2 months ago - RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s hey everyone I'm mod Lee and I'm here to
3s tell you about some of this week's patch
4s notes to get things started the Divine
7s moonguard and lanter token has been
9s added as a rare drop to the gate of
11s alidis drop table now if you didn't get
13s one from the Gate of alidis hunt event
15s you can still obtain these cosmetic
18s overrides we've added a calendar entry
20s for the necromancy Slayer Helm update
23s soon your Slayer helmet will give you
25s Buffs while using
26s necromancy ancient remains now give
29s players the bones that they have the
30s least of we've added memory
33s optimizations focused around animation
35s heavy areas now these areas should
38s perform a lot more
40s smoothly we've resolved an issue with
42s the randomness of the artifacts earned
44s through archaeology in the Harvest
46s Hollow and last but not least we've
49s added in engine support for the upcoming
51s group Iron Man game mode group Iron Man
54s will be coming to gillor on the 28th of
56s October so make sure that you and your
58s friends are all prepared to try out this
60s brand new game
62s mode if you'd like to read about the
64s rest of the patch notes from this week
65s head over to the RuneScape website or
67s click on the link in the description
69s down below which will take you right to
70s the News Post also if you have any
73s suggestions for anything that could be
74s patched or improved please leave a
76s comment on this video and let us know
79s make sure to check in for the next
80s installment of patch notes I'm mod Lee
83s and I hope you all enjoyed