almost 2 years ago - RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s foreign
3s welcome back to the show everyone today
6s I am live from jackets HQ joined by the
9s combat Council or members of the combat
11s Council I've Got Mods pie Ramen Ryan and
14s a sponge here with me today and we're
15s going to be talking about learning
16s pvming and a lot of the the thought
18s process that goes into the way the
20s combat system works and feels and is
22s learned in uh in 2022. hi I'm motpai I'm
26s a senior gameplay engineer now I keep on
29s changing my title
30s um I work a lot in combat I'm not Ramen
33s uh also known as Kyle
35s um I am a senior content developer I've
37s worked at targets for nine years now and
38s I've worked on a large array of Boss
42s content and slow creatures hey I'm mod
44s sponge
46s um I've worked at jagex now for
48s four or so years originally is QA now
51s I'm content developer
53s um frequently doing rewards at the
55s moment doing a lot of combat stuff
58s um but if you're using a rule at the
59s moment it's probably made by me hey I'm
61s mod Ryan
62s um principal content developer and of
65s all the combat updates I've worked on
67s um various the the famous great Ricochet
70s as everyone loves to talk about
72s um and then things like Rapture Zuck
75s um Soul Reaper things like that so
77s RuneScape I think it's a very very old
80s game and the combat system has been
81s consistently evolving since the
82s evolution of combat and I think over
84s time it's gotten a little more complex
87s um definitely from from where it
88s initially was and along with that I
91s think Comes potential you know
92s difficulties with learning it because
94s all of a sudden instead of learning
95s something very simple which is you have
97s eight or nine different abilities and
99s there are only so many different things
100s you can do in press as you continue to
103s tack on different abilities or maybe a
105s potential switch or a potential you know
107s new interaction or new content power
109s creep the complexity goes goes up and
112s increases and I think there's a
113s sentiment among players that the game at
116s this current stage is a lot more
118s difficult to learn and understand than
120s it maybe that had been in the past so if
123s we could just go around the room I'll
124s start with uh let's start with pie how
125s do you feel about the learnability of
128s RuneScape in 2022 or in current year uh
132s it's difficult one to ask right so
135s when we're approaching it as a designer
137s we went and say you say learn the combat
140s system we it's not just like this one
143s solution fits all thing we see it as
145s very much as like a Learning Journey
147s it's a better way to put it so when
149s you're saying learn to learn to be like
151s an end game
152s hyper sweaty DPS pbmr that is a very
157s different question to brand new player
159s just learning the game yes
161s um
163s to be sweaty pvmo I'm not I'm not happy
165s with where our uh our learning is but
169s more kind of how the complexity surfaces
172s itself I think is the better way to put
173s it or the knowledge of those
175s complexities actually existing
177s like in terms of like what the game
179s actually provides you is much better
180s when you start going off
187s like don't don't even ask me just go to
189s the pvme Discord right because those
190s those channels are just absolutely and
193s to maybe expand on that a bit I think
195s the best resources specifically for
198s learning pdming in RuneScape are
200s external to the game and I think part of
201s that is you've got a fantastic community
203s of players that care a lot about the
204s game and are willing to put hundreds and
206s thousands of hours into you know helping
208s teach it and make it more accessible
209s that's one of the best things about
211s RuneScape but we've always had that
213s right the the external sites have always
215s been the best place to get it like
217s RuneScape has never
219s done a good job of teaching the
222s complexities of RuneScape not just pvm
223s the whole thing right because you go off
225s to like even back in the day you have to
226s like tip it for instance you wouldn't
229s get it yeah exactly you wouldn't get it
231s from from us and I think actually in
234s reality in 2022 we've integrated we've
237s got a Wiki on our website still handled
239s externally the our game actually links
242s to and actively links to if anything I'd
244s say 2020 is Uber in a better position
245s than we were years ago still not we're
248s still not still not perfect I don't
250s think it'll ever be perfect and I would
252s agree with you that there are resources
253s for those who want them or know that
256s they exist I think there is definitely
257s an issue there with many players will
259s never know that there's an existing
261s sub-community external to within the
263s game and it's sort of an issue of how
266s you go about teaching those people how
268s to play the game
269s um and I do think the pvme for example
271s if we're gonna you know get into that is
273s a fantastic resource
275s um but at the same time the existence or
277s the need for the pvme I think also so
279s you know potentially I I would make the
281s argument you could make the argument
282s that it shows a potential I don't even
285s want to say a failing but a lack of
287s intuitive learning tools within the game
289s because as soon as you want to get
292s decently good at anything your first
294s step is now to leave the game go
296s somewhere external and then you have to
297s read you have to research you have to
299s practice you have to implement it but
300s the question there is what is the game
304s responsible for teaching you because at
307s a certain point you reach this barrier
309s of meta which is
312s all the nuances in every game is like
315s this where you get to the nuances right
318s um that is not taught in any game you
320s teach
321s because certainly when we're teaching we
322s like to teach you the tool set
325s so we teach you the tools and let you go
327s to town and let the community own
330s from there and really so and another
332s question I might have maybe for you yeah
335s for sure is where is that meta barrier
337s where is the part where RuneScape should
339s stop teaching you should we teach you
341s all of those tiny little nuances every
343s little bit should is is the burden of
345s learning that on RuneScape or is it
348s something that should probably sit with
349s the community as the membership so I
351s think endgame matters absolutely I think
354s that is a perfect place for something
356s like the people encyclopedia I think for
359s me personally in sort of my you know my
361s background my experience I've been
362s teaching bosses for 10 years that's been
364s you know the my entire career started on
366s doing that and that is still something I
368s you know spend a lot of my time you know
369s interacting with the community and I
371s think the question I get the most is you
373s know how do I improve upon this how do I
375s do this and it's generally not end game
377s meta questions I think and for me what I
379s would say is from my perspective the
382s amount that is taught isn't as far as it
384s should be or it could be so I think you
386s can bring people further than you
387s currently are but I would totally agree
389s with you that there is a point that you
391s know you you you don't want to have an
394s Ever evolving Combat tutorial that
395s teaches you super specific tick
397s manipulation stuff just because you know
399s there's room for for that external and
401s once you get to the point where you're
402s ready to you know actually Implement
404s super super end game finer points you're
407s probably gonna be in a place where you
408s can go to the pvme and understand it and
410s and learn it there's a you may you raise
413s a couple good points there like between
414s yourself and John there's a nice split
415s in the we could do better at the early
417s game for sure like I think to be honest
420s if you right click you know the settings
421s Cog on your bar and say set up action
423s bar I'm pretty sure it gives you a
424s really bad bar right now it's just not
426s good we could do better at giving you a
428s bar and maybe even explaining like why
429s we've given you that bar so it's like
431s for example we say needle strike can be
434s used to you know enhance your snapshot
436s or whatever it shows you on the bar
438s um we could definitely be better there
439s so one of the interesting things that
440s you you both cover like the where is The
442s Meta line essentially
444s something that I find
446s um tricky is because people feel the
450s need to go and find information
451s externally a lot of the external
452s information is written by the experts
454s therefore it's not exactly beginner
455s friendly as well like it might be like
457s oh here is how you get into top game pvm
459s but then it will say things like our TC
461s this and do that and we'll like Target
463s cycling as an example is like not even
465s something we should talk about at a low
466s end I don't think but again as well like
469s people want to get perks right invention
470s is a whole different story to consider
