over 5 years ago - RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hello everyone we are live it is time
4s for a pretty important Q&A I think it's
6s being a long time coming since we've
8s done kind of a general Q&A as such so
10s before well you know this is the time to
13s do it we've got quite a lot to talk
15s about so laughs ever do we're gonna
17s introduce everyone and talk about what
19s they do and you know in regards to the
22s runescape is games just so you're
24s familiar with them because to people you
26s might not have seen on the stream for a
27s very long time and they're back on the
28s stream as well so we'll get to him in
29s just a moment Jack start you I'm what
32s Jack I'm a designer currently I'm
34s working on money and smithing and
36s absolutely this as a chance to sail
38s through the mines with a bit obviously
39s ongoing right now yes you guys have been
42s releasing updates and today was a pretty
44s big we did some hot fixing last week to
46s fix small issues including that mining
49s XP was ridiculously high we've done a
51s cold fix today so the server's restarted
54s and that's fixed loads of bugs we've
57s also put in some vendors that you can
59s claim materials and buff items from so
61s it's much easier to test what buffs are
63s going to do and that's something so
64s Phelps the duration extreme mostly
66s related to mining speaking questions of
68s course when we come to you for that one
69s to my left mods hi it has been a very
72s long time hello sir just a little one so
74s for anyone who might be new to stream
76s bit of a reminder what do you do here at
78s jagex I am a senior lost nuisance oh and
85s I'm currently working on mobile but I
89s also have quite a heavy hand with combat
92s office
93s that's terrible way to put it and we in
94s quote for that what I mean is like I get
100s involved in combat that's fair and
103s obviously we have comic questions that
105s you guys have asked us on reddit twitter
107s so on and so forth I'm going to pick up
108s obviously as well we are taking
110s questions through the chat so being
112s ready for the stream will probably
113s answer a couple of these questions on
115s the chat but of course if these guys
116s want to jump in at any time if they see
117s anything they can do that it's my right
119s like hell
121s oh nice pie but healthy it's been a
123s while Mikkel oh yes I've been on since
125s the last Christmas dream that's correct
127s where we all cheated heavily on and the
129s donkey or whether we had yes I am
134s senior producer on runescape and it's
137s kind of like my responsibility is to
139s manage they kind of roadmaps for both
142s the development and the release roadmaps
144s so what the teams are working on and
146s when their stuff they're working on and
147s gets released into the game yeah and
150s yeah and my kind of focus at the moment
152s is kind of 2019 and Beyond kind of have
156s a making sure we've kind of had this
158s kind of plan that kind of there you were
163s for my lines yeah that we have something
172s where we have we're not just kind of
174s this year we've kind of like updated
176s something here updated something there
177s sort of thing we're putting together a
179s kind of larger plan with a overarching
182s kind of narrative and stuff that we
183s everything kind of makes sense and it'd
186s be kind of moving the game in a certain
188s direction something yes obviously on
190s stream sounds I like those kind of big
191s top level questions as well yes it helps
193s to have yeah I can answer more strategic
196s yes I guess but not so much of the nitty
200s gritty ninja pixie took help ease rights
205s we have more Draven Oh Raven what do you
208s what do you do for jagex I'm lead
210s content developer most recently I was
214s involved with needle skips and currently
217s I'm working on early dungeons three
220s shadow reef one of the kinds your job is
226s sure right back on the stream with a
234s band indeed so we kind of a phony
237s honesty for requesting and law stuff as
239s well so obviously we have those kind of
240s questions so it's great to have you on
241s the stream to kind of answer them as
242s well so bunny the scripts really quickly
245s I think it's safe to say it's gone down
246s incredibly well are you happy when we
250s got to the content honestly I think you
251s have a couple shouts to do as well oh
253s yes I mean I mod Helen deserves a big
257s shout out because she did some vital
260s work on it and tweaking and improving
262s the interface so that we could get open
264s running nice and smoothly and also to us
266s use the needle in
268s but mod crystal laid all the groundwork
271s or all the prototype of stuff working
273s built a lot of what we see and of course
276s mod Osborne wrote it so he deserves all
278s the credit for the lovely writing yeah
280s so I think in essence I'm now Before we
283s jump into we've kind of just summarized
285s a stream so as I mentioned the start
287s stream is kind of a general Q&A but we
288s use this as an opportunity to kind of
290s answer these questions you guys have
291s wanted answers for a long time because
293s in the past are streaming schedules
295s being kind of related to the content
297s coming out content showcases and so on
298s this is a general one we're covering
300s sections from the upcoming - myth in law
303s we have more than top-level stuff hand
304s combat so we have a nice rounded
306s approach here for them so when the
310s stream starts it didn't realize how kind
312s of like rural very dark we dressed in
315s you're the huh and you don't even
334s realize it was that an M&M reference
337s okay we're apparently we type of coated
339s peanut so let's take this off a couple
348s of questions coming in some of these are
350s from reddit so just wrap them off so
351s what is the likelihood of updating trees
353s and ground textures to be consistent
355s when the needle skips quest brackets
356s look so beautiful by the way his plane
359s for the needle scripts quest made the
360s player feel like this should be what
362s runescape should be like across the
363s entire gray and graphically so yeah it's
366s definitely definitely a desire of ours
369s is to kind of graphically update like
371s the whole surface world we haven't
373s really done the best job in the past of
377s [Music]
379s setting ourselves up for success in
381s terms of being able to graphically
383s update the whole area we've kind of like
385s taken one area and we focused on it and
387s then we've gone to another area and
390s we've created completely different as
391s new assets and such and what we're doing
394s trying to do a lot more of is create
396s assets that we can reuse a lot which
397s then allows us to go around and
398s graphically update the whole area
400s a lot better we've also kind of like
405s over the years it's always been the case
407s that when you've created a new asset
409s you've you won't come to create a new
413s area they've gone right
414s we need the barrel and someone creates a
416s brand-new barrel specifically for the
418s area and as a result we have this
419s database of like millions of different
422s barrels and crates and such and we want
425s to get to the point where actually we're
426s making fewer of those and then you can
428s more easily use those if you graphically
431s update one you graphically update them
433s all at the same time something so yes
437s we're trying to be as much smarter with
440s how we do things we do have desires to
443s graphically update kind of the surface
446s world in South Elsinore it's not a quick
450s thing but we are kind of putting plans
453s in place and so we are hoping to do a
456s bit of that over time sort of thing I'm
458s again I've been a lot more rapidly than
460s we have been in the past thing because
463s we did do we did do like a few you did
466s have like in the book like a couple
468s years ago now but you had like falador
470s and then we did calf of being well and
472s their white wolf man yeah and there was
474s was desire to kind of push further out
476s from that bomb it kind of stalled and
480s when you do the best strategy for the
482s stuff and I think it's kind of coming to
483s play that game we're getting there again
485s something like with the Halloween
486s Tibetan is an example that even though
487s the Halloween was based on Draenor I
488s know it's obviously the area around
490s there lambrianou Sauron has actually at
491s the ground textures update so there's an
