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There appears to be a lot of confustion regarding the state of the Contitution Cape's perk; can we please get an official statement of what is and is not correct? List of 'rumours' to be confirmed as true or false are:

  1. The Constitution Cape's perk provides a natural healing rate of 0.2% per 6 seconds

  2. The Constitution Cape's perk stacks with Fortitude

  3. The Constitution Cape's perk allows the above healing factor to work during combat

  4. The Constitution Cape's perk allows for in-combat healing in bank areas

  5. The Constitution Cape's perk functions universally from the PoH cape rack (if stored there)

  6. The Constitution Cape's perk functions universally from the Bank (if stored there)

  7. The Constitution Cape's perk functions universally from the Anachronia cape stand (if stored there)

  8. The Constitution Cape's perk only needs to be stored in ONE of the following locations to work: PoH cape rack, Bank, Max/Comp cape, Anachronia cape stand

  9. There are currently no bugs with the Constitution Cape, which would prevent it from working as specified in the answers to the above questions

  10. The Constitution Cape provides no other functionality other than the ones descibed in the answers above


External link →
about 5 years ago - /u/JagexDaze - Direct link


I've just taken some time to look into this and can confirm the following

1,2,3,4,7,10 - All of these are true.

5 & 6 - This is false; the cape will not work from the POH cape rack or when stored in the bank

8 - Just to clarify the above. The cape effect will work when worn, stored in the max/comp cape or on the Anachronia cape stand and it only needs to be in one of these to work.

9 - As far as I can tell, there are currently no bugs. If you are aware of any, please report them in game so our QA team can investigate.

If there are any other questions or concerns regarding this, feel free to ask (although it is the weekend so I will not be able to check the code until Monday!)

Cheers :)