Original Post — Direct link

this is awful time locked rng crap so if it's being added to trim and therefore will become more mainstream content (with the gems) can we kinda improve it?? also generally for the menaphite for your right achieve..

  1. trim: if maxed rep in all factions then have the chance to drop the 2 city quest gems from gift offerings or let us grind the quests without time lock and without rewards just for the bloody gems idc
  2. general: menaphos journal should tell you when a new quest is available or it could be a broadcast or whatever like when your ship completes a mission
  3. general: talking to urluk could add a marker to map showing where the quest dude is (toggle-able) or could he just say "dude in the X district"

or just ignore the like 20 different reddit posts ppl have made about how terrible this content is

External link β†’
almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexOrion - Direct link

If we get TAPP back, I'll overhaul the system.