest a weird
3715s content development at and audio all
3719s there in all its glory but apart from
3721s that everyone please let us know if you
3723s love these kind of streams because that
3724s your feedback is very important and you
3726s know if there is appeal there we will
3729s try and do them as much as we can but
3731s apart from that will end the stream and
3733s say thank you so much for watching it's
3735s been an absolute blast on behalf the
3736s audio content and our teams take care
3740s and have a good one take care and have a
3742s good one