472s and when you get into perks it's like
474s there are a lot of players out there for
476s what it's worth who just put any perks
478s in their items and it's good absolutely
479s and it's a huge barrier to entry as well
481s because if you want to get the best
483s perks you're probably finding out about
484s that external and then you've got the
486s perk calculator and it just it does get
487s very complicated very quickly yeah and
489s and I mean like just one of the perk
491s examples that to bring up is like P6 as1
494s right the reason that that's always a
496s like without going into detail right we
498s talk about it but the reason that people
499s suggest that is because of offhands and
501s switches but then there are a lot of
503s players who won't care about the
504s switches so is PA p6as1 even relevant
506s maybe just P6 is relevant for example
509s um and I think there's a lot of
510s information that are high-end that as we
513s could do better for sure but I think as
515s well maybe we're not it's it's the
517s typical thing we hear with the same
518s problem when experts explain stuff you
520s think it's obvious but it's not like a
522s new player looks at 10 abilities 40
523s perks seven sets a gear and they have no
525s clue what's going on um absolutely yeah
527s and I I think I'm an editor in the pdme
530s as well and one of the main focus points
532s they have and the thing they care about
533s the most there's a lot of interest in
535s the end game stuff but a lot of it's for
537s you know educational purposes people
538s want to see what the top end rotations
540s look like and how complex they are but
542s the majority of people in there are not
544s end game pvmers they've got 60 000
546s members and it's predominantly beginners
548s and it's people who are trying to
549s improve so they even have a guide on how
551s to read the pvme because a lot of it is
554s so unintuitive and there's a there's a
556s strong focus on making it more beginner
557s friendly but I think the sentiment
559s within that Community within the
561s leadership is the game doesn't
564s necessarily do enough to get people to
566s the point where they can understand
567s basically RuneScape what important to if
571s you can point me to a game that does do
572s that right so we'll play an awful lot of
575s games you know it's spread between MMOs
578s mobas Etc
580s um a lot of getting good at those games
582s is learning how to use the tools that
584s you're given yourself right in my
586s opinion and this is obviously absolutely
588s so
590s I've looked at pvme and I look at I want
592s to do ratchet let's say right and I look
593s at a Rapture guy and I'm like it's all
596s there the good thing about bvme is it
598s does offer a couple mid-level mid-level
600s opportunities uh gear Loadout sets
604s um
604s but one thing we need to remember about
606s RuneScape is
608s you don't really get all those gear
610s upgrades upgrades at once right you get
614s one thing and then you go and do you
615s know whatever you're doing whether it's
617s uh vindictor or raksha or a raxor and
620s you slowly fold that new upgrade in you
623s slowly start to see how that sort of
624s comes to life and players are layering
628s these each upgrade bit by bit so you
631s know the next day they might get
632s Relentless and learn how to use
633s Relentless and fold that into their
635s rotation so I think there's a a big
637s misconception
639s about
641s um how difficult because how difficult
643s getting into pvm is because yes a lot of
645s people will look at various streamers
648s and how they're doing certain you know
650s we still look at
651s um speed kills and Rapture and think
653s we're like
655s what has happened what are they doing we
656s have to slow down a video to 0.25 to
658s figure out what switches they're doing
662s um but the in realistic terms players
666s just stagger
668s um gear upgrades and they learn how to
669s fold them in it's it's sort of how we
671s released it right so yeah the reason why
674s RuneScape is so complex at the end game
677s now is because it started off simple
680s with EOC but we were trying and like
683s this is thinking way back when but
685s basically when we made EOC
688s a lot of it was trying to
691s bring the RuneScape community on the
693s journey to kind of evolve from that
696s point that just click and weight system
698s to okay these now abilities these are
700s these are now cooldowns like all these
702s extra complex things but the RuneScape
703s Community grew with that and then the
705s Baseline moved so we got a little bit
707s more complex a little bit more complex
708s yeah um and that's certainly like how
712s items were released and because things
713s are released at the end game the
715s progression curve of brand new player
718s would hopefully it doesn't I know but
720s would hopefully kind of Follow that
722s learning as well so that layer of
724s complexity and teach a little bit more
726s learn how that thing works I think
729s one of the big things that we kind of
731s fight with
732s in terms of teaching a play is a
734s RuneScape player always wants to be the
737s best of the best
738s it's just ingrained in them they just
740s want to take shortcuts and then they get
741s straight to the end and if you try and
742s do that with a combat system
745s you're going to get overwhelmed very
747s well yeah
748s but if you and again going back to pvme
751s God they're going to get big heads after
752s this but
753s um there's a lot there's channels
755s specifically for learn this layer then
758s learn this layer then learn this layer
759s yeah but that's not what a RuneScape
761s player wants to do no everyone's got
763s player one and and actually uh it's not
766s how you're going to get into group
767s bossing either they just won't let you
769s in you'll get they'll stick them on a
770s DPS tracker and then they're like no no
774s um but the the idea of that they should
776s learn bit by bit the page in the people
779s me they hate the most is the upgrade
781s order one because
783s people want to know what's the next
785s thing to buy what's next invite what's
786s the best thing to buy what's the most
787s efficient next upgrade to buy and just
789s as an approach to a game that is
791s supposed to be fun it should be the
793s thing that entices you excites you that
795s would be fun to play around so they like
797s there's a lot of back and forth within
798s of like do we even want to display this
800s but anytime they get rid of it people
802s are asking I people need this people
804s definitely want to follow a tutorialized
806s yeah I think that's one thing that we
809s could vastly improve on is laying out
812s the stepping stones in the pvm journey a
815s lot better and I think that almost calls
817s back to what Ryan said earlier about you
819s know the bars that are provided and
821s maybe descriptions on hey this ability
823s works well with this it's not a this has
825s to be used with this it's a suggested
827s you know basic concept stuff that would
829s help a player that doesn't know anything
831s about the game build a basic ability
833s rotation they didn't fall back on sorry
835s the the interesting thing is when I made
837s that system and we made those bars we
840s deliberately made them rubbish
842s so and this is this is we've they've
844s been improved in time but we didn't
845s deliberately made them rubbish and we
846s made them rubbish because we wanted the
848s player to optimize themselves
850s we wanted the player to go oh if I if I
853s split this this will get better like
854s handing them the keys to the kingdom
856s immediately isn't always the best way
857s just makes them lazy and like because I
860s could I could hand you the best pvm
862s setup yep available right but you
865s haven't learned anything
866s and the reason why why we gave them to
870s deliberately rubbish bars was so that
872s they would kind of go oh if I move that
874s oh I get a bit more deeper oh oh that
876s works because it's to kind of push them
878s towards that Learning Journey so I and
882s we've gone back for others privately
884s before it's you I disagree with that
885s stance and the the main purpose of that
887s I actually don't think like logically I
889s think it's totally sound that you want
891s to get people focused on learning I
893s think the issue that a lot of newer
895s players have is they can't tell if this
899s ability moving in a different order has
901s made a significant impact on their
902s damage output whether it's tracking
903s whether it's analysis whether it's
905s intuitive you know feedback within the
907s game of hey this was good this you know
909s you combo disability right you got a
911s nice sound that played I don't think
912s there's enough in the game that leads
913s players to knowing what is better than
915s than everything else I think the biggest
917s thing we could be doing is giving the
919s players a combat log and showing all
921s this helper like there's a DPS in the
924s game it's a rune metrics prologue I
927s believe
928s um and it doesn't update perfectly
930s either it isn't perfect a combat log to
933s say hey your needle strike uh boosts the
936s damage of your snapshot by the X it's
939s something we're trying to push for as a
