over 1 year ago - RuneScape - Direct link

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1s foreign
4s hello and welcome I am coming at you
6s live from jagexhq and I'm joined by mods
10s Ryan and Jack um Ryan mondrion um
13s principal content developer design uh
15s various content in the game have done
17s for many years now uh just to name a few
20s archeology Rapture is that deep sea
22s fishing give you some relevance I'm mod
24s Jack I'm the designer as of recently so
26s my job has suddenly changed quite a lot
28s and now I'm responsible for all sorts of
29s things like supervising overall content
31s content strategy that kind of thing I
33s have designed or made a few updates in
35s the past like Mining and smithing rework
36s that kind of thing to start off when
38s we're talking about the concept of AF
40s King and RuneScape AFK has always been a
43s part of the game it's been a a core
44s piece of the game where there's a mix of
46s balanced content of yeah this should be
48s very active and this should be maybe
49s more of a second monitor thing but it
52s feels like in recent years there's been
53s a pretty significant uptick in the
56s player's ability to AFK things and play
59s things on on a second monitor you've got
61s things like Revolution plus plus which
62s allows you to fire ultimates and Thresh
64s thresholds without manual input at all
66s and then you've also got very recently
68s you've got Crypt Loom animate dead that
70s are you know even allowing things like
71s AFK bosses so all of God Wars dungeon 2
74s now can be fully AFK and and zero inputs
77s needed and the same also applies to many
79s aspects of God Wars dungeon 3. so I
82s think I want to just start off by by
84s asking how you Ryan you feel about that
86s if you think that's good if it's a bad
88s thing if it's a balancing Point yeah and
92s there's a lot lot to digest there oh a
94s lot to take apart I mean it depends
95s really
96s um first of all when we talk about AFK I
99s mean I assume you're talking about right
101s now we're talking about combat
103s um when you talk about God Wars 2 I'm
104s actually kind of interested to know your
105s thoughts and give you my view but
108s goddess 2 has been out now since do you
110s remember when God was doing out 2016. 16
113s 17 16 yeah
114s um so what's it been about five six
116s years now
117s um it's an interesting topic there you
118s mentioned that people AFK you know God
120s was dungeon too
122s um just a nail on that point
123s specifically right now
125s first of all do you think it's okay
127s or not I think it's okay to a point I
129s think in in my personal opinion I think
132s being able to AFK or low effort certain
135s older bosses I don't think it's
137s necessarily problematic because it's
138s older content that's being AFK I think
140s it's a little more problematic when
141s people are AFK Elder goddess bosses that
143s maybe just came out
145s um yeah for the old stuff I personally I
147s think it's very new conceptually you
149s never think I'm gonna go AFK this boss
151s with 200 000 life points but I think I
153s think it's personally all right the one
155s thing or the one gripe I have with it
157s over a lot of other things is just the
159s ability to effectively create your own
161s player run Farm of 10 20 30 accounts
165s that are you know AFK the same boss at
166s the same time just because the effort
167s level needed to to perform that content
169s is so incredibly low yeah oh that's
173s that's also a loaded question I mean
175s from so I can give you my personal view
176s first and then I kind of give you more
177s of a like as a design team I guess as
180s well like how we kind of think about
182s things and personally I think it's good
184s um it's good in the sense that for
186s example if we look at old school
187s RuneScape killing like uh I don't want
190s to say Bandos I mean Grotto or you know
192s creara Etc
194s um it's very different to obviously
195s killing Bandos
196s killing Grado sorry everyone yeah or
200s whatever you want
201s um garage door
202s um killing them in RuneScape of course
204s you do them in like a couple of seconds
207s um and that's obviously the state of how
209s the game has changed over the years is
210s it okay perfectly to be honest like we
212s we aren't expecting every bit of content
214s to be Evergreen for a players to go back
215s to and also you could ask yourself as
218s well do you really want to be I don't
220s want to say struggling but do you really
221s want to be putting in a lot of effort to
223s go and kill a boss that drops tier 70
225s gear that you don't need you know in
228s 2022 as an example so yeah ultimately I
231s think the short answer at least for now
232s is yes I think it's fine
234s um with older content as content moves
236s on it's nice to get through that content
238s a lot faster and also we've obviously
240s got all the things like collection logs
242s and things and could you imagine trying
243s to do all the collection logs if you you
245s know every kill is like killing Grado is
247s two minutes long yeah I'd be a slug bit
248s of exaggeration but
250s um I think you could go you could go
252s beyond saying just the content doesn't
254s have to be Evergreen and you could say
255s that the content gets easier and more AF
258s cable over time helps it to be Evergreen
260s because it means that those long-term
261s accomplishments become accessible to a
263s bright a broader variety of players and
265s yeah yeah more people more people can
267s actually just content and actually it
268s kind of like the role of the content
270s within the game's ecosystem changes over
272s time and that's fine yeah it's almost
273s like a sliding scale of an end game
275s where the end game content of five six
278s seven years ago after looking at God
279s Wars 2 that was you know fairly endgame
281s you'd never on release consider AFK yet
282s but now that is no longer end game
284s content it's sort of it's shifted over
286s it's now mid game and then there's
287s things in the future for other endgame
289s content that can fill the void of of the
291s prior yeah and that's that's great
293s because like a new a new God Wars
294s dungeon is often in some ways gonna
296s replace it's not going to augment it's
298s going to replace
299s there's not really any way around that
301s but then if the older God Wars content
302s can become
304s almost a slightly different kind of
305s content we probably wouldn't have
306s designed it in that way in the first
307s place yeah design AFK versus AFK of all
310s bosses on purpose probably but we might
312s but the fact that it became that over
314s time is good yeah it's a good
316s effectively the game has more content
318s now as a result of that rather than two
320s two sets of non-afk bosses one of which
322s is redundant I mean you you said using
325s it specifically I think you said animate
327s dead [ __ ] Bloom as an example
329s um but yeah I really like that's a good
331s good way of putting it is that with
332s content over time sort of scaling into
335s that it's first lean forward you know
338s and I don't want to say intense but you
339s know back in the day killing God was
340s dungeon two and it first came out it