492s opportunity obviously to do that yeah
494s when we when we do create some content
497s for an area we do try to rework it as
500s much as possible but in some of the
505s times that that is you depending on the
507s time you have available the the
509s resources we have available but yeah we
512s tried when we can something awesome okay
515s can we get a clear answer in regards to
517s the premiere artifact it is meant to be
519s used only by itself or is the current
521s situation where you can't use nor a bit
523s a bug so I guess I can take this one
526s because I'm asked around to try and get
528s an answer so I got the response which
530s was it's only supposed to be used by
532s itself as it's too powerful to be used
533s in conjecture
534s conjunction whatever auras and is an
536s answer on the FAQ about why it isn't an
539s aura anymore the example I was given was
541s the patent or in 2016 you were not able
543s to use the temp set XP boost
546s anin or at the same time it forced
547s herself into the aura slot so just what
549s I clear that one up Raven I meant will
551s coming to you for this one can you tell
552s us more about the 2019 direction for the
555s story and the initiatives you'll be
556s taking to make questing great again well
559s this is something both Maud Jack and
562s myself have been working on
564s I don't think were going to say too much
565s at this stage we're definitely looking
567s this story we're trying to bring story
568s as a core focus for the game and so
570s everything kind of ties into the world
572s story want to give a sense of that the
574s story of the world is progressing and
576s moving we're also looking at how like
581s requisites work so things like quests
583s requisites that kind of thing
584s because whilst there certainly an old
586s facet of how runescape works they're not
589s as normally they're not always terribly
591s useful like locking something really
593s call a new behind you know 15 years of
597s very old quests some of which haven't
600s dated terribly well isn't always
601s brilliant and you don't actually need to
604s so we're looking at ways to make that
606s work organically and not be jarring if
610s we do that but we are looking into all
612s that moment exactly yeah awesome a
616s question and anyone who take this one oh
617s you can all get involved how would you
619s recommend new players go about questing
621s we're about spoiling storylines of
622s quests they're yet to start
625s thanks a few in the working Stuart's
628s been looking at putting them in and in
629s in a specific order has me I think
631s that's that's that's not out yeah I
633s don't think we've been looking at
635s ordering the quests so essentially if
636s you if you absolutely don't want to ever
638s play anything out order then then you
641s can follow a strict prerequisite model
643s it's that that means you have to play a
645s lot of really old quests before you
647s complacent new quests in practice we
649s don't find new players really have this
651s issue it's more a thing that existing
653s players worry that new players well yes
655s don't just say the fact I've asked for
657s questions and we've had four different
659s people answer already as grapes or about
660s how I answer this one will you ever
662s release new bosses and so on for lower
664s level players or do you ever and only
665s intend to increase the difficulty of the
667s bosses
668s I find that we tend to go in a bit of a
670s cycle where we focus on like the proper
674s end game for a little bit and then we go
676s ah
677s not many people engage with that so
679s we're gonna release a more accessible
680s one and that's where we're heading into
683s now especially with the direction that
684s we want to go over combat we're going to
686s have a heavy accessibility focus that's
688s not to say that we're not going to do
691s end game bosses it's just rather than to
693s catering to the top 2% we'd rather cater
695s to the top like 35 50 percent so I don't
700s think we'll release like a proper
701s low-level wing in like low low level
704s boss but we definitely want a lot more
706s people engaged when we release a boss so
709s like kind of mid to high level I think
711s is where I think think like God Wars
713s level sort of thing always a lot more
715s people can get involved obviously
718s looking there from free spay perspective
720s obviously back in 2016 we released jar
722s mole and KPD to free-to-play players as
724s well so I mean it's an example of OC
726s allowing lower level players we might
728s not even be members to try that as well
729s so okay awesome kalbi coming to you I
732s think for this one will we ever see a
734s rework slash additional content of
735s construction I think once there's no
741s nothing particularly plan now I think if
743s we were to do anything we would
745s introduce new construction methods
747s before we'd maybe look at reworking
750s player and house I don't think we'd work
754s rework Poh first and then and just do
757s that I think we'd look at more maybe
759s bringing construction more to the
760s surface world or other forms of
762s construction into the game and then
764s maybe go back and look at pH but right
767s now it is
769s we haven't prioritized it that doesn't
772s mean that it can't be something we could
775s look at in the near future but right now
778s it's not something we're working on
779s awesome
781s I think PI this will be yan are you
783s considering different UI for desktop and
785s mobile I get that some interface as a
787s hyper mobile but mobile interfaces can
789s sometimes be a hassle on desktop in
792s truth it's it's going to be a balance so
794s if you completely separate everything
797s then whenever we create a piece of
799s content we need to create it twice
801s great you create the mobile version you
803s pay at the desktop version yes he and
804s legacy has an example I guess right it's
806s that like kind of a they kind of work
808s together but also kind of dome but
811s basically we don't want to create
813s ourselves into a area of technical debt
815s so we'd rather do things together yeah
817s there's some we do have quite a lot of
819s tools a lot of the time that we spent on
821s mobile has been creating tools for
823s developers when they go forwards so we
825s released an update recently for you know
826s the little buttons at the bottom of the
827s backpack for instance yes that's all the
829s same code they just render differently
832s on mobile so it kind of you kind of work
834s together and that's what more where
835s we're heading so I totally get it you
838s don't want big clunky buttons like we
840s all hated Windows was it Windows 8 when
842s they were like I'm on a PC why does it
844s look like a tablet so we're not we're
845s not going to be heading that way like we
847s share your frustrations but we do need
848s to think about being able to bring
850s everything together the new interface is
851s in mining and smithing the spring
852s cleaner interface and the smelting and
856s smithing interfaces are designed to work
857s on mobile and desktop and I don't think
859s you can tell that interacting with them
861s no I don't feel like oh well into the
865s make ax the special make X window for it
867s looks amazing for - minbari you wouldn't
869s think there's mobile yeah that was
870s designed with mobile in mind it's
872s awesome oh all right question a gem a
875s question anyone can tell you this so you
877s can all take it if you could bring any
879s piece of content from old school into
880s runescape which would it be any piece of
885s content from old school yes school yes I
891s mean we can answer others why you guys I
893s mean can we steal some of the things
895s that works nautical but not in our se
898s like I'd like to I know this is weird
900s can for me given my I don't do any of it
901s but I'd like to bring some of the PvP
903s kind of stuff back in because it's very
904s strong and old-school but not so strong
906s an rs3 and I'd like to it would be nice
908s if we could steal that success may going
910s into the world yeah not necessarily
917s stealing from but if we can have like if
919s the wilderness could have that kind of
921s PvP murder state to it it'd be really
923s nice when we put content back into the
925s wilderness and players get why and
927s they've got a reason to complain now
928s which is I mean I love the peerage room
932s update or her us that would be awesome
935s I mean that would be really cool but