941s readable experience and for our players
943s to understand and that that had an
945s interaction with visibility and it made
947s it stronger is something you could
948s easily see and go okay now I know to
951s sort of combo and that is that is a
954s perfect example of of something that I
956s think I personally think the learning
957s experience for getting into pvm I think
960s it's one of the largest issues in the
961s game it's something it's the thing I get
963s asked about by far the most beyond
965s anything else is and I know I can speak
967s to the other high-level streamers as
968s well that do end game things it's just I
971s can't understand how you're doing that I
973s need breakdowns as that's what Kyle said
975s earlier about you know 0.25xing and
977s trying to get an understanding and I
978s think a little more hand-holding early
980s with yeah your needle strike boosted
982s your tendrils by x amount I think things
984s like that are absolutely huge for game
986s giving the player a feeling of
989s understanding you know what abilities do
992s in conjunction with each other well the
994s information is given right so not
997s entirely sometimes
998s yeah it's in tool tips which like but
1001s like when you play any other game
1004s um you want to know what your Champion
1006s does or your new character or your new
1008s class does so you you have to sort of
1010s read there's not like a tutorial where
1014s you know you have an NPC talking to you
1015s saying hey if you use needle strike with
1017s X then you get more damage like I can't
1019s I've been sitting here trying to think
1021s of games that do that I think one of the
1022s biggest problems of RuneScape is is
1024s because there's so much input there is
1025s actually so much the fact that you have
1027s access to three classes uh worth of
1031s abilities classes means uh attack style
1034s in in this case and you also have access
1036s to your 28 slots in your inventory which
1039s can be filled with items that can flick
1041s on give another effect there's so much
1043s input whereas you look at a lot of games
1046s now or older games
1048s um you know one of the the most recent
1050s examples was New World new world doesn't
1053s have a 12
1055s slot action bar it has four core
1057s abilities League of Legends four core
1059s abilities in a pattern yeah I actually
1061s think there are too many abilities
1062s unlocked too early yeah or I say early
1065s it depends on what your classes early
1066s like 70 levels in our game nowadays is
1068s quick and to be honest I actually don't
1069s know the levels off top of my head but
1070s for example the amount of times I see
1072s people have bars they're in single
1073s combat and they're using like Ricochet
1075s like normal Ricochet or they're using
1077s piercing shut all the time but piercing
1079s shot credit if I'm wrong is irrelevant
1080s unless you're binding shot really like
1082s um I mean for damage wise yes yeah it
1084s would be you'd be better off needle
1085s striking or something else yeah or
1086s tuskers around you know that and I think
1088s that of course task needs to be unlocked
1090s but I think that at its core
1092s we give you obviously like Basics sorry
1095s we give you not literally basic
1097s abilities like we give you I could think
1099s of a better simple abilities
1101s um we give you like stuns Roots we give
1103s you the some channeled abilities we give
1105s you AOE abilities of bleed yeah and I
1107s think that
1108s maybe we need less because it's at a
1110s high end that you start like it's only
1112s recently you know like Deadshot became
1113s more relevant because of the cape which
1115s we purposely did or Brad did um and I
1118s just think that yeah learning early the
1120s amount of times someone says hey I'm
1121s struggling and they show your bar and
1123s they're fragging not walking they're
1124s ricocheting single Target it's not great
1126s Ricochet so you know and there's a they
1129s don't know any better and we don't help
1130s them understand that like
1132s um Sponge is Brad sponge yeah you can do
1135s it
1136s um has spoke a lot about you want to
1137s talk about keywording like this is I was
1139s gonna go on to this so when Carl brought
1141s up I will give you the information we
1142s don't you look at something like
1144s dismember it says oh I do 18 to 94
1148s damage that doesn't mean anything
1149s because it's not doing that because it's
1151s not doing the same damage as a slice
1153s would do yeah because it's not applying
1155s Buffs it's not playing on here we don't
1157s give you that information
1158s um absolutely so yeah a big thing I want
1160s to do is keyword all the tool tips so
1163s that like if I go and dismember it says
1165s bleed I can hold the bleed it says okay
1166s what's this oh it doesn't apply Buffs oh
1169s it doesn't apply on hit effects that way
1171s I've all that information and a new
1173s player they're not going to go oh
1174s dismember this is the best ability it's
1176s doing more damage than this even though
1177s it's really not yeah no I think there's
1179s a a consistency issue where certain
1181s things work with other things and in
1183s such a complex way that yeah it isn't
1186s easily communicatable but because it's
1187s not there you can actually lead people
1190s astray and to your point you can lead
1192s people into doing sub-optimal things
1194s that they think are optimal based on the
1195s information given to them and I think
1197s that's the problem too no I do agree
1199s with that and and we you know we have
1200s discussed it at length by having a
1202s glossary and keywording
1204s um a lot of other games have
1207s um they have a very clear
1209s set of terms that when you read it you
1212s know that it is doing what what it's
1214s doing we do need to become a little bit
1215s more consistent with
1217s um you know Brad might make one reward
1219s that goes through the combat system
1221s whereas I might make one reward that
1223s bypasses the compet system to just do
1225s damage but we we would call it look at
1228s something like great a greater barge
1230s belief and I believe they are completely
1231s different yes when just looking at
1234s someone doing a stream you say oh it's
1236s the same thing they're doing the same
1237s thing it's also the same animation too
1238s right it is the exact same animation
1240s under the hood they're completely
1241s different you can still do that so like
1243s mine would be called true damage and his
1245s would be called ability damage and that
1247s if we can keep going down that path of
1249s of keywording and having a glossary
1251s that's understandable then when a tool
1254s tip comes out that says hey this does
1257s 4K true damage the player you can check
1260s within the game and figure out what true
1262s damage is and how it works there is a
1265s big flip we should talk about here which
1266s is more information isn't necessarily
1268s better right like information is just
1269s text because we you know we did ability
1271s tool tip rewording recently now again
1274s some of them aren't entirely correct but
1276s we tried to like narrow it down to be
1277s more specifically yeah
1283s yeah I mean but but the the thing to
1286s note is that like there are a lot of
1287s people like we could talk you know
1289s you're a big pvm and we'll be we're all
1291s big like combat people here there are
1292s people who don't have that much of an
1293s interest in combat like think about
1294s combat is I'm not gonna like eight
1296s skills in the whole game some animal
1299s love
1300s um
1301s um and there are plenty of people who
1302s just want to slay because they want a
1304s level Slayer for other reasons and
1306s because of that they don't read the
1307s abilities and that's perfectly fine also
1309s we talk about DPS tracker there are
1310s plenty of people who don't wouldn't even
1312s know what a good number is you know like
1313s 100k DPM this is great like you know
1316s other players back now it's 500k it's a
1317s million
1318s um so more information is good for those
1321s who read but for those who don't it
1323s doesn't help anyone yeah and I think
1324s that's where you're like there's a lot
1325s of vision you know
1327s yeah and like
1330s I think we said this before we're
1331s rolling um but like as examples of if
1334s you could go somewhere in game it's kind
1336s of what the combat Academy tried to do
1337s before I can't remember how combat
1338s Academy worked there is a degree of
1341s need some visual understanding of what's
1343s going on like if I was like you said
1344s it's not this straightforward I'm sure
1346s but if I was to needle strike and
1347s snapshot being told great job you know
1350s that's one of the best suggested
1351s abilities to follow a needle strike
1353s um and then maybe telling you if you've
1355s used piercing shot five times for
1356s example and they're Never Bound during
1357s those five times maybe tell you it
1359s wasn't a great idea like okay but sticky
1362s keys yeah too many times but on that
1364s point how like let's say we introduce a
1368s new threshold down the line
1370s where snapshot is no longer the best to
1373s use after