342s wasn't as straightforward as it is now
343s you know uh Power creep Etc what are all
345s those topics you talk about like Crypt
347s Bloom and Anime dead as examples
349s um I can speak personally I mean I've
350s I'm afk'd um
354s whatever you want to call it
356s um
357s not Cisco no I didn't kill slisky
360s um but um and yeah I mean there is a
363s whole there's a whole topic there right
364s where we can talk about which depends on
366s the strategy you use but if we just talk
367s about gregorovich as an example I'm
369s trying to remember what they'd use but
370s it's like there's all the stacking
371s things over since 2016. you've got
373s cinderbanes yeah Cinders Vamp scrims
376s yeah blood River Masterworks beer it's
379s bit of annihilation Masterwork armor
381s itself like yeah the whole range is a
383s big compounding you know not necessarily
385s just power creep but the work like
387s synergistic items
389s um sorry I'm skipping over [ __ ] Loom
391s right now no it's been a conversation
393s um and I think like obviously not in
395s that example but we've also got soul
396s split and now that we do more damage or
398s more hits Soul spit is better than it
399s once was yeah it's also it's a big
402s balancing point where it is so strong
403s now compared to what it used to be able
405s to do
406s um but yeah like I guess yeah like I
408s said short answer it is okay right I
410s think it's good for the game good for
411s the life cycle getting through it on
413s your point about end game content or
416s sorry use God or standard three as an
417s example simple I assume you're talking
419s about maybe like glycol or
421s um you can even AFK the first three
424s phases of hormone care back okay like
426s full AFK with with animate dead um all
429s that stuff yeah it's not efficient to do
432s so and I think that that kind of becomes
434s part of it too is is it okay that
435s someone afk's these first three phases
437s if it's twice or three times slower than
439s someone who is manually doing it and
440s that almost becomes a balancing Point
442s too yeah I mean yeah that's a trick in
445s that specific example I can't like I
447s can't do that across 40 machines right
449s because like no you there there are
451s sections yeah exactly yeah so if it was
454s allowing me to AFK Farm current end game
456s content on multiple accounts that'd be a
458s serious problem yeah yeah I mean if I
461s can if I can just really low effort like
463s get through the first few phases very
465s slowly yeah it's kind it's kind of a
467s natural extension of putting a lot of
469s effort in putting less effort in putting
471s no effort in
473s it's my take on that specific question
475s would be that that's probably not where
476s we want our current endgame content to
478s be but at the same time our design
480s philosophy hasn't I don't stop me to
482s disagree on this but I feel like we've
483s never really been that controlling about
484s stuff like if players are just playing
486s the game in a particular way our
488s attitude as jagex has never really been
490s like all players are playing this
491s content in a way we didn't expect we
492s need to shut that down yeah but the
494s content just kind of evolves naturally
496s into particular play Styles and and
498s we've never like in a sense in order to
500s ensure that that didn't happen we'd have
502s to be quite controlling I think in the
503s way that we did things and that's not
504s really our style I mean just to put it
506s into perspective we've never I can't
508s think of the time we have at least not
510s in time I've been here we've never
511s designed a boss to be AFK right like in
513s fact we design a boss to be the opposite
515s like we want you to you know we want to
517s stun you so we encourage you to use
519s anticipation Freedom Etc
521s um and with that in mind like yeah if if
524s the bosses have just come out use
525s goddess dungeon 3 as an example if
527s people are AFK in what is current
530s it is a bit more like hmm should we
532s change anything and I mean your question
533s in your sorry your your comment is more
536s specific to Crypt Bloom and Anime Dead
538s really that is the culprit for that
540s um if that didn't exist for example
542s would you be able to AFK caraback Hard
544s Mode no so realistically that to be
546s honest is more a problem in Crypt Bloom
548s and or and it's more in anime dead to be
550s honest in Crypt Bloom because obviously
551s quick Bloom is the what'd you call it
554s you could do it in Sea singers I'm sure
555s but it wouldn't be as good right these
557s things yeah
558s um
559s uh but yeah so like in that question I'd
561s say [ __ ] Bloom is actually the reason
562s that that's a problem and yeah an anime
564s dead yeah sorry animate that is what I
566s meant
567s um I guess I get so I guess like there
569s was a heart of one party original
570s question I think was is it an
571s intentional strategy on our part to add
573s in animate dead to make pvm more
575s afk-able and I don't think that was the
578s case as far as I know that wasn't it
580s wasn't added because at a strategic
581s level we were like yeah it's like pvm
584s takes too many clicks we should we
585s should definitely do something about
586s that that wasn't what we were thinking
588s no I mean I don't know the exact reason
590s like uh reason for the design but yeah
593s things like crypto and Anime dead were
594s just to encourage different play Styles
596s because like tank armor is just mostly
598s Irrelevant in RuneScape right now like
601s it's all about power gear right so so it
603s did that like it has made it relevant
604s but maybe too relevant is kind of the
606s argument because it has made content go
608s from being you know not AFK to AFK if we
611s speak quite bluntly between the two
613s um but yeah I mean you sorry just a you
616s said a lot of things different things we
618s could jump back on and we're gonna touch
620s all of them yeah um with with the whole
622s like AFK of that content long term like
625s perfectly half of any content being AFK
627s short term if it wasn't designed that
629s way
630s like as uh Tim said that um reject him
634s either works I'm sure Tim Tim I'm gonna
636s call you Tim
638s um as Tim said um yeah I'd like design
641s philosophy has always like come up with
642s a bunch of stuff
643s we have an idea of how we like Envision
645s it to be played but we don't have any
647s expectation on how players go and play
650s it it is a Sandbox the game is 20 years
651s of everything you know amulets are rings
654s random items that you can carry around
657s um we have no expectation from how
658s players want to deal with it but we will
660s always of course look at it monitor it
662s is it how we actually want it to be
664s because sometimes it's like we are like
666s I'm I actually love it when I design
668s something and players do something I'm
670s like didn't think about that's actually
671s really cool like actually I really like
673s that
674s um but obviously if it's like as people
676s would say cheesy there is a degree of we
678s should consider changing it because we
679s don't want the whole content being
