about 2 months ago - RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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185s hello everyone I think we're live hello
188s uh well thanks to your patience and
190s welcome a r weekly live stream it's me
192s muli it's been a while I'm the Le less
195s charismatic uh CM host uh your usual
198s Modi is off doing other things uh it's
200s very lovely to be here with you um but
202s he'll be back next week to give you all
204s good things there speaking of
205s charismatic people they may not be hosts
207s but they are definitely are charismatic
209s devs we've got two great gifts with us
211s today we have the legendary mods too
214s hello love it to be here and we also
216s have the legendary I I can't not call
219s you that as well mod Breezy Breezy hello
222s everyone
223s hello as you can see I'm also the
225s internal hyp man but it it's lovely to
226s have you with us thanks for being with
228s us while we sorted some tech issues my
230s fault on uh some internet problems but
233s we're here we're ready to talk about 110
235s we're cutting and Fletching our second
236s 110 update really cool to have you here
239s over the next kind of 45 minutes or so
241s we're going to talk to you about the
242s update celebrate it hopefully we having
244s a lot of fun out there with it talk to
246s the developers behind it about what
247s we're into it cover your questions as
250s they come in live just generally have a
251s bit of a hangout if you want to join us
253s Breezy where can they where can they
255s find us right
257s now you can join us on world 84 uh right
260s up North vles Peak where all the lovely
262s Eternal magic trees are you can see have
263s big golden Care Pack hanging about as
267s me okay awesome uh by the way I I stand
271s I'm under water I'm sorry I replaced my
274s call center mic as everyone called it
275s and again apparently I'm still uh not
278s sounding great so I just need a proper
280s stream mic is what it sounds like so
283s anyway off that subject it is lovely to
286s get into this stuff so this is 110 wood
289s cutting and Fletching but also kind
291s of and I know had some questions what
296s like we've gone to 110 not everyone knew
298s we were doing that on fire making
300s why are we not marketing it and kind of
302s talking about it in the same breath as
304s was kind reflection you want to go a
305s little bit into that point first I think
307s it's probably important
310s we uh yeah so so with one fire making um
314s when we started talking about the
316s project and we started to get into
317s design um and looking at all how the
321s different mechanics would work and how
322s everything would work together obviously
324s a new log then BS a question of what
326s happens with that log uh so we've got
328s fledging as part of it makes sense as
330s part of the update um that's what we're
332s taking to 110 but then when we look at
336s what else there is so logs can be made
338s into planks or logs can be burned as
340s well and we look at the um the relative
343s skills for those uh construction and Fir
345s making we look at this the discussions
348s were basically what can we do for those
350s is it is it is it possible to make those
352s things work uh do we need to support it
354s now are they something that we need to
355s address later on um and Fir making was
358s one of the weird ones because whereas
359s construct ction really deserves its own
361s sort of update for having furniture or
363s items to be able to create with the
366s Eternal logs and eternal planks uh fir
368s making is more of a sort of like the log
370s can be burnt and that's basically um
374s which which we fought made sense to do
376s um you should be able to run the log it
377s adds a nice another usage to the log for
379s now rather than just letting logs sit
380s there only for Fletching um for the
383s foreseeable so we added in the sport do
386s that basically um it did come down to a
388s conversation of like should players be
389s able to or or should players need to
391s boost for it or should players just be
393s able to get up to 110 fire making and we
395s decided it's better to just do on fire
399s making don't make you know players boost
402s for it have to keep on reapplying boost
404s and so on and so forth and then the
407s question was okay if if we're doing that
409s what else do we need to be able to
410s support for that to happen so it made
412s sense to do a new pvm Hub uh campfire um
416s any sort of scaling mechanics with with
419s things like uh smiing um and yeah things
422s like that and that's and that's where it
424s came about now obviously in and of
425s itself the 11 fir making portion isn't
428s something to like go crazy about in
430s market like here's 11 fir making and
433s here's all this stuff coming with it it
434s is very much a case of it just works
437s with fire making and we're bringing that
439s to 110 as well and allowing you to use
441s that XP to reach a new goal uh basically
445s so it wasn't something that we felt was
447s very deserved to shout about and you
449s know make can make a big commotion about
452s because yeah it was it's yeah it's a
455s very basic sort of um integration so to
458s speak yeah I mean from a development
460s perspective uh look look at like well
463s the amount of effort involved and I
464s bring you this another skill to 11 while
467s we've got all the files open and we're
468s testing all the one 110 elements adding
470s another one was fairly trivial and then
472s the amount of effort that we took that
473s it took to um add additional log and so
476s forth was about the same as it would
477s have been to prevent you from being able
478s to burn those logs at all so might as
479s well all go in the direction that gives
481s the players the maximum amount of new
483s content um but yeah say didn't want to
485s be disingenuous and like presented us as
487s being um an update with with three
490s skills of of of equal um attention and
493s focus because you know it was was uh
496s primarily wood cutting and farm making
498s sorry wood cutting
499s Fletching majority of our time far was
502s like we'll spend a day on this one Ed as
504s well kind of thing so yeah that's what
507s we do that um the uh sorry there was
511s just a question that we got that came in
513s uh sorry cra's been asking it a lot um
515s so I'm going to go slightly off piece
517s here and then we'll go back to the main
518s update um K's asking did you not want to
520s involve solak somehow in this
524s update um that's a good question it's
528s not something that came across the mind
530s uh to be honest with you when we thought
532s of where to place things like the wood
534s spirits uh and the Turnal ones
536s especially definitely saw that came to
537s mind the nature the nature beings in
539s general um but no in terms of anything
542s else it's no no I mean bit tweaking on
546s drop table at one point if I remember
548s rightly did we add them to so yeah we
550s added we added I believe it's Elder and
552s eternal ones to it branches what type of
555s spirit it uses yeah but um yeah I mean
557s you know it's a pvm update sorry it's a
559s Skilling update primarily don't know why
560s I keep in inverting what I'm I'm
562s focusing on um you know it's it's this
564s is predominantly something for for
566s skillers um so yeah uh by way a couple
570s things on Tech side um yeah branch is
