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Twitch Vod | Video - Rewards of the skill


  • Found by exploring dig sites, completing collections, and more.
  • Permanent unlock once they are turned in at the Monolith in the Archaeology Guild.
  • 26 Relics on release.


  • Activate and swap out relics at the Monolith with a cost:
    • Monolith Power: Energy required (similar to Invention machines).
    • Chronotes: Cost to activate/swap a Relic.
  • Acquire more monolith power as you train the skill.
    • Level 1: 150
    • Level 40: 250
    • Level 90: 500 (max)
  • Up to 3 relic powers up at any time but you must pay Chronotes in order to change/choose between them.

Relic Effects

Relic Monolith Power Chronote Cost Effect
Abyssal Link
250 5,000 Teleport spells from the spellbook no longer require runes, but award no magic XP.
Heightened Senses
350 7,000 Increases maximum adrenaline by 10%.
Slayer Introspection
200 4,000 When requesting a new slayer assignment you will have a choice between the minimum and maximum assignment amounts.
100 2,000 When dungeoneering, you will never receive a penalty for dying.
Font of Life
50 1,000 Increases maximum health by 500.
Conservation of Energy
350 7,000 After using an ultimate ability you will regain 10% adrenaline.
100 2,000 When running, you will no longer drain your run energy.


Ancient Summoning


  • Uncover Ancient summoning in the Infernal Source by completing a mystery.
  • Requires level 45-96 Summoning and 68 Archaeology.
  • The contracts are tradeable.

Summoning Process

  • Create a binding contract with new materials and charms.
  • Kill a demon while that contract is in your inventory to bind it.
  • The contract then acts like a summoning pouch.
  • XP comes from capturing and using these demons rather than pouch-making.

Known Demon Familiars

  • Hellhound
    (45 Summoning):
    • Passive: Absorbs 10% of any damage dealt to you by taking the hit itself.
    • Scroll: Heals itself (the Hellhound familliar)
    • Health: 20,000
  • Abyssal demon:
    • Passive: Your familiar will automatically teleport to your target and deal damage when it teleports.
    • Scroll: Bind and teleblock your target.
  • Kalgerion demon:
    • Passive: One of the strongest familiars in terms of damage for its Summoning level.
    • Scroll: Temporarily provide the player, familiar and nearby other players with a critical strike buff.
  • Ripper demon (96 Summoning):
    • Passive: Deal more damage to your target according to how much missing health it has.
    • Scroll: Replicates the Ripper demon’s 'Jump' attack dealing up to 350% damage of its max hit.
    • Normal Attack: It can hit twice and is pretty strong, similar to the steel titan.


  • Not all demons are combat related, there are at least 2 skilling ones.
  • Some of the models will be changed, before and after the update. (Ex: Ripper demon).

Ancient Invention


  • Requires 85-105/110 Invention.
  • Uncovered at the Stormguard Citadel by finding blueprint fragments.
  • Ancient components - Disassembly of Archaeology produce/materials.
    • Players will need to discover how to use the Ancient Components but can obtain them as normal.

Ancient Components

4 New Components

Component Armor Perks Weapon Perks Tool Perks
Efficient, Scavenging Efficient, Scavenging Efficient, Furnace, Fortune
Turtling, Looting, Ultimatums, Genocidal Looting, Ultimatums, Genocidal, Precise Imp Souled
None Equilibrium, Ruthless Prosper, Fortune
Relentless, Crackling Relentless, Crackling Furnace, Fortune

Known New Perks

  • Ruthless, Relentless, Fortune

New Devices

  • Ancient Gizmo
    • Weapon, Tool, and Armour.
    • 9 slots - Find perk combinations and ranks that were previously undiscovered.
    • Allows for new permutations and higher ranks of existing perks such as Scavenging 4 and Precise 6.
  • XP Capacitor
    • Tradeable when full.
    • Filling Up: Takes some item XP you would normally earn whilst training to fill up the device.
    • Draining: Allows you to gain double item XP until the capacitor runs dry.
  • Kinetic Dynamo
    • Create Divine charges by running or surging.
    • Breaks after so many uses.
  • Boosted Tools
    • Level 80 versions of Invention tools (Fish-o-matic, Hammertron, Pyro-matic).
  • Auto-screener v1.080
    • Automatically screens your soil while excavating.
  • Component Crate
    • 2 Sizes: 100 & 1000 components
    • Stores components intro a crate allowing players to bank and trade Ancient components.
    • This is only done with Ancient components since artefacts aren't tradeable and we want the components in circulation.



General Overall Notes

  • Regular Skill which goes to 120.
  • Mattocks can be augmented (Dragon, Crystal, etc).
  • Free 50 Bank space on launch.
  • F2P have access to level 20.

Notable Stuff

  • Skillcape
    - The right one is only lighter because it was taken at a different angle.
  • There are a lot of first word broadcasts to show off accomplishments.
  • There are some leveling benefits in the skill (I.e. the xp you get for screening soil has increased.)
    • You can see this in the skill guide.
  • Gathering Expert skillcape will be removed and shards will be handed back to you in the bag.
    • Archaeology shard will now be required.
    • When you gain the shard it goes directly into the bag now.


  • There are Daily Challenges.
  • Grace of the Elves works.
  • No Golden Rocks
  • Updated Lootscape will give small benefits with Archaeology.

Shop Rewards

  • Archaeology outfit - level 70.
  • Elite Archaeology outfit - level 99.
  • Consumable rewards from the reward shop which provide boosts to training, similar Deep sea fishing.
    • Extra chance of finding materials when screen soil.
    • Increase chance of finding materials when excavating.

Other Rewards

  • Tetracompass
    - Find and combine 4 pieces to lead to a reward.
    • Similar to the crystal triskelion pieces/crystal key.
  • Hero Mattock:
    Provides benefits to Archaeology, similar to Tavia's fishing rod
    • Find a key then take it to the case in the HQ, and there's a chance for the key to work.
  • There are more rewards, but they are secret for launch.
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almost 5 years ago - /u/JagexPoerkie - Direct link

Originally posted by DustyTurboTurtle

I would perform sexual favors to find out what ruthless and relentless do

They sound like they're going to be pretty good just judging by their names and the requirements to get/use them

Just keep your pants on and move along please.