681s um you know devalued I guess as a way of
684s putting it just to steer things back
685s kind of uh to what we're talking about
687s with animate dead and crippling so in
689s your personal opinion those are things
691s that could potentially be looked at then
692s yeah for sure
694s um mainly anime dead in that that
696s conversation uh just for you know yes
699s useful but a little bit overtuned
701s perhaps yeah arguably yeah I mean it was
703s it was something that came up so uh an
706s expectation that a lot of players had
707s all the mining and smithing reworked
708s just thinking back to the last time I
709s had to worry about this problem they
711s they wanted us to Balance power armor
712s versus tank armor and I think this
714s specific problem illustrates the problem
716s of doing that that the mining smithing
718s work essentially ignored that problem
719s and just said power armor is bad idea
720s with it and actually the some players
723s were disappointed with that and they
724s said well this would have been a perfect
725s opportunity to rebalance tank armor and
728s Incredibly kind of Illustrator sorry
730s anime dad kind of illustrates the
732s problem that when when tan Karma gets to
735s like sorry there's a math thing to it
737s right if you kill the boss faster you
738s take less damage yeah of course and
740s usually so in most game systems in most
742s games that means that if you can trade
745s damage versus damage resistance damage
747s is better because it usually both
748s duplicates the effect of damage
749s resistance and kills the and just
752s completes the content faster so that you
753s get more done if you you have to balance
756s tank armor or whatever your defensive
758s ability is so high that it effectively
762s makes you invulnerable to damage for it
765s to be worth bothering to use at all at
767s which point you have the exact problem
768s you're outlying of like well now the
770s content is easy and and AF capable so
772s that's the like the basic balance
773s problem of like offensive versus
774s defensive play
776s if defensive play gets powerful enough
778s to use it's only because it lets you AFK
780s things so you could argue I'm not
781s necessarily don't necessarily agree with
782s this yeah but you could argue that the
784s ability to AFK son of karabakh is
786s defensive play working as as intended
788s because if you can't do that what's the
790s point of what's the point of the tank
792s here yeah exactly if you if you can't do
795s that you might as well just go full
796s offensive and kill as quickly as
797s possible which is especially during
798s RuneScape where you're trying to farm
799s bosses as fast as well I mean it's a
801s good example of um if you take both
803s examples where you can let's say AFK a
806s whole fight which is goddess dungeon 2
808s or let's not say AFK but more like Tech
812s Zak as an example A lot of people take
813s [ __ ] Bloom for the hard mode waves but
815s then they swap for the boss
817s because of course you don't need to tank
819s as much against the boss you want to
820s kill the kill boss sorry what's up kill
822s Zack as fast as you can yeah there are
823s time Gates and you want to be able to do
825s it in a certain motorcycles absolutely
826s there's an incentive for for going
828s faster on Zuck that is you know
830s overvalued or outweighs the value of the
831s crypto yeah I think those scenarios are
833s good but they obviously have their own
835s problems which is now you have to carry
836s two sets of gear right and it's a whole
837s different question which we won't talk
839s about right now but but yeah like in an
840s Ideal World I think we're not at a place
843s yet I think where we've found tank
845s armors place I guess like I think in
848s mostly an agreement that
850s um animate dead is just a bit too strong
852s at the moment um I don't have any
854s suggestions or anything here of like
855s what we would do to change it but
857s ultimately it could be changed
858s um and [ __ ] Bloom yeah just an additive
860s thing of that I don't necessarily think
862s crypto needs to change at all depending
863s on what anime did
865s yeah and I think as well overall for the
868s game it's been really interesting
869s there's been a Renaissance of all of
871s this this tank gear that was seen prior
873s to this is dead content and I think that
875s in a lot of ways can be very good as
876s well so there are kind of added
878s um you know additions to this that make
881s it a little more complicated and a lot
882s of positives that have come out of it
883s too but just to kind of call back to
885s what we were talking about earlier with
886s you know a sliding scale end game
889s um AFK things like you know bits of bits
892s of the Care Pack boss fight
894s um Etc do you feel that AFK methods in
898s the game for you know the majority of
899s content are they okay only under the
902s qualifier that it's not the end game
904s stuff there is an argument that for
906s argument's sake in two years time
907s animate dead let's just say it hasn't
909s changed and there's no better given
911s Crypt bloom we haven't made it any
913s better in two years but and the content
915s we released in two years from a power
917s side for argument's sake a boss has
919s twice as much HP so it's gonna be even
921s slower to try to AFK it because you've
923s got to deal twice as much damage so over
925s time that like animate dead crippling
928s meta might just naturally fall off you
930s know if content is the bosses get harder
932s and harder
933s um so but yeah ultimately we are okay
935s with it like like uh Tim says
938s um as long as new content is interactive
941s um there is also the sliding scale of
943s player one right like you know if it's
945s eight o'clock in the evening I just want
947s to chill more than happy whack my Crypt
949s Bloom on and whack my animate dead on
950s and just you know passively kill
952s something in three minutes rather than
953s one it's just as an example I think
955s there's a strong separation between like
957s what might be good for the game or the
959s health of the game necessarily across
961s you know all facets and what's actually
963s you know what's enjoyable that's
964s preference because I'm exactly like you
966s when I'm not streaming when I'm on my
968s own time uh I love kreblin I wear it at
971s Telos I do most of my people coming in
972s it because you don't lose that much
974s damage and it makes everything a lot
976s more relaxed a lot safer and I think in
977s a way it's a really good accessibility
979s option that has just given players the
982s choice of kind of well exactly like you
984s you said earlier to you know
986s stylistically choose either to go as
988s fast as you can to mitigate damage which
990s is historically how a lot of MMO combat
993s works or to take things slower but still
995s not end up being punished for going
996s slower at least in the combat side of
998s things bosses are always relevant
1000s because of logs right and progression
1003s side of things no I mean I'm not killing
1004s KB I'm sure none of us can kbd for money
1006s or anything but kbd still has drops that
1009s are relevant to a log and we wouldn't