574s good one uh so couple things we're
577s working on the uh background shop um it
581s looks like it's a an upload bit rate
583s thing that we're we're looking into
584s fixing so um bear with us on that the
586s other thing is do I sound better I'm now
588s coming through a microphone on the
590s webcam rather than my headset s c than
594s yeah
597s sound I mean okay people say s about
599s okay so this microphone is just for show
601s at this point so uh another thing I need
604s to fix okay great um and hopefully the
606s background will be better soon as well I
608s can see I'm now lagging a little bit
610s which is concerning uh right um so yeah
613s so you were talking about um the scale
615s of these updates right I think something
618s that I really loved seeing coming from
620s 110 mining smithing was how much of that
622s fa feedback you took on board um what
626s were when you were kind of coming into
627s this like there is a challenge of we
629s have to keep these you know when we
631s introduced them we talked about them
633s being something that we want to deliver
634s every 3 months roughly that we want to
637s have this kind of regular release and
638s doing one are smaller but we have to be
640s responsible with how we kind of size
641s them to make sure we deliver these as
643s regular updates what was the kind of
646s biggest chy face kind of bringing in
648s some of this really important player
650s feedback that we had from R smithing and
652s balancing that with the need to kind of
653s keep the schedule of delivery that
654s people been looking for on one
657s t okay I so I think Julie you dropped
660s that a little bit there so I'll just
662s reiterate some of the question there so
663s Julie was asking um about uh what what
667s is it we've taken from onetime Mining
669s and smithing um and sort of try to
672s improve on it in a way within the same
674s sort of uh time frame that we initially
679s uh started with um
682s so we looked at so just like the
685s gameplay elements to begin with um what
688s is it about the one time ending smithing
690s update and the way we approach that and
692s the design of that um versus you know
695s what what what is it that the players
698s you are asking for um what what what is
702s it that you would like out of that what
703s is it that makes makes something
704s deserving of being um pulled up to 110
708s um what other gameplay elements can we
709s add to make things interesting um what
712s we're doing when we expand these uh
715s skills to 110 is adding in a sort of
718s Base
720s uh resource something that fits within
722s that tier and uh I gives you that new
724s goal things to use and interact with to
727s um get to 110 and and and Beyond um so
732s if that's sort of the Baseline The Next
734s Step Above That which we which we took
736s as the approach for this update was what
739s could make that more interesting what
741s could make it feel new what's What's um
744s unique what what feels more novel um are
748s there cool little things we can add well
750s I don't want to say little might be cool
752s big things that we add uh which which
754s feel nicer to engage with um which feel
757s nicer to talk about and investigate and
761s uh you know Brew up some conspiracies on
765s or anything like that I I think those
766s are things that make uh RuneScape
769s updates fun and that's precisely the
772s approach we took to this sort of stuff
774s was let's
776s reimagine um if we're focusing on the
778s 100 to 110 let's let's sort of
781s reimagine what would would cutting feel
783s like in this in this area what could it
785s feel like in sort of I don't want to say
787s necessarily modern but just sort of more
789s interesting mechanics and things just to
791s make the actual gameplay Loop of your
793s journey from 100 to 110 or 199 to 110
796s where um more interesting um and and fun
800s and that's where a lot of the mechanics
803s uh came about really um so you know the
806s the Lumberjack's intuition having to
807s move around the tree uh the tree timers
810s themselves these are sort of additions
812s to the WID cutting aspect um you still
815s got the core wi cutting mechanics that
817s all work you got your you know the
819s actual just chopping of the tree and
820s getting logs uh you've got your bird's
822s nests and things like that so what we
823s wanted to do was just look at that and
825s say okay what is there is there things
827s that we can add on to that tweak with it
829s and and make that Loop um feel better
832s overall um and and like I say feel feel
835s interesting and fun to interact with um
837s and that's that's that's where a lot of
839s our
840s um approach came from obviously our
843s challenge as a development team was is
845s is is is to look at how do we manage
847s that what's the design of that um what
850s works what doesn't what can we take from
852s things that we've done in the past what
854s new things can we try uh and so on and
856s so forth so yeah a big a big a big part
859s of our approach was that basically
862s um yeah hopefully answer the question no
864s it did very comprehensively Su I was
867s going to say it was it was a really
869s great opportunity experiment I was quite
870s impressed with the design that you know
872s that you're really pushing beyond the
874s the limits of what we would identify as
876s how as uh recognizably Fletching thus
879s far to trying new upgrading systems um
882s applying leveling benefits at each level
884s so that there's always always something
885s that that you're working towards at the
886s next level taking all that that feedback
888s that we got from theand um and smithing
890s 110 and um sort of setting us up for the
893s future if if players like this
895s particular approach to um this tier
897s potentially we could duplicate it at
899s lower tier but if we do take advantage
902s of the fact that we're only doing one
903s tier so we can do that as an optimal
905s test case and we can tune that and and
907s see and refine that before necessarily
909s doing something much broader so it's a
911s very pragmatic use bit I think yeah I
914s think I think that's a really important
915s part actually that that I miss
917s completely is that is that um all of our
920s Endeavor throughout this update is
923s to think about what 1 to 99 is and um
928s almost like like you said sort of plan
930s for the future and plan ahead and look
932s at like what could this look like if
933s apply to the rest of the skill in the
935s future um build it in ways both in a
938s design sense and in a development sense
939s build it in ways where where where it
941s could be you know one day sort of retro
943s retroactively added to some extent to
946s the skills maybe that's 1 to 99 maybe
947s that starts at a certain point level
949s level 60 or whatever um but basically
953s make our lives easier in the future and
955s and you know and and if if we were to
957s update this and and again not I don't
959s want to say like a full-on like skill
961s rework but if if we were do something
963s like a a version of a rework or maybe
965s even a full-on rework what could that
967s look like and how could we make that an
968s easier process um I kind of like using
971s it as an example last year with the
973s Grove update we rered the trees um and
977s then this year we're doing this sort of
979s stuff next year the year after whenever
