22 days ago - RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s [Music]
14s [Music]
28s [Music]
34s [Music]
87s hello hello hello hello and welcome
91s everyone to another episode of Ruin
94s skill and chill we are here we are
98s celebrating the start of Halloween yes
103s it is spooky season yay um we are very
107s very excited to welcome the Harvest Hol
110s which is super exciting today I've been
113s watching everyone's reactions to
116s everything that's been coming up the
117s maze we've got uh all the mini games
120s that are happening uh within we've got
122s the the summoning we've got archaeology
125s we've got the the the main thing is has
126s been the maze um very interested to see
129s who everyone has picked for their
132s outfits um but first of all I'd like to
135s give a very special welcome to three
138s wonderful guests who are joining me
140s today we have the amazing Crystal hi
145s hello
146s hello we have the incredible Lily hello
151s hello and the one the only red Wigan how
155s are you
156s all hello hi hi good good happy to be
160s here amazing welcome everyone uh but yes
164s so I think today is going to be a nice
166s chilled one we are obviously going to go
169s and explore Harvest Hollow uh we are in
172s World 76 in burul at the moment so if
175s you do want to come and join us we are
177s here but if you'd rather join us in the
179s Harvest Hollow just teleport there feel
182s free to um but yeah guys should we go
185s straight in absolutely yeah let's go
189s let's go let's go right let us get
194s inside
197s wee I love the teleport colors going in
199s as well it's like orange and purple yeah
201s it's like yellow yeah a yellowy and
203s purple yeah love it yay look at everyone
206s Hi
207s everyone wow A lot of people are here
209s there a lot
213s welcome everybody hi everyone hello
216s hello hello hello uh right so what's
220s everyone's thoughts on this been so far
222s what's been
224s your what's been your reactions to
226s seeing this for the first
228s time oh who's this
231s WOW honestly it's been amazing so far I
236s remember seeing the blog post and was
238s just really looking forward to all the
240s details honestly the team has done such
242s an incredible job with the place it's
244s absolutely beautiful so unique and I am
247s so happy for this year's events I don't
250s know how Li and how do you guys feel
251s about it what are you guys'
254s thoughts yeah I was here this morning
256s and I I'm like I just blown away by how
259s amazing everything looks the sky in here
261s is incredible it's just fantastic um and
265s it's just got that it's got this amazing
268s kind of autom me but really spooky
270s I just love it I think it's amazing it's
272s brilliant look at thisy here as well
276s look at all these people we have so many
277s people here hi everyone welcome for
279s joining us it's been so nice but yes did
283s have you all done the event red have you
286s managed to do the event this morning the
289s quest rather not the
294s event oh is red is red still with us
297s have we lost red uhoh yeah oh there he
300s is
303s y the
305s chat yeah so have you have you managed
307s to do the quest have you all done the
308s quest how we how we found it yeah yeah
311s yeah we we all done it nice I really
314s like this this area it's it's really
317s designed well I like the colors and and
320s the Maze it's it's is really
322s [Music]
324s fun yeah it's it's a real Feast for the
326s eyes isn't it
328s it's it gives you everything thing you
330s want and more it's kind of crazy there
333s is a j mod inside Harvest Holo I'm not
335s sure who is there but if you're watching
339s thank you for giving out all the love
341s letters and Street waffles thank you
342s this is very kind of you I have shared
344s it with the rest of the team so
346s hopefully some more jals will be coming
347s in and celebrating with us uh today so
351s yeah um far to see yeah let's let's
355s start at the beginning like for the the
357s quest how did we all find the first
359s three obviously the first one is very
361s simple you just do a KN knock and scare
364s someone you get the
365s goodies the second one
368s inalador took me so long to work out I
371s was like what is happening and I swear
375s so many people had the same reaction
377s because I was like where is this
378s representative in this Castle I can't
381s find them
383s anywhere um and then when I realized
385s where they were I was like my God the
388s most simplest place
390s did we have trouble with it or did we
392s like just sail through it I had a little
395s bit of trouble finding the
396s representative it was like a bit hard to
398s see them at first it took me a minute to
401s find uh the one outside of gert's house
404s and I figured because yeah it was a
406s little bit tricky so then actually I had
408s no problem finding inor because I was
410s like it must be like upstairs somewhere
412s just assuming it was in the castle so
415s yeah but finding the like um the little
418s trickster the Imp that was like a bit
419s more
421s could but that was good that was good
424s that was really that was really fun I
426s liked I like the Imp I like chasing the
430s the armor but again I was really annoyed
432s cuz I think with the amount of people
435s who were
436s around I was getting really confused
438s just running after them being like Oh
440s well they must know where they're going
441s so I would like go with them being like
445s let's go and find them being like yeah
447s they know what they're doing and they're
449s just like running around the castle
450s going up and down the floors like just
452s like what what am I doing I don't know
454s what I'm doing it's just it was just mad
457s but you know what it was it was fun it
459s was really really fun and then the last
462s one in lumbridge it was in lumbridge
465s yeah the cake oh that was much fun it
467s was really cute that cake was adorable
469s yes wish we could have kept that cake
471s actually I know any c for any cooks and
475s watching on the chat right now if you
477s can make that cake for Halloween
481s I will give you a cake I don't know what
484s cake you'd like but I will send you
488s one so please
491s do yeah but anyway mod has given out St
495s waffles now if anyone need who's in
499s there thank you out waffles thank you
503s Mya well shall we start where shall We
507s Begin shall we go into the tomb shall we
511s go should we go into the graveyard
513s should we go to the maze what shall we
516s do where do we where do we want to start