1011s expect you to you know I I want to
1013s complete kbd log tonight and because of
1015s that I have to be fully engaged it's so
1017s old it's okay for you to chill yeah but
1019s yeah if you told me that tonight you're
1021s gonna go and fight Zuck and you're going
1022s to watch Netflix at the same time like
1024s I'd be a bit more what are you doing you
1026s know I'm a bit more curious about it
1028s yeah we also have um I mean just the
1030s sheer way our economy Works especially
1031s in pvm you alluded to it earlier that if
1034s your kill time is slower actually
1036s whether or not you can kill the boss at
1038s all isn't that big a deal in our game
1040s what matters is how quickly you can kill
1041s it and how frequently you can Farm it so
1043s in that regard extremely slow methods
1045s that allow me to get girls you refer to
1046s it as an accessibility thing and I think
1048s you could look at it in that way that
1049s the ability to get slow kills isn't
1052s isn't breaking the economy you know the
1054s fact that people can can get get get
1056s gets lower but possible kills isn't
1059s really doing anyone any harm I I would
1061s agree with that and I have a segue from
1063s things that are breaking the economy and
1064s breaking the game with regard to AF King
1067s and Revo plus plus of late
1070s um and it's the aspect of what about the
1073s players who have chosen to build
1075s effectively their own it's not a bot
1077s Farm because there are no Bots being
1078s used but what can I ask for a situation
1080s so for example the my Homeworld I play
1082s on there is an individual who has I
1085s believe 12 accounts and they all AFK the
1087s Heller bus just because they wanted to
1089s and they all have the same naming
1090s convention and every 20 minutes you see
1092s one of them getting getting a Heller
1094s drop because they're fully AFK yeah
1096s they've set their screen to five FPS and
1099s they're just sitting there for hours and
1101s hours and hours on end
1102s playing the game on on 12 Accounts at
1104s once and doing actual pvm on 12 Accounts
1107s at once so does that sort of change
1110s perspective I think it's definitely I
1112s think most would see that as as a
1114s negative or a negative outcome related
1115s to this and whether or not that
1116s outweighs the the benefits of the
1118s accessibility but is there you know an
1121s opportunity to potentially look at that
1123s and say okay maybe that is crossing a
1125s line for a number of other reasons yeah
1127s it's difficult one because like yeah I
1129s mean you can apply the same logic to it
1130s right and it's all it's about whether
1132s the costs outweigh the whether the
1133s benefits outweigh the the costs of it
1136s um and yeah I think I think we would
1137s agree that that players multi-farming is
1140s a bad thing for the economy
1143s um it's it's
1145s it it's kind of like but I mean I guess
1147s you could you could again do the same
1148s economic analysis though right you could
1150s work out I haven't sat down I've done
1151s this now if anyone has but like is it
1154s actually worth doing that like could I
1155s put the same amount of time and effort
1157s into playing better on one account and
1160s farming the same amount of money I have
1162s actually kind of prep for this I I did
1164s some analysis okay you can beat all the
1166s best money makers in the game right by
1168s doing that right yeah so then at that
1169s point yeah it does become yes yeah It's
1172s Tricky the correct way to play the game
1173s is to play that way then yes I think I
1175s would agree It's tricky because
1176s ultimately for every additional account
1178s you have you are doing parallel work
1180s right like it doesn't matter let's just
1182s say this isn't a great money making
1183s method anymore let's just say I'm
1185s picking flags and you can pick Flex in
1186s 20 accounts you're gonna make 20 tons as
1188s much money assuming you can do it in
1190s this yeah at a certain point it will
1191s always be best to do that yeah yeah
1194s um but It's Tricky from a design point
1196s of view as well right in the
1198s yes for example like Tim's over here
1200s with 10 of his accounts killing hell as
1203s an example and I know you're not let's
1204s just saying oh yeah yeah
1207s um yeah what can we do from a design
1209s point of view is tricky because that is
1212s no different to you know for example 10
1214s people killing her away from an economy
1216s standpoint I mean if every single person
1218s in the game had 10 accounts I mean
1220s obviously it's tenfold is a big problem
1222s it's It's tricky because what can we do
1224s and is it a problem for myself
1227s personally I think that from an outside
1228s point of view yeah it's not great like
1230s oh this person can make 10 times as much
1232s money but they've also invested in 10
1235s accounts they've done that they've got
1236s to that point and they are just doing
1238s what 10 players could be doing but
1240s they're doing it themselves I don't have
1242s the numbers of course but I don't know
1243s how many people are playing on I know a
1245s lot of people play on two accounts maybe
1246s three but beyond that I don't know
1249s um it's a tricky one for sure I don't
1251s think there is a design solution because
1253s if we were to forgot for example let's
1255s just say it was to do with animate dead
1257s and we know found make dead because too
1259s many people are using multiple accounts
1261s for every person that's using multiple
1263s accounts there's probably like 100
1265s people who are just playing on one and
1266s now we've nerfed it for them and they're
1268s the people who who you know
1270s benefit a lot from this feature now I
1272s can just you know whack wherever on and
1274s do this um so yeah it's a balancing act
1277s um ultimately we of course we want to
1279s make content that appeals to everyone
1281s now that's not we don't make every bit
1283s of content to people to everyone right
1284s we're not making a new boss to appeal to
1286s level tens
1288s um but we do want to try to spread and
1290s like stretch out the who can play this
1292s content or who benefits from this
1294s content
1295s um and I think yeah without going too
1298s much there's always a there's always
1300s um outliers on either end right the
1301s people who take things to the extreme
1303s yeah and the vice versa um tricky
1306s situation I guess yeah from design
1307s standpoint that's probably an outlier
1309s it's not that the majority of people
1310s were doing it and if I guess the the
1312s impact or the the need to make a change
1314s to like I don't limit how many accounts
1315s you can play at once would be you know
1317s great and significantly by you know if
1320s half of the people who played RuneScape
1322s wanted to do it that way yeah and yeah
1324s yeah I think that makes we worry a lot I
1326s mean like it's not I don't I don't want
1328s to make this out to be a business
1329s problem because it's not exactly but we
1330s we worry a lot more when it's something
1332s that can be done free to play than when
1334s it's something could be done as member
1335s because there's nothing to stop you just
