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About 2 days ago I made a post about not ever getting any animals from callia despite having breeding pairs and a full pen. After about 5-6 days of Never getting any animals I removed 1 of my zygomites and put it back, and now before the day is over I have 4 zygomites stored in callia. For extra info i have 2 breeding pairs of zygos in my breeding pen, and havent been able to get a single animal with Callia for 5-6 days even with 2x Bunny perks. But suddenly after removing and replacing one of them I have 4 before the day is even over?

I can't say what exactly, but something is not functioning correctly with her, and I can't tell if im just lucky, or if replacing the zygomites gave me all the animals i should have gotten before? or what has actually occured

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about 6 years ago - /u/darkhearted_raven - Direct link

Note: There's no advantage to having "two breeding pairs" breeding will only occur for one pair each time. The additional slots were always intended for progeny, so you're just denying yourself 2-3 trait offspring.

I've had a look over the code and I cannot see anywhere where anything could be going wrong. It should function as expected, however breeding happens on the following conditions:

  1. Have the animals actually successfull bred? The collector doesn't speed up breeding rates or offer any improvement on breeding chance. She is included in mitigation checks. Make sure you're not just being unlucky (check animals are well fed and healthy, make sure that you're allowing ample time for breeding. Mitigation is FIVE failures, which means it can be a good while before you'd be lucky if you are using animals with a long breeding cycle).
  2. For the collector make sure you have beans to cover the cost of each animal. If you don't have the beans, she won't store them.

If BOTH of these situations are absolutely true, then I need you to submit a bug report using the in game system and give as much detail as humanly possible. It means that something odd is going on in the code that I can't spot on an initial investigation and it might be some odd specifics with your animals or farm set up which is causing it. A bug report will give us that information.

In the example given in the post it honestly just sounds like bad luck vs good luck, but I will need actual data from a bug report to be able to investigate any further.

about 6 years ago - /u/darkhearted_raven - Direct link

Originally posted by Matthew63

There's no advantage to having "two breeding pairs" breeding will only occur for one pair each time.

I did not know that. What if you have a crystal (female), azure (male, virile), and crimson (male) chinchompa? Is it possible to get any of the 3 breeds, or does it always select the best 2 options for breeding (crystal and azure)?

It will look for a male and female pair and breed those. The pair is randomised each time so it slightly alters the range of offspring, but it doesn't increase the rate at which it happens. It doesn't take best breeding chances into account though, so you actually reduce your probability of offspring in this scenario. It's generally better to remove excess animals and focus on a preferred breeding pair.

about 6 years ago - /u/darkhearted_raven - Direct link

Originally posted by boredscaper

Mod Raven,

How does all this work with not updating pof by going there? If i were to leave rabbits in for a week with collector and not log in for the whole week, would i then log in to find the collector has a pile of uncheck rabbits or would i only have the ones in pen?

You should have all of the ones it would have given you. So it should account for the whole time. If that is not happening, include that in a bug report as it helps us narrow down where the problem lies.

about 6 years ago - /u/darkhearted_raven - Direct link

Originally posted by Rida_Dain

But wouldn't that end up with you breeding 2 animals that aren't unchecked before you start getting unchecked ones each time? Do babysitters take beans every time an animal would have grown? Can i keep 2 adolescents in the pen to just breed my main pair at the normal rate, collecting them all unchecked?

Collectors only take the ones they would store. If you have 2 slots free normally then those will breed as normal.

about 6 years ago - /u/darkhearted_raven - Direct link

Originally posted by AnAnonymousFool

I’ve left a breeding pair in the pen for over a week and have never gotten the collector to hold anything for me. It’s definitely broken

Please send a bug report with as much data as possible using the in-game reporting system.

about 6 years ago - /u/darkhearted_raven - Direct link

Originally posted by Im_Phteven

Just wondering, if I breed a shiny and the collector takes it and converts it to unchecked does it still count towards my breeding log?

No, it will not have the shiny trait included. You'll need to breed normally for the collection log.