938s yeah okay yeah that'd be plenty of stuff
941s if like technically it was as easy to
944s implement it as it was right
947s [Laughter]
950s Jack come see for this one when the -
952s become real what goes live can those who
953s went into the bear be rewarded with the
954s check ax I checked this and we can't
957s reward beta players specifically there
961s is some discussion of what we might do
962s with the check X really is very much
964s DAGs baby but yes I did not promised at
967s all might not happen might happen if it
969s does happen it might be weird it is not
972s a my it wouldn't be what I always
974s thought it was just my main problem with
976s it is we can't we can't oh we don't have
978s a good system at the moment for
979s overriding your pickaxe being wielded oh
984s we might be able to hack it in using the
986s MTX skilling override system but we
988s don't we don't have a good way of making
989s it a cosmetic only pick up yes so it
992s would have to have stats so these four
994s are actually considering yeah Wow okay
997s not necessarily won't necessarily heaven
999s yeah that's fair comes to you for this
1001s one pi can we please have barrage is
1003s give adrenaline on that single targets
1005s when using it yeah this has been a job
1008s in the combat backlog for longer than I
1011s can remember
1012s so I had a look at it today and it's
1015s actually a very easy fix
1016s so boom this is why these streams help
1019s yeah I'll bump that up the combat the
1024s the combat backlog and probably fix it
1026s myself when I get back to my desk to
1028s make sure that it happens yeah it's also
1031s bundled up with another inconsistency
1033s with magic whereby jewel wills and to H
1036s give two percent adrenaline yeah whereas
1039s all of the other styles give three
1040s percent Drennen for 2h because it gives
1043s 50 like the offhand does stuff so yeah I
1046s might I might do that figs at the same
1048s time it's fair this might be a question
1050s between you and PI Jack as of the time
1054s the stream is there any news flash
1055s discussed ideas to share about the set
1057s effect of trimmed master work this is
1059s the yeah so so with the monitoring work
1063s you can make tier 92 melanoma it's very
1067s expensive to make we're probably going
1068s to reduce the cost but it was
1069s be very very expensive in fact more than
1071s a hundred million even long-term and an
1074s tr90 to basic male homage isn't good
1075s enough to justify that price tag at the
1077s moment so we do want to give it a
1078s benefit but it's a tricky problem as to
1081s what that benefit should be because if
1083s we just slapped 50 was an extra damage
1085s on it right then it would be must have
1087s armor because it would be amazing
1088s but it would also trivialize most of the
1089s content that's currently in the game and
1091s then when we release the next hour that
1093s boss would have to be balanced on the
1094s assumption that you have this armor and
1096s also we just crash the prices of
1097s everything in the game so it's not
1099s actually easy we can't just add a flat
1101s damage bonus the way the combat is
1103s currently balanced we can't just make it
1105s much better so we're trying to find a
1107s way to justify the price tag with a
1108s useful effect that doesn't just
1110s radically increase your kill times so
1112s we're not there experimenting with that
1113s this week yeah we've got some prototypes
1115s yeah so we're good we're to try and get
1117s a prototype good nice okay
1124s 2018 premier membership was somewhat a
1126s success the four exclusive bonuses were
1130s have been a bit of a flop and were
1131s clearly rush why it's 2019 premium more
1133s expensive with less than excuse me with
1136s Leicester offered in 2018 is this due to
1138s membership go into $11 right yeah just
1142s so in life I mean like we're focusing
1146s more on actually what the the packages
1150s in terms of like the value for money all
1152s the kind of extras we've kind of done in
1154s the past are well you see how the chest
1158s goes sort of thing we say we've set one
1160s thing and then we when we plan to try
1163s and do stuff over a year it never kind
1165s of works too well to be asked I mean
1167s like need to hold your hands up there we
1169s say hey we'll do this thing and we start
1172s doing something into and what we fall
1174s like in the way we intended it and then
1177s people kind of feel like oh that's not
1179s why I expected and then we might try and
1181s like rush to come up with some other way
1184s to kind of appease people because no
1186s you're not met their expectations it's
1187s like let's not promise something which
1190s the end of the day is not gonna be it
1192s was a good example of that like being
1194s Premier you get into all betas right
1195s however quite an important part of our
1198s selection process for being in the
1201s mobile beta is what device you have
1202s because we
1203s need to we need to drill down very
1205s specifically on to what devices were
1207s testing on so but the trouble is like an
1211s awful lot of people in Prem Club don't
1212s have those devices or they've got very
1214s outdated device you know or they're on
1216s iOS and it's like it's things these
1218s things just don't align the way we want
1220s them to and then we end up giving false
1221s promises and that's just bad it's fair
1224s if a clan owner steps down which deputy
1227s only receives ownership of the clan this
1229s has never had an official answer to it
1232s okay boy clan boy boy so TL DR make this
1237s very quick when you go into clan sense
1239s is a drop down which elects you to
1241s assign it by rank choose deputy owner
1243s mouse over the names usually they're
1245s joined dates whichever's the oldest
1246s deputy owner will be the replacement
1248s owner simple as that really so that's
1251s that okay it should be a this should be
1253s a good question any plans for additional
1255s banks bass bank preset some more action
1257s bars just some quality of life fins hmm
1260s action bars and Bank presets I've not
1266s had a conversation about those in quite
1268s a while so I won't say anything their
1271s bank space is kind of one of those
1274s subjects that just constantly is always
1277s brew up and we're constantly looking
1279s into I think people are well aware that
1282s technically we're kind of at our limits
1285s and what we can give people and
1288s therefore we need to do kind of further
1290s work to do that but it's something we
1294s hear we do want to look into and try and
1297s make available possible so it's kind of
1299s a so when we it give people blank space
1302s that's like expense on the server and so
1304s on and so forth right yeah okay cool I
1305s mean that's Clara lab hi we'll be able
1307s to explain more technically than I can
1309s anyone I can so think we probably do the
1313s best way to extrapolate is to think
1314s about this right think about the most
1316s expensive slot value right so you've got
1319s an object with all of the object
1323s variable Center so like and an item with
1325s a gizmo with everything leveled up to
1327s max you know the most amount of
1328s information can store on that then
1330s multiply that art by the number of bank
1334s spaces that you've got available
1336s you mind a bit more when you're adding
1337s more than just that little bit of chunk
1339s then multiply that up by the maximum
1340s amount of players that you need and then
1342s that's the amount of storage space that
1344s we need to make sure we always have
1345s allocated at all times to make sure we
1347s can always say if your players state so
1350s adding a little adding it might sound
1352s trivial to just add a bit of bank space
1353s but when you actually multiply it up by
1355s how much one slot costs to save and then
1358s multiply it by all of our players all of
1360s a sudden it's like boom so that's why it
1363s takes a while well we are very aware of
1365s the problem and we know that we're not
1366s simple every update that adds a bunch
1369s new of items into the game like the the
1371s problem just gets worse and worse we did
1373s do we did do some study into kind of
1377s like how many people will fix in it you
1379s effects a decent people but probably not
1383s as much as you might expect but yeah I
1386s am enjoying the content that's kind of
1389s working with that so for example if
1391s dungeons have their own chests which
1393s kind of pull away from the bank area at