518s I was actually curious to know who chose
521s like which team one of the five cuz um I
525s I found that was really funny uh with
527s the blog post there was a video they're
529s like and Frank it's like who's Frank oh
532s Frank is brilliant we love frank yeah so
534s I I personally picked Frank cuz I
536s thought he needed a bit of extra love
538s Yeah that's the thing everyone has
540s picked Frank everyone I've spoken to in
542s chat what do we think have have you all
544s who have we gone for have we gone for
546s okay we've got death who is who has
548s everyone else gone for I've gone for I
552s think I went for pestilence actually I
554s went for pestilence yes I did too I did
556s because I like the outfit that's the
558s only reason I went Pence I like dogs
562s yeah I like the
564s col cuz I'm a dog daddy so I went for
568s pestilence cuz I could just feel Yoshi
571s just staring at me in the back just like
573s who are you going to pick huh just
576s knowing there's a dog just waiting was
577s like all right I'll pick the
579s dog everyone's getting wles yay yeah red
583s what did you go you
586s pick oh no we lost red again red no no
591s I'm I'm here who did you go for out of
594s the the five
605s just oh that's a big
607s boy think we might have last ready
610s yet
612s oh oh he's
614s gone he's coming in out don't worry red
617s we'll get you back we'll get you back
618s we're going to say you've gone for
620s pestilence as well because team dog team
623s dog team dog let's go yeah Lily who did
627s you go for you went for pestil as well r
630s as well yeah nice I like the mask and
633s and the outfit colors yeah the outfit is
635s really nice luckily you can get all the
636s outfits by like buying them from the uh
639s shop or getting them from a token from
641s like the uh the bags the so that is
644s right get the rest of them that is
646s correct um so team shall we yes come on
650s team dog yes um got distracted by dogs
653s again uh oh there's zamy hi
657s zamy where's he gone oh my goodness
660s appeared and disappeared for a second
662s there he
664s is and he's gone again shall we go in
668s shall we do absolutely maze shall we go
672s graveyard should we do graveyard
674s graveyard first all right yeah there's
676s some cool things in there yeah red
678s hopefully you can hear us we are going
679s for the
682s graveyard oh there we go Red's back yay
686s yeah let's head though who did you pick
688s red who was your clan you picked uh I
692s did chose death death Death yeah okay te
696s death yeah right okay where shall We
699s Begin I've yet to go in here because I
702s was amazed by the maze okay the
705s summoning place up here up these steps
707s is kind of cool all the summoning should
709s we go well let everyone explore
712s everyone's just like gone as like a big
714s playground let's go in
716s here going an eye all the people who are
718s summoning
720s okay so for understanding area up stairs
723s yeah my understanding is so you light
724s all the
726s candles yes light candle and then you
729s quickly summon and then you have to keep
730s your eye on the candles
735s otherwise you get less XP
739s or so many people it's hard to see the
743s candles it's really hard to see the
745s candles here oh yeah it is yeah okay I'm
748s getting my I'm getting my summoning XP
750s that's the main thing oh here's one
753s thiss lit this
754s one it is difficult to it's difficult to
758s see yeah it is difficult to see but you
760s know what I need my summoning XP cuz
763s it's one of my lowest skills at the
767s moment at 45 it is my lowest skill oh
774s no but you know what it's fine I was
776s waiting for this and I was like you know
778s what I'm going to just wait because
779s going to do a lot of summoning here so
781s you
782s know that's me yeah free summoning XP
785s you can't pass that up no running around
788s and all that s and candle and are we all
793s at Max are you three at
795s Max yeah I have uh well Lily is Max Max
799s I'm like uh getting
802s there I think right are you maxed as
805s well yes yeah red is maxed I believe mhm
810s I'm at 4.8 so uh one more Bill to go we
813s get oh well
814s done close Crystal yeah not too far next
817s next year is the uh next year is the Big
819s Goal amazing nice nice yeah
822s absolutely um some people are asking
824s some questions over in chat I'm not sure
826s you know these
828s ones if yeah if the insult pumpkin head
831s is available from the Smashing Pumpkins
834s this year I'm not sure there was a
836s pumpkin head last year and it was like a
838s you wear the pumpkin head in sold so
840s it's like blue uh but I'm not sure if
843s it's available this year I let you know
846s what let me keep summoning and I'll be
849s right
850s back sounds good thank you see if we can
854s know about it um yeah you you do that
858s summoning I will be right here sounds
862s good sounds good
874s um while I get that
876s information do you know if the there was
878s there was a bug with the archaeology
880s turning in the artifacts to Eep I think
883s aana had flagged it down a little while
886s is that fixed by now yes I believe so I
888s believe that has been um I think it has
890s been on a hot fix so I think we should
892s be all oh perfect okay all good so yeah
896s upd the team are working super hard on
898s it they all good to go mhm what there is
903s no space for you get
907s out it's too small in here it's too
913s cramped see the biggest the biggest one
916s that we could get in here I'm sorry come
918s back I was
922s joking oh I found some ancient oh
925s ancient remains um
928s so someone had asked what was it let me
931s see oh there's a loading screen on your
934s on your screen UI I don't know if you
936s can see it but is a lot of people
938s mentioned it and I thought it was on my
939s end but there's like a little loading
941s screen in the middle of the screen I
942s don't know if it's your end oh um or
944s something I don't know if you can see
946s it's very fake but a lot of people have
948s mentioned it I originally thought that
950s it was on my end so I wasn't sure if it
953s was I
957s do Let me refresh just see if it goes
959s way let me know if that has that helped
964s has that I see it has it gone you see
966s thead
967s Circle uh I'm I'm freshing stream now to
970s see if it works is it a quiz kit no I
975s can't I can't see it I might be BL it's
978s gone now maybe it's just something it's
980s gone it's gone I think I think it's gone
983s don't know what it was yeah thanks team
986s thank you it's gone okay good good good
989s good good good um Perfect Right is gone