1374s Neil's right right that's a lot of
1376s overhead for us to calculate and go I
1379s think you abstract it up right so you
1381s have
1381s keyword interactions yeah yeah but but
1385s for us to say hey oh great job I mean I
1387s guess you could say you're not saying
1388s this is the best threshold after doing
1391s snapshot you want to use a strong
1393s hitting ability after a snap yeah it is
1396s it does get really complicated though
1398s and subjective because what you said
1399s about piercing shot
1401s if you care about raw damage you know it
1403s depends on what you're caring about and
1404s in that moment needle striking
1407s for example Ricochet greater Ricochet
1409s versus need a strike and tendril just
1411s need a strike in snapshot we could just
1412s say oh you did a damaging ability next
1414s and it is not one of the worst damaging
1417s abilities therefore tell you it's okay
1418s it didn't fall into a trap yeah
1420s um but yeah it is there is an argument
1423s of we would fall into the same problem
1424s we have with action bars in that we we
1426s give you action bars and you as a player
1428s look at them go well they're trash now
1429s and that's because the games evolve and
1430s we haven't updated them to include all
1432s the upgraded abilities and stuff so yeah
1434s it's tricky because to do it well it's a
1438s for the most part is something we have
1440s to keep on top of like we have to evolve
1441s it and something these guys mention
1443s which is a very very strong design Point
1445s you'll notice if you ask any designer we
1447s we focus on designing tools rather than
1449s designing like the specific way to use
1452s them like here is a bucket it's a really
1454s good reference someone uh who worked on
1455s cfes talked about they just made a
1456s bucket and said you can fill up with
1457s water and let you do what you want with
1458s it
1459s um so we make an ability
1461s that sounds interesting and let players
1463s figure out what's best for it we don't
1465s necessarily go oh we're going to make
1466s this ability to synergize with XYZ we do
1468s sometimes but yeah quite quite often
1470s when we design an ability it will fall
1472s into a meta so when we designed greater
1474s Ricochet we pushed it into prop pushing
1478s which is I think because of on hits
1479s though because of on hit effects in
1480s range right that was the reason why we
1482s originally did the thing it did so quite
1484s often when we designed something we will
1486s kind of loosely fit it into the meta but
1489s you don't have a specific disability is
1491s designed to be used like omnipower was
1494s not specifically made to be used with
1496s greater chain it was designed to be a
1498s stronger no yeah chain is a perfect
1500s example of it it's just a tool it was
1501s just like hey Woods made and yeah like
1504s they use it eventually yeah wouldn't it
1506s be cool abilities and then yeah players
1509s like you say Zuck perfect example I
1510s think to be honest when I did that exact
1512s mechanic you told me to move them in
1513s closer to make it work but but yeah like
1516s it's also good for us so this is off
1518s topic but it's good for us as designers
1520s when
1521s something about EOC this is great is
1523s that it's evolved since the beginning
1525s you know like we can be honest it wasn't
1527s great when it first started but to be
1529s where it is now I'd say we made like
1530s huge strides it's in a really good place
1532s you know there are always going to be
1534s issues but we've got to such a good
1536s place because of working with the
1538s players like oh you know this ability
1540s sucks okay so what do we consider we
1541s consider boosting the ability making
1543s items that boost it or making a greater
1546s version or whatever and we we work with
1548s the players to Define what is
1550s essentially their combat you know we
1552s don't dictate it we work with you guys
1554s um so yeah we make some of the issues as
1556s well like we make switchscape more of an
1559s issue if we want to talk about melee and
1560s stuff but yeah yeah that's probably a
1562s little technical for for what we're
1564s getting at right now but I I don't
1566s disagree with you there that there's
1567s definitely it wouldn't be reasonable to
1570s design something and already have baked
1571s into the game this is where this should
1573s be used this is going to be the metaphor
1574s this ability and I think yeah you have
1577s to find the line of how much information
1579s is good to provide you you don't want to
1582s give too much you'd want to give not
1583s enough and I think the opportunity or
1585s the option as well I think is good too
1587s because I think if there was somewhere
1588s in game where to what Kyle said earlier
1590s where you can see what true damage is I
1592s think that would be huge because I know
1594s a number of players would use that and
1596s actually want to learn and understand it
1598s I think the extra step and the barrier
1600s having to go somewhere external and then
1602s try and control F and look for the thing
1604s you're looking for I think that to me I
1607s think inhibits a lot of people's
1608s learning experience yeah I have a
1610s question for you absolutely hit monks
1612s hit Splats whatever you want to call
1614s them
1615s how um what's good refreshing is so at
1617s the moment we represent we show ability
1619s damage we show Auto attacks slightly
1623s differently yeah um we show Crips we
1626s show what is yours and what isn't yes
1629s do you think that I'm trying to be a
1630s good way of phrasing it how do you feel
1632s about the current hitmont system do you
1633s think it could be better to represent
1634s any of this or help with this
1636s um so for example I'll say I don't think
1638s that's one of the biggest issues in
1639s terms of learnability readability I
1641s think hit marker is disappearing in
1643s large groups and only seeing a certain
1645s number and you know other people being
1647s able to override yours I think is fairly
1649s significant do I think if bleeds had a
1652s different hit marker it would be easier
1653s to tell oh here's a good example in a
1655s group pvm situation if I Chuck a massive
1658s bleed and then you do yours just clears
1660s mine and that's not listed anywhere to
1662s my knowledge that's a really huge one
1664s that you know leads players into falling
1665s into a trap and I think if that bleed
1667s was displayed differently if hit spots
1670s were a little more streamlined I think
1671s you'd be able to say oh my bleed is gone
1673s now and someone else's bleed is there
1675s and then I mean even then that's not
1677s intuitive enough in my opinion I have
1679s more needs to be done with that you'd be
1681s hard pushed to find someone that doesn't
1682s think our current belief system isn't
1684s poorly designed it falls into a design
1686s trap known as burden of knowledge where
1688s you kind of you you need to know
1691s something in order to use it well yes so
1693s you have a burden of knowledge and
1695s that's not a good that's not a good
1697s thing in game design right things should
1699s be more intuitive
1700s um and certainly I think we've spoken
1702s about redesigning bleeds how many times
1704s over the years it's not necessarily it's
1707s essentially a fix to
1713s yeah that Tech limitation isn't there we
1716s can't even argue yeah like back on the
1719s point of hit my I think hit marks are so
1721s crucial to to games
1724s um a couple games I can think of the the
1726s bigger your hit the bigger the hit Mark
1728s is displayed and it pops up and it sort
1730s of does a shake and your lower bits of
1732s damage or you know they just appear for
1734s a little bit and it's off and that all
1736s ties into
1738s feeling right yeah and it goes back to
1740s what we were saying earlier is like if
1742s you did your needle strike and then you
1744s snapshotted boom big hit it's displayed
1747s larger so there
1749s we're not necessarily necessarily saying
1751s hey we need you to go into your tool
1754s tips and read how this works but instead
1756s of visual indicator of oh I use these
1758s two abilities together and boom and big
1760s hit appears on the screen you then know
1762s that oh hang on I did an interaction
1765s there that made my thing here or a crit
1767s appear it's a it's a little dopamine
1770s exactly exactly we're doing the right
1772s thing it's important and it's reward
1773s systems yeah it's how you design pretty
1775s much at every teaching tool touching on
1777s the dopamine stuff if you can make
1779s things feel great like a subtle camera
1782s shake and you make that camera shape
1784s bigger the bigger you hit that's you you
1787s actually understand what is going on and
1790s can start to string these things
1791s together and to me that's one of the big
1793s things that the game doesn't do enough
1795s of
1797s and I think it makes combat very it
1799s makes it a lot more intuitive if systems
1801s like that are in place or even you know
1803s if you make the needle strike bonus
1804s damage a separate hit
1806s so they can see how big that number is
1808s and not saying that's necessarily the
1810s way to do it but they can see their