1337s creating an uncapped number of accounts
1338s and just doing it endlessly
1341s um and so so from a design point of view
1342s we do occasionally look at that like
1344s it's not like members is like a magic
1346s barrier yeah of course but it but it
1348s helps to cut down for sure and if we
1351s wanted to go further than that from a
1352s design point if we'd run to the exact
1353s problem as care pack with um
1355s uh you know if we prevented it as you're
1357s alluding to like we could prevent
1359s players from doing that by preventing
1361s anything from being AFK eat and then all
1363s the legitimate use cases would get
1364s thrown out as well and
1366s ultimately I think we probably feel that
1368s would be worse for the game I think
1369s that's that's ultimately the case is
1370s that's we have to make the decision you
1372s know the net decision is the most
1374s positive for the most people yeah
1376s ultimately yeah we're we want to make
1378s best fun content for everyone right um
1381s of course that's an impossible task yeah
1383s yeah it isn't it's definitely an
1384s impossible task here's one that I think
1386s the community has you know weighed in a
1387s lot on and it's probably the the most
1389s frequent Reddit complaint of possibly of
1392s all time but it's crypticators
1395s and how that landscape changes when it's
1398s not AFK a boss in an instance it's AFK a
1400s Slayer mob where there's scarcity so for
1403s example there are certain individuals
1405s who will do corrupted creatures or
1406s corrupted Scorpions on 40 Accounts at
1408s once and then anyone who actually wants
1410s to do a serotask can't and it's a mix of
1412s old farming and there's also a bot
1414s situation there but I think we should
1415s focus for for now just on the on the alt
1417s situation there and it's just the idea
1419s of this is definitely a problem but how
1422s can that be approached yeah
1425s um well the question to you is you say
1427s it can be a problem I'm off top of my
1429s head I can think of a couple of problems
1430s which problems are you thinking about
1431s specifically um they're not terribly
1433s economical I think it's uh it's a cause
1435s of kind of player pain if you're trying
1437s to do your Slayer tasks you've got to
1438s hop 30 worlds I think to me that's the
1440s most significant problem economically is
1442s that great do I personally feel like you
1444s should be able to play 48 counts at once
1445s no if it were up to me I would I would
1447s probably cap the amount of accounts that
1449s you could log into at one time and I
1450s know logistically that's impossible to
1452s do but you know if I had a magic wand I
1454s would probably do that just for you know
1456s the whole scarcity uh the whole scarcity
1458s issue but yeah my primary issue
1460s definitely just hogging every single
1462s world yeah I mean I think I agree with
1463s that from a magic one point of view we
1465s were talking about what we can do how
1466s can we address this problem from a
1467s design point of view and we said well
1469s actually maybe maybe allowing people to
1472s farm something on 10 account something
1473s instanced on 10 accounts
1475s doesn't isn't as bad as the cost would
1478s be of preventing that from happening in
1480s this case when we're talking about like
1481s so when we're talking about like well
1482s what you know from our design
1483s philosophical point of view what's the
1485s maximum number of accounts we would
1486s expect a player to play on
1487s simultaneously you mentioned two like I
1489s think it's probably not ten if we could
1490s just magically prevent people yeah if we
1492s had technology that existed that could
1494s just prevent multi-logging we'd probably
1497s cap it at two maybe three I think we
1498s probably wouldn't cap it at one I think
1500s there's a logistical no I know a lot of
1502s people that play multiple accounts we
1503s wouldn't want to count one I think that
1505s would stop you playing old school on RS3
1506s simultaneously if you like capped it at
1508s four I think 99.9 of the player base
1511s would not ever run into run into that I
1513s think four is the most I've ever used
1514s like as a content creator from shooting
1516s cinematics for something I've got one
1517s account on freecam and and whatever else
1519s yeah I mean so one of the problems you
1522s listed was of course the not being able
1524s to find a world which I've been guilty
1526s of the same thing to the point where
1527s I've canceled my task or you know like
1529s you go in there to kill the I can't
1531s remember what they are the first ones
1532s you see is the Scorpions and then if you
1534s can't get a world there you just move
1535s over to do something nearby
1538s um yeah and I think there are some quick
1540s solutions to that which is we could
1542s instance the area right you could have
1543s instances
1544s um scarabs as an example which would
1547s solve the problem for the majority of
1549s players who can't find worlds but of
1551s course it means that now everyone can
1552s Farm them if they wanted to with no
1555s concern which has an economic concern
1558s but
1559s speaking like
1562s um quite high level and it like if you
1564s were to take 20 people that have 20
1565s accounts you know what's the quick math
1568s 400 yeah it's only 400 people but then
1571s versus the other 100 000 players who can
1572s now do it we were probably just by
1574s instancing them alone the economy would
1576s change based on individual players not
1578s on alts being all up I get a free 20
1580s worlds now
1582s um but yeah I mean it depends on what
1583s problems we want to solve I think that
1584s in an Ideal World Slayer has always been
1586s a problem for World hopping right back
1589s in the day it was and I mean we had this
1590s thing with Mining and smithing like we
1592s purposely made it so you can't there was
1594s no competing for rocks anymore right
1596s because of the same problem runescape's
1598s definitely moved in that like uh what's
1600s a good way of putting it something we
1601s talk about a lot used to design capacity
1602s there's a removal of yeah City yeah and
1605s and from a high level point of view now
1606s we we talk a lot about how RuneScape is
1608s a single player game in a multiplayer
1610s World sometimes like you want to play
1612s your own game but alongside your friends
1614s and stuff and that is something we do a
1615s lot of designed uh content for
1618s um sorry just a point
1621s and uh yeah I mean I think with relation
1624s to that the most recent Slayer dungeon
1626s update was the Abyssal creatures and on
1628s release date there was a lot of scarcity
1630s to try and actually find a tag and there
1632s was a lot of griefing and there were
1634s situations there and right off rip the
1636s the initial response was I believe
1638s within 24 hours there is now an instant
1640s system but it's designed in such a way
1642s that I believe five people can get into
1645s each dungeon instance and then it will
1646s just create a new One automatically so
1648s that if you want to play the game with
1649s your friends you can still enter with
1651s your friends
1652s um and it doesn't completely remove the