993s now perfect
996s honey how all right let's do one full
999s run of summoning I think I've done one
1002s full run or I've had to redo the candles
1005s I'm not sure if it resets after you do
1007s the candles yeah I'm not sure but
1010s they're still there they're still there
1012s can uh get the like the pet skin without
1015s having the pet someone had asked that
1017s question as well cuz there's like the
1019s phosph OAS one there's a caco lantern
1023s and there's thexy one as well so there
1026s is yes yeah I'm not sure if you can have
1028s it if you don't have the actual base
1030s pet oh I see oh that's a good question
1034s actually mhm we'll find out I'll find
1038s out I'll see if sounds good thank you
1042s yeah cuz that is a good question do you
1044s need to have the pet to get the skin for
1046s the pet I'd imagine yes because it
1049s wouldn't make sense to get the skin for
1051s the pet if you don't have them
1054s already that's just common just common
1057s sense on so I was just going to give you
1058s that one but let me find out okay
1061s someone else mentioned to me that you
1063s can have it but it just you can't use it
1065s until you actually get the pet itself
1066s makes sense so you can still unlock it
1068s but you need to obviously have the
1070s original pet to be able to unlock that
1073s pet the
1074s skip yep mhm I believe that would be it
1078s yeah but I will also find out for you
1081s which I'll probably get the same answer
1082s for so perfect sounds good thank you so
1085s much oh okay I have done one
1089s full
1091s summoning Circle amazing I've got
1094s another ancient remains hey well done
1097s shall
1098s we move to the next spot yes absolutely
1102s there is either archaeology or thieving
1104s thieving is kind of all around so you
1106s can always do archaeology next it is
1108s right so yeah
1110s let's it's just uh in the graveyard to
1113s the left the grave
1116s area so you can exate the myy remains
1120s yeah my goodness hi someone is mad much
1125s someone's mad we're here I apologize
1128s we'll leave soon I
1133s promise there's been a lot of questions
1136s with I don't know if you can answer
1137s these ones not related to the event but
1139s um with the competitive group Iron Man
1142s there was a lot of conflicting answers
1144s on whether competitive group Iron Man
1148s can participate in a Halloween event or
1150s not uh there's been a lot of back and
1152s forth and people weren't sure of what it
1154s was right I
1158s believe let me find out again it's
1160s another one I need to find out I W have
1162s all the answers I apologize gang but no
1166s no no we we did go I think we went over
1168s that let me double check cuz I think
1170s there was a back and forth we were
1171s talking about
1172s it I think there was an answer but let
1176s me check okay yeah cuz there was they
1179s asked me anything uh reded thread yes
1181s hopefully people found that good I hope
1183s people found that that was really
1184s helpful helpful yeah yeah absolutely so
1187s we are going to try and do more of those
1189s so um people get more answers uh to
1192s things but we'll see what we can do
1194s we'll we'll definitely see it was this
1195s for competitive Iron Man sorry
1198s competitive Iron Man yep exactly
1212s yeah
1215s wait how did guys find the maze Lily and
1218s red yes don't know what you guys thought
1220s about
1225s that I think it's fantastic it looks
1228s incredible it's just a real Vibe when
1230s you're in there however I did buy twice
1233s in there during the
1235s quest I can't quite worked out what you
1238s were supposed to do in there and uh then
1240s I suddenly realized I couldn't eat any
1242s food or anything to restore my health so
1245s yeah so um but the good thing is when
1247s you don't like die die you just start
1251s back you sort of just like reawaken so
1253s it's it's not a it's not too
1256s bad no it's quite large than maze it's
1259s quite complicated as well it's it's like
1262s um it is yeah you have to kind of Zoom
1265s your camera quite far out so you can see
1268s where the little bits are where you can
1269s squeeze through the hedges and things
1271s and yes it was um again I was telling
1275s the guys here earlier I was so confused
1279s I went in blind because I was like I'm
1280s going to save this for the stream
1281s because if I do something silly you know
1284s do it for the stream do it for the
1285s stream um he sounds good and I was
1289s walking around not knowing what I was
1291s doing because when you start you have on
1293s the side oh enjoy the maze it doesn't
1295s show you your inventory right so I'm
1297s just like walking around like oh another
1299s rimp oh I'll kill it another rimp oh
1301s another rimp just walking around like
1303s just cobbling skeletons and GS as I was
1305s going not knowing what was happening
1307s finally get to um OAS and then I'm like
1311s oh I go to attack and they're like oh
1313s you need you need tools to attack like
1315s what
1317s tools finally managed to my inventory
1319s and i' like my inventory is just full of
1321s like bones and the crystals I'm like
1325s goodness sake so I finally managed to
1327s work it out and I defeated do yay yay
1332s but it's it's great it's really fun I
1334s really really liked it I really liked it
1336s did you all did you all enjoy it Crystal
1338s did you do it yeah I had a good time mhm
1340s yeah I had a really fun time with it uh
1343s it's really fun cuz they put you every
1345s time you go into the maze you get placed
1348s in a different area so you can like
1349s figure out different ways to getting
1351s through the center so that was really
1353s nice as well um I didn't even realize
1355s with the uh skeletons and the zombies
1357s they can like catch you off guard and
1359s stuff like that so I had really low
1361s Health by the time I got to Aus the
1364s first time but we still made it through
1365s so it was we did we did it was good had
1367s a really good time with that how about
1370s you red did you enjoy it red yeah how
1372s was it for you
1374s red it was really funny to me the best
1378s thing is if you get a really lucky spawn
1381s close to the boss then it's easy but
1384s sometimes sometimes it's really tricky
1386s and you got to find a way but yeah I
1389s like
1389s it it is yeah did you did you find it
1393s like straight away or did you did you
1395s work it did you all work it out like
1397s straight away or was it just me was it
1400s just
1402s me it took me a minute it took me a
