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Gonna keep posting this until jmods stop being silent on these posts (downvote away). Btw this bug has been around for years.

The cutscenes with Solus Dellegar cause the camera to go apesh*t and clip through everything in multi-story buildings.

This makes the quest a pain to complete and I've had lots of friends complain. This quest has had this bug for years but jmods don't respond to any requests by players to fix this.

I certainly consider this bug major enough to be worth fixing, after all it's a quest lots of players need to do as a prerequisite for other quests.

Can a jmod please respond and say they will work on it? I just want to see this damn bug show up as fixed in a future patch notes.

Going to tag the only couple jmods whos reddit handles I know (I don't know who does what at Jagex) so they will be able to respond to this post.





External link →
almost 6 years ago - /u/Shaunyowns - Direct link

For years? Hmm, I thought this may be related to NXT.

I can tell you this bug is known but I'm unsure of the status on it!