1811s bonus damage the the trouble with Buffs
1814s in RuneScape is there's so many layers
1816s like think think about when you're being
1818s high proficient how many things layered
1821s on top of each other you're doing to
1823s make that one hit just that bigger like
1825s yeah you are what so you've got 77. and
1831s like you want to have them all as
1833s separate hits or like sub hits or do you
1835s know what I mean or even no I mean it
1837s would be ridiculous yeah I was literally
1839s just sitting there thinking like it was
1840s buffed by it goes through and it's true
1842s no I was thinking just specific two
1844s abilities interacting with each other
1846s because I think that's something we're
1847s talking about layering on things I think
1850s that's the base layer is abilities
1851s themselves raw abilities you're not
1853s messing with special attacks you're not
1854s messing with tick manipulation you're
1856s not messing with switch game it's just
1857s raw abilities that interact with each
1859s other in a positive way yeah no ability
1861s to use a good starting point because
1863s yeah just thinking about it you've
1865s obviously got prayer as and then
1867s everything else to account for but yeah
1869s if it's purely abilities you definitely
1871s move in a better place but again the
1874s curse like the double-edged sword more
1876s information on screen is not necessarily
1877s better right so if like suddenly we go
1879s from having six hit marks right now
1880s let's just say we double that and make
1882s 12 hit marks displayed
1884s I mean sure high level players are
1885s awesome and then low-level players and
1887s group fights are like what is going on
1888s you know like
1889s um I think I mean I'm gonna reference
1891s something and you guys can let me know
1892s if you've seen it or haven't there's a
1893s video made by a channel called project
1894s combat and they basically spent a full
1897s hour um I don't know if you guys are
1899s familiar with it going over a lot of the
1901s reasons why combat is difficult to learn
1904s in RuneScape 3 and it's a fantastic
1905s video and a lot of it is it outlines a
1909s lot of the inconsistencies and a lot of
1911s the interactions that aren't intuitive
1912s or aren't properly you know communicated
1914s with in the game and I think one of the
1916s major you know gripes at that it's it's
1918s even stuff like audio design and sounds
1920s where certain things hit four times and
1922s you hear three sounds or and and to your
1925s point into what caused earlier
1927s big hit good interaction extra sound
1930s exactly that's immediately makes the
1932s learning experience easier because it's
1933s organic the player is getting better at
1936s the game while just playing it yeah I
1938s completely agree I think I I do
1940s personally believe
1942s this is obviously just my opinion that
1945s we could solve all this through Visual
1948s visual aid not having to go into the
1950s game and have the player open up an
1952s interface whilst I do like I think the
1954s key word is the gloss and the glossary
1955s is separate to this yeah so that is good
1958s but a combat log is important for us to
1960s have but once we have those it's the it
1963s is the interactions when you use wild
1965s magic one while magic as an app is is
1967s arguably the best looking ability and
1970s feel ability in the game it feels
1972s powerful
1973s now if that is let's say there's an
1975s ability that that combos with and you do
1977s that and a a camera Shake happens or a
1981s bigger camera Shake happens or a spot at
1982s him happens on the on the opposing NPC
1985s to show that an interaction has taken
1986s place that is a visual aid that I can
1989s start learning about and and from there
1991s where do I take it do I then read the
1993s ability oh what what happened there yeah
1995s read the ability and then go from there
1997s that's that's a much better certainly
1998s when we've made our combat tutorials in
2001s the past like so
2004s a a good example is um combat Academy
2007s right so when I made combat Academy I
2009s had an awful lot of things to teach
2011s like a lot of Basics to teach and at no
2014s point did we ever want to throw a player
2016s at a wall of text which is why the
2019s combat Academy was you being a TA
2022s helping someone you go through because
2024s we also had to had like to break a
2027s fourth wall yes you can't you can't have
2029s an NPC in game talking about abilities
2031s and cooldowns and I think we ended up
2033s doing it with Lady Death nail a bit but
2034s like these really like UI level things
2038s that we need to explain
2041s um
2042s it's hard to do it's it's it's it's
2043s really hard to do as as a game because
2046s at the end of the day a game should be
2047s fun and what's less fun than reading
2049s through reading some text so I think
2050s these systems need to need to exist and
2053s we need to kind of soft soft promote
2056s good behavior yeah I I think it's it's
2058s immensely important as well
2060s um
2061s I have a question for you yeah
2064s um so we could talk about some abilities
2066s that you cancel early right purposely at
2068s high end
2070s um snipe or whatever else concentrate
2072s blast Maybe I don't Mage rapid fire
2074s regular con rapid fire I mean assault
2077s yeah
2078s so yeah yeah so so something really
2081s interesting about that which I'd be
2082s interested in your thoughts are actually
2085s one what do you think about it first
2086s then I'll give you my so those I see is
2089s less of an issue I think it is info that
2091s is not displayed in game it is also in
2093s most cases a save of One Singular game
2095s tick so if someone is do oh go ahead but
2099s do you think that information should be
2100s shared in game you should can't you
2102s should cancel the last hit of this
2104s ability to get the most out of DPM I
2109s think in a perfect world yes and
2113s in counseling actually
2114s I think okay actually I would walk that
2117s back a little bit I think it depends on
2119s how it's displayed in the game I think I
2122s I think a lot of players learn how to
2124s cancel assault early because they
2125s realized if you hit your destroy you
2128s still see the next assault hit spot you
2130s can visually see that you're still
2131s getting that fourth hit even though you
2132s hit another ability so and to me that is
2135s intuitive enough that it's like it's
2138s clear that you're getting that extra hit
2139s Splat and that canceling it didn't lose
2141s you anything I think it's more of an
2144s audio visual I think thing where if
2147s that's displayed properly I think that's
2148s great I think listing it and being like
2150s you should cancel this early no that
2152s doesn't make if we ever put that in we
2153s should just make that the way that we
2155s should make it yeah no just shorten the
2156s ability absolutely the reason I ask is
2160s because I'm naming a few games like
2161s naming like Super Smash Bros I mean if
2163s you talk to anyone who plays smash
2165s they'll tell you about how being frame
2166s perfect for things
2167s um League of Legends any of your your
2169s good games
2171s um they my animation canceling becomes
2174s it is the skill difference between like
2176s let's just say an average player and it
2177s is your skill ceiling right
2179s um and from a design point of view a lot
2181s of those cases are you could argue
2183s they're bugs like it's never intentional
2185s but it makes
2187s the skill ceiling go up when you can
2189s like Master you feel like a true master
2191s so they have become I would argue
2192s they've become a normal part of games
2194s like yes they might have been a bug but
2195s they just get left because they add to
2198s the thing like there's a yeah think
2200s about League of Legends as an example
2201s there is a champion whose entire kit you
2203s just animation cancel the entire time
2205s and there is a such a significant
2206s difference between that and I think
2208s that's okay like your average player can
2210s snipe like normal and like you say miss
2211s one tick it's not a significant enough
2214s buff that it's like this has to be
2215s communicated I think for the little
2216s things that give you a percent hero
2218s percent there I think that's fine to be
2220s a part of the skill ceiling I think it's
2221s just getting the player closer to that
2225s um that is that is where the most kind
2227s of work needs to be done
2229s um if I'm if I can switch gears ever so
2232s slightly to the display of information
2236s on gear weapons armor that is another
2239s thing that I think is is quite
2240s problematic because let's look at the
2242s tier 85
2244s um Heller wand orb
2245s they are tier 80 accurate sorry tier 80
2248s damage they are tier 90 accuracy
2251s that's not displayed it's just listed as
2253s tier 85 and then you've got the raw
2254s number that you would actually have to
2255s plug into the wiki to see what tier it
2257s actually was and then you've got the
2259s interaction of wait all of your accuracy
2262s comes from your main hand and therefore
2263s the cyware offend is literally a vertice
2266s book
2267s in every functional way but it's
2270s displayed as a tier 85 versus a tier 80.