1654s aspect of other people but it does
1655s remove the competition it's difficult
1656s because I don't I don't think we have uh
1658s I don't think we have a an overall fixed
1661s certain design Philosophy for how to
1663s approach that problem so we're
1664s experimenting with different things like
1665s you've said with money and smithing with
1667s mining rocks I mean you could argue that
1669s it's a bit weird that they all never
1670s depletes but also it's a bit weird that
1672s it grew back anyway so like it's not
1674s like mining was ever realistic in the
1675s first place with monsters it would feel
1677s really weird to have multiple people
1678s farming one monster like it yeah oh
1680s absolutely it's hard to implement that
1681s in a way that even makes logical sense
1683s because monsters die when you kill them
1685s right like it doesn't really make sense
1688s um be instancing is a as a point is it's
1691s a quick easy solution right now easy in
1693s a good way like it's great for everyone
1695s um does it have an egg I never said a
1697s word does it have economic impact I'm
1699s sure it might but in the grand scheme of
1701s things probably not like
1703s we don't we don't balance I don't think
1705s or at least I'm not consciously aware
1706s that we balance based on drop rates and
1707s drop table values we don't balance on
1709s any storms the number of Slayer monsters
1711s that exist across all worlds creating a
1713s cap on the number that can be killed I
1715s don't think I've ever seen an analysis
1716s like that we don't it's not like we take
1718s that into account as a balancing Factor
1719s no so in theory if there were an
1721s infinite number of them it wouldn't make
1722s a difference to advancing any resource
1724s point of view we just assume there's
1726s infinite because there is right like
1727s there's infinite of any resource
1729s um just the same as bosses you know
1731s there's infinite amount of bosses anyone
1733s can do them I mean that's it that's
1734s actually a side point but it's just an
1736s interesting topic of instancing is has
1738s been a very powerful feature
1740s because imagine if you couldn't instance
1742s bosses and you all had baseball bosses
1744s like back in the day like be a crazy
1745s different game nowadays without however
1747s Quest worked I think that's how
1748s EverQuest worked all dungeons were
1750s non-instanced and so you had to be the
1751s first to get to the boss I mean even
1753s look at old school RuneScape until very
1754s recently they only have a few bosses
1756s that uh that run instances and for many
1758s yeah you just have to can you not even
1760s instance
1762s oh you can now
1764s recently that's a more recent date yeah
1766s just to put that in you know just for
1769s everyone like put that into perspective
1770s a moment if only one person per world
1772s could fight a boss crazy
1774s um but yeah instancing in general has
1776s been very good for us and as Tim
1778s mentioned Shogun tested the whole
1780s instance the area not per person but
1783s like you said five people whether the
1785s number is it's a nice way of finding a
1786s middle ground where it's still because a
1788s lot of instancing means that the game
1789s could end up in a position where again
1791s from a design point of view we don't
1793s want the game to feel empty so you if
1795s for arguments say let's just say we
1796s instance the Slayer Tower and you're the
1797s only person in the Slayer Tower it'll
1799s feel a bit weird you want to be in a
1800s tower where you see people on the other
1801s side of the tower fighting aberrant
1803s species
1804s exactly you don't want to entirely
1806s talked about it being sort of semi
1808s single player but it isn't single player
1810s it's not a single player game yeah your
1811s actions and game don't necessarily
1813s impact the other players around you but
1815s you still want to be surrounded by other
1816s players you want the feel of a of an MMO
1818s where you're you know you're interacting
1820s with with a group of other people who
1822s are playing on the same server as you
1823s and that has that has a really
1824s interesting effect on the whole idea of
1826s competing for scarce resources because
1827s part of the reason that we designed
1829s money is everything the way we did is we
1830s don't want other players to be an
1832s irritation that's like the word crashing
1833s right it's implicitly like I hate seeing
1836s another player I'm trying to get my job
1838s done I'm trying to get my thing done and
1839s another player existing is an
1841s inconvenience to me and that's not what
1842s you want from social MMO right that's
1844s very difficult to contrast that against
1846s the idea of like like with lot monsters
1848s are logically scarce it's very hard to
1850s get my balance right I think a lot of
1852s this comes down to just balancing it is
1853s very hard because you don't want to go
1855s too far one way or the other but you do
1856s need to find the right balance that
1857s works for the majority of players and I
1859s think when you do so you are going to
1861s alienate some people on both of the
1863s extremes potentially where you know it
1865s isn't necessarily exactly how I would
1867s want it or someone else would want it
1868s but ultimately it's the decision that is
1870s made that is best for the majority of
1872s the player base so much of the stuff
1874s that I end up arguing with players about
1875s is where we've had to draw a compromise
1877s position
1878s and like you're saying like the players
1879s who feel quite strongly about one end of
1881s that compromise the majority of players
1884s is more is more of a focus like most of
1886s the time the only time it's not is like
1888s for example if we are very specifically
1890s designing the hardest boss in the game
1891s our focus is on the high levels we're
1894s not expecting you to just come out with
1896s your bronze sword and turn up but like
1897s if you can't do it great like that's
1899s that's intentional you can't do it
1900s um but for the most part when we talk
1902s about things like Slayer is probably a
1904s good topic Slayer is for everyone for
1906s the most part like we will be designing
1907s for the majority I think we've had um
1910s high level Slayer mobs so if we consider
1911s Ripper demons camel Warriors
1913s um I'm trying to think of the other ones
1914s mammoths we were discussing those
1916s recently skeletal wyverns like they're a
1918s bit more
1919s uh not your traditional Slayer mob they
1922s have special attacks or things to deal
1923s with like there are a group of players
1924s who like that but the majority don't yep
1927s yep and it's a case of I want for me
1929s sorry speaking out totally and as a
1931s player um for me this is what a lot of
1934s players say is I just want to go and
1936s slay and chill and not have to worry
1938s about getting one shot by Ripper demon
1939s or getting stomped on or whatever it is
1941s that the mammoth does to you or why
1943s Vern's dying to put you know it's it's
1945s like I don't want to fight a boss if I
1946s wanted to fight a boss I'll go fight a
1947s boss
1948s um so we have learned from that and
