about 5 years ago - /u/JagexBreezy - Direct link

Originally posted by 5-x

We won’t be working on temporary content

What does this mean for holiday events?

"we" in this context refers to the Episodic Content team specifically

about 5 years ago - /u/JagexJD - Direct link

Originally posted by Gunnarfranz

Wow, this is lengthy pre-recorded content for you guys. Seems like a big commitment and I hope to see more in the near future.

Definitely worth pausing my white noise at work to listen to! Thanks for sharing.

It's certainly a meaty video!

The plan is to produce at least 4 of these videos, introducing the new 4-team structure for RS, as Mod Osborne alluded to in this week's Q&A (this is the Episodic Content team's turn) - and we'll carry them on if we need to discuss large projects with the community.

about 5 years ago - /u/JagexJD - Direct link

Originally posted by ToGloryRS

Ooooh I so hate Jagex constantly going back on its word. When we voted for 120 capes, you promised you were not going to make ACTUAL 120 skills. When will people realize that 120 skills are just grind for the sake of keeping them there? Why not provide us with actual content, things that are fun and varied?

I agree that 120s for 120s' sake aren't useful - I think what /u/JagexOsborne was trying to get across is that if 120s were to happen, that there would be a reason for training the skill to that level (extra rewards, varied content, etc.)

about 5 years ago - /u/JagexRowley - Direct link

Originally posted by JagexOsborne

Just wanted to reply on the Player Owned point you make. It’s a combination of things, but both Farm and Ports are extremely well played, and people who play it like to for a long time. Small updates for them do well, injecting life in. Sure, they are rewarding, but our survey work tells us that their popularity is not just because of that.

I also don’t agree that everyone dislikes them, as you state. As with most content, it’s not for everyone, but they have quite a few fans, from looking on social, chatting at Runefest, checking survey work, etc

I would also like to add that "player owned farm" was (in hindsight) little more than branding. Mechanically, it was just an update to the Farming skill.

Plant animals, wait for them to grow, harvest them for rewards. Sure, there was extra stuff around the periphery, but that is the core of POF. The player owned part is more fluff than mechanics.

about 5 years ago - /u/JagexRowley - Direct link

Originally posted by ToGloryRS

Did you miss my flair, by any chance? Nothing in this game is optional for me.

Everything in any game is optional. To believe otherwise is just not being conscious of the decisions you are making.