982s um we'd be able to sort of complete that
985s by um putting in the like the mechanics
988s that we have now for for example and we
990s don't have any like concrete plans for
992s that when it happens how it looks what
993s the design is for that um but we're just
997s make sure that future stew future Breezy
999s and future other JS um have a have a
1002s nicer time when it when it comes to it
1004s and we've done some of that work ahead
1005s of it yeah and Building Systems that we
1007s can use in the future as opposed to only
1009s things that are short-term solution for
1010s this this one tier so we've built
1011s infrastructure that we can apply with
1013s the tear in the future uh it's also
1015s something that um it shaped how we
1018s prioritize things so for um one time
1022s Ming and smithing um there's a lot of
1024s emphasis there on the Primal armor and
1026s and make making that that look um
1029s authentically similar to the silhouette
1030s of the original but but remastered and a
1032s lot of iteration that that um that brzy
1035s went went went through with with that
1036s the artist and with the players getting
1037s that that locked down um in this case
1040s the was more about building assets that
1041s we could use across multiple tiers in
1044s the future so that um so rather than
1046s very very bespoke for this one tier it's
1048s say the week we can texture for
1050s traditional tiers later um so more of a
1052s a moderate average looking sort of thing
1054s that we can get more value out of in the
1056s long term so it's yeah it's a different
1058s um set of priorities this time
1061s around so yeah it's like almost I I hate
1064s to use this word as if you don't do this
1065s all the time but developing smartly
1067s right like making sure that we're
1069s thinking about how it can be leveraged
1071s again if we had more time like you said
1072s to go back and revisit and I remember
1074s Breezy am I right saying that like one
1076s of the things with these 110s is a
1079s desire to see if people even like what
1082s we introduced to the one before
1083s introducing them backwards if we ever
1085s did that right is it also to this idea
1087s of make sure we're not messing with the
1089s skill by introducing something that
1091s actually people might go man it's fine
1093s as a 10 level experience but I wouldn't
1095s want this going to my 120 or yeah you
1098s know what have you is that part of the
1099s intent as well yeah I mean comenting on
1102s it it's kind of like a byproduct of all
1105s in a in a sense of like if we did the
1107s full rework one day just as an example
1109s example if like um we did a rework like
1111s with Mining and smithing we did uh we
1113s did multiple betas um but yeah like if
1116s if if we just started off with a rework
1118s project we would just do it release it
1120s we might have a beta and then release it
1122s and then that's basically it we'd have
1123s some sort of P release period where we
1126s address that feedback the a a byproduct
1129s advantage of doing it this way um is um
1133s we put out what we think works we put
1136s out things that we've discussed with the
1138s players have been you know I've been
1139s I've been I've been talking to players
1140s uh on Discord Reddit Twitter for months
1143s now on on this sort of stuff we um we
1146s put it out it works how we want it to
1149s now give us the feedback and that's all
1151s all that feedback is stuff that we could
1153s take into if we did in the future
1156s reapply it to 1 to 99 in some way we can
1159s incorporate that feedback then and then
1161s you've got an even better fine-tuned um
1164s update out of that than if you just done
1165s it off the rip um so yeah yeah that's
1169s definitely
1170s Advantage great uh Pap asking where do
1173s we give feedback for the update the
1175s latest Discord channel is a great space
1176s you can also jump on Reddit uh reply to
1179s us on social on one of our posts about
1180s it we're kind of reading everywhere and
1182s anywhere we can um so there's not really
1185s a centralized location we use because we
1187s don't want to force people to use a
1188s certain platform I would probably say
1190s Discord usually best and I know both of
1192s you have been very uh active on Reddit
1194s too right um Breezy and Stu so I'm
1197s guessing those two as preferred is that
1200s fair from your side yep um you can add
1204s me I'm pretty sure you can add Ste uh on
1206s Twitter as well or X as they call it now
1209s oh yes yeah we're always we're always
1211s looking at our own personal accounts as
1212s well I always forget to mention personal
1214s J1 accounts so yeah that's another one
1216s too um okay so a question I have uh that
1220s I know this one was a big one obviously
1223s we ended up going uh uh into kind of
1225s early December in terms of our release
1227s window oh sorry I need to film my
1230s magical books um what was the most
1232s difficult part of development what was
1234s really hard to bring together on this
1237s one um for me
1242s uh I think it was
1245s making the mechanics thematically
1248s appropriate for what we have um it it
1252s took quite quite quite a bit of time and
1254s refinement and feedback all throughout
1255s the RuneScape team you know there's a
1257s whole bunch of J mods involved in giving
1258s feedback I mean I mean we always like
1259s play test each other's contents and have
1261s like bi-weekly reviews and stuff but um
1265s getting that to the stage where it felt
1266s really nice for wood cutting and
1268s Fletching and theming it appropriately
1270s you know for example like the burial
1272s versus uh the the Marshall process um or
1276s in this case like we have what players
1279s have dubbed uh opportunities
1283s um we have that mechanic uh which which
1286s which we've called the Lumberjack's
1287s intuition as as a anyway um making that
1291s feel good like is it is it just a repeat
1293s of a opportunity where you just click on
1294s the tree again um is it is it themed
1297s more to like how would it feel being a
1299s lumberjack or in in a in a in a fancy
1302s world like this like do you you sense
1304s that there's a better side of the tree
1306s to walk over to and chop that um how
1308s does that look how do we communicate
1309s that to the player how do we tell them
1311s to go here what sort of visual effects
1314s do we use and things like that so that
1315s that was a really like fun challenge to
1317s be honest um it was it was fun
1319s challenges but it but that was
1321s definitely a challenge for
1323s myself all right you steu what was your
1325s big one uh I'm going to be honest I was
1328s answering some questions in chat and got
1329s distracted what was the question what
1331s was your what was the most difficult
1332s part of developing this update for you
1333s what was the biggest challenge oh
1336s biggest challenge
1338s um I guess honestly like maning and
1341s smithing are in a really good place
1342s they've had a recent rework
1344s um these skills haven't largely haven't
1347s been touched adding a bit of content
1349s here and here and there over the years
1350s so things like um adding an upgrading
1352s system uh the notion of leveling
1354s benefits to Def Fletching was was
1355s certainly uh quite challenging um
1358s fortunately we managed to get mod Ramen
1360s to uh join us on the on the project
1362s towards the latter end and he really