1395s bank spaces as it were obviously no
1397s player on farm ribbon you guys have been
1399s doing work did work and we got side
1401s update to try and ease up on the bank
1403s space wherever possible obviously due to
1404s the classic breeding as such yeah
1407s players are not meant to be storing them
1410s in the bank if it's a bank
1412s please stop storing them in your mind
1413s just kill them I mean back in the world
1419s oh you wish you could have given that
1421s option huh yeah there you go well we
1424s ever see a return to more new items
1426s having the option to drop them rather
1428s than just put in the destroy option on
1430s everything as an example spirit gems I
1433s mean it's not any design decision that
1436s I'm aware of
1437s I think it's just something that's
1439s organically happened it's it's normal to
1441s do when whether or not the item is
1443s tradable yes it's not tradable we make
1445s it destroy because we want to make sure
1448s it doesn't accidentally again and do
1450s something where idea so it's better to
1453s make it destroy also if as a particular
1455s high value or as useful in you know
1457s piece of content will make you destroy
1459s so that players don't accidentally drop
1460s their own farm ushe as an example like
1462s if you could somehow drop much to other
1463s players then obviously you're giving
1464s them free to fit their animals I mean
1466s you could theoretically just give them
1468s sweet corn but I mean you didn't have to
1470s go
1470s against them the example again I mean I
1472s I kind of did but because there was a
1475s chance to disagree so I took it yeah
1480s with with Owen much as a weird case
1482s because mush is a kind of a way to get
1487s around limitation with how we built the
1490s code
1491s the reason mush exists is because we
1493s originally didn't let you take food out
1496s of the troughs once you put it in it was
1498s gone but then we realized of course
1500s people wanted to swap based the animals
1501s we'd already made the trough and all the
1503s code the way the troughs work and making
1505s it bespoke for every single item was
1506s just ridiculous so we we created mush as
1511s our solution but we want it to be
1513s untradable so that people would
1515s partially so they would do their own
1517s farming runs arose I'm kind of a
1518s complete tangent here and yeah to the
1522s bank's base point I think is it is
1524s something that we're all kind of in
1525s testing yeah we're obviously yeah yeah
1526s and we're trying to avoid it's about me
1529s with items yeah mining money smithing
1531s ads ads a bank you can put your map your
1533s metal into which isn't and that'll
1535s actually saved a lot of bank space when
1536s it goes live as well because I'll see
1537s it's taken out I am so which is great so
1539s there's obviously ways to help with that
1542s party coming to you for this one what
1543s are your thoughts on using a massive
1545s weapon diversity change to justify 120
1548s combat skills or vice versa so this this
1551s question threw me a little bit because
1552s those two things you know I like I have
1556s nothing to do with each other like
1557s weapon diversity for instance will most
1560s definitely scale from base from level
1563s one like a level one dagger will have
1565s the dagger effect on it it's there to
1567s give us breath
1569s whereas one twenty upping those values
1572s would give us depth we catch my drift
1575s also we're only at tier ninety two and
1578s we're resistant to hold how hand out
1581s 1095 because like NPCs are going are
1586s being killed so fast as fired from like
1588s sonic etc that people like players just
1591s don't need that extra power so we're not
1593s even hit here ninety nine yet so asking
1595s the question when do we go to 120
1597s well we haven't reached ninety nine yet
1600s so well I mean arguably we could we
1602s could in theory just take combat to 120
1604s without
1604s whatever they can do with the gear yeah
1607s would get more power but yeah but then
1612s there wouldn't be no real there's not
1613s really content like going taking all
1615s combat skills to 120 presumably we'd
1617s need to add the new abilities which
1618s would be more powerful there's no
1620s monsters to fight with them I mean
1621s things do naturally scale that you would
1623s get more power out of it than you think
1624s because they multiply up through the
1626s comm passes yeah yeah just uh I don't
1630s think it's needed until we're like at
1632s tier 99 gear we're going come on
1634s it's it effectively would make the
1637s reasons for doing our skiller reasons
1639s not to play at combat reasons you would
1640s catch my drift right I love the back and
1644s forth of us great
1647s would you consider adding rare
1649s potentially on trade volumes to high-end
1651s scale in there needed for higher tier
1653s weapons slash armor I guess Jack
1656s probably best answer that one from sorry
1658s what I teach from skilling yes I mean
1662s that's essentially how the mining
1663s smithing rework works which is sort of a
1665s prototype and if that ends up working we
1668s could look at doing that for other
1669s things because they it's complicated but
1672s it essentially requires high tier
1673s skilling items and high tier PBM items
1675s and that's where you get the PBM know I
1678s I kind of like that I kind of miss the
1680s days when the skillers were feeding the
1683s DMS because the PBM is gonna make profit
1685s almost no matter what right there
1687s especially if they're efficient of what
1688s they're doing one of the key reasons why
1691s we're so resistant to give healing items
1694s in the game is because we kind of missed
1695s the day when people actually used a lot
1697s of you have to come from skill yeah
1700s things like vamp and like Soul split
1703s kind of diminish to that effect yeah and
1706s like contrary to like what people would
1708s believe actually like the fact that
1709s you've taken skilling items off of
1711s bosses so you can just can start rien
1713s ejected them because yeah so in so in
1715s theory we could look at doing the same
1716s thing with yeah yeah because it does
1718s depend on how it goes right like yeah
1720s because we don't want to wreck the whole
1721s economy with one updates well yeah you
1723s have to you have to be really careful
1724s with it because your investment is kind
1726s of time rather than the whole gambit of
1729s I could die and I'm putting these
1730s supplies in but yeah there's definitely
1732s a balance there and yeah I think yeah
1735s that was great I would just say
1737s biologist
1738s honest I love you just like people
1740s talking to each other now just enjoy the
1741s how these conversations go I finally
1743s really fast saying like I don't know
1745s anyway any updates on an iOS mobile beta
1749s that's all they own answer I have for
1752s you as soon TM we're using Android as
1755s our platform currently because we're
1757s doing a lot of gameplay and UI changes
1760s which aren't platform specific right so
1762s we can kind of drill down this again
1764s again it's about drilling down and
1765s focusing on what we actually need to
1766s work on when we come round to doing like
1770s a device testing on iOS then you'll see
1772s is that bit specifically because it's
1775s harder to push updates on iOS no we
1778s don't have a favorite all right okay we
1781s have to pick one but we have to pick one
1782s room awesome right can we have the
1786s remaining drop rates for the combat
1787s school impetus reveal there's been quite
1788s some time since we received the info on
1790s the normal scale impetus drop weights
1793s work drop rate yeah no assets ah I guess
1797s Timbo question that's a question because
1799s timber obviously is okay Anton was in
1802s charge of all that all right some
1804s questions from the chat will pluck them
1806s off because we're actually have this is
1807s actually going really well because there
1808s was a lower the questions ones get
1809s answered then half way we get chat
1811s questions then we got never been there
1812s more questions so it's possible to get
1815s the game break a title for extensive
1817s testing of the new mine in smitten
1818s rework beta in theory yes recently on
1822s Twitter so crazy make sure that so the
1828s game breaker title isn't something which
1831s has a set amount of requirements to earn
1833s in order to get the game breaker total
1835s you need to impress the j-mods so much