2272s and I think that also leads people I
2274s don't think these people astray but in
2276s the last few years there's been an
2277s influx of weapons that are have a tier
2279s but with a different accuracy and a
2280s different damage and bonus of X and I
2282s think that isn't problematic with regard
2285s to design but I think with regard to
2288s display of information the the other one
2290s I'd say there too is I believe it's
2291s still Auto attack damage that's
2292s displayed for legacy mode and the amount
2296s of people I mean if you look at the
2297s prices of dragors I believe the best dry
2299s Gore currently like objectively would be
2301s the mace because it does the same damage
2303s as the others and it's got prayer bonus
2304s for most players is the cheapest because
2306s if you hover over the tooltip it says it
2308s does lower damage it doesn't actually
2310s but it and and I think things like that
2313s mislead people in a huge huge way across
2315s the board where they don't feel
2317s comfortable making a good purchase
2318s decision but that just to clarify it's
2320s that because I'm trying to remember yeah
2322s the damage is lower because it's based
2325s on tax speeds it's based on attack speed
2326s that's not relevant which is not
2328s evolution of combat it's not abilities
2331s normalized around rape Force yeah
2333s four ticks yeah that's right faster
2335s Point there's there's yeah
2338s was it mud jack who just wanted to
2340s replace all numbers with tier numbers
2342s I'm not sure I I this has been floated a
2345s while where you just say tier 90. I I
2347s hate that but I hate yeah it's just real
2350s numbers because they flow through the
2351s system right like just just show the
2354s ability damage they're giving out if
2356s we're not using attack speed like we're
2357s not currently in the system like attack
2358s speed doesn't matter right now yeah it
2360s might as well be removed yeah right now
2362s I think it should just say ability
2363s damage yeah
2365s um as well there's a different route
2367s there where I think we should have Auto
2369s attacks do more and actually have them
2370s mean something but we'll get into that
2372s later
2373s um
2374s especially for like the wand
2377s it shouldn't it shouldn't say tier 95 it
2380s should say I have a damage value of this
2382s I have an accuracy value of this they're
2384s the abilities and then if we want to
2386s show the tier don't show the tier just
2388s show the level two equip it's the equip
2390s level Elder Rune is the same thing right
2391s Elder room exactly they're level 90s but
2394s they're I believe they're like 83 or 84
2396s with regards as bad because melee shows
2400s still shows a damage to that where I
2402s don't believe magic shows any damage to
2404s that at all because it's spelled this
2405s well yeah you've got the addition of
2406s yeah with magic and range it's even more
2408s complicated because it's added up with
2410s your ammo that's equipped and everything
2411s else and it becomes complicated for a
2413s player to figure out what's actually
2414s better than better than other things
2416s yeah so Matt so with magic especially we
2418s should say okay this is our damage level
2420s and then you can go in your book and
2421s anything that's above or at that damage
2424s level you'll know you're going to get
2425s that amount yes um I mean that's been
2427s recently changing the tool tips I don't
2429s know if that was one that you did but um
2430s or one of the people sitting here but
2432s now when you hover over a spell it says
2434s this will scale up to tier
2441s it's just a visual thing that scuffed
2444s big combat interface yes but right now
2447s when you when when you hover over a
2449s weapon they're just getting ridiculous
2450s um because there's so much information
2452s being shown you can't draw out what you
2454s need and yeah half of it is useless
2456s information like you have you have the
2458s damage the level the accuracy the damage
2462s style where it's Crush stab or slash
2465s which again which also doesn't matter
2466s almost everywhere it doesn't matter
2467s right now
2468s um again we should make that matter in
2470s mind weaknesses yeah don't yeah that
2472s that system just needs to change I think
2474s that doesn't matter right now because we
2475s want to go away from Hit chance right
2477s yes if you look at look at what
2479s following a true weakness does which
2481s doesn't really matter on bosses yes if
2483s you look what it actually does it has a
2484s huge huge yeah so accuracy that's
2487s another thing that I think also has to
2489s be Googled because I know a number of
2490s players if you're new to the game or
2492s playing organically monster specific
2493s weakness intuitively means I'm gonna do
2496s more damage and that's not what it does
2498s at all there is zero impact on your
2499s damage at all so you'll see people using
2501s like Earth Spells at certain monsters
2503s with Earth and they're not doing any
2504s more damage they're just wasting more
2505s minutes and I think that's something too
2508s it's a communication thing for for a lot
2510s of this that it's does this matter is
2512s this important in photo display and then
2514s how do you display it in a way that the
2515s player can understand if they need this
2517s or not but John was saying um we want to
2520s move away from Hitch on several of us do
2522s um obviously it's a big thing but what
2524s that does mean is then
2526s what is the better way to do this system
2527s because you don't just want to delete it
2529s and leave nothing there right because
2530s there's always accuracy does not
2532s actually in defense it's like yeah
2534s exactly yeah for sure
2536s um and it's whether do we go towards
2537s that more intuitive route where okay I'm
2541s using Earth as well again so I'm doing
2542s more damage now does everything have a
2544s base level of damage reduction and then
2546s you actually actually just bring that
2547s down
2548s um I think we should look into something
2550s more like that because the current
2552s system is just unenjoyable I think yeah
2554s if only we had something I finally we
2556s had something on our Internal
2557s Documentation
2558s [Music]
2561s well we'll fix in post I'll fix in
2563s person yeah in relation to you know
2566s we're talking about all these things
2567s that probably aren't good enough with
2569s regard to teaching pvm or could be
2571s improved or maybe should be improved I
2573s think a follow-up question there that
2575s you know might be tough to answer is
2577s is there any kind of plan to look at
2580s this as it's you know it clearly is an
2583s issue
2584s um combat learnability overall intuitive
2587s baking more things into the game helping
2589s new players learn the the combat system
2591s because it's clear just based on this
2592s discussion it's a problem and it's
2595s important I think officially there's
2597s nothing
2599s written into the schedule but it's
2601s always something that we're wanting to
2603s that you would like to be pushing for
2604s it's just fitting into the schedule
2606s right because there's a whole game we
2607s need to look after it's not just this
2609s and I I think like plenty of other
2612s places in the game they'd want to attack
2614s these sorts of issues
2616s um so we're we're all pushing for it
2619s right constantly I mean you've got
2620s people like sponge who are doing like
2622s you know the keyword glossary stuff yeah
2624s and I'm super interested in in hit marks
2627s and you've got myself pushing it on the
2629s engine side to improve our hitmark
2631s system because it's just the tool set
2632s just isn't good but I'd I'd love to
2636s provide better onboarding it's something
2637s that we were looking at doing so when we
2639s made the berthorpe tutorial the post the
2642s post tutorial tutorial yes yeah
2646s um that was definitely done with a view
2648s to extending it as a kind of like
2650s progression track and we actually wanted
2652s to kind of hand hold the player and then
2655s slowly release the handheld until they
2656s complete dragon slayer that's where we
2658s wanted to go with it wow right so then
2659s you let them go then and then the game
2661s becomes a full sound box I mean you can
2663s turn off the thing yeah that was so when
2665s we made it that was the plan but
2667s obviously other initiatives come along
