7 months ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link


Hey 'Scapers,

Mod Pips, Jagex CEO, has a message to share as a follow up to our recent Player Value survey, and how we're planning a Community Consultation on MTX offerings in RuneScape.

Hear more on what this means here.

External link →
7 months ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link


Hey 'Scapers,

Mod Pips, Jagex CEO, has a message to share as a follow up to our recent Player Value survey, and how we're planning a Community Consultation on MTX offerings in RuneScape.

Hear more on what this means here.

External link →
7 months ago - /u/JagexPips - Direct link

Originally posted by esunei

TL;DR more exploration on assessing the impact of MTX to see if any action is feasible.

If only I could be that succinct!

7 months ago - /u/JagexPips - Direct link

Originally posted by Dry-Fault-5557

Disable treasure hunter for two weeks and see how players react.

Genuine question, what do you think we could learn from that?

7 months ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by Gluroo

Hmm, sounds good but im honestly going to stay sceptical about this until something is confirmed to happen. Being willing to talk about it is good but there are tons of things that could prevent any meaningful change from happening here so we'll see how it actually turns out.

That's completely fair to be skeptical at this stage.

To Pips' point near the bottom - all we want to convey is that this is a proper effort to take the survey further and explore options around MTX in a way we've never truly done before for RuneScape.

It's not simple as Pips outlines, but we're taking it seriously and involving player feedback in that work.

7 months ago - /u/JagexPips - Direct link

Originally posted by DIYrs

I think this is a positive approach and a good middle ground.

We have to be realistic that treasure hunter is a serious source of revenue for the business and finding a suitable alternative that meets the needs of all types of players requires due consideration and thought.

Thank you for this approach Jagex, clearly learnt from the mistakes of the hero pass.

You’ve summed up how we’re coming at this, thank you.

7 months ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by Zepertix

Just a PR article that didn't really say anything besides "don't freak out in any direction." I feel like this could have been stapled to the survey tbh.

Sorry, we just didn't really learn anything from this. There isn't even the faintest outline of *how* any of this is going to be done :/ I'm not mad or upset I just don't know what the takeaway is supposed to be as a player. I love this game and the team that designs it, I just hope that this leads to tangible positive change. My feelings, opinion, knowledge, or optimism just hasn't changed at all after reading this.

That's totally understandable! All Pips' is trying to convey is to say the survey meant something, we're going deeper into this process of looking at our MTX options in RuneScape and we're taking it seriously.

And, at least how I feel reading it, walk you through some of the realistic things we have to consider as we go through this.

We just don't want to go dark and say nothing while we pull that next stage together. There was a lot of speculation that deserved an answer.

7 months ago - /u/JagexPips - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


Fair play to your AI, that was exactly what I was going for…

7 months ago - /u/JagexPips - Direct link

Originally posted by Queue_Bit

My guess is that you're probably reading all of your replies, so I want to go ahead and give my suggestion.

I am coming at this from the perspective of someone who is, by all accounts, a larger spender than the average person. I don't spend on TH. I spend on bonds for cosmetics, and cosmetics. As well as things like Bank Space and other such nonsense.

I think the TH replacement is quite obvious.

A Fortnite style rotating cosmetic shop.

Create awesome cosmetics, put them on a timer to create FOMO, and slap them in a cosmetic shop on some sort of rotation. As you get more cosmetics created, create more timers and more rotating slots.

Full sets are good, but singular items that people will value as additions to their outfits are likely better. This includes things like auras.

Create item specific "ornament kits". Could be something simple like an ornament kit that changes the third age amulet to a purple, white, or red gem instead of a green one. Or it could be more in depth like creating an ornament kit "set" that remasters old favorites such as Third age plate armor. These would be in-game items that you attach to a real item.

Find a way to make "Trench coat" style upper body item. I'm sure a big issue with this would be clipping with some items, but there 'has' to be a way.

Potentially split the cosmetic chest slot into two separate slots of "Inner wear" and "Outer wear" and create "tshirt and jacket" kinds of cosmetics.

Rework the "dyeable armor" system (the "customization" one, not clue scroll one) and create new sellable dyes. Black, White, Prismatic, ect. Put those on the rotating shop system as well.

Make everything purchased from the shop a tradeable token to incentivize people buying multiple. If things are on a Fortnite rotating system and items take several months before they're re-released, people will buy these tokens in order to hoard them for a price increase, thus driving sales.

Take all of the TH stuff, such as proteans, lamps, stars, and dummies, and put them in the oddments store, rebalance the oddments store, and rebalance the way oddments are gained. Likely focus on some sort of Daily gain, Membership bonus, VIP membership bonus, and then daily challenges. Add auras to this shop and do some sort of loyalty point -> oddments conversion. Streamline Auras so there is only one tier of each. If someone has a non max tier aura, refund the loyalty points or whatever and let them buy a maxed one. Let oddments be gained via skilling in the same way TH keys are now. Potentially at a higher rate.

To further incentivize spending, make it so people get some amount of oddments whenever they buy something from the cosmetic shop. This would allow people to still "buy exp" but in a significantly less "random" way. It would also continue to let people convert GP into exp.

Ditch Solomons all together and do everything through an in-game interface. Most of the items in Solomons would be added to the rotating shop anyways.

This would all be a massive undertaking, but if done right could make Runescape more profitable than it's ever been.

Thank you for such a considered reply

7 months ago - /u/JagexPips - Direct link

Originally posted by The_Jimes

Is there any rough timeline for any of this?

I only ask because the last player sentiment driven consultation, being Hero Pass, wasn't a fun time. What seemed to be 2 months of radio silence in the face of the obvious solution for the sake of consultation was toxic at best.

Obviously this time around we aren't in damage control mode and the attitude is very different, but it would be nice to know even an iota more.

We’re trying to set expectations in the news post that this isn’t a quick or easy process, and we want to take the time to understand various player types views and to explore various different ideas and alternatives. So it’s a multiple months at least.

7 months ago - /u/JagexPips - Direct link

Originally posted by The_Wkwied

Don't disable TH for two weeks.

Instead, turn off the popup you get on login reminding you that you have daily keys to use.

Either do it with an A-B test (to which you can narrow it down by account demographic), or do it with everyone... Although I think an A-B test would give you more insight on who's actually going out of their way to be interacting with TH.

10 years ago, MMG basically said 'We do more MTX because everyone plays TH!'... Well, yeah. Everyone does play it, because everyone gets two pulls free a day, and they receive a popup every single time they log in that they either need to dismiss, or interact with to use their pulls

I think if you did this, you would see a stark contrast between the people who go out of their way to do their daily keys (no change), only occasionally interact with TH keys (either daily, or earned/found/rewarded keys), and those they go out of their way to ignore it (just close the popup)

Very interesting idea!