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After Wanted! You're actually made a white knight and can ascend the ranks. To buy white equipment, most players even attain the rank of Master (sorry Anakin). But here you are, trying to pass white knight red tape and traipsing all over Falador Castle, with your membership in the White Knights getting nary a mention, nor was it of any help.

I think when developing future quests and content, Jagex really ought to tie the world together somehow. What you did in one quest or minigame ought to be relevant in another, if the lore is related.

Like the Eastern Lands, for example. Don't you own a massively successful port that raked in tons of chimes? Sorry, you have to break your back swinging a pickaxe into some poor crablets to get sea salt that you can sell for...chimes. Even though you already have a veritable golden vault of the stuff stashed somewhere. You also have to build and ride your own no-cannons sh*tty boat, even if you already have 4 top-of-the-line ships ready to sail. No explanation was ever given for why those two things, apparently related in lore, were mysteriously apart in gameplay.

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over 3 years ago - /u/JagexRowley - Direct link

I'm pretty sure the need for a smaller/faster boat was explained somewhere. The chimes in your port belong to the port (as a business) - taking them for personal use would be embezzlement. This was also mentioned somewhere in the Arc/PoP, iirc. It's easy to miss a single line of dialogue somewhere. All this was years ago so it's hard to recall specifics.

That you may have had a White Knight rank would have been no help in cutting through Faladorian bureaucracy (you had a well know Temple Knight with you for much of it anyway, which didn't help either). That's the nature of bureaucracy. Your rank as a White Knight is more honorary anyway, so likely of little use. It's also something from an earlier age, and your actions in the current age could well have tarnished your reputation with that organisation.

I do think there are instances where your general issue does occur, but I don't agree that these two are strong examples of this. We do often think about these things (so you should count the hits too, not just the occasional misses). If you can come up with more examples than these two, please do share them. It's handy to be aware of them as then we might be able to do something about them.