1950s we've we've you know tried to make
1952s Slayer creatures less
1954s and punishing and intense I guess at the
1957s same time we still
1959s do a little bit for it because the
1961s slayer's 120 skill we don't want you
1963s know the level 118 Slayer monster to
1966s fill no different minus it's you know it
1968s looks like it's not a chicken it looks
1969s like a wolf or something from a level
1971s one creature so there is a push and pull
1973s but yeah I think I feel like we've I
1975s mean I wouldn't want to be too
1978s prescriptive about content but I feel
1979s like we've reached an equilibrium where
1981s like the identity of the boss is it's
1984s kind of intense combat content and the
1985s identity of Slayer is that it's relaxed
1987s combat content and we've kind of through
1989s experimentation
1990s like we could design it completely AFK
1992s boss
1993s but why why would we do that like we
1995s kind of already have content in the game
1997s that if I'm in the mood to do that I can
1999s do it yeah whether that's older bosses
2000s or Slayer or other things if you think
2002s about that as well gemstone dragons I
2003s think for me personally are a good
2005s Slayer creature in that it has a
2007s mechanic that you can avoid but if you
2009s don't you're not dead you know like you
2012s get hurt I can't remember damage let's
2013s say two to three k Max from hydrx and
2016s you know you get a dren um
2021s annoying and punishing but it doesn't
2024s mean you can't just not care so much but
2026s versus like Ripper demons and stuff
2027s you're dead like there's a lot of dead
2029s scenarios no absolutely and and to your
2031s point of them being very contentious for
2032s slow mobs I know a number of people
2034s there's probably I would call them a
2035s full sub community of RuneScape players
2037s that would not touch a camel Warrior
2039s task with a 10-foot pool so and I'm one
2042s of those people I have a thousand
2044s Mammoth kills I got a thousand Ripper
2045s demons I got a thousand living wyverns I
2047s have 12 camel Warriors just because the
2050s level of intensity is not looking not
2052s what I'm looking for personally what is
2054s it that you don't like specifically
2055s accuracy
2057s um it's just the level of effort needed
2060s is not congruent with what I'm trying to
2061s do when I'm slaying I'm trying to slay
2063s I'm trying to you know play that kind of
2066s as a second monitor game more or less
2067s and when you're doing camel Warriors
2069s you've gotta continually retarget the
2071s the minions and then you've got the
2072s tornado that Stacks up and if you stop
2074s paying attention for 10 seconds it just
2076s it multiplies by two every tick until
2078s you have died so it hits nothing at the
2080s start but it's not designed for you know
2082s losing any amount of focus and
2084s I wouldn't say they're a bad Sarah mob I
2086s just think they're probably not designed
2088s and that's what we yeah I mean we went
2089s into that project I think
2091s like what what is the identity of Slayer
2093s can we make content that's a bit more
2094s like this and you know we experimented
2097s we tested it and I feel like the answer
2099s has been a pretty conclusive now maybe
2100s not like let's not make Slayer content
2102s like this because actually there isn't
2104s much update for it and we do yeah we
2106s make sure we provide content of that
2108s intensity in other ways so I've got a
2110s follow-up for you then um the most
2111s recently update was were the Abyssal
2113s features do you feel they kind of hit
2115s the mark for what they were you know
2117s supposed to be with regard to just
2120s design balancing the level of intensity
2122s that you know you wanted for the player
2124s base I could give you my personal view
2126s yeah yeah
2128s um I was slaying them for my no
2131s discredit of course and the contents for
2133s different players but yeah I was getting
2135s my key and my trim wreck you know the U
2137s Chevy
2138s and yeah I just did not have fun at all
2141s um I think it's just because the
2143s teleporting around was annoying
2146s um I wanted to Revo them but I was full
2148s manual in them and sorry I was
2150s formatting them and I think I changed it
2151s to Revo in the end because
2153s um I tried yeah it was just it just
2155s wasn't for me um I don't know about from
2157s our point of view than if you know any
2158s more I do I I mean as far as I know like
2161s we we consider the projects to have been
2163s successful I haven't analyzed it on that
2165s level okay I haven't analyzed it on that
2167s level specifically about whether or not
2168s it has informed our Slayer design going
2171s forward I guess thinking about it from a
2172s high level design point of view like
2174s like if we talk about like trying to
2176s find the right balance like like we
2177s could always design Slayer so that it is
2182s um always trivial but that could be our
2184s design philosophy like Slayer is always
2186s trivial they basically just stand there
2187s yeah maybe they hit you but you're never
2189s really in any risk but that feels wrong
2191s I think we can also say like Ripper
2193s demons or Cam Warriors your example are
2194s like no that's also too far the other
2196s way yeah so actually we want it to be
2198s somewhere in the middle but whenever
2200s you're trying to hit a line in the
2201s middle you are going to get like well
2203s actually for some people it's not quite
2204s you know you've got this big broad band
2206s of like where people where a given
2208s player would ideally like it to be yeah
2210s and different pieces of content are
2211s always going to come down on different
2212s parts of that line and as you said like
2213s different content for different people
2214s yeah I mean I'm actually more
2215s specifically talking about the Lords I
2217s didn't like the other two are fine but
2218s they're lower level right you whack a
2220s cannon well it's also supposed to use a
2222s cannon and then you get caught out
2223s because you can and two of them but
2225s that's my fault
2226s um how about you I also think I think
2228s something with with Slayer that has
2230s gotten a lot better of late
2232s um just the addition of the VIP tickets
2234s and then if you've got the 120 Cape the
2236s addition of player choice I think allows
2239s more room for a broader range of of
2242s different tasks because players are will
2243s have their favorite tasks and they get
2244s the opportunity to pick them very often
2246s and I think it would be very different
2248s if you got forced to one task and it
2251s wasn't easy to skip it I think at that
2253s point you'd have to go back and look at
2254s camel Warriors and say this task is
2256s making people stop training the skill
2257s yeah yeah they would just they would
2258s just brick wall and never drain Slayer
2260s again yeah yeah I have a hot take for it
2261s well it's not hot take it's a question
2263s I'll give you my view
2264s you talk about player choice
2267s um what if just for argument's sake if
2269s you could pick
2271s your Slayer task every time but there's
2273s a caveat that you can't put the same you
