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This is not a complaint in any way, as I'm extremely happy that the TzekHaar-Aken counts towards Har-Aken killcount. But still having to do Fight Kilns for the 100 Jad kc seems a bit odd as you encounter the stronger version of the 'regular' Jad during the TzekHaar fight six times. This is comparable with the six TokHaar-Jads you fight during the kiln.

To get all the kiln capes you need (three for gear and three for achievement) means you have to do the Fight Kiln a maximum of six times anyways, which gets you to 36 Jad kc. Add the two fire capes you need to get access to the Fight Kiln, use it on Jad (achievement) and then add it to your hidey-hole adds up to a total of 38 Jad kc after you've completed all Jad related content. This is why I feel like the TzekHaar-Jad (stronger anyways) should count towards the Jad kc, so getting to a 100 kc is not a pointless grind without any rewards.

Sorry if this has already been answered somewhere. Feel free to give arguments against this proposal.

EDIT: apparently it does not count towards the Jad reaper either as been mentioned by another Reddit thread yesterday. I've also found another thread mentioning the killcount does not increase, though I feel like my argumentation above should elobarate as on why it should contribute to the killcount.

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over 3 years ago - /u/JagexSponge - Direct link

Not intentional, an oversight by me. It'll be fixed - sorry for the inconvenience

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexSponge - Direct link

Originally posted by MonzellRS

Is some slayer task monsters not having a kill count an oversight too? Cuz that would be really nice, kill counts for anything you can kill would be cool too.

Not sure on this one, it's something i can suggest updating to the team.