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"Use this to get revived when you die."

Wonderful, but what's the point if your character gets stalled upon activation? Absolutely f*cking frozen in place. Just to watch a double death?

Jagex, would you kindly explain to us why this hasn't been fixed?

Please add walkmerge to the animations of Sign of Life and Immortality ability activating.

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almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexSponge - Direct link

Originally posted by 5-x

It's purely an issue with animation. When the effect is triggered, your character is held in place. No, this is not intended.

Especially for Immortality; it is used to die on purpose, it's designed to be used this way for some boss mechanics to block damage.

For clarity what Doom's said is correct and is the original implementation of these things (though I think immort/sign above effects are flipped).

Neither of the issues here are actually walkmerge problems, Immort in particular is running a delay on the player as a form of damage prevention, though this stops other interactions like moving etc

Speaking to the combat council we all agree we dislike the implementation of both the above things, they're clunky and we aspire to make combat more fluid.

We've put jobs in to deal with both of them, though with no timeline for delivery.