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This question came up yesterday and I figured I'd just ask, maybe a mod can answer.

There are a total of 4 trading sequences in game of which 3 bear the name of mods still working at Jagex. The last time any of them got updated (as far as we know) is mod Sponge's trading sequence on the 7th of November 2022. Since then mods Ramen, Ryan and Sponge have all worked on a number of updates but seemingly no new steps in their respective sequences have been added.

So my question really is: have no additional steps been added since or have we simply not found the next step(s) in one or more of the sequences yet? Are these mods playing the long game and keeping quiet as they add more and more steps we have no knowledge of?

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12 months ago - /u/JagexRamen - Direct link

I'll draw the line in the sand('s of Mazcab) for mine at the moment.

Until we return, which at this point is unlikely, mine shall end there.

Can't speak for the other chaps :)

12 months ago - /u/JagexSponge - Direct link

Hey, I have the next section of mine designed but I've not really worked on a piece of content I felt was appropriate or had the time to insert it into since Garden

(It tends to be if you have a day or so free towards the end of a project, and everyone is happy with the extra work going in (QA/Producers etc). It's kinda like adding polish++

Maybe my current project will be fitting though.