1837s and they're just like wow like almost
1840s I'll make us ask questions why the hell
1841s did this guy do this much work little
1845s trivia can you remember the last time he
1846s gave one and why was it all the quest
1851s tested and fully documented every single
1854s quest you need to go you don't don't
1857s find one bug on the - with a beta or
1859s even a hundred and assume that you're
1861s gonna get game breaker you need to go
1863s above and beyond beat is always the
1866s easiest time I guess because that's when
1868s the j-mods are looking for like
1870s particular
1871s I guess eight but in general if you're
1873s starting with your ways that case where
1875s exactly you're like I want this title
1876s how can I do the minimum possible to get
1878s the title you know you're not gonna get
1880s the title that's not what it's for it's
1881s like if you were motivated in the first
1883s place to do that much for some other
1884s reason then if we notice and it's right
1889s then we might give you the title game
1890s game break it was more of a reactive
1892s thing because when we did the combat
1893s beat originally we saw like a small
1895s subset of players just going completely
1898s out their way and working with us really
1900s really closely and we were just like it
1902s was just like a little thank-you that we
1904s could offer them obviously it's kind of
1906s grown since then but the original reason
1909s is to just be recognized extraordinary
1911s accomplishment yeah yeah some more
1915s questions in the chat raven comes to you
1917s on this one what post quest stuff do you
1918s have plans for the needles some yeah I
1923s wasn't expecting like I'm already
1927s working on stuff that maybe my habit and
1930s it's not necessarily now wake thing they
1935s go you bought yourself some time is
1941s there gonna be a showcase for the new
1943s Christmas event coming up I mean Joe
1948s stood for John John guys
1950s I mean I'll check your sign up you'll
1951s see em you guys showcase for the new
1955s Christmas event coming up as I said on
1957s the on a stream schedule next week yeah
1959s next week have you checked I we got
1973s actually quite a few minutes between
1974s chair questions from the chat so I've
1975s see people wanting to go on the beta and
1977s get involved so so we're out there I'm
1978s off really quickly within my inspectin
1980s why can we tune Bay now my weapons with
1982s Dragon and demon heads because it's a
1983s different tuning method that's the
1985s ginning method that you learn on ket see
1986s it's not the same method and how will
1988s the sniffing a mining rework affect the
1990s scroll of efficiency from at the moment
1992s it gives +5 % XP but I'm not very happy
1994s with that because it's only an XP
1996s benefit and not an economic benefit
1997s which the current benefit is so we'll
1999s probably change it to something else
2000s awesome as continue pie
2004s one last question for the chair then
2005s we'll carry on is there any plans for
2006s food raids boss
2008s war the combat council really want to do
2011s it Kelpie
2013s the combat raids in fact my answer to
2017s the old-school question is I want raids
2020s I would yeah I mean like are you saying
2026s like I love a boss on to the existing
2028s masks a parade or you talk about new
2030s raid either at this point I think what I
2033s think it like we do have existing
2036s designs for the existing raids we have
2038s some bosses ready to go not ready to go
2040s they're not coded but we have a lot of
2043s people heavily invested and when we talk
2045s about raids we were talking about mask
2046s up raids and we're not including elite
2047s dungeons in there
2048s I mean elite dungeons dungeons not raids
2051s yeah
2052s which have a different loadout I do have
2054s a another update which could be pitched
2057s as a raid but I'm not going to talk
2058s about that however no like actually if
2063s what is already raids yeah I mean it's
2068s yeah I want to do it yeah yeah the thing
2075s is like a 10-man boss encounter is
2079s incredibly complex when we I mean I was
2082s part of the team back when we first
2084s started that project doing like the
2086s Tusker stuff and then the raids as a
2088s resolving and the plan was like seven
2090s yeah and we got to to it kind of it kind
2096s of harks back to what I said earlier
2098s about accessibility versus like for the
2102s end game so if we did do a raid at the
2104s moment we'd probably go back and try and
2106s do a whole bunch of stuff you make raids
2108s a lot more accessible that said they are
2110s like in the top ten of our boss boss is
2114s currently in terms of engagement so they
2115s are doing really really well even even
2118s this many years after and even with a
2119s dual reset a two day reset as well it
2122s was probably because of me yeah but you
2126s know like we'd probably make it the the
2129s previous two a lot more accessible so I
2131s did say we were done with twitch
2132s questions but I haven't a note just
2134s added to this pad which has good one for
2136s Raven so
2137s it says oh yeah every time a different
2140s player completes a needle skips is that
2141s actually just a different iteration of
2142s the time loop this is one of those I
2150s mean I've been having a travel question
2152s all day I mean yeah I'm gonna have to
2154s say sure but it's also which is you're
2159s trying to apply logic to what is clearly
2161s a gameplay moment in the same way that
2163s like there aren't hundreds of people
2165s well you know all defeating sliska in
2169s completely different timelines you know
2170s there aren't well balanced you know the
2174s the chef isn't getting thousands of
2176s people to make cake so we can you know
2178s force-feed them to the Duke is just
2180s going no please no more cake
2182s it's a gameplay thing but so they're not
2185s all separate incidents since it's that
2188s kind of game you weigh me stuff all
2192s right
2192s these this go to a quick section on game
2194s jam projects obviously a game jam play
2196s plays very recently Kelpie if you don't
2199s mind me asking that stateís wise on game
2201s jam projects how are we looking
2203s since we're so we were in the past we've
2206s kind of done game jams it's just being
2207s kind of being a bit open free-for-all
2209s what do you want to make hey here's some
2211s cool stuff some stuff people might go a
2215s little bit silly penguin musical raids
2219s don't know what you mean yes we're song
2226s but we have done stuff and we've been a
2229s bit slow to it like we've we know like
2231s we've done some stuff in players have
2232s liked some stuff that's been done and
2234s we've been very slow to get out because
2236s we've kind of done the game jam but
2237s we've not really had a proper plan to
2239s actually get them out whilst this time
2241s we're very much like right let's do a
2243s game jam but let's make it focused and
2245s make sure we've set some time aside to
2246s actually finish him off some of these
2249s projects and getting them released as a
2252s result of what we did of the team did
2256s was quite an injury in nature for a lot
2260s of stuff and the ninja team are taking
2263s on a lot of stuff in terms of finishing
2265s off packaging them up a bit more
2269s along with some of the ninja fixes that
2271s they've kind of got planned so that we
2274s may have such things as a fire-making
2277s week or more the combat fixes type week
2281s so the ninja team have put some plans in
2285s place in terms of what they're working
2287s on generally you'd like the majority
2290s there is all stuff we're happy to see
2292s in-game some things will be in sooner
2297s than others so yeah I mean we we have
2302s dedicated some time some stuff will get
2304s in there and then other stuff might be
2306s more drip read over time ninja might
2309s continue to pick up some stuff but other
2312s stuff might need to be more packaged in
2315s with larger updates and stuff
2318s for example weapon diversity I think
2322s well I need to have a conversation with
2324s combat cancer at some point because I
2325s would like to release weapons you some
2331s of the stuff are time individual out for
2334s some of their works only if they would
2335s rather kind it like we don't we don't
2337s want to create little micro imbalances
2339s we also don't want to come into a world
2342s where we've done all of the worst thing
2344s we could do all of the mage ones first
