Twitch Vod | Video - Rewards of the skill
- Found by exploring dig sites, completing collections, and more.
- Permanent unlock once they are turned in at the Monolith in the Archaeology Guild.
- 26 Relics on release.
- Activate and swap out relics at the Monolith with a cost:
- Monolith Power: Energy required (similar to Invention machines).
- Chronotes: Cost to activate/swap a Relic.
- Acquire more monolith power as you train the skill.
- Level 1: 150
- Level 40: 250
- Level 90: 500 (max)
- Up to 3 relic powers up at any time but you must pay Chronotes in order to change/choose between them.
Relic Effects
Relic | Monolith Power | Chronote Cost | Effect |
Abyssal Link![]() |
250 | 5,000 | Teleport spells from the spellbook no longer require runes, but award no magic XP. |
Heightened Senses![]() |
350 | 7,000 | Increases maximum adrenaline by 10%. |
Slayer Introspection![]() |
200 | 4,000 | When requesting a new slayer assignment you will have a choice between the minimum and maximum assignment amounts. |
Deathless![]() |
100 | 2,000 | When dungeoneering, you will never receive a penalty for dying. |
Font of Life![]() |
50 | 1,000 | Increases maximum health by 500. |
Conservation of Energy![]() |
350 | 7,000 | After using an ultimate ability you will regain 10% adrenaline. |
Endurance![]() |
100 | 2,000 | When running, you will no longer drain your run energy. |
- Most of the relics shared at Runefest are being added, but some may have changed.
Heightened Senses in action- The colours have been changed to fix some consistencies.
Abyssal Link in action- Replaces not all requirements, which is why Ape Atoll is grayed out.
Ancient Summoning
- Uncover Ancient summoning in the Infernal Source by completing a mystery.
- Requires level 45-96 Summoning and 68 Archaeology.
- The contracts are tradeable.
Summoning Process
- Create a binding contract with new materials and charms.
- Kill a demon while that contract is in your inventory to bind it.
- The contract then acts like a summoning pouch.
- XP comes from capturing and using these demons rather than pouch-making.
Known Demon Familiars
Hellhound(45 Summoning):
- Passive: Absorbs 10% of any damage dealt to you by taking the hit itself.
- Scroll: Heals itself (the Hellhound familliar)
- Health: 20,000
- Abyssal demon:
- Passive: Your familiar will automatically teleport to your target and deal damage when it teleports.
- Scroll: Bind and teleblock your target.
- Kalgerion demon:
- Passive: One of the strongest familiars in terms of damage for its Summoning level.
- Scroll: Temporarily provide the player, familiar and nearby other players with a critical strike buff.
- Ripper demon (96 Summoning):
- Passive: Deal more damage to your target according to how much missing health it has.
- Scroll: Replicates the Ripper demon’s 'Jump' attack dealing up to 350% damage of its max hit.
- Normal Attack: It can hit twice and is pretty strong, similar to the steel titan.
- Not all demons are combat related, there are at least 2 skilling ones.
- Some of the models will be changed, before and after the update. (Ex: Ripper demon).
Ancient Invention
- Requires 85-105/110 Invention.
- Uncovered at the Stormguard Citadel by finding blueprint fragments.
Blueprints are formed from combining blueprint fragments.(Requires a crafting level).
- There are trade and untradeable blueprints, the tradeable requires more fragments.
Blueprints are formed from combining blueprint fragments.
- Ancient components - Disassembly of Archaeology produce/materials.
- Players will need to discover how to use the Ancient Components but can obtain them as normal.
Ancient Components
4 New Components
Component | Armor Perks | Weapon Perks | Tool Perks |
Classic![]() |
Efficient, Scavenging | Efficient, Scavenging | Efficient, Furnace, Fortune |
Historic![]() |
Turtling, Looting, Ultimatums, Genocidal | Looting, Ultimatums, Genocidal, Precise | Imp Souled |
Timeworn![]() |
None | Equilibrium, Ruthless | Prosper, Fortune |
Vintage![]() |
Relentless, Crackling | Relentless, Crackling | Furnace, Fortune |
Known New Perks
- Ruthless, Relentless, Fortune
New Devices
Ancient Gizmo
- Weapon, Tool, and Armour.
- 9 slots - Find perk combinations and ranks that were previously undiscovered.
- Allows for new permutations and higher ranks of existing perks such as Scavenging 4 and Precise 6.
- XP Capacitor
- Tradeable when full.
- Filling Up: Takes some item XP you would normally earn whilst training to fill up the device.
- Draining: Allows you to gain double item XP until the capacitor runs dry.
- Kinetic Dynamo
- Create Divine charges by running or surging.
- Breaks after so many uses.
- Boosted Tools
- Level 80 versions of Invention tools (Fish-o-matic, Hammertron, Pyro-matic).
Auto-screener v1.080
- Automatically screens your soil while excavating.
- Component Crate
- 2 Sizes: 100 & 1000 components
- Stores components intro a crate allowing players to bank and trade Ancient components.
- This is only done with Ancient components since artefacts aren't tradeable and we want the components in circulation.
- Ancient blueprints on the discovered list will be shown in a different color.
- Ancient materials have been renamed to 3rd age materials.
- We recommend leveling the skill and using those artefacts to unlock other rewards and to disassemble spares.
- Scavenging perk & Elite Dungeon Relics cannot get ancient components.
General Overall Notes
- Regular Skill which goes to 120.
- Mattocks can be augmented (Dragon, Crystal, etc).
- Free 50 Bank space on launch.
- F2P have access to level 20.
Notable Stuff
Skillcape- The right one is only lighter because it was taken at a different angle.
- There are a lot of first word broadcasts to show off accomplishments.
- There are some leveling benefits in the skill (I.e. the xp you get for screening soil has increased.)
- You can see this in the skill guide.
- Gathering Expert skillcape will be removed and shards will be handed back to you in the bag.
- Archaeology shard will now be required.
- When you gain the shard it goes directly into the bag now.
- There are Daily Challenges.
- Grace of the Elves works.
- No Golden Rocks
- Updated Lootscape will give small benefits with Archaeology.
Shop Rewards
- Archaeology outfit - level 70.
- Elite Archaeology outfit - level 99.
- Consumable rewards from the reward shop which provide boosts to training, similar Deep sea fishing.
- Extra chance of finding materials when screen soil.
- Increase chance of finding materials when excavating.
Other Rewards
Tetracompass- Find and combine 4 pieces to lead to a reward.
- Similar to the crystal triskelion pieces/crystal key.
Hero Mattock:Provides benefits to Archaeology, similar to Tavia's fishing rod
- Find a key then take it to the case in the HQ, and there's a chance for the key to work.
- There are more rewards, but they are secret for launch.