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4 months ago - /u/JagexRyan - Direct link

This may be caused by one of two issues.

  • Issue 1: Arch-Glacor is attempting to use the same animation back-to-back (e.g. right-hand ranged)
    • I've implemented a fix and it's now with QA
  • Issue 2: Desync issues (as seen with telegraphing in the 'Sanctum of Rebirth')
    • It is known and being investigated by our engine/client team.
4 months ago - /u/JagexRyan - Direct link

Originally posted by RSN___Brite_Fyre

What about when his summon minion animation overrides the animation for his next attack? Normally it’s nbd as you’ll be praying correctly anyway, but if it comes off the back of a flurry you have a 2/3 chance to just get one shot with no warning.

Do you have a video of this? I can take a look.

4 months ago - /u/JagexRyan - Direct link

Originally posted by Alsang

I have a ton of footage of AG, so here's some of the overlaps I have got. The third one is the most annoying, because I think its only showing 1 tick of the attack animation before replacing it with the summon animation.


Perfect thank you.

I can see what the issue is now. Thanks.

4 months ago - /u/JagexRyan - Direct link

Originally posted by JagexRyan

Perfect thank you.

I can see what the issue is now. Thanks.

I have just sent a fix for this to QA. I'll see if we can get them both rolled out together.