1363s took some of the pressure off took um
1365s did the upera system did the uh
1368s intuitions mechanic on on the trees and
1369s so forth um really um productive work on
1373s his part and um uh really good iteration
1376s so yeah that was great shot in the the
1377s arm for the project but um
1379s yeah we did did um quite a lot of uh
1381s review of the code ahead of time um
1383s during pre-production to to get an
1385s assessment of um where the plugin point
1387s would be watch things are going to wind
1388s up taking longer than others so we were
1390s well prepared for for that that sort of
1392s thing but um yeah there's subtle things
1395s behind the scenes you need to be mindful
1398s of like for example there's um the
1401s hatchets that you can store in your tool
1403s belt when they were originally were
1404s added they didn't anticipate would have
1406s as many hatchets as we do so the
1407s variable um space was allocated for that
1410s um I think allowed maybe seven hatchets
1413s or something like that because they
1414s thought oh you're never going to go
1415s beyond ruin it'll be fine um and uh so
1419s yeah had to create another variable that
1421s this lot for that to do a login check
1423s and um Shuffle the IDS so that we
1426s preserve the items on on your tool belt
1428s and have room for uh the future so yeah
1432s well I'm also glad you let me take my en
1433s camoo Hatchet out of my tool belt
1435s because that would have it was bad
1437s enough I had to go grind 4,000 harmonic
1439s dust again like that would have also
1441s killed me getting the pieces from the uh
1443s bird nest again would have been harsh
1445s yeah I'm really glad we're able to work
1447s little things like that and where they
1448s don't actually take much development
1449s time but they they really do add a big
1451s impact to the
1453s project yeah those those were oh sorry
1456s no good those were two two two really
1458s big uh requests like when we when we
1460s originally asked uh the players months
1463s ago now I put a tweet and St asking
1465s players what we what we what what what
1468s what they would like sorry from from the
1469s update um the smial hatchets and
1472s removing hatchets from Tool belts were
1475s the highest so to be able to get them in
1476s was really nice um yeah it's good no I
1480s love little touches of that though I am
1481s surprised both you gave such like real
1484s answers about development I was
1486s expecting one of you to be like the
1487s worst bit was having to come up with a
1489s name that you thought people would love
1491s and just and and for the hatchets the
1494s pressure on those
1497s hatchets well we did go through several
1499s iterations of the names I'll be I'll be
1501s honest I think I think we got up to like
1502s version three or four by the time we
1503s released um so I I I came back to the
1507s project off the game jam and I I was
1508s like two generations backward in my own
1510s mind is what we were calling them and I
1512s I started like um doing some
1514s documentation and referred to them as a
1515s previous version of of the name and so
1517s forth because I forgot the project in in
1519s those two weeks yeah it it's it it's
1521s funny it's like there I know obviously
1524s we're a game that's always been work
1526s like very close to the community and
1527s stuff it it does make me laugh that like
1531s you know our players are that present
1533s this sounds like I'm I'm trying to to
1536s amp up the shudio reputation here I'm
1537s not it's just like I just find it really
1539s amusing that we're like so into what our
1541s players say that like the pressure on
1543s that name was like Skyhigh after the
1545s feedback on M&S it was like so funny to
1548s see that there was just so much like
1550s should it be this is this cool is that
1552s good so four iterations can you give me
1555s one that was on The Cutting Room floor
1557s uh nature and spirit we had for a brief
1559s period of time and I know there's a
1560s couple of players out there who really
1561s wanted that one um growth in Decay I
1564s also know was a very popular choice
1565s growth in Decay is very cool as well
1566s yeah but I think so we did have that in
1568s for a while but I think the blue and in
1570s BL is is an improvement on it I agree I
1572s agree um just for people in chat uh I am
1576s shame me I don't have mine augmented but
1578s uh I have it at least and also uh if I I
1582s meant to I just totally didn't look over
1584s this I apologize for the shorts in
1585s Winter I was going for the very uh
1588s British thing if you've ever been to
1589s England in Winter there's always someone
1591s running around in
1592s shorts even when it's like minus five so
1595s I thought I'd pay homage to that in the
1596s look today I don't actually know if
1598s you've got have you got a christmy your
1600s JM account got a uh Christmasy look on
1603s right now Breezy no my group Iron Man
1606s does he's in he's he's in his Christmas
1608s Jammies
1612s but I'm still wearing the the thing I
1614s had to wear for for Halloween in order
1615s to get to do the quest got Chang ever
1618s since it's like
1620s a female character for um I'm blanking I
1624s should know the name of this Quest the
1625s quest you know the quest I
1627s mean back in the day and bothering to do
1630s back then again um I've had quite a few
1632s questions in the um in the chat about
1635s where in the world is this and I'd
1637s actually like to add to uh your answer
1640s to that why here why did you pick this
1644s area um so we originally wanted to have
1646s well I wanted to have it in multiple
1648s areas
1649s um I don't know about the rest of the
1651s team but when we put it out uh to the to
1654s the Wilder RuneScape team um we we
1658s started to talk about like sort of
1659s creating hubs of players you know it's
1661s nice to see people around um it's nice
1663s to have it to one area um and then from
1667s those sorts of conversations it led on
1669s to okay if if it's in one area where is
1670s it um and the RuneScape world is
1673s honestly quite packed by there's a lot
1675s on the surface World um and it can be
1678s very hard to pick a spot where you know
1680s not even a few tals away there's
1681s something completely different going on
1684s um so the spot up here felt nice given
1688s that the whole sort of Eagles Peak
1690s piscatorius area and the bit beyond it
1693s for the needle skips Quest is all very
1696s you know it's it's all Forest it's all
1697s Greenery it's used for Hunter and things
1700s like that um so that all felt really
1702s nice um there's a few rare trees here
1705s you can see the elder tree um this felt
1708s like a really nice spot to put it in
1709s there was nothing too crazy going on um
1712s I mean of course you know just just a
1713s few tiles away you've got uh the
1715s memorial to CICS and all that going on
1717s but at least where it is we felt it was
1720s a a good spot uh to have it and then
1723s have a few other trees uh as well like
1726s when we when we
1728s designed when I was putting forth the
1730s sort of idea for the trees towards the
1732s artists and we were communicating know
1735s what what what is it we want the trees
1736s to look like or the area to feel like
1738s wanted the area to to feel like you've
1740s stepped into a different uh spot from
1743s where you are um elsewhere we wanted the
