3 months ago - /u/JagexAzanna - Direct link

Hey Folks, Chiming in here to give a bit more information on this potential update as I was the one who tried to keep it vague.

So first up the intended goal, this update is solely focused on items that drop in multiple pieces and that feature a random starting point to determine which piece is received first. This is not for every boss drop that is part of a set etc.

This was raised as a concern around GIM, we saw it as a friction point and so we wanted to create a reasonable system to address it, further review showed there was a handful of situations that also impacted Main accounts such as receiving doubled pieces from Elite Dungeons / Have interesting interactions with lootshare etc and so we wanted to create this system to be available across all game types.

This system currently is planned to affect the following weapons

Bow of the Last Guardian Pieces
Eldritch Crossbow Pieces
Ek-Zekill Pieces
Fractured Staff of Armadyl Pieces

The current system discourages Group Ironman players from grouping together to complete content, as you may end up getting multiples of piece 1 of a weapon, while needing pieces 2 and 3. In addition, this also has a benefit for main accounts, allowing them to turn the extra piece they received into the piece they need.

We'll also note that this wasn't intended to impact collection logs / grant collection log progress when done and there will be a cost and requirement associated with the exchange.

Apologies for the vagueness of the original post, I wanted to get this information out ahead of the Christmas break so that GIM players and the like can engage in group PVM without worrying too much about if they should be optimally soloing but this message had gotten lost.