1405s minute I think a really nice touch
1407s though is that just just Direct ly
1409s outside the door where the boss is they
1411s spawn a lot of implings there so if
1413s you're short of weapons yeah you can hop
1416s back out and just keep catching them
1417s there without getting hit by other
1420s things I thought that was a really nice
1422s touch that kind of saved me actually CU
1424s I had such little life at that point I
1426s was
1428s like I wonder if you can throw the darts
1431s actually through the fence or do you
1433s have to be in the fence you can yes you
1434s can you can you can be past the fence if
1436s you have the uh the chips like the Moon
1439s Stone chips yes the moon chips if you
1442s right click Aus and you do the ranged
1444s option uh you can't throw it before
1447s going through the fence like it's it's
1448s it's reachable so it's really we're
1449s going to defeat here so fast in the
1451s Stream just watch us it's going to be
1454s great great someone did ask um who made
1458s the area Modi like who was in charge
1461s like which devs were in charge of you'll
1463s find out on oh Thursday because we've
1467s got mod Munch and mod foul who are going
1470s to be joining us on Thursday who are
1472s going to be talking all about all of the
1474s incredible design work that they've done
1476s on this um we won't have the full team
1479s obviously um because it's such a it's
1481s it's a big team who have been working on
1483s this um incredible design of all of this
1485s but I will have M mod Munch who are
1487s going to be joining me on Thursday and
1490s we're going to discuss all of it so yes
1492s save your questions U for them look at
1495s this look at this
1498s all
1500s following oh a ruined letter I see a
1503s question there somebody's asking um
1505s where will the ceremony be held on
1507s Sundays yeah I was wondering if it might
1509s be in the big castle that's was my
1512s thought behind the Gates like you know
1514s how like at Christmas Santa's house was
1518s yeah I think I think the stage I think
1522s that oh no no don't move why why have I
1525s moved I think the stage across up here
1528s not sure if you can see my mouse you
1530s can't see my mouse uh no you can um on
1533s the top top right I think the band get
1536s off and then the stage is reset to um
1540s get everyone up and show outfits I
1543s believe I believe I think that's what I
1545s got from the video that's what I got
1546s from the dev diary so if You' watched
1547s the dev diary I think that's where they
1549s feature um people who can go
1552s up but that'll be good is your clan
1555s ready is there are your Clans ready to
1558s get up and do this on
1562s Sunday not so sure I guess we'll see how
1565s it works with uh who joined what Clan as
1568s well
1570s and Confections in oh it's going to be
1573s good come on pestilence come on
1575s pestilence come on if you if you if you
1577s if you if you're a dog lover and you
1580s didn't choose pestilence then I'm sorry
1582s but you you hate you hate dogs you you
1585s you no I love dogs I have a dog myself
1588s well you chose someone else you didn't
1590s choose ptil so you know what you hate
1593s dogs you know Crystal hates dogs my
1599s no if you if I showed you my dog you'd
1601s change your mind just melt just melt to
1604s your heart I'm sure I'm sure I mean
1607s literally any dog even the ugly
1610s ones what even the ugly ones they're all
1614s beautiful look at this good boy look at
1617s this good boy
1619s oh my goodness come on are you telling
1622s me there are no ugly dogs there are
1624s absolutely ugly dogs no there're all
1626s beautiful in their own
1628s way okay
1634s sure uh so okay so people have done okay
1637s team death team there's a lot of team
1638s death you I think there's going to be a
1639s lot of team death there's going to be a
1641s lot of Team Frank and a lot of um Team
1645s pestilence but I've not seen any War
1648s or wait who's who have I missed I've got
1651s pestilence death for famine famine we
1655s haven't had have we got any team famine
1656s chat I'm not seeing
1659s any birds just Birds team Birds
1666s yes you're Bird Man ogre death or dog
1672s someone picked a team famine there we go
1674s got one yeah come on team famine oh I
1677s feel two more nice got two more now look
1682s at this look at this
1685s parade this parade happening who is
1689s this wow that's a lot of
1692s color right shall we go to wait should
1695s we do some grave
1696s robbing mhm so there is the coffins and
1701s there is the Muslims and they like
1704s change uh currently the M over to the
1707s Southwest by the Southwest
1709s oh yes I can see
1714s mle I need to get my stealing
1719s up yeah and then you can get ancient
1722s valubles and uh ancient ARS oh I've
1725s already got ancient valuables already
1727s wait so what do we do with the ancient
1729s valuables for you'll hand them in to uh
1732s peish package is on the east side of the
1734s fountain what and the uh
1739s yeah
1739s mm
1741s the
1744s massive yeah this is what this is what
1746s happens this is what happens when you
1747s invite the JS here
1753s enjoy oh wait so you only loot once and
1755s then you move on to the next one not
1757s necessarily it just happened to be the
1759s case that it was already there open for
1761s a while so you move over to the coffin
1763s the coffin is just east of the fountain
1765s that's open open at the moment so you
1767s can loot the coffin now
1769s uh I'm going west that is not East
1776s youf you got got my screen up yeah
1779s there's a coffin that's currently open
1780s that people are surrounded with I mean
1782s there's a lot of people everywhere but
1783s yeah oh I see it do I give anything to
1786s peckish how will we you hand it in so if
1788s you right click on peckish you can hand
1790s in your ancient valuables and your
1791s ancient
1792s aoms cost give you one token each and
1795s the heirloom gives you 75 tokens each
1797s but they're not Comm has the valuables
1801s oh okay I only got I only had one thing
1803s for
1804s him yeah you'll get more from the coffin
1807s if you click on the coffin to loot it
1810s this this is too much que black
1816s dragon oh loot cing okay I going to try
1819s and get a picture of this it's
1821s incredible oh okay should we
1825s AAR oh
1827s no bring back Queen black dragoning
1830s bring back try saying that really fast
1832s that's a t St my goodness bring back
1834s Queen black dragon
1838s yeah someone asked if he can get
1840s Skilling pets in this area I believe he