1746s like for example the grass and the
1748s flowers around it to have changed based
1750s on you know like the trees are so
1752s powerful and and it like they're
1753s affecting the things around it um and
1755s and for that to have really worked we we
1758s wanted to have quite a few trees in the
1759s area not just one not just two um so
1762s again this the sort of place felt like
1764s an appropriate spot for it no I for me
1767s just emotionally I remember back in the
1769s day the point where I could cut magic
1771s trees just felt so special like it was
1773s like I can cut Magics and they'd be a
1776s nightmare to you know take a million it
1778s felt like a million minutes to get one
1780s log out of it at the time and then
1782s obviously the tree would disappear and
1783s back then obviously the tree timers were
1785s like I think it was like 10 minutes five
1787s minutes 10 minutes it was a long time I
1788s remember um what I love about this is it
1791s feels like that oh my God I'm cutting
1794s these trees like feeling again right it
1796s just feels very RuneScape very kind of
1799s like okay this is a special tree I'm
1800s cutting I know that sounds weird but
1802s there is an importance I think in that
1803s in skills right it's that emotional kind
1805s of wow this is kind of cool what I'm
1807s doing yeah I to that's actually a really
1810s good point too because a lot of the
1811s things that we're trying to do with the
1812s 110s is that the like in in the world
1816s the player is you know like a master of
1819s these skills not not many other folk in
1821s the world in the in the in the RuneScape
1824s World on gillor for example are masters
1826s of skills apart from like the people who
1828s can hand out like the quest capes sorry
1830s not the quest capes the skill capes um
1834s the the idea is that you as the player
1836s are the Pioneer you are the person who
1838s knows how to use these resources and
1841s chop them and find them and so on and so
1843s forth so having them being a unique
1845s Place one place only uh for the for the
1848s time being anyway feels like you say it
1850s feels special it feels unique um there's
1853s there's there's this one spot to get
1854s them they're rare they're not everywhere
1857s um so on and so forth now I that's not
1858s to say that we that we won't or we can't
1860s add them to anywhere else I'm sure in
1862s time we will uh but but for the time
1864s being this yeah this is a good spot for
1867s it was there ever a tree either of you
1870s considered or like was on is in the
1872s early drafts of this where it wasn't
1874s going to be a very like a a magic base
1877s tree for example any other crazy ideas
1880s left on The Cutting Room floor I don't
1882s know if you want to share them more in
1883s case they end up in a potential 120 in
1885s the future but conting feels like a last
1888s time ago but yeah now that you mentioned
1889s it we did have a a concert border we
1891s through lots of different trees at the
1893s wall um I know the lot of the Lord disc
1894s School of RI and was trying to work
1896s Witchwood into there um which is why I
1898s have a bit of a concession to that with
1899s the um hatch creation process uh there
1903s was oh nice that's
1905s why I can't remember half of them now
1910s uh I mean we had things like yeah
1913s Witchwood Witchwood was definitely up
1914s there we also looked at any other sorts
1916s of trees from
1918s Runescape or RuneScape low any real
1922s world trees that were you know
1923s particularly strong or unique um uh
1928s things like that and I mean I think
1931s bloodweed was at one point up there as
1933s well I think we had conversations of
1936s like do we bring bloodweed
1938s into uh this skill as more of a core
1941s sort of resource and make it a 110 and
1943s then how do we deal with that and so on
1944s and so forth um before we SED on what
1948s what what we have now um I don't know if
1951s we can do it in this live stream or
1952s maybe in in in a future one but I can
1953s show off some of the concepts for what
1955s the Eternal Magic Tree stuff looked like
1957s originally in in in concept at least of
1959s the different
1960s variations uh yeah we can we can
1962s definitely do that in a future one we uh
1964s so for everyone who uh doesn't know you
1967s may notice that for a long time our
1968s remote streams didn't have uh remote
1969s gameplay we've been setting up a new
1972s remote system uh to do this sort of
1974s stuff uh from the comfort of our own
1976s home that we can do that production
1978s whether someone's in the studio or not
1979s ironically we have two people in the
1981s studio today some people were saying
1983s that Stu looks like uh mod Stu looks
1986s like he's at a land no that's the GX
1988s studio right behind so the magic
1991s happens um etal mag yeah there you go
1995s always got the lines hum is but we'll
1998s definitely have to make sure we can
2000s level up our Productions through that
2001s very soon thanks being with us on this
2003s um both ourselves and our us are
2006s figuring out this new system so give us
2007s a little bit time
2009s um on that note I want to you mentioned
2011s about the bloom and blight Journey um
2014s this is a personal question I haven't
2015s seen anyone in the community ask it I
2017s apologize self-indulgent but like one of
2019s my favorite things about these updates
2020s is going chasing the new best Hatchet or
2023s the best pickaxe whatever and go through
2026s that process um how do you approach
2028s designing that is there like a I know
2030s there's a similar kind of DNA in terms
2032s of the approach overall but like how
2034s where do you even start and going okay
2036s these are the things we think people
2037s should do to bring it all together and
2039s to to make it so that someone can uh
2041s make the best Hatchet in the
2043s game so it started way back on the
2046s pickax with with one time Mining and
2048s smithing um the way that so the approach
2052s is we we we start by first looking at
2055s how how the tools work in RuneScape
2056s right we have an established uh
2059s precedent for for tools you've got your
2060s M candle Crystal um Earth and song or
2063s like time and space um how are those
2066s made what type of things are they gained
2067s from um how do they look you know Bas
2070s based off of what type of thing they are
2072s um and then we said okay cool if it's a
2074s tier 100 uh item level 100 item now what
2079s is deserving of the creation process you
2081s know how how complex how lengthy should
2084s it be um what does it look like what
2086s does it involve um if like for example
2090s proof proof came along with like various
2091s Crystal items I know I know there were a
2093s few Crystal items before PRI PRI came uh
2095s along for a few Crystal items uh the
2098s stuff is specific to um uh the dwarves
2101s and you have to go at least for the
2103s dwarf and pick the the the mandle
2105s pickaxe you have to go and find uh
2108s pieces of the pickaxe um from the is it
2112s the lava flow mine I think it's called
2115s um and things like that so so we look at
2117s formatics we look at like what is it
2119s that the player's making what makes
2121s fmatic sense um and then we looked at
2125s what do we want now right so we want a
2127s powerful to
2129s what makes sense with our sort of recent
2131s content recent RuneScape lure where the
