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Are the rewards from Azzanadra's quest very disappointing or is that just me?

A tier 1 luck ring that also gives a whopping (/s) 1% divination exp buff, Increased chronicle fragment drops, increased spawn rate of rockertunities and less often moving time sprites?

All this is fine, considering it's an experienced level quest, but considering you'd have to sacrifice your ring slot (i.e. LotD for Seren Spirits or Ring of Whispers (okay, fair enough, this is a more end-game ring) it's useless to any but the most basic players.

I was expecting something massive with the '' Ironman accounts will have access to rewards from this quest. '' annotation in the announcement.


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over 3 years ago - /u/JagexRowley - Direct link

Originally posted by San4311

Still, pretty hard to beat LotD as BiS skilling ring.

You don't need to compete with it - if you have the LOTD relic power active, you can complement it... ;)