1843s can but I want to confirm it with you o
1845s good question I I believe so I think
1848s that was
1854s a that's that doesn't make sense uh
1857s Skilling best
1859s pets yes y or
1864s n we've moved on to the north uh melum
1868s now there is um a giant there razel
1873s there's a big head in the sky that's a
1875s big head that's a big head
1878s people yes
1881s indeed uh where are we sorry I've moved
1884s I keep getting distracted by trans vogs
1887s oh wow
1889s I know they're so cool uh okay so I've
1891s got ancient heirlooms I've got ancient
1893s valy
1895s balls where do we take these again do we
1897s take them
1899s to yeah you hand them into pish oh hand
1903s them in hand them in hand them in just
1905s right click on package to hand them in
1906s yep perfect amazing do we hand in any
1909s ancient
1912s Remains The anent Remains you can um
1914s inspect them identify them and then
1917s there'll be uh like pieces you get from
1919s the ancient remains and you go to Eep
1921s Eep is the Little Ghost next to that
1924s coffin we just looted and uh you can
1926s hand them into e for like uh tokens and
1929s also prayer XP once you have like the
1934s set contribute so I've got three so far
1937s so I need to find the soiled story book
1941s MH and the strange coords okay oh wait
1944s do I need to hand in both archology yeah
1947s mhm and then the other collection the
1949s Bounty one is where the are that was
1951s close I almost missed that one there yes
1954s so I've also got now the Tetra Compass
1958s piece left and a polished horn which I
1961s think I should be able to
1965s inspect okay we're still going we're
1968s still going we're still
1970s going should we want to stay here for a
1972s little longer or should we move on to
1974s the
1975s maze you have have you done the maze yet
1978s you said mention you have or you I have
1979s done the maze I do like the maze oh you
1981s have the maze okay yeah we can always do
1982s the maze at least a couple times through
1984s right cuz it does take a little bit of
1985s time to get through it
1987s does I'm I'm sorry I'm looting the MIM
1992s now yeah south of I found a seal sealed
1996s SC uh clue scroll okay for my for my
2000s clues for my clue Quest is out there I
2003s need your help I have so many Clues I
2007s need to do
2010s I need yeah I I need the help with the
2013s puzzles I've got one which is like a 5x
2017s five I I think that's slider puzzles I I
2021s think I tweet about this and I think I
2023s almost rage quit the entire game because
2024s of
2026s that not proud of
2028s it most clu like myself we use the all
2032s one Plugin or the newer version which is
2035s the clue trainer it's really good cuz it
2037s gets you through Clues a lot
2039s faster when I was on a MacBook yeah yeah
2042s there's plugins but MacBook plugin is a
2044s bit different it doesn't really isn't
2045s quite as compatiable so I used to do the
2048s puzzles like manually without the plugin
2050s like 10 minut just to complete a puzzle
2052s it takes so long well that's what I'm
2053s doing now that's what I'm doing
2056s now I'm about was about to rage qu my
2062s God yeah the plugins help it's called
2065s alt one it definitely helps a lot lots
2067s of people use
2069s it well thank you for sharing this
2071s knowledge now like my goodness I should
2074s have been doing this a long time ago
2076s right can you can you Discord me that
2078s please cuz I need I need this in my life
2080s do it right
2081s now
2084s absolutely my goodness what have I
2086s missed I keep missing stuff oh hi oh
2090s that's scary just floating towards
2093s you see that that's staring into your
2095s soul right now it's judging you
2100s it's judging you that's quite
2103s scary right okay let us
2106s go to the maze are we are we ready for
2109s the maze yeah let's go to the maze uh
2112s before we head to the maze uh someone
2114s did ask if it was do you know how to
2116s free cam uh Modi cuz they wanted you to
2119s free cam into the Mansion front door uh
2122s for your reaction to see what is be the
2126s door oh no
2129s I don't know if you want to try oh my
2132s God am I gonna get in trouble for
2137s this the front Mansion the front man
2140s wait back
2141s here it crosses the Mansion yeah just
2145s back at the
2146s center all right guide me oh this
2151s is oh wait back here where is the
2155s mansion is it back back to yeah back to
2157s yeah just in the center where the where
2159s steps are yeah behind the summoning
2161s place behind the ah so back here yeah to
2166s the to the right and um up a
2169s bit
2171s here this can't be
2175s right I'm actually I actually haven't
2177s freak behind theion doors yet have
2180s you I'm not sure I Haven I haven't done
2183s it yet oh no is this something
2185s everyone's going to be
2189s [Laughter]
2197s op
2206s basically where yeah I mean I'm trying
2209s to work out what which door are we on
2212s about
2218s here
2221s okay so if I'm looking if I'm looking at
2224s the gates up
2227s here so is it near the PO am I going up
2230s these stairs here I'm I'm seeing some
2232s people up here
2233s so
2236s yeah y okay so we are
2240s sorry yeah right so this
2245s is is appear there I can't I can't go
2249s further I'm on free cam yeah you can't
2251s but you have to free cam it also
2254s apparently I'm having some Voice issues
2255s at the moment uh oh really our voices
2258s are very laggy apparently yeah they said
2261s people were mentioning it's very laggy
2262s uh I sound super laggy I can hear I can
2265s hear you fine but I don't know might be
2267s on stream let me see
2270s yeah could be you want to use free cam
2273s you just go to the the compass at the
2276s top let's the says North on it and you
2279s um right click on it and I think it's
2282s the third option down is fream oh no so
2285s I've it you I've got it
2288s on
2290s oh oh and then you can zoom in on it so
2294s you can technically you can you should
2295s be able to zoom in behind well this is
2299s POS possibly see what's in there I don't
2303s know this door if this gets me in
2307s trouble
2314s it was the Mansion front door not the
2316s Mansion gate apparently that somebody
2318s asked for it know it's fine it's
2321s okay I think someone was curious to
2323s knowah was back there um I'm not sure I
2326s I tried to look slow moving is I'm a bit
2329s scared um it's happening you
2332s can no you know what this speed I'm do
2335s this speed
2339s I don't know what's back there so I'm a
2341s bit nervous I'm not sure not see there
2343s might be really creepy
2346s inside wait oh
