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To my understanding, you can either have a chance at double loot or auto collect. The chest upgrade allows double loot even with auto collect (at least for bosses).

Only asking this because I don't want an accidental bug abuse ban; but why am I getting double loot on auto collect without having the chest upgrade?

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over 5 years ago - /u/JagexOrion - Direct link

Originally posted by GamerSylv

There was always a double loot chance even with the chest enabled if it was full, just lower (5% I think). The upgrade preserves the 20% at bosses at all times. It's also possible to double regular drops with the chest toggled on, so either the upgrade deliberately preserves the 5% with the chest on, or it always had a chance to double and we didnt see it with chat filtered.

This is correct.

The change just made it more visible.

Good luck on your drops :)