2275s know there's like you have to change it
2276s five times before you pick the first one
2277s for example or take boss layer uh sorry
2280s repo reboots yeah and you could pick
2282s your boss every day but maybe you get
2284s less points because we we'd sub it by 20
2286s okay good or bad what do you think
2288s if you offer that as an option or if you
2290s replaced the existing uh as an option so
2294s you could pick whatever you if we use
2295s boss reap as a bet for example you can
2297s pick whatever boss you like today and
2299s you will earn 20 less points just to get
2301s a guaranteed Reaper's choice on the
2303s first one yes that's very interesting I
2305s think
2306s balancing aside I don't think that's a
2309s bad thing necessarily I don't personally
2311s think
2312s people are generally getting a Reaper
2314s for like a boss they don't feel like
2315s doing and then deciding yeah I could use
2317s some more kills on my Max main I think
2319s for a lot of people and I could be wrong
2321s with this this is my personal opinion on
2323s it what I'm doing for a Reaper I've got
2325s three bosses that I'm open to doing and
2326s a boss that I'll pick and I get a choice
2327s if I gotta reproduce I'm taking so like
2329s I'm open to Ambi I'm open to raksha I'm
2331s open to Rago and that is pretty much it
2333s so I'm just gonna keep hitting next
2335s assignment until I get one of those and
2337s then as soon as I get one of those I
2338s don't really I'm not fussed about how
2339s many Reaper points it ends up being
2341s because Reaper points if you do your
2344s Reapers most days you can accumulate a
2346s lot of them you know very quickly and to
2348s me I'd rather do one of the bosses that
2350s I actually am interested in yeah I'm
2352s interacting with the reason I ask you is
2354s because
2355s that's another thing from like talking
2357s about design in general
2358s giving the player choice is is a really
2361s powerful thing sometimes like not giving
2363s you choice or giving you Choice
2364s occasionally has its own value like oh
2367s yes I find and you know I get to pick my
2368s task is really cool like when you get it
2370s I'm like yeah I get to take what I want
2371s yeah um but with with Reaper as an
2373s example I'm the same as you I roll down
2375s to zero and then I'm like well there you
2377s go I'm not doing it well no Reaper today
2378s exactly run it back tomorrow
2380s um and there is a degree of the reason I
2381s pose the question is because
2383s we we do need to have these questions
2385s sometimes of like what ifs you know what
2387s if we did just give everyone the ability
2389s to pick what boss they want today for 25
2391s less would more people boss answer could
2394s be true like yes because for example for
2396s me
2397s if I rewrote down to nothing now I have
2399s no reason to boss like I might go and do
2401s something else but if I could just go
2402s you know what I'll have everyone do some
2404s rats right now give me the reaper for it
2406s 25 less as an example and those are
2408s things that we do again sorry off topic
2410s but it's just a way of like something we
2412s think about
2413s sometimes is looking back at content and
2415s it's fine it is but could we change it
2419s um obviously I think I think that I
2421s think that is quite relevant to the AFK
2422s discussion in that it's quite it's quite
2425s similar on the topic of optimization
2426s right like you give players freedom to
2428s Optimus optimize players will optimize
2430s so like like if I if I have a
2432s hypothetical maximum Choice layer scale
2435s like where I can always choose my tasks
2437s then I will always people will always do
2439s always do the same one test there'll be
2440s one that's optimal it's not the best
2442s drops or the best time or whatever and
2443s then it might be slightly different for
2444s different players which is good but for
2446s the most part they'll go read a guide
2447s and they'll say do this and yeah does
2449s that fit the spirit of the skill and
2450s does that have people you know well I
2452s don't I don't super mind about whether
2454s or not like because we talked earlier
2455s about like well if if we end up
2457s accidentally implementing something
2458s which is better then
2461s um that's fine like we don't we're not
2462s super fussed about that but like if you
2463s if you imagine like the Slayer skill
2465s only had one mob and it just gradually
2466s scaled like if there was a version of
2468s the same mob at every level and you
2470s basically just killed the same thing all
2471s the way to 120. that would be that
2472s wouldn't be good
2473s and it's the variety that makes it
2475s interesting but the more player choice
2477s that we allow for
2479s the more that that variety doesn't play
2481s in so again it's a it's a really
2482s delicate balance of life and
2484s Slayer is in a good spot now with the
2486s VIP tickets and with 120 Cape I think
2488s there is a lot of choice but it's not
2490s exactly the same every single time yeah
2492s but uh related to what you're saying
2494s about Reaper assignments I think for
2496s some players I would do my Reaper more
2498s often I don't think I would pvm more
2500s often because if I don't get a Reaper
2501s I'm just gonna do whatever boss I want
2503s to do anyway but I think for some
2504s players I'm sure there's a subset of
2506s players that they roll the dice on a bus
2508s and that's the boss they do every day
2509s and they enjoy that and it actually gets
2511s them to explore other parts of the game
2512s so it's it's it sort of fits into the
2515s the same
2516s discussion of you have to find the
2518s correct balance yeah yeah so with
2521s relation to to Slayer and sort of a
2523s level of intensity we've also got
2524s Revolution plus plus that was added to
2526s the game I believe
2527s 2017 maybe 2019 it'll show up on screen
2531s but uh with relationship I kind of have
2533s a hot take with repo plus plus and we
2535s talked earlier about you know pros and
2537s cons of anything but it's anime dead you
2539s know it's accessibility but also maybe
2540s does it help some people go a little too
2542s far and one of my thoughts on Reba plus
2545s plus is it is good overall for the game
2548s potentially
2550s um but I think aspects of it are
2551s probably a mistake and I know that's
2554s probably not gonna be a popular opinion
2555s because people love Revo and I enjoy
2557s Revo as well for a number of things but
2559s I think the ability to fire off a pretty
2562s much full-fledged ability rotation with
2564s no manual input at all I think has made
2566s it more difficult for people to actually
2568s learn the game when it's time to you
2571s know start pdming all of their binds you
2573s know they're not they're not used to
2574s using any manual input in combat and I'm
2577s wondering kind of where you guys lie on
2579s that I think it's probably a hot take
2580s that Revo plus plus was a mistake but um
2583s in my opinion if I were you know able to
2586s go back in time and I was weighing in
2588s there I would probably make it
2589s unlockable so that players get used to
2592s reboing just your Basics firing a couple
2594s abilities