2346s and then the other ones we like if they
2348s don't want to do that but yeah yeah but
2350s but like it's about releasing it in a
2352s balanced way like temporary micro
2355s imbalances we can deal with but like the
2358s reason why I want to do all of them at
2359s one is about whether whether we can
2361s break it up a bit so that is easier to
2365s kind of get through the work and release
2366s them maybe it does mean changing the
2369s meta for a while but whether that's
2372s acceptable or not but we haven't had the
2374s proper conversation about that calm so I
2377s it's probably unlikely because our
2380s they're the experts into I listen to
2383s what they say but yes so there is a
2387s number of stuff coming through you you
2389s you probably see some stuff in January
2393s February March for sure
2395s after that hmm we'll see when
2398s it was kind of left and the priority we
2401s want to give stuff but I would expect -
2404s we talked a little bit earlier on about
2405s some of the quest changes that allow
2408s people to prioritize or not priority so
2412s much as ordering and ordering and paying
2415s based on dates of release and all that
2417s sort of stuff so I definitely expect to
2419s see they're out early in the new year
2423s along with yeah bunch of others so
2426s actually while we're on the topic games
2428s on projects when I think we should
2429s probably touch palm if you go any of
2430s that if people are really keen for any
2432s particular ones they want to ask about
2433s do ask and I can maybe give a bit more
2436s information
2437s yeah sure I think we can touch upon what
2440s brahmins been up to NextEra d i mean
2442s it's a good time to talk about this now
2443s so I mean you want to take this one so
2446s it was it it didn't escape him that what
2449s he was doing was a bit controversial so
2452s what he's actually done this he's spoken
2454s to the mining smithing guys and right
2456s now in the mining smithing beat the next
2459s changes are actually live so you can
2462s actually jump in the beater and test
2464s those changes and give him some feedback
2466s yeah yeah the next change is a the AOD
2470s changes sorry not next yeah I mean they
2472s are oh yeah please jump in please bug
2476s rom and about it someone said one of the
2479s changes I'll see if I can get it up on
2480s this pad in a second but bear with me
2482s but yeah I think it's a really good
2484s opportunity while we have the bait on
2485s going to kind of do stuff of this and I
2487s think having that ability to do this
2489s because as you mentioned obviously it's
2491s a very big change to was obviously a
2493s very the boss and profits and so on so
2495s forth it's very important we get it
2497s right so having our opportunity to do it
2499s is great so yes definitely check that
2500s out in the - written beta and he'll
2502s maybe you try and take on a OD with some
2504s of them all new my name is fishing gear
2505s from that beta see how you get on that
2507s so yeah thought we'd update you on that
2509s one because that went live we've the
2511s reboot we did today with the - within
2512s beta so definitely give Raman all your
2514s feedback I saw so on asked about
2517s chemical onyx yeah jewellery and
2522s yeah that would be out before the end of
2524s the year nice and that was from that
2526s wasn't from the last game jam that was
2528s one from the time before that is indeed
2532s coming that's good I remember someone
2534s being worked on a project to be able to
2536s customize what the first action on an
2539s action bar does is there any news on
2541s this yes that was mods and I believe
2550s that there is some some stuff we do need
2554s to resolve of it so it's not a it's not
2556s a straightforward thing unfortunately
2557s they saw it on stream tonight yeah they
2559s didn't work reason and that's what we
2563s are resolving but is a you obviously and
2566s so it's a great quality of life up there
2568s yeah we would like to get into the game
2570s oh oh it's not been just thrown to one
2574s side or thing but we need to go through
2576s the work to actually get it done so this
2578s I'm gonna ask this question in relation
2580s to game jam then I'm gonna ask a
2581s question related to ninjas because they
2582s both kind of tie in with removals let's
2584s talk about the removal of bounty hunter
2586s first so where are we with that well
2591s oppai that's that was your project what
2593s it is you wanna explain what you've done
2595s okay so the it's it's there's an awful
2604s lot done but there's a couple of large
2608s additions still to complete so one of
2611s them is the big boss fight phase half of
2614s its written and we need to appalling on
2618s the wooden of Slayer we that is
2621s definitely not dead and we're looking to
2624s get a team to pick it up and release it
2628s probably the only person to be really
2631s really eager to remove what I put into
2633s the game like avidly please get rid of
2637s it so yeah yeah and that is something
2642s that ninja team have highlighted that
2644s they will try to work on and hopefully
2648s release early next year but
2654s you there is stuff to finish and we have
2656s to take into account how long that takes
2659s and I don't know if we could potentially
2663s release some of the stuff without all
2666s that in place the only the only issue
2669s would be the tier 87 weapon yeah because
2673s they yeah they like they can't turn into
2676s discontinued items so we need a strategy
2681s for making sure that they are still in
2683s the game and still obtained yeah so yeah
2686s we're keen to to get there done as part
2689s of the game jam stuff because it's a I
2690s mean that's been to game jams isn't it
2692s maybe yeah yeah yeah February and yeah
2696s no sorry April 1 yes yeah we yeah
2699s recognize the desire first off ok and
2702s I'll see I mentioned the other part of a
2704s removal question so I guess when she's
2705s mobilizing armies where are we with tand
2707s removal Oh Nami coming soon I'm not up
2712s to date where exactly it's a waiting
2714s copy so is this tomorrow school making
2717s its way in now yeah whatever that may be
2719s yeah we've seen the work that ninjas are
2721s done and we've approved the work so it's
2724s yeah only a matter of time really
2728s awesome rights
2730s what's the stats on the data stream she
2732s only said something about hosting the
2733s streams showing various data samples
2734s blah blah blah blah blah so yes
2738s the data stream I want to do by the end
2740s of this year to go through the stuff
2743s we've gone through in the past obviously
2745s and see what awesome stuff down leox
2746s guys are up for letting a show I guess
2749s so we have a really amazing analytics
2752s team data wise that we can get rid again
2754s now I feel like you know having that
2756s stream to showcase it's gonna be awesome
2757s so looking to try and do that by the end
2759s of the year fingers crossed
2762s could the guardian of the grove title be
2763s changed into something that is a bit
2765s less elem fee ramen this big to him but
2769s he never gave me an answer it's one of
2771s those odds questions you back from and
2774s like we worked in India and stuff where
2776s it's kind of like well one person is
2778s asked for that thing it's like yeah yeah
2780s we could but probably who like I imagine
2783s it and then you want to pick that up
2785s whatever then I imagine they'll go
2786s through and then you
2787s where people actually need to approve
2789s that since it's something existing the
2790s game is it's a minor thing really in the
2794s grand scheme of things what is the
2796s status on the alternate tsunami being
2798s changed that it works the same as dragon
2800s breath ie no longer needing to be facing
2803s in a certain direction for it to
2805s activate and he's writing it down his
2806s pipe hat yeah because that's another one
2808s that's been sent in the combat backlog
2810s that I will pick up well there we go
2814s career can we report the option of being
2817s allowed to see the names of people
2819s placed in certain items and Citadel's to
2820s block the banker I was not aware that
2823s was a phone you own one to be honest
2824s ie pole was currently only shows time
2827s not the person who placed it which I
2829s suppose is to try and combat paw patrols
2832s repol would be fine I mean I guess so we
2835s currently don't show people's names is
2837s that what saying yeah I believe they
2839s would probably do that to bring not to
