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Welcome to a very special Q&A with the team who have been working tirelessly on Group Ironman  – Live Oct 28! This session will run for 2 hours starting from 15:00 BST / 14:00 Gametime and feature several JMods ready to answer your questions about the upcoming GIM.

Please keep your questions focused on Group Ironman—this is your dedicated time to learn more. If there's anything we haven't covered in the recent blog post on Wednesday, now's the time to ask!

We kindly ask that you remain respectful while participating. The team will do their best to answer as many questions as possible.

Quick side note - Jmods will be responding so the answers may not always appear at the top. I will try to include in any answers to questions as well so please try to keep any responses to questions for the jmods so everyone can see.

Thank you all so much for all your questions! The GIM team have been taking notes of all questions and tried answering as many as possible.

We will be doing another one of these in the near future but we hope this has been valuable to you all.

Thanks again! Mod Yuey

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4 months ago - /u/JagexAzanna - Direct link

Originally posted by MeghannRS

Do you need a freshly made account to join GIM?
If not, what happens to the account you joined with, are stats reset?
If we leave the group do we go back to regular IM mode?

Heyo filling in what info I can atm,

  1. You need an account that hasn't left character creation (or be an existing Ironman)
  2. Not applicable
  3. If you leave your GIM group you may join another group or transition to being a regular Main*
    1. If you were a Ironman who opted into never not being an ironman and then became a GIM you would not be able to covert to a main.

(I said ironman originally the team has corrected me)

4 months ago - /u/JagexAzanna - Direct link

Originally posted by PresentationFunny619

Plain and simple one from me, can i solo GIM mode? Now i know it basically defeats the objective of the mode of playing with others, but I am a sucker for that brand new feeling you get on a new account and and new hi-scores to compete on. I was thinking of making a ghost alt player to add to my group and just playing the group by myself only, would this work? 

Yes, You could make a second "ghost" account just to get yourself setup and go play as a lone GIM, you would be a bit of a disadvantage numbers wise tho.

4 months ago - /u/JagexDaze - Direct link

Originally posted by Ironman_BHAV3SH

Would the team consider introducing a one-time opportunity or cooldown for permanent Ironman players to re-affirm their decision to remain perm ironman? After playing for nearly 10 years, I’m finding that the irreversible choice made long ago no longer aligns with how I want to enjoy the game today. A chance to reassess this decision would mean a lot to long-term players like myself. There's many ironmen in this position.


Hey, yes anyone who selected this option will have the option to allow them to downgrade from Ironman to a Group Ironman should they choose to. They can also reaffirm their decision to never downgrade once more.

However, it's worth noting that you will only be able to downgrade to a Group Ironman, and never to a main account. This is to keep it in parity with OSRS too.

4 months ago - /u/JagexDaze - Direct link

Originally posted by RonaldoVII

Is Group Ironman strictly P2P? Or can a group or member contribute on f2p?

Group Ironman members can be free or members; and you can have any mix of players within an individual group.

4 months ago - /u/JagexAzanna - Direct link

Originally posted by RonaldoVII

It has previously been mentioned that the new achievements/task progression coming to GIM will also be released for regular players too, is this still the case?

The Journey Achievements are GIM only, there are few extra achievements being added that are part of the journey achievements (Each Journey achievement is a series of other achievements) that will be available to all players, these achievements won't count towards runescore to avoid any shenanigans.

4 months ago - /u/JagexAzanna - Direct link

Originally posted by ReindeerInevitable30

Can CGIM do guthixian caches?

Yes they can access Guthixian Caches

4 months ago - /u/JagexDaze - Direct link

Originally posted by Fendeur

What actually happens if cgim interact with other players in bosses or activities?

Hey, for the most part we've aimed to restrict the ability to interact with others. For bosses, CGIM will only be able to use private encounters (which we've made free of charge!). For other activities, such as minigames and D&Ds, again largely you will only be able to enter/interact with them as a group - this does mean some minigames will be blocked on launched as there is no way to enter with just your group or they are currently blocked to regular ironmen; however we've tried to make as much content available as possible for launch.