2349s oh oh wait it's just brick it's more
2353s [Music]
2354s brick maybe they're hiding it so they
2356s know that anyone who knows how to use
2358s free cam you
2362s know yall got me this is it people say
2366s move the camera down move the camera
2368s down apparently camera down am I too
2369s high am I too
2372s high like go back in and put move the
2374s camera down okay I'm going down going
2376s down here no now I'm underneath like
2380s angle it downwards I don't know
2384s oh oh I don't know what it is I don't
2387s know what people are looking for there
2390s is anything in there
2391s hello hello look at this little Easter
2394s egg
2398s I wonder who hit these
2400s vires there vires in there that's cute
2404s you know what this is cute is this is
2409s cute I like it I like it that was it
2412s that was what it was that was it right
2414s mystery
2415s solved we found it we found it look at
2420s this little Easter egg cute and you know
2422s what no one told me not jods I mean no
2424s one told me about this but now I feel
2426s bad because they were probably like ah
2428s we're GNA hide this for our stream on
2430s Thursday I'm
2432s sorry I'm
2434s sorry someone appar already found this
2437s someone has free camed this entire area
2440s and has found it already
2442s so someone's got time yeah for all the
2446s Easter
2448s eggs right let us go and do the maze now
2451s let us go do the maze oh maze let's do
2454s it okay we're heading to the maze now
2456s people
2460s did we
2461s get yeah anyone who wants to join us for
2463s the maze good luck have
2465s fun uh yeah I wonder what this will this
2469s would be amazing that was a terrible pun
2471s wasn't it this will be amazing in the
2473s Maze that worked out very well you know
2476s what that was very good I was going to
2479s say it'll be amazing in here with so
2480s many people oh we all split up we'll see
2483s everybody we all split up okay let's see
2486s how fast we can get to the middle uh
2490s right race to the middle race to the
2491s middle raceing to the middle oh my
2492s goodness no I hate
2494s racing I'm I'm King no racing no racing
2498s no stress
2500s no I was telling me I need to empty some
2502s things out of my inventory you have a
2505s bit of extra space for the uh bone clubs
2507s and stuff oh
2509s no quick oh no I've got too much stuff
2513s in here I was actually placed quite far
2515s back from The Maze though so I was quite
2518s Central until I
2520s realized wait where okay he's all the
2522s way over there so I feel like I'm going
2525s the wrong
2526s way right finally I think finally it's
2530s going to let me in though and the H the
2533s hes the hedges sometimes change and
2535s everything as well they do right I'm
2536s going to jump over this one cuz
2539s I haven't done enough head jumping oh fa
2543s I keep saying fairy imp get
2548s Dive Dive
2551s Dive I made it to the middle but I don't
2553s have enough already
2556s bone what you mean you made it to the
2558s middle actually I made it to the middle
2561s I made it to the
2562s middle oh what how I don't see you in
2566s the middle I made a mistake I'm just
2568s coming I'm coming I'm coming I said I've
2570s got no
2571s weapons oh I see I just made it to the
2574s middle I don't know how I got here so
2576s fast
2578s leave
2580s me everybody will want to catch the
2582s implings now yeah you know what that's
2584s that's the thing I'm just trying to find
2586s impl so far I've got two darts I can
2588s make two darts and I've got one bone
2592s CL oh yeah I would just make I just get
2594s more implings cuz it's not going to be
2596s enough everyone's going
2598s to jump oh
2601s no oh I C
2605s him okay getting there getting there get
2607s getting there getting
2609s there uh someone asked in chat if we can
2611s get the infected outfit this year I
2613s don't I'm not I'm familiar with the
2614s infected outfit oh zombie outfit I think
2617s that's the zombie outfit oh the zombie
2620s outfit okay yeah not the not the one
2623s that you get at the clo shop in VAR the
2627s um no no can't remember it came from an
2629s event a long time ago and there were
2632s there was different um stages of
2634s decomposition of it so okay
2638s yeah I haven't seen any mention of it
2640s sorry I'm like so focused on trying to
2642s get into this center right now no
2646s problem at all okay okay let's wait
2650s there's two oh I was like wait a spit
2653s that out what's going on it no it's it's
2655s a
2656s jbot there's
2659s two I have only got two weapons but I'm
2662s going to go in okay I'm I've ran out to
2666s get some cuz it's just not enough
2669s otherwise get
2675s enough oh you know what I actually
2678s managed to get quite a lot of imps when
2680s I was in here um I think I was I just
2683s moved to a world which hardly had anyone
2686s in there and I was able to just get them
2690s quite quickly because they just could
2691s spawning and I think people were
2692s spawning in certain spots where they
2694s knew the imps were coming so they were
2696s just disappear so quickly
2698s wa
2700s um is the is the ma safe for hardcore AR
2703s it is isn't it cuz no one actually dies
2705s here no one dies no y it is safe yep
2709s it's safe for hardore some past cat cat
2713s it catch
2715s it
2716s yeah I'm not quick enough oh my God
2720s quick get over
2722s yes made
2725s it nice oh so also realize you can hit
2729s you can hit phosph phos phosph phos
2735s fos you
2736s know that
2741s one um with a boow club oh no I'm not
2745s paying attention I'm not paying
2746s attention oh no
2747s run Glide Glide Glide
2754s Glide this poor dinosaur you know what
2756s it's just woke up today and was like you
2758s know what I'm I
2760s have I feel good you know what I'm going
2762s to have a nice day I'm going to go for a
2764s nice walk and then all these people just
2766s come out of nowhere just start attacking
2767s me for no reason with these darts and
2769s Bones like
2772s what someone said to say five SPH
2775s backwards I I don't think I could say it
2777s backwards you know what you say it
2779s backwards I want to hear you say it
2780s backwards and then
2784s and not you crystal I met the person
2786s who's asking
2789s oh yeah yeah yeah Callin call you say it
2791s backwards oh no I died
2795s no God damn it see this what happens
2798s when you try to think of how to
2802s say forus for that one yeah that thing
2808s yep
2809s uh Aus to the stream was super laggy but
2813s I think it's just cuz a lot of people in
2814s the you know what it I think it is it is
