Preface: I know some (a lot) of you don't like quests or lore. That's fine. Personally, they are the only reason I play RuneScape. This post isn't for you. Additionally, I know this will never make it into game because it doesn't make Jagex money and it would take a lot of time, but one can dream, right?
Quest Mode
What is it? Quest Mode would be a special account that would be independent of your regular account unlocked upon receiving a quest cape. It would be a repeat experience of RuneScape's quests. There would no grinding for quests requirements.
Two ways to play! Your levels and gear ( would be gained through quest rewards to allow you to begin the next available quest(s) as soon as possible or you can simply play it at max stats/gear and plow through everything.
Details? Upon accepting a quest you will be given everything you need to complete the quest (required items, potions, food, etc), instantly spawning in your inventory or bank. No collecting nonsense. The only exception is items obtained during a quest. (Cook's Assistant integrity anyone?) You can skip to any quest you like by clicking an autocomplete button so your account doesn't get into a weird state where you are starting one quest without having completed the previous ones. Or you can follow a more guided mode: chronological, release order, etc.
What problems does this potentially solve? Ever wanted to replay a quest? In quest mode you can! Have you taken a break from RuneScape for a few years and don't remember any of the quests you played? Refresh your memory in quest mode! Is your account 10? 15? 20 years old? Uh oh, a sequel to a quest you played a decade ago just got released, not to worry, Quest Mode will get you up to speed again. Sure, you can read the wiki's transcript, but that is no substitute for the gameplay that a quest provides.
What other benefits may there be? Increasing the overall lore knowledge in the game of course! Possibility for challenge modes? Quest cape speed runs anyone? (those of you who space bar would be good at this!) There are a lot of possibilities! One Small Favor speed runs? You're a masochist aren't ya?
Why? Feeling nostalgic? Defeat Elvarg in Rune Armour and level 50 stats! Kick nomad's butt (again!) Do you have a taste of the deliciously macabre? Watch Guthix die over and over (again!) All good fun.
Why not just make quests replayable? Jagex historically said making quests replayable is extremely challenging to do from a technical perspective. Wouldn't it be easier to just allow a fresh account replay all those quests without having to grind for hours on end?
What about Highscores? Trade? etc? Quest Mode accounts don't appear in the high scores (unless questing speed runs happen, then they will have their own highscores.) They can't trade, their items do not drop on the floor upon death. They are designed solely to allow players to replay/revisit/refresh themselves on lore. They also can only be played on a dedicated world/server to avoid any sort of transfer of items. Fellow questers can play/quest together. In a controlled environment all this should be possible.
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