2841s give them celebrity awkward right so the
2845s first guy places one and a long guy
2847s comes with six and five sorry
2850s and then extends it like who's named you
2852s put there I mean we've also we've polled
2854s it before as well then we've made a
2855s decision and we can never change a
2857s decision no how about some balance
2874s changes to existing content
2875s Jagex is always being a little bit
2876s reluctant to change existing contents
2878s bring it more in line with new slash
2879s other contents apples just so the salt
2890s is the one that springs to mind English
2893s Rison the damage of dark beasts and cat
2896s sick with metaphors release yes I
2898s remember that yeah I remember very well
2901s you know biggest issues we've had well
2904s we made their mom see their HP scale
2906s because it while the XP coffin was very
2909s easy that was considered so thanks for
2913s some really old content yeah old content
2915s where say like a hunter creature that no
2918s one ever trains at anymore
2920s and uses of rewards from anymore some
2923s other you we need to think of a bit more
2925s of a kind of like okay we're adding some
2928s new hunter content and instead of like
2931s trying to find a gap in hunter we would
2934s that she just take that out and replace
2936s it with a new thing and kind of
2938s modernize it that way rather than just
2941s always trying to kind of modernize the
2943s old content because that doesn't tend to
2946s go so well there's agile then working
2947s also with things like legacy codes where
2950s is some most you guys tell me but I'm
2953s sure it's probably a lot easier to just
2954s rewrite fresh new code then try and
2957s rework old stuff there's a vision that
2959s some players have I think that that all
2961s content should remain relevant always
2964s and that's not really a realistic
2967s objective for us but we just don't
2969s really do that no I kind of see the
2971s releases like the journey of a player's
2973s if they go through it's a shame that
2976s there's something that you did like ten
2978s years ago that is really amazing and a
2979s key part of your teenage years that now
2982s it just isn't worth doing anymore and
2983s that kind of sucks but we can't
2984s necessarily take that cool what's the
2988s general consensus on retiring their
2990s legacy game client to re Java are you
2992s waiting until the mobile app is out to
2994s do this don't think it's tied into
2996s mobile there's still a desire for us to
2998s do that generally there has been a large
3002s enough player base still using Java
3004s which is why we've not done it it is a
3010s car it has been a while since I've
3012s looked at that but for a long time it
3014s was kind of still sitting at kind of
3016s maybe like fifteen ten percent on Java
3019s and it's always been the case that we've
3021s wanted to get rid of it but I don't
3025s think it's tied into mobile in any way
3027s like we wouldn't associate with mobile
3030s but yes it's it's definitely something
3032s that you we were talking about it again
3034s recently and it's definitely something
3035s we want to do because it doesn't add
3037s more work on to people's lives and stuff
3040s can the agility skill be looked at and
3043s made more fun no no I think rite of
3050s passage I think it depends on
3053s what you talk about if you're talking
3054s about making agility courses maybe hi
3060s taking out a certain agility course
3062s trying to make it more fun then sure if
3064s you're talking about the kind of agility
3065s reworks I think you then they really
3071s need to see the benefit of ivory work in
3073s the whole skill and what its going to
3074s bring to the game because it would no
3076s doubt be a huge project and very
3079s time-consuming and you is that the best
3082s thing when we could work on the billion
3084s other type things but I know like you PI
3087s for example is had plans to update one
3090s of them I mean yeah one like make a
3093s high-level version of the Bremerhaven
3095s agility arena I really enjoyed it when I
3097s played it back in the day I really
3101s enjoyed it until I died with 798 tickets
3104s on me whilst I was going for pirate hook
3105s but yeah I know that but like something
3110s a bit more engaging rather than just
3112s like go around agility course I mean
3114s that actually asks you questions me and
3116s mod hunter actually made up like a
3118s prototype where we increase the size of
3121s the platforms there were two tickets
3122s going off at once some of the agility
3125s obstacles disappeared so you had to
3127s think a bit more about your route to
3128s make it a bit more cerebral a bit more
3130s fun but it's also quite good because
3132s it's like if you'll go on the same world
3133s it's quite a community-driven thing
3135s because like once you've got your
3137s tickets you're all set around like
3139s chatting rubbish which is what RINs gets
3143s about right so I guess I can kind of I'm
3150s gonna use it as an opportunity to talk
3151s about what the thing I want to do
3153s actually no because when I'm about Julie
3155s so why not so I found out that I'm now
3159s able to talk about this so I'm quite
3160s excited so clans and the clan cups now
3164s jagex
3164s i runescape have not done their kind cup
3166s officially since 2015 the last one we've
3169s had was 2016 is hosted by players for
3172s 2018 the end of 2018 well fingers
3174s crossed anyway but you know as the way
3175s it is we want to try to do a pilot
3180s version of a skilling Cup now in essence
3182s we choose one skill for a week and allow
3185s clans to just
3187s go for it and see which clans couldn't
3189s essentially you know be the most
3191s efficient skillers in a skill for a week
3194s I'm not gonna go into the full details
3196s of it because I'm just gonna say there's
3198s now a forum open for it if mod Paul
3200s keeps watching and he said he was and
3202s hopefully he's opened it there should be
3203s a forum open where we can discuss it
3206s there there's no official date and so on
3209s but the door is open to discuss this to
3212s try and add a bit more fun into skilling
3215s therefore well agility is gonna be
3216s interesting to see how everyone trains
3218s it I guess to see who's the most
3219s efficient on it so it should be good
3222s there are clouds and if the skilling cup
3224s goes down well for the pilot version
3227s there is room for more so fingers
3229s crossed and the only way you can gain XP
3232s is based experience so no bonus
3234s experience no outfit boosting experience
3236s still the whole purpose one counts
3238s either it's the change of face extra
3239s guys so yeah it's basically who will be
3242s the most efficient and so we'll see how
3244s it goes so that I think that's something
3246s that I wanted to do for a while so
3247s hopefully it'll be worth it
3249s we'll go onto another question and we
3250s have more questions from the chat and
3252s then we can wrap up we've answered a lot
3254s I'm really happy about this can you
3257s achieve attack be able to remember the
3258s last tab slash achievement you have
3260s opened before so the problem being where
3264s someone's doing these summoning
3266s achievements they can bring up the list
3267s and look at oh I've done this but then
3269s when they open up the achievements tab
3270s there to go all the way back into the
3271s tabs behind the specific one so is that
3273s possible do we know I mean I've not
3276s looked at the code in my head as
3277s possible I'm not gonna promise anything
3280s until I look at the code I'm in the same
3282s same going to maybe you know the guys
3288s that made it going no no awesome all
3292s right it's got some more questions can I
3293s saw a wheelchair it has the best beard
3295s and I think that has to be struggle
3300s yeah down that is we've no but this is
3311s the film we've had a straw poll on these
3312s streams bring the straw pool
3322s I'd not had anything and then I just saw
3323s someone talk about beards no so let's do
3326s it
3328s no joke one of the questions I'm worried
3330s for the chat is how could we don't pull
3331s the community like I was how can we walk
3334s don't pull the community like oh it's
3335s our Esther's I pull them in gamestop see
3337s all right but I mean I mean we do try to
3341s do a bit more than ninja stuff
3344s unfortunately a lot the kind of
3347s questions that we end up asking tend to
3349s be Eva really kind of mine are all ones