2816s a lot of people
2817s there are a lot of people here and a lot
2819s of people are online so people are just
2823s having fun I apologize it's a bit laggy
2826s there is so much happening on screen
2828s right now
2830s yeah oh I had to reset my restart my
2833s launcher because it was too laggy I was
2835s lagging too much as well oh no really
2836s it's it's actually super fun though with
2839s all these people here it's great it is
2841s yeah and turn out for everyone watching
2844s I guarantee you everyone in the team is
2846s also watching this and being like this
2849s is such a good turnout so everyone's
2851s really happy
2855s yay oh I just go straight out that's are
2859s you are you both are you all still
2861s inside I
2864s just
2866s y well at least we
2869s can at least we can uh enjoy the non-
2872s lagginess now because there's less
2874s people out
2876s here yeah everyone still um in the base
2881s so what did we get what did we get so
2883s are we Opening Our loot we got oh I got
2886s impressive fos oh you got a purple one
2890s yeah nice awesome that
2892s one yeah yep that
2895s one what did I get I got greater egg and
2898s clamp
2899s infections what did I get this one the
2902s purple one see what buet slime right so
2905s bucket of slime what do we do with
2906s buckets of slime I know that we there is
2908s a space there is a place um you take
2911s buckets of slime which is not here we
2916s are you know what I'm just going to find
2917s it later but I know there is a place you
2919s take them but when I do my rituals for
2922s some reason I can hand buckets of slime
2924s in can someone please fill in the glamp
2926s uh the
2927s clamps the fill in the the gaps for me
2930s what do we do with buckets of slime with
2933s rituals yeah so it's like used for a
2937s ritual that you can um like it's like
2940s one of the materials you would use for
2942s the ritual I've actually never used
2943s buckets of slime before uh I'm not like
2946s I'm not sure Lily or red you would know
2948s about buckets of slime yeah remember I
2951s remember collecting them all at some
2952s point right um for that purpose but
2955s never actually using
2957s them we were was it last Christmas at
2960s the event we got lots of buckets and
2962s things in our yeah uh in yeah I remember
2967s that we used to get from I remember
2969s getting a lot of
2972s invites yeah I remember getting a lot of
2974s them mention it's for ectoplasm it's for
2976s making ectoplasm okay that's good to
2978s know
2979s right that makesense ectoplasm from it
2982s that's really good yeah so it like
2983s basically I guess converts it right for
2985s ectoplasm CU I know a lot of like irons
2987s who might have lots of buckets of slime
2989s and then it'll be really helpful for
2991s them for Ecto that's right that's what
2993s it's for I do remember that long I
2995s didn't need to I had plenty but yeah
2997s that's probably why I never used them
2999s but makes sense
3001s right uh should we do another round of
3005s the maze let do it are you are you
3009s outside the maze now yes where are you
3011s where are you both where are you red
3012s outside I'm outside yeah I was like
3014s still just standing here trying to col
3018s are you both
3020s outside oh
3022s no oh you're outside
3025s okay right
3028s 20 buckets to make exoplasm I feel that
3030s that's a bit of a cheat you can get
3032s exoplasm just for doing a normal ritual
3035s that's a lot of
3038s buckets oh I don't know where I am now I
3042s didn't land as close to the center as I
3044s did the last
3045s time yeah I'm back in now as well wait
3049s as in in the Maze back in the Maze yep
3052s oh okay running running I'm running well
3055s rather floating I'm floating I'm
3056s floating
3061s true okay oh no I'm quite far out
3065s on oh okay he's right there he's right
3068s well this I think this is where I
3069s teleported last time but I got lost and
3071s went the wrong way
3073s perfect oh come here come here oh come
3076s here yes got
3081s you um okay around this way oh no
3087s aha aha I think I'm going to die I don't
3090s have any weapons just just keep just
3093s keep running around because they they
3094s will keep
3095s appearing I got three bone clubs so far
3099s not want to let me pass the skeleton
3101s like oh know how do I get through this
3105s gate unless I kill him it won't let me
3107s get Beyond
3108s him yeah cuz those um that you can't
3112s pass them if there's like a single path
3113s right you can't just walk around them
3115s yeah only one
3117s can be yes right I'm going come in again
3121s oh I'm really happy I I finally got the
3123s agility Rock which I've been waiting
3125s ages for my goodness congratulations has
3128s have you all finished that Bloody statue
3131s in varic yes oh two times yes same oh
3137s that was such a SLO oh my God I think
3139s the farming one for me is going to be
3141s the longest I think I'm I've still not
3143s found
3145s one if you farm there's a manure patch
3148s over at player owned Farms if you farm
3150s the manure patch it's quite quick to get
3152s that back oh yes that's right that's
3155s right that is right I need to dig up the
3158s manure thanks
3160s Crystal yes that's such a weird sentence
3164s to admit on the stream know I I usually
3167s I know I'm sorry sorry
3170s that yes please you must dig the manure
3173s you will find what you need all answers
3176s will be
3177s given to you once digging the
3181s manure oh God yeah so for the completion
3184s Escape for trim completion Escape you
3186s have to do the strange statue 30 times
3189s and the golden one 32 times at pris so I
3192s can you learn after you know 30 plus
3196s times yeah you have to do it quite a few
3198s times 32
3200s times for The Golden One and for the Str
3203s you know what I'm I'm gonna have some
3204s words with some people in this company
3205s this is
3208s this is I think it might be a little bit
3210s easier now to get the Rocks than it used
3212s to be I think it used to take a lot
3214s longer to be fair you're probably right
3216s because yeah you do get more of you get
3219s more places right you get more places uh
3221s give you more XP All That
3224s Jazz yeah it's faster also cuz there
3226s used to be a grace period of a week so
3229s you can only do it once a week but now
3230s you can do it whenever oh okay well the
3232s fact that people have been doing this so
3235s quickly okay that that means that you
3237s know people are going quite quickly
3238s through them so I'll let people off in
3241s Dr X then