2133s game is at um how do we incorporate
2136s resources so so like um if we have a new
2139s resources it's the Primal rocks or the
2143s Eternal tree and so on and so forth how
2146s do we how do we incorporate that um for
2150s the tier 100 tools I wanted to design a
2153s process which felt I don't want to say
2156s like a mini Quest I don't want to say
2157s like a like a quest I don't want to say
2159s Masterwork CU Masterwork is the wrong
2161s term for it but we wanted to look at
2163s what is this involved you know thing
2165s that you have to go go out on almost
2167s like a quest um um and and start
2171s building things yourself and really like
2172s work towards having that that powerful
2174s tool and that's where we start to break
2176s it down for Okay cool so like in the
2178s case of the pickaxe um we wanted you to
2182s uh have uh necromancy involvement um so
2186s okay you install a Moonstone who do you
2189s speak to what do you have to do um and
2191s then the other parts are like let's look
2193s at what are some powerful things you
2195s have to get um what are some things that
2197s are related to mining so like the
2199s shooting star um
2201s and in the first part oh yeah the black
2203s SW lab um yeah that's that's the do
2206s there too so we we we looked at those
2208s sorts of thematics and like gameplay
2210s elements and how does that all fit and
2213s then when it came to the hatchet so so
2216s when we were designing the pickaxe we
2217s were already counting for the hatchet
2219s later on when it when it came to the
2220s hatchet it's like okay cool if if all
2222s tools are made in a similar way where
2224s you need a specific thing and a specific
2226s thing to make a thing that looks like an
2229s M candle thing um what does that look
2232s like for in in this format um and in
2236s that case that's that's that's that's
2238s that's where we took like a lot of the
2239s sort of black and blue and gold and
2241s things like that were were meant to give
2243s off that that feeling of power of you
2246s know like a sort of I think we've lost
2249s jul again um keep
2251s talking that um yeah what what what
2254s feels powerful what could give it that
2256s magic what could give it that power um
2259s and and how does that look for for a set
2261s of tools at at this uh
2266s stage uh while we're waiting for uh hul
2270s to come back I saw one question chat I
2271s don't if you have an answer for this one
2273s uh was from thak RS what is the purpose
2275s of Fletching stamina if it's only
2277s relevant for mark five plus
2280s items so I'm not actually sure that
2282s question I saw the same thing in the
2284s chat and I wasn't really sure what
2285s specifically that was yeah because I
2287s know that the St was more impactful um
2290s in an earlier balancing iteration um and
2292s then with how things have adjusted now
2293s it becomes more more prominent um at a
2295s later stage with the current balancing I
2296s guess it's something that could tune a
2298s bit but well you may be thinking that
2300s yeah Stam becomes more more something
2301s that becomes an impactful element later
2304s in the Journey of that item or yeah it
2306s it may just be a balancing thing to be
2308s honest in that uh yeah in the in the
2311s case of stamina it might just be a
2312s bouncing thing where I think I think
2314s where the question is getting at is that
2316s you don't necessarily feel the need for
2317s it because you can do so much within a
2320s single action before you're done um
2322s versus like smithing it has different
2324s rewards that plug into it you can
2326s activate your your super hit form
2328s prayers and so on and so forth there's
2330s leveling benefits where you start at a
2331s higher or just start with full heat and
2334s things like that um so yeah it's
2336s something to like review for sure sure
2338s uh we can review the numbers and then
2340s like when it comes to it in the future
2342s we can also just review the actual
2344s physical mechanics themselves and see
2346s what can make that more interesting more
2348s interactable and so on yeah yeah on the
2350s other hand it being FK particularly at
2352s the lower levels I think is quite quite
2353s advantageous because um fling is is a
2355s very active s sort of skill so um I
2358s quite like the way that youve balance it
2359s out personally at the moment so it's
2361s it's pretty low intensity until you get
2362s to that final
2364s burst uh what else questions can you
2368s hear me by the way yeah my back hello I
2371s was gonna ask yeah chat any questions
2373s any questions you've got uh C just got
2376s about eight minutes or so left I'd love
2379s to get any questions you have can we get
2380s a chat box message for Eternal Magic
2382s Tree hotspots I think we were talking
2383s about that earlier weren
2385s we H yeah if that's if that's a message
2387s for when uh the VFX appears yeah we did
2391s discuss that earlier um I think it was a
2394s no based on the fact that uh like things
2396s like rocket unities and time Sprites
2398s don't have that but we have been talking
2400s about the visuals and the ux of it all
2403s um you know there's a there's been a lot
2405s of feedback of like for example you need
2406s to turn your camera around to see it um
2409s then you need to click on the floor to
2411s go around to that side and then you need
2413s to click it again able to interact um so
2416s we've seen a lot of feedback we've been
2417s sort of collecting um things all about
2420s that um part of it is in the actual
2422s visuals itself part of it is in the
2423s mechanics and the actual physical um
2426s interactions itself so there's a few
2428s things that we have to tweak there uh
2430s but there's definitely things that we're
2431s taking on um and and to be honest a lot
2433s of this we also did discuss in
2435s development um early on like again when
2438s it we can show off in the future but we
2440s but we tried that a few things like we
2442s did multiply the amount of um visuals
2445s that appear so we made it the full free
2446s tiles for example we didn't like how
2448s that looked to begin with but I'm more
2450s than happy to put that out to players at
2451s some point and see like if we like that
2454s we can we can absolutely try and get
2455s something like that in we can add more
2457s leaves make things brighter and so on
2459s and so forth but so yeah we've we've got
2461s we've got like feedback to discuss there
2463s yeah yeah it's quite a challenge that
2464s you have this like uh prominent cylinder
2467s kind of obscuring your view of of the
2469s other sides from wherever you are so
2470s yeah I think we may have to go a bit
2472s more um Broad and the VIS visibility of
2476s something like that I've got a question
2477s I can answer um Cosmic Panda can you
2479s make it so perfect Eternal magic
2481s branches stack in the bank so I'm going
2483s to give you a boring technical answer to
2484s this one um so the primary function of
2487s the internal magic branches was to be
2489s used in the Masterwork bow creation
2490s process and the um the branches uh store
2495s how much progress you've made made
2496s toward towards that um I forget what the
2499s process was sharpening strengthening
2501s yeah anyway doing that death thing it St
2503s your progress so that if if you click
2505s away from it you can come come back and
