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Okay, this may be completely wrong as i'm not entirely sure how the whole luck system works.

However, me and a friend are avid clue lovers and have noticed a significant change in our drop rates of hard clue scrolls from hellhounds, usually i average 1 scroll 3-4 minutes and then on the odd occasion a spamming of them within a minute (usually 3 or 4). Since the release of archaeology i have been slowly progressing the skill whilst also doing clue scrolls, which i finally unlocked the hand of glory which has currently got the ring of luck on it as i haven't upgraded just yet. since activating the relics "power" at the monolith i have noticed when doing clues my time for a scroll has dropped to 15+ for a single scroll.

Now i have removed the relic for the time till i can improve it by adding a luck of the dwarves and within 3 minutes i was back to my normal drop rate of hard clues and finished just over an under an hour later (i had received 1 scroll prior to deactivating the relic) to which i'm worried why this is happening, it may be as simple as the luck enhances are negating each other or it may just be bad luck, but this is from 10 hours of farming clues with having a potential 1 hour and 50 minute grind for 25 clues. it could be due to the low tier luck ring and relic taking priority i'm unsure, but its an issue me and another player are facing.

we both have luck of the dwarves equipped whilst this was happening, so if anyone could clarify what the potential problem could have been that would be awesome. however, since deactivating the relics, my drop rate has gone back to normal. it seems rather odd that this could be a problem (it may just be that i got super super unlucky) but i don't quite grasp how this may affect drop rates of a monsters tertiary drops.

thank you for reading this.

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over 4 years ago - /u/JagexRowley - Direct link

The script simply checks the highest tier of luck is active regardless of source. The way to tell which effect is being trigger (Arch relic or ring worn) is the message you see when it triggers. If that mentions "the relic power within", the relic is what triggered, else it will mention the name of the worn item.

If you have the tier 1 relic power active and are wearing a luck of the dwarves, and the message when luck procs mentions "the relic power within", that might be a bug (though possibly just a messaging bug, not necessarily incorrect luck tier applied). Otherwise, it is probably just a matter of perception.