4 months ago - /u/JagexDaze - Direct link

Originally posted by Mewrulez99

Is it all GIMs that get all the auras, or just CGIMs?

GIM and CGIM will get the auras :)

4 months ago - /u/JagexDaze - Direct link

Originally posted by Dying_All

Will quest reward items such as balmung, sunspear or ancient staff be able to be placed in group storage?

Hey, if quest items are untradeable and haven't been added to the whitelist they cannot be placed in group storage, which cover Balmung and Sunspear. The ancient staff is tradeable which means you'll be able to add to group storage, however you still need to complete Desert Treasure as an individual to equip it.

4 months ago - /u/JagexDaze - Direct link

Originally posted by Malevelonce

Will CGIM be able to participate in holiday events skilling (Halloween, Christmas etc.) fully?

Hey, for launch we are planning on Group Ironman (regular and competitive) to get no XP from the Halloween hub - this is because we'd like to encourage players to engage with the wider game. However, GIM and CGIM will still be able to engage with the event in general, gather spooky tokens, complete the quest and unlock the cosmetic rewards via the intended systems.

Longer term, we plan on regular GIM to follow the normal ironman rules; while Competitive GIM we'd love to discuss more with the community which direction you'd like us to go in - would you like CGIM to be able to get XP from holiday events or not?

4 months ago - /u/JagexAzanna - Direct link

Originally posted by beausz

Hi Devs - noticed that sealed clues can be stored in the group storage, which is a great feature since individual players are capped at 50 (with the upgrade and using regular methods).

My question is: Can the group storage hold unlimited sealed clues, or is there a cap in place (e.g., still limited to 50 in the storage as well)?

Currently the group storage does not have a cap on the amount of scrolls that can be stored within it.

This has been something that we have been discussing internally, and we are going to be looking into addressing the cap for all players in a future release, for GIM launch we felt this was the best way to enable clue gameplay as the other option was to not allow these to be stored.

4 months ago - /u/JagexDaze - Direct link

Originally posted by GInTheorem


Wanted to first praise the most recent blog - as a dull 'ironman integrity' bore it brought a massive smile to my face.

Something I'm not entirely clear on - in order to have both CGIM and founder status, do all five members of the group need to be logged on before anyone moves off the island? My group has people in timezones ranging from PT to GMT+2 so it's not the easiest thing to coordinate if so!

Hey, we've added a 7 day window from group creation for founders status. As long as it's just adding extra players to your group, you will retain founders. If someone leaves and then you add someone else in that slot, you will lose founders however.

4 months ago - /u/JagexDaze - Direct link

Originally posted by msist

What happens if another player has damaged a monster, and then the monster regens hp back to full? Are cgim able to kill the monster and get xp/drops, or does it count the damage from before, making cgim ineligible?

If the monster resets back to full, then you will be able to get XP/drops again!

There will be a icon on the NPC's buff bar to indicate if you aren't able to get XP/drops so you can easily made a decision on what monsters to fight or avoid.

4 months ago - /u/JagexDaze - Direct link

Originally posted by Congrazi

Do you get sent to the iron enclave before or after the optional completion of tutorial island?

After completion of the tutorial.

4 months ago - /u/JagexDaze - Direct link

Originally posted by PMMMR

Does this include irons that convert to gim?

Yes, as long as you're group ironman, you will have access to all auras.

4 months ago - /u/JagexDaze - Direct link

Originally posted by Primal2hs

There is a lot of emphasis on CGIM. How do you opt in and out of being a CGIM? Is CGIM the default option upon creating a character?

Also, what things can not be stored in the group bank and why was the trade restriction put in place with your group to trade with each other?

Hey, you will be able to choose this upon group creation. They're presented as an equal choice to the group leader. You can also choose to downgrade from CGIM -> GIM later by the group voting on it.

4 months ago - /u/JagexDaze - Direct link

Originally posted by weeboots

With regular GIM, are there any limitations with creating group encounters with people outside of the group? My group has no intention of wanting to be competitive so more interested in differences with GIM interacting with groups like Ironmen or mains can do.

Regular GIM largely follows the same ruleset as ironman, so you'll be able to team up with mains and other irons.