2506s do it gradually um that object variable
2509s is using the data that would normally be
2511s used for the stack in the bank how many
2513s of those items that are in a single
2514s stack so essentially we can choose
2516s either one or the other we can e either
2517s use the object variable for soring St
2518s like progress or for stacking so
2521s unfortunately mechanically speaking no
2523s and uh due to how that works um can't
2527s stacked them in the bank but why are you
2528s stacking them though you know go hand
2530s them in for XP I mean why uh what's the
2534s use case there I'm I'm quite quite
2535s curious as to why you want to save them
2536s up when you could just have immediate
2538s gratification um Mr Skeletor is asking
2541s will there be more areas where the
2542s Eternal magic trees can be placed iul
2545s has just gone for good oh you kind kind
2549s floating thoughts you have as to things
2551s you might want to talk about or mention
2553s I can still uh I can still hear Julie oh
2557s okay right great so that's fun um the
2561s question that Julie asked was are there
2562s any more places we can add these uh
2564s Trees Too same same same sort of
2567s conversation that we were just having
2568s earlier uh absolutely in the future yeah
2570s there's there's like things we can look
2572s at placing these in different places
2575s maybe anonia maybe somewhere else um by
2577s all means for now they are where they
2579s are and that's that's that's where
2581s they're staying and it's it's going to
2583s be this single spot but we can we can
2585s definitely look at them elsewhere um I
2587s saw another comment on the tree sounds
2590s so we we know about a bug right now
2593s where you can hear other players um
2595s sounds of the of the opportunities the
2597s Lumberjack's intuition um so that's
2599s something that we're we've got on our
2601s list um I've got one here about what's
2604s up with the B limit on the eternals um
2606s that was something we tweet with the
2608s cold fix wasn't it the B limit got
2609s adjusted so that should hopefully be
2610s resolved
2611s now yeah we did the cold fix earlier
2614s today uh good few hours ago um which
2617s should have resolved being able to sell
2619s more than one uh Eternal magic log on
2621s the G
2624s MH I wondered it was so funny I forgot
2627s about that and then I tried to buy six
2630s for the wood box um because I was just
2632s running around trying to get is the
2633s horrifying voice in your head giving you
2634s any questions to ODS
2638s yeah I'm just an imaginary person now to
2641s Breezy just imagining me as a host um
2644s there was a question
2647s um thought I was trying to ask before I
2650s froze um give me a
2654s second um are there any plans to add new
2658s augmentable tools for other skills like
2660s would you ever consider a knife for
2663s ranged a chisel for crafting Etc so
2665s essentially expanding the kind of
2667s concept of that tool that you can aent
2669s and that ultimate version to other
2671s skills when we think about the future
2675s one you want to answer first to you got
2677s any ideas um I can't hear his question
2681s unfortun strange schizophrenic scenario
2683s going
2684s on is just imagining me now it's
2687s probably better okay so
2690s so this is going to be so funny if chat
2692s can't even hear me hully was asking uh
2695s would we like to add any other
2696s augmentable tools such as knives or
2698s anything else uh with any future 110s or
2702s or Beyond do you have any ideas on that
2704s yeah I've seen um some some things there
2706s uh people are very key on having an
2708s augment uh augmentable Crystal knife and
2711s so forth
2712s um I guess the honest answer is like
2715s these tools aren't really necessarily
2717s within the confines of what the one ts
2720s are supposed to be in terms of the core
2721s identity you know we're adding an um
2725s additional Hatcher to higher tiers but
2726s like if there was it wasn't really a
2727s progression of of nerves going upwards
2730s that's not there's not really that
2731s precedent that we're sort of building on
2732s for the the 110 thing structure so I
2735s kind I kind of see that one as being
2737s outside a scope um but you know
2740s depending on how the design goes we
2742s certainly could move in that more of a
2743s direction I imagine as we get into some
2745s of the thornier skills we're probably
2746s going to have to start building some of
2747s that infrastructure as as we go along to
2750s support the the ideal
2752s things I think yeah oh sorry S I think
2757s um
2758s I think the answer is is is is is that
2761s it's always possible I uh I think it's
2763s quite cool I um much much like Su said I
2766s think it's it's good to follow president
2768s first and see what uh is it is involved
2772s with the skill first look at where this
2773s skill is um I'd be cautious about adding
2776s tools to like every skill and just
2778s making everything like there's a crystal
2779s everything for every skill um I'd be
2782s cautious of doing that sort of thing um
2784s but I think like augmentable items I say
2786s augmentable items like sort of items
2787s that give an effect or let you do
2789s something faster or in a different way
2791s and so on so forth like these are these
2792s are these are interesting gameplay
2793s mechanics which we should never you know
2795s like um shout for any reason um yeah
2799s it's a case- by case basis I think I'd
2800s say they're cool absolutely we just need
2803s to be like does it make sense for what
2805s we're doing now um and how can we
2807s introduce it yeah I think we often kind
2810s of need design levers within the core of
2812s the skill for those modifiers to um then
2815s adapt so like in the case of um mining
2817s for example you know you have that that
2819s stamina mechanic that that you can then
2821s have things that alter your your stamina
2823s you have that versus your your your drop
2825s chance you have um the acquisition of um
2830s geodes and so forth so when these
2832s mechanics exist exist in the skill then
2834s we can have the tools associated with
2836s those modify those features but you know
2838s if if the the core game play as you
2841s click a thing it rolls a Rand a random
2843s thing you can increase the success
2845s chance there's not an awful lot of um
2848s different variables to play with there
2850s so in some cases it means would mean
2852s taking the skill and kind of changing
2853s fundamentally how some of these things
2854s are to support having that kind of
2856s reward space so yeah it's a tricky
2859s one uh a conscious of time um what do
2863s you say Breezy given our weird situation
2867s we indulge chat in uh you answer a
2869s question and Ste asked to guess what the
2871s question that was
2873s asked okay so so so what hully just said
2876s right now was uh let's play a game of I
2878s answer a question and you try and guess
2880s what that question is okay yeah sure so
2883s so chat I need a question that like Ste
2886s has a f so if I was hulie let's do do
2889s some Ro play so I have a terrible mic I
2891s sound like I'm under
2892s waterer I laugh at wee wax too easily oh
2895s you can't hear me what would what would
2896s hulie say what would hulie
2900s do uh I've got to make it something
2903s related to this okay when we we get to
2905s see par between uh I'm trying to see do
2908s you if you see a chat question Breezy
