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Loose TL;DR at the bottom.

Let us say that Granny Potterington is about 80 years old based on physical and mental health (e.g. wheel chair and memory lose about her husband’s death) [although anecdotally my own grandmother has both those markers similarly in her 90s and did quite well in her 80s]. Let us also say that the Potteringtons, much like farming families of old had many children, such that around 10 was normal. We can now calculate the oldest estimate for how long ago Granny Potterington’s Great Granny lived based on assuming that the line that bore Granny Potterington was always passed down by the youngest child in each generation. We can also find the youngest estimate by assuming the lineage is via the oldest child in each generation. And we can also use the mean between the two to find a middle ground.

Granny Pottering’s Great Granny Child birth starting at 18 years of age and lasting until she was 38 -> Granny Potterington’s Granny Child birth starting at 18 years of age and lasting until she was 38 Youngest lineage now 36 and oldest 76 -> Granny Potterington’s Mother Child birth starting at 18 years of age and lasting until she was 38 Youngest lineage now 54 and oldest 114 -> Granny Potterington Granny Potterington is now about 80, so her Great Granny was born about 134 years ago using the youngest lineage (54+80=134) or using an average of the two about lineages she was born 164 years ago (54+114=168, 168/2=84, 84+80=164) or using the oldest lineage 194 years ago (114+80=194).

Great Granny looks as though she is at least 80, based on similar physical health markers. So therefore the youngest date we can give Anachronia in general can be calculated using how many years ago Great Granny was born minus her current age. So for earliest, average, and oldest it would be 54 years, 84 years, or 114 years respectively. Therefore we can also say that if dinosaurs became extinct prior to the needle being used on the island, as is suggested in the game, it happened some time after, as the oldest date, 114 years ago or, as the earliest date, 54 years ago.

Now this also assumes that the time to which every part of the island was reverted to using the needle is the same and there are now unusual pockets where things shifted to different times or the timeline was shifted by a different rate. I am not sure if that is a possibility or not, but I haven’t explored it enough to know one way or the other.

TL;DR I calculated some possible dates for Anachronia’s current time period, which was brought back from the past, in relation to the rest of Gielinor’s time period.

EDIT: I missed all the references to Prehistoric Potterington, which means it is probably fat older. Although I will point out at some point in history the dinosaurs where wiped out/gone extinct only 100 years ago. It is only that it is far more likely we are even further along in the timeline than that.

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about 5 years ago - /u/darkhearted_raven - Direct link

You've made the big assumption that Preshistoric Potterington was on the island from the first time around. There are boats to Anachronia now you realise. :P

I love that you've done maths on my silly old grandmas.