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Bank should be the first word in the headline. LOL. It would seem that the horrible graphic bug has now been fixed,at least it is no longer there when I logged in some minutes ago and boy am I happy if they have now fixed it 100%

The Masterwork staff is still only tier 95 with tier 95 accu.

Is this going to be fixed as well so it gets tier 100 accu or not?

I bought a Masterwork staff yesterday and I have to say that it is actually really good and I like using it,even though I do have a Fractured staff of armadyl and the 2 tier 95 main and off handers as well.

It also looke really good I think and it does look like a weapon made by human hands and I guess that is the idea about masterwork weapons and armour.

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Staff stats will be fixed on Monday

Originally posted by TheOnlyTB


can we get this locked if you already own one? my GIM just used an hours worth of energies because of it. should not be the default option and you do not need to own more than one - treat it like a boon or make it require a second item that's east to obtain like a plank

We have a ticket in for that :)

Originally posted by JagexFrosch

We have a ticket in for that :)

Done! Will likely go out Monday after next