2669s Things become more important yeah you
2672s are all exceptionally I mean my
2673s experience being here you are all
2675s exceptionally busy and have a lot of
2676s things on your plates and you know you
2678s can't you can't sit down and do this in
2680s a lunch break this is not a lunch break
2682s this is a full game scale we need to you
2685s know fix combat learnability readability
2687s it's incredibly complicated as well
2688s because every time we attack it it
2691s becomes outdated in about two weeks
2693s like
2695s you've got to fix it at a higher level
2696s and yeah yeah a lot a lot of what our
2700s jobs kind of involve as well as we have
2702s 101 ideas we don't have the time to even
2704s Implement 10 of them so how can we get
2706s there are there any short term or
2708s iterative versions and things like I
2711s think what Brad did with adding more
2713s information to spell level scaling and
2715s um starting to add keywords I think you
2717s even added range to weapons a while ago
2719s I added it and then someone on a
2722s different team did it at the same time
2723s as part of a strike right so it wasn't
2724s actually mine that went wrong but like
2725s things like that there are little things
2727s we can do iteratively and like sometimes
2729s you don't even realize it but when we
2730s make bosses we're obviously in deep in
2732s combat doing various things sometimes we
2733s rework a little thing behind the scenes
2735s that's more preparation for in the
2736s future
2738s um and it's just like things like that
2739s yeah we are always trying to do the best
2741s of the time we have obviously in an
2743s Ideal World we could sit and like solve
2744s problems but it's not always the case so
2747s yeah we we dig away and I think that
2749s some of the points we just discussed
2751s like maybe some of them are more
2752s important that could be broken down
2754s smaller like for every ability we now
2756s make maybe we should Define a keyword
2758s with it and then we can roll that back
2759s as and when and you know I get there
2761s slowly not just one update everything is
2762s keyworded it might feel a bit Mis um
2767s unorganized but to some degree it's
2768s either that or maybe it doesn't get done
2770s anything and yeah
2772s yeah absolutely I've got a question for
2774s for mod sponge uh Brad yikes so you you
2778s spend a lot of time in the pvme and and
2780s working with the pvme and I wanted to
2783s kind of get your thoughts on like how
2785s you feel about that time that you are
2786s spending the info that you're you're
2788s providing them because I I think I can I
2790s can leak this from the pvme side of
2792s things
2793s um there are you know a number of of
2795s devs in the pvme and jmods and there are
2797s jmod restricted kind of channels where
2799s the top players have an opportunity to
2801s you know let you know about bugs or
2804s interactions or things that aren't maybe
2805s super super clear and I think over the
2807s last let's say six months you've spent a
2809s lot of your own personal time kind of
2811s going in there going through the the end
2813s game player concerns and and making you
2815s know you've made a lot of small changes
2817s that have meant a lot to kind of that
2819s that community so yeah just uh overall
2822s how do you feel about the people
2823s encyclopedia how they how they work how
2825s they run I mean like at the moment it's
2829s um there's a bunch of information
2830s obviously behind the game that isn't
2831s players facing and players go I think
2834s this works like this so like to have an
2836s impact you can just come on and go yeah
2838s it works like that and suddenly like
2839s okay now we can put that in a calculator
2840s and we can actually figure out where it
2841s does and whilst that stuff's not
2844s in-game our side where you can just go
2846s oh this is how poison exactly works it's
2849s there somewhere for players to go
2850s through and actually figure things out
2851s and there is a subgroup of players that
2854s like figuring every single thing out
2856s even if they don't play the game anymore
2858s some people just go figure out okay I
2860s figured out it works this is great
2862s um but yeah nice um
2864s is it's a great group
2867s um obviously it's it's give and take
2869s right they they come to me with a bunch
2870s of bugs and I check that they're in or
2873s get an elevated if they're particularly
2877s harmful I think is the word
2879s um yeah this is is a very good thing
2884s um obviously it'd be good if we could
2886s get more of the things in game so it's
2888s not third party obviously there's a lot
2891s of like I think Brad said um give and
2892s take like we yeah we make the game but
2895s when we know how systems work but
2898s players definitely a high end know more
2900s about how the systems like work together
2901s like what you can animations and ability
2904s installing all this sort of stuff so
2906s sometimes asking you know the players
2908s how things work it's not because like it
2910s is because we don't know like the actual
2912s like uh what you call it application of
2915s it we understand how it works and that's
2917s why it is just as useful like I think
2919s yesterday I asked people to tell me the
2920s best way to kill glyco for rare drops
2923s and then someone said why don't you
2924s check the code and I'm like but I mean
2926s it's not that straightforward and also
2928s players have done the camera is yeah I
2930s mean
2931s a good examples when um you know when I
2934s rewatch The Buff bars yes and I was on
2936s pvme and asking them you know which ones
2939s are actually really important which
2940s groups are really important and that led
2941s to the default ordering of how things
2944s are laid out in the buff bars if you're
2946s yes I do remember all that yeah yes so
2948s that's that's like you giving back to us
2950s so in terms of you asking the question
2951s will you guys keep on doing this using
2953s your personal time it's like well it's a
2954s mutual but mutually beneficial thing
2956s that's why we do it right yeah all of
2958s the people that work on the game love
2959s for the game and We Do It For the Love
2961s of the Game it doesn't feel like work
2963s for us
2964s we want to see it improve just as much
2967s as you guys do but we've also got the
2969s business at the side yeah tackle with
2972s and
2973s like and as boring as the business it's
2976s like no we do have finite production
2977s resources finite yeah so like we're
2981s doing that kind of juggling and you guys
2982s shouldn't have to care about that we
2984s should be like the mouthpiece for
2985s generating that so yeah absolutely
2989s um I think to shift gears a little bit
2991s here I want to talk about something a
2993s little potentially contentious or you
2995s know opinionated but um what are your
2997s guys thoughts just full-on personal
2999s opinion on pvm Macros but I'm going to
3002s sub-categorize them as well
3004s um in the high-level people community
3005s there are lots of players like myself
3007s don't use any macros and and and never
3009s have but then also you know there's an
3011s influx of players who do like macros or
3013s possibly want to use macros
3016s um two categories there's the basic
3018s macro where I hit one button to put on a
3020s main hand and an offhand that I think a
3023s lot of players use and then there are
3024s the niche macros that most players don't
3027s touch but things that will do seven or
3028s eight or nine or ten inputs kind of all
3030s at once tick perfect and just yeah we
3032s can go around the room and if you want
3034s to just yeah give me give me your
3036s thoughts on how they interact with
3037s pvming or what their place is in the
3039s game
3040s um so from my point of view
3044s I see macros as an accessibility
3047s Improvement I'm a big fan of
3049s accessibility
3051s um and certainly on Primus I really 10
3053s things with Primus number 11 was an
3055s Ingram in-game macro system I think the
3059s thing that's fundamentally wrong with
3061s the current world of macros is it's
3064s external it requires requires you to use
3066s external stuff and like I think we're at
3070s a point now because we can't there is we
3072s can't add any more action bars onto your
3073s screen because the action bars
3075s computationally are expensive to render