3245s fine I just made it to the center it
3247s took me a lot longer this time cuz I was
3249s placed further out but that gave me a
3251s chance to grab all implings as soon as
3253s possible because um when I got there
3255s super quick I had to like Camp to grab
3256s some implings and everyone was in the
3258s mental so yeah got enough this time is
3262s good I just need I need one more Club I
3265s need one more Club
3267s come on imp where are you get one yes
3270s hopefully spawn
3272s soon red how you
3277s doing um I'm looking for implings
3281s actually need like finally made
3284s it I'm going to steal it from you D
3288s quick oh I literally just had to dash
3290s across just oh it's a dart God damn it
3293s it's fine you know what I can still use
3295s the dart that means I've got one more
3296s hit
3297s do awesome there you go yeah you can D
3301s it from outside yeah so that's perfect
3303s just right click to range it and you'll
3305s be good to go come on come on give me a
3306s club give me a
3309s club yes I got a clap okay this is risky
3313s if I if he jumps I'm dead please don't
3316s jump don't jump go go go hurry while you
3320s can
3322s yes y he's
3325s down amazing
3327s amazing amazing amazing
3329s amazing you know what I really enjoy
3332s this I am enjoying this Halloween so
3336s much yeah Absol what's what's everyone's
3338s plans for Halloween have we all got
3340s plans in
3342s IRL oh I was like in game
3346s um yes only in game you can only
3348s celebrate Halloween in game you're not
3350s do anything
3352s else our plans are probably just to
3354s chill not do a whole lot this time
3357s around we're very busy this year so
3359s won't be able to do much what about you
3363s guys yeah I just like to do sort of cozy
3365s things in Autumn so probably just chill
3368s with some friends as well nice are you I
3370s mean nothing very exciting telling about
3372s your accent up in
3375s Scotland uh yes you're right B on very
3379s good uh let me guess it's not very broad
3384s but I don't want
3385s to I don't it's not a thick Scottish
3390s accent but I don't want to insult
3392s because two places don't like each other
3396s is it either of those two
3400s places uh I don't think so it's um quite
3404s far away from those two places oh okay I
3407s know of in vaness thinking of the or
3412s aine yeah it's a bit further away from
3415s there oh as it north of
3418s abine yes wow I've never met
3422s anyone very
3426s impressive I've never met anyone that's
3427s further than um than abedine abine's
3431s like the top of the island well I say
3434s the top of the island and I'm talking to
3435s someone who is at the top of the
3438s island that's really cool that's really
3440s cool I always tell people I live in the
3442s Frozen North the Frozen north north of
3445s the W I live north of the wall
3448s yes does it get quite cold over there
3451s Lily oh yeah it does yeah definitely
3454s it's starting to get quite frosty in the
3456s mornings
3458s now um and today it's been quite cold
3461s house has been a bit cold oh yeah yes
3464s how about you red are you doing anything
3466s for
3467s Halloween well uh I will just chill
3470s probably and take some rest from the
3472s world and enjoy the game sounds good
3477s did you say take rest from the
3480s world from the work oh from work I
3484s thought you said yeah I'm going to you
3485s know just rest from the world it's been
3487s really heavy on me lately and uh so much
3490s on my back I just need to rest you know
3493s so it's giving Hercules it's giving full
3495s Hercules I love it that's completely
3497s Fair yeah what about you do you have for
3501s Halloween yes I've got two Halloween
3504s parties I've got one on the 26th and and
3507s one on the second oh wow um and speaking
3510s of Hercules actually um we are going to
3513s be doing the fates our own version of
3516s the Fates we're going to be dressing up
3517s as them oh that's awesome I love that we
3521s can get the outfits in time my other
3524s suggestion which I really like but the
3527s other two did not like were just doing
3530s rock paper scissors and just wearing
3532s giant cutouts of rock paper and scissors
3536s oh that's so good or condiments who
3539s knows you know just what would you be
3542s like ketchup Mayo ketchup mayo and
3545s barbecue I'd say barbecue and ketchup
3547s for
3548s me good choice the other half is
3550s definitely Mayo a big fan of the Mayo I
3553s am I love
3555s really it's so tasteless my goodness oh
3559s really I love me me too me too it's okay
3563s it's all good it's all good
3565s mustard what about mustard someone ask
3569s mustard you know what that was mean I
3572s don't I don't hate the mustard people I
3574s don't hate the mustard lovers it's you
3576s just don't like mustard that's it I just
3578s don't like mustard it's like mik you
3580s know you just love hate it Marite you
3585s either love it or hate it exactly thank
3587s you Lily thank you absolutely there's no
3589s middle grind with it absolutely not
3591s there there is no like oh I don't mind
3593s it no you either love it or you hate it
3595s there is no mle it's just I think it's a
3598s chromosone in your in your body that is
3601s just it's in you right it's just can't
3604s do it can't do it right I can't believe
3606s it's 6 o' already I hate that we have to
3609s end this I don't like that we have to
3611s end this um but thank you all for coming
3615s it's been so wonderful having you all
3617s join us have you all had a good time
3620s yeah it was a lot of fun thank you guys
3622s so much for
3623s joining yes yes yes yes yes um I am
3627s going to be doing something a little
3629s different which I have not done yet um
3634s and I'm quite excited to do it yay
3637s because it's going to be a good one
3640s hopefully um but we are going to raid
3644s yay I've never done a raid so I'm quite
3646s excited streamer let's go we're GNA raid
3648s uh we are raiding Patrick games 20
3651s please go and support please go and love
3653s and watch content it's going to be great
3657s um we are super happy that everyone has
3659s joined us here today thank you all uh
3661s join us on Thursday we're I'm going to
3663s be joined by modf and mod much and we're
3667s going to be back here in the Harvest Hol
3669s and we are going to be exploring and
3670s talking all about everything you can do
3672s here from the design the concept I can't
3675s wait for it but yes from us thank you
3678s for joining and we shall see you very
3681s soon bye everyone y bye thank you by bye
3686s bye bye by
3695s byebye yay