2910s that you think would
2912s work okay and make sure in your answer
2915s you don't uh you don't give it away too
2918s directly I was about to answer one and I
2920s thought the the first word I'm going to
2921s say is going to give it away yeah um
2925s okay so the there's a question here um
2928s and okay I'm going to answer it
2931s uh how do I answer that without without
2934s addressing it straight away um so the
2937s player the player makes it that at this
2940s point the player is a master of the
2943s skill um and they
2946s are you know they know everything got
2948s the highest skill level they can do
2950s everything so to speak um so the things
2952s that they make are are done by them like
2956s if if if we imagine your player
2957s character it's it's done by you it's not
2960s like this hasn't been made by a goblin
2962s by a Dragon Kin by an ilanin and that
2966s like how it looks and how it how it
2967s works in feels doesn't come from them it
2970s comes from the player so uh the
2973s background without using the word the
2976s background comes from that basically
2978s which is the approach we took to um the
2981s new weapon I think that might give too
2982s much away but the new weapon um and and
2986s anything that we've done in the past
2987s with that in mind too M can you guess
2990s what the question was to uh it was is
2992s there any underlying law to master workk
2993s items yes yes yes yes I saw a question
2996s about
2997s like well what's the law you're just
2999s making it yourself you know not
3001s everything necessarily is that deep but
3004s hey look we made you some ATT Tech issue
3006s thanks chat great idea um it's
3008s definitely a hard one not to to do so um
3011s on that note thank you very much joining
3013s us hope you've enjoyed just hanging out
3015s um we just wanted to make sure we
3016s celebrated this update we hope you're
3018s loving it uh I certainly am um I I guess
3022s Breezy if you want to let steers or
3024s anything I'm not saying things that are
3026s going to be interrupting I can't hear
3028s it's so good this is such a good Tech
3030s issue I love this uh but do you want to
3033s ask if
3034s Ste it's like we're not talking like Stu
3037s and I have had an argument and you're in
3039s the
3039s middle but do ask if steu wants to say
3042s anything about the update before we
3043s close out yeah so so Julie says to uh do
3046s you want to say anything about the
3048s update before we close
3049s out uh what do we want to
3053s say um I'm critically proud of what we
3056s we've produced honestly was a very very
3058s hetic project uh a lot of stuff come
3060s came came in U at the last minute uh we
3064s were a lot more ambitious this time time
3065s around um dealing with uh skills that
3070s need a lot more love a lot more rering
3072s at lower levels uh but despite that we
3076s we experimented with with some uh fancy
3079s new ideal ways of doing things got those
3082s infrastructural elements in place um
3085s included a lot of um small player
3087s requests like um some tweaks to uh
3089s free-to-play situ situation for example
3091s there were lift overs from the uh wood
3093s cutters Grove um so things I think on a
3096s much healthier Place we've got some
3098s really wonderful engagement people seem
3099s to be really enjoying it um we're making
3101s some uh tweaks and adjustments to
3104s feedback we've got uh this this week and
3106s some of that's already gone out in Hot
3107s fixes and the cold fix um and yeah I've
3112s really enjoyed working on this project
3113s and enjoy working Breezy and I hope to
3115s do more of it
3119s yeah I think I'll repeat what basically
3122s all of all of what St said um this has
3124s been a really uh challenging but fun
3127s project to work on or update um I think
3131s we've we've learned a lot I'm I'm I'm
3133s really happy with like what we were able
3134s to take from the feedback from one time
3137s Mining and smithing and how we were able
3138s to build on that here um it was really
3141s nice working with the players on Discord
3143s like just being able to just talk about
3144s ideas you know for the Masterwork bow
3146s for the Mechanics for for for everything
3149s just being able to ask what do you want
3150s to see in Enchanted buest what do you
3153s want to see here where should the um uh
3156s where should like wood spirits drop from
3157s Etc so on and so forth that's all been
3159s really fun um yeah I think I think just
3163s taking on the learnings uh the the
3164s approach we took um seeing all the all
3167s the like the fruits of our labor really
3169s um and I think the question that I'd put
3171s out on the end of that
3173s is to you as players how how how do you
3177s see it all and would you like us to take
3178s the same approach with with future 110
3181s like with with um with ring crafting and
3184s like whatever comes Beyond it is this is
3185s this the type of thing that you'd like
3187s to see beyond or and and also is are
3190s there things that we can improve on um
3193s yeah let us know I think I think but
3196s like overall I am also proud of the team
3199s pulled through an amazing amount we we
3201s were able to serve on like the quality
3203s of life bits the the hatchets the things
3205s for free to playay and things like that
3206s so yeah I'm really happy with her
3209s then lovely lovely stuff and I I just
3212s want to also say as well to well um
3215s unless you're hearing anything else from
3216s The Voice your head I think we can
3218s probably close out there hully is
3219s talking right now
3221s ah so he is uh no it's uh I just want
3225s say um as well to all of you out there
3227s if you do want to be involved in these
3229s updates keep an eye out for rce um as
3232s breezy mentioned we're not just looking
3234s and talking to you on Discord we're also
3235s reading if you're talking to a song on
3237s Reddit on X whatever platform we live on
3240s we're reading those comments and the
3241s team we've done an amazing job really
3243s taking it seriously and and bring your
3245s feedback into production I know a lot of
3247s things that have already been talked
3248s about regarding R crafting 110s are
3250s active topics that go going on right now
3253s so you know even when we put this stuff
3255s out there we're looking for your
3257s feedback and your reaction so thank you
3258s to everyone who takes the time to do
3260s that um and hopefully you know we'll
3263s keep working really closely with you on
3264s these uh awesome updates uh a big thank
3267s you to Breezy and Stu for joining us
3269s today thank you all for spending some
3271s time with us I hope you had fun uh we
3273s just wanted to hang out and celebrate
3274s and I hope um you're having fun both in
3276s game and with us today and we'll be back
3279s uh I I can't remember if we're back next
3280s week actually I'll have to check in with
3282s the team I probably should have checked
3283s that one but um thank you very much for
3284s joining us either way big thanks RS guy
3286s for working out our remote Tech up set
3289s up today and uh we'll see you again soon
3291s and I hope I won't be too long so I see
3292s you on a stream preferably where Stu can
3295s hear me and uh my internet is dropping
3297s every five minutes goodbye Everybody
3299s Take Care stly said goodbye to everyone
3302s with with
3305s goodbye goodbye everyone
3310s [Music]