Original Post — Direct link
almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexPips - Direct link

Originally posted by BillehBear

Gonna sandwich both of your replies in one.

I'm not expecting Pips to be super vocal with us like Shauny, You and recently Poerkie has been. But I'd at least expect him to be in some BTS', the Year aheads, Runefest? EoC 'trailer' and Documentary I'm pretty sure he appeared in but other than that?

I've personally never been able to go to runefest but I've always watched the streams, I know some, or a lot of areas aren't shown but I don't recall seeing Pips anywhere there

I don't understand that if he's knowledgable about what the game needs that we'd be lining up two years that haven't been great and to top it off Rs3 having a steady decline for a while now

And if he's a high level player, he himself should see problems within the game? There's also the touchy subjects of monetization in the game and Jagex trying to innovate and make new games that flop but those have been beaten like a dead horse

I lurk rather than post! I'll read our forums, the subreddits, community convos on twitter* most days. I play most weekends.

I prefer not to post because I'm not involved in the day to day of RS or OS, and the teams can speak on the specifics of their work much better than I.

*I now use a different (personal) twitter account and my Jagex/RS one has been dormant for some time... but I've removed the outdated banner that was spotted today :P