3077s yes but certainly like having an action
3080s bar that isn't rendered but let's say
3082s when you press like one on this action
3084s bar it presses one two three four five
3085s all at the same time on another action
3087s bar that's something that I think could
3090s be added to the game okay
3092s um certainly for like main hand off hand
3093s yeah I'd love to see those sorts of
3096s things included you you get you get you
3099s raise an interesting point about they're
3100s doing like six seven things at that
3101s point you have to ask yourself really a
3105s question of do we want mechanical skill
3108s to be a skill ceiling in RuneScape
3110s certainly an old school it's definitely
3112s a thing that they've lent into and
3113s something they definitely want
3116s um because that's what the mechanical
3117s skill is at the end game of combat in
3119s Old School right yeah you're kind of
3120s fighting against interface and how
3122s quickly you can yeah everything but in
3124s RuneScape 3 do we want that and if the
3126s answer is no then a macro system is the
3128s answer it removes that mechanical
3131s barrier which is basically what why
3133s people macro right it's that mechanical
3135s skill they don't have to do that every
3136s single time
3137s um
3138s so yes for accessibility six seven
3141s that do we want mechanical skill to be a
3144s thing at the skill ceiling of RuneScape
3146s so my my personal take I feel very
3148s similarly to you with regard to small
3151s macros does a couple things main it off
3153s and or a bladed dive switch
3155s um I don't really see those as a skill
3157s leap it's an accessibility it's I just
3160s freed up two keybinds because I already
3162s hit 14 buttons with my thumb and it is
3164s going to fall off
3165s um so so to me that that's very
3167s different from one that gives you a tick
3169s perfect it's like Auto detonate in gen
3171s Hammer bladedive staff on kind of thing
3174s that a number of people in the Virago
3176s Community use
3179s um and I think there's a big difference
3180s between the two and I think something
3182s important for me personally on the on
3185s the macro in front is I think some kind
3189s of stance whether it's the right stance
3190s or the wrong stance I think it's
3192s something that's been missing for a long
3193s time because I know you guys get asked
3194s about them all the time and it's not
3196s something that you can really you
3198s there's no chance of control there's no
3200s control yeah we don't have control over
3202s the rules of RuneScape as developers
3203s that's that we don't set that policy
3207s um so yeah and it makes it hard to talk
3208s about them yeah because at the end of
3210s the day we just want you guys to have
3213s fun playing RuneScape that's that's our
3215s motivation right how you go about doing
3217s it there's there's an argument the well
3220s that guy can use that third party thing
3221s that I didn't even know about in that
3223s now I'm having to do remember for like
3225s manually full ticking is miserable right
3226s it's absolutely miserable
3228s um so like that that's less fun
3232s um
3232s so
3234s yeah we just want you to have fun at the
3236s end of the day yeah macro we don't care
3238s but in reality no you don't make the
3240s rules then you have to follow I don't
3242s want anyone in my pvm community to get
3244s banned I want to grow the people
3245s community not drink it yes so yeah I'd
3248s I'd prefer that I'd like that I think
3250s almost with relation to that I think
3251s that does kind of Point towards a simple
3253s in-game macro system being potentially
3255s really interesting because then it's not
3257s a third party it's not external there's
3259s no security issue there's no
3260s accessibility issue where it's like oh I
3262s mean something I get a lot is do I need
3264s to buy in 100 gaming mouse to be able to
3266s 100 pound gaming mouse to be able to
3268s play RuneScape and the answer is
3270s progression curve the answer is yeah the
3273s answer is no but also if there was an
3275s in-game macro system even less of a no
3277s um because it just it allows it just
3279s frees up keybinds it makes the APM you
3280s know a little bit lower than it is and
3282s it's gotten higher and higher over time
3284s anyway yeah I mean there is again on
3287s like on our previous conversation there
3288s is Middle grounds like we could make a
3290s full-blown macro system which if you're
3292s familiar with other games they allow you
3293s to like properly write out is that you
3295s want to do or we could for argument's
3297s sake make an ability let's just say it's
3299s called dual World Swap and you can
3302s assign two weapons to it so when you
3304s upgrade from ascensions to Black bounds
3306s you have to change your assignment
3307s otherwise it's going to be like we can
3308s do small versions of those things if we
3310s want to um maybe that's you know it's
3313s over that or do nothing for a few years
3314s for argument's sake yeah maybe that is
3316s what we should do and I'm mostly in
3317s agreement with all the points um I think
3319s that it is it is on our mind when we're
3322s designing stuff because when we are
3323s making new abilities we have to say well
3325s that's another ability to they want to
3327s keybind therefore now where are they
3328s putting it because of those things so
3330s like I'm trying to think about a good
3332s example before but if you think about 10
3334s drills 10 drills there's four of them
3335s yeah um
3338s right let's just say hybriding was a
3341s massive thing in RuneScape nowadays yes
3343s um I mean it actually is kind of a high
3344s level right but
3346s um if we didn't have action bar swapping
3348s that would be three abilities you'd have
3350s to put on your bar when in reality it
3352s could have just been called tendrils and
3353s the moment you equip a magic weapon it
3354s turns into the magic one like there are
3356s things like that that we can look at
3358s um but yeah so it does a bit off topic
3359s to your point no there is a middle
3360s ground like things we could try to do to
3363s mitigate to make things more accessible
3366s um because yeah I'm the same I I never
3367s draw wood swap never did because I just
3369s didn't want to deal with the touch key
3371s mines I I think part of the reason a lot
3374s of people macro too it's almost like a
3375s fomo thing where if you feel like the
3377s person next to you has an advantage over
3379s you
3380s it feels bad or I know a lot of people
3382s have like and this is something we
3384s didn't even touch on that maybe we we
3385s should touch on briefly I know a lot of
3387s people feel bad learning pvm because
3391s they don't want to make a mistake they
3392s don't want to mess up their their Hammer
3394s timing they don't want to I mean here's
3396s this is a very specific one that's kind
3397s of funny more than anything but uh the
3399s Virago world record team uh one of the
3401s one of the people on it the seven Man
3403s team was muted and I do progo with them
3405s on occasion and I was like what do they
3407s get muted for because like this sound
3408s guy I don't think they're gonna you know
3410s break any rules there
3411s they missed their Hammer by a tick so
3413s their team reported them and ended up
3416s muted and stuff like that where like
3418s there's pressure to perform in a certain
3421s way and assigning a big seven-way macro
3424s alleviates that pressure for a lot of
3426s players
3428s well they still need it no is it day
3431s long it's just when you were talking
3433s about
3434s um it's a touchy subject because you
3437s were saying
3438s um we can't we can't really say anything
3440s because then players might take out of
3442s context and then get banned and
3443s literally just the other day someone on
3445s Twitter went mod sponge is it correct
3447s you said this that it's okay for me to
3449s use Macross what where have you got this
3452s information this is why the the line was
3455s it's not us it's not on us the official
3458s ruling is that macros are against the
3460s rules one one input for one action is
3463s the rule right but again we're not
3465s Banning for it so our policy needs to be
3468s more upfront and honest well that's all
3470s the time we have thank you all so much
3471s for uh for joining in this this
3472s fantastic discussion and we will see you
3474s all in the next one