3352s that take a bit of time to do so like we
3353s try to actually complete all the work
3356s from a poll before we do next one they
3357s do have another one plans but not for
3360s quite a while but yeah our strategy
3363s isn't to pull everything that's not what
3365s we do like this works for what's going
3368s stuff and that's there Astro like we've
3371s done some sorry modify that and have a
3374s bit soon well we ended up pulling two
3376s things against each other and the answer
3377s was do both
3377s yeah actually the poll didn't really
3379s help very much because they as soon as
3380s we polled it everyone was like yeah yeah
3382s we need that now we definitely want to
3383s work closely with our community and you
3387s we've got we'll look into how to do that
3390s there are different strategies with that
3393s but and some of its not stuff people
3396s necessarily see and realize we do
3398s because it's not everything is just post
3401s something I'm read it but yeah we we do
3405s we are working we do want to wear with
3407s people but we are willing you it's not
3409s Australia and so we often have like
3412s discussion designed about things in
3414s discord so people can get involved and
3417s talking about supply things undermining
3418s smithing is been running away yeah we
3420s have the the law I chat and open sorry
3425s sorry so we and we I know that Kyle are
3429s had did his own quest shop thing by the
3431s yeah as well so
3434s we do used we did player and farm in
3436s discord as well so we often try and get
3438s involving players like there so I find I
3440s find chatting to the players better than
3444s Pauling because you get you don't just
3446s get an answer you get every reason for
3447s the answers and you get back and forth
3449s yeah like we could we could get a pond
3452s answer and we're not so keen on that and
3454s then we can go all these are our reasons
3455s and then also it's clear it can be
3457s really hard when you're such a question
3464s like I mean you how did someone
3468s interpret it interpret that questions so
3471s yeah definitely discussions work I think
3474s I'm gonna end the stream with a question
3476s for myself actually so about this little
3478s discussion we just had so how do we
3480s define you stay talking to players vet
3482s them through a poll how do you find that
3484s middle ground where you consider it
3486s enough valuable information versus oh
3488s they're just ranted me rant in to me
3490s about XY and Z right where's that line
3492s or it depends on the context yeah that's
3495s yeah like we get there a total like we
3498s we never want to do something the player
3501s base don't want ever and so we try to do
3504s what the player base do want anomalies
3506s at all to learn that but it's not
3509s necessarily the only tool or the most
3510s accurate or so so s OS uses them like
3513s that's that principle the guiding
3514s principle for their game is the active
3516s player base determine what goes into the
3518s game and that's like their philosophy
3519s that they operate by but for us we're
3521s often trying like the currently active
3523s players running the poll are not the
3524s only target audience for the content for
3526s example so if we're trying to if we're
3527s trying to like improve some game feature
3530s then that players might not might not
3532s know that's going on and so like by
3535s definition almost the active players are
3536s the people that don't have a problem
3537s with how it is all right that's fair any
3540s anyone else I'd say ranting isn't
3543s something you should disconnect account
3545s as well right like ranting tells you
3548s tells me an awful lot like I've been
3550s rounded out and more times than I can
3552s count but it's it's like another fact
3556s for me it's another form of
3557s communication
3557s they're just communicating it badly if
3559s you catch my drift yeah someone's if I
3561s make it balanced change in EOC and I get
3564s a ton of hate like
3567s you you as a JMO do you need to be like
3569s adult enough to take a step back and see
3572s the reasons why you're getting said hey
3574s and then look objectively yeah you don't
3577s get all the hair yeah there's a problem
3579s but you end up speaking to the person
3581s who's gonna be reasonably and explain it
3583s bare and yeah it's about getting that
3587s right kind of conversation with them
3589s yeah like someone having a problem and
3592s providing me that sort of feedback that
3594s is negative that is constructive is
3597s great like we love that probably we
3600s don't love it because I would like our
3602s stuff to be the greatest thing ever as
3603s far as our concern certainly I would but
3605s I've an ego but we is useful to have
3608s that relation because you can tailor you
3609s can change and we have made huge changes
3610s based on this everybody isn't terrible
3613s you so we just care Wow or you should be
3617s fired like that's not useful because
3619s it's no kind of it just it needs to be
3622s focused it needs to be constructive like
3624s we will listen to all good constructive
3627s feedback but if it's just a torrent of
3630s screaming then it's not terribly useful
3631s I mean if you don't mind me saying I
3633s endgame initially at the starting today
3636s why the end game oh yeah someone decided
3640s to tweet me their chat which just I hate
3644s this should be fired and I'm like that's
3646s not useful to me like yeah knowing why
3648s the mains didn't work knowing the
3650s problems there is useful like we've
3651s looked to going forward we've adjusted
3653s any plans that we had and we've made
3655s changes and we've adapted the schedule
3656s based on that but just the other things
3658s it's just not useful awesome oh I think
3662s you know I think that's probably the
3663s best way I could have ended a stream I
3665s mean it's kind of giving us a little
3666s insight it's to trying how we figure out
3669s I guess feedback discussions and stuff I
3670s think it's really cool to trust kind of
3672s chime in on that obviously you know
3674s thank you so much to you for for joining
3675s me like for the entire hour Cal peopIe
3678s it's been great to have you back on the
3679s stream for the first time in a very long
3681s time there hopefully yeah I'm sure the
3690s chat one your barber I mean let us know
3691s if you enjoyed the stream as well that's
3692s like the biggest thing here I have one
3694s thing I am noticing there's a lot of
3695s repeat questions about player in house
3698s [Music]
3699s mobilizing areas and stuff and we we
3702s have answer those yes screams so you
3704s have you've missed them then please
3706s watch back because we have covered them
3708s so go to bread oh yeah the TLDR
3712s seriously or river here so by all means
3716s lien let's know if you enjoy the stream
3718s I think it's John I think John I think
3720s it's safe to say we kind of want to do
3722s hun in general streams a bit more in the
3724s future
3724s Oh try and do a bit more regular yes I
3726s think it's great to kind of take it you
3728s know of course not in every weekend but
3729s I take a step back and kind of address
3731s more general topics across the game
3733s itself and not just focusing on done
3735s most recent content coming up I think
3736s it's good to kinda take that step back
3738s kind of similar to like how we do Curel
3741s weeks on the older content stuff for
3742s that in a way so the Paki AK plus she
3746s apparently has the best beard as is
3748s decided by a straw poll so there you
3749s have it
3750s I'm amazed anyone voting for this
3759s [Laughter]
3761s hopefully we've answered as much as we
3763s can and hopefully you are all satisfied
3764s which we know we've tried our best to do
3766s that but as a note next week stream
3768s we're actually gonna be looking at the
3770s apps that we use to create the Christmas
3772s quest and for the first time we're
3773s actually gonna looking into some of how
3775s the audio team have created the audio to
3777s do with a quest which I'm very excited
3778s for so for the very first time I trained
3780s for the act really know here we go there
3785s we go again I think a path analysis
3789s anything you guys want to say to wrap up
3790s I think we're done here play the money
3792s it's breathing be true there we go nice
3793s yes and go play a OD yeah alright thank
3801s you so much everybody this we hope you
3803s enjoyed the stream until next time of
3804s course take care and have a good one