Not in the mood to walk all the way to Morytania? No worries - the slayer achievement cape, abyssal demon masks and dark beast masks all include a teleport to the new dungeon.
I think you mean Dungeoneering Achievement Cape instead of Slayer
Not in the mood to walk all the way to Morytania? No worries - the slayer achievement cape, abyssal demon masks and dark beast masks all include a teleport to the new dungeon.
I think you mean Dungeoneering Achievement Cape instead of Slayer
Uch yes, my bad!
Ranarr: +1 Prayer resist per potency
Emm... What's "Prayer resist"? Do you mean prayer bonus?
That's right! I've updated it now.
the slayer achievement cape, abyssal demon masks and dark beast masks all include a teleport to the new dungeon.
You mean Dungeoneering cape? Because the slayer cape teleports to masters while the dg cape teleports to resource dungeons.
Yep, That was a typo, my apologies.