13 days ago - RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s get ready to embark on a brand new Quest
2s where you hunt down vath and discover
4s some chilling Secrets hidden in unale
6s I'm mod shrike and I'm a Content
8s developer I'm mod zura and I'm a Content
10s developer and I'm mod Stu a senior
13s content developer today we're super
15s excited to draw back the Cur and reveal
17s some details about our latest Quest ran
20s for a dragon launching on the 22nd of
24s April for us this Quest marks the end of
27s Fort faren 3 story line and the
29s beginning of a brand new chapter in
31s runescape's
33s narrative during your last battle at
35s Fort for 3 vath finally broke free from
37s zmer Eagles control the injured Dragon
39s flew off into the distance seeking a
41s familiar place to recover in requim for
44s a dragon you'll hunt down vath and
46s discover what really happened there but
47s it's not going to be that
49s simple armed with your wits and your
51s courage it's up to you to track down the
53s undead dragon and journey deep into a
56s new area on angale you'll learn more
58s chilling secrets on angale but be
60s careful some not so friendly Zaman faces
62s could have other plans for your arrival
64s we don't want to spoil too much we'll
66s let you uncover the rest of the mystery
69s yourself in completing this Quest you'll
72s gain access to a brand new ritual site
74s on unale with this new site we wanted to
77s add some variety to Ritual Skilling and
79s incorporate necromancy deeper into the
81s wider
82s world the unale site is a more
84s cost-efficient Lean Back alternative to
86s um ritual components are more durable
89s and disturbances last longer
90s this is something we know you've been
92s asking for and we're really excited to
93s bring this to you alongside the launch
95s of requ EMP foror Dragon alongside the
98s new ritual site you'll be rewarded with
100s necromancy and archaeology experience a
103s new title teleports and an upgradeable
107s necromancy combat
109s ring we know that over the ages
111s RuneScape has been around real with
112s mystery magic and many untold stories
115s and working with you more we would love
117s to hear what you think about our latest
119s Quest and where you think this story
121s will go from here so for everyone out
123s there including you lounds if you would
125s like to help stay in touch with us and
126s help craft this story we invite you to
128s join our Discord as we would love to
130s hear more from you with that said we
132s can't wait to hear what you think about
133s our new Quest Reen for a dragon and we
135s look forward to seeing you all out there
138s in angel