The rarity of pets is what makes them attractive. If there are 100 pets,no one would care.
Better idea instead of adding another rng based pet is to have reskins for things achieved.
For example: - corrupted scorpions prestiged? Make the skin of Ishhara appear red.
1k rax kills? Ability to change Bill/Mallory skins to pitch black
300% enrage rax kill achieved? Blood dyed Mallory skin
"Lumbridge strikes back" completed? Give a bronze armour Override for the pet. Like a tiny Helmet.
A reaper pet with reskins for every threshold on each Boss:
New skins for 100kc all bosses, 500kc all bosses, 1k KC all bosses, special skin for 1k enrage Telos,2k enrage, 4k enrage, 300% rax, Lumbridge strikes back achievement,...
I,for one, don't care about how a person rolled a virtual die on the correct number. I admire achievements, grinds, accomplishments. Not luck.
Are there any more of you who think this is a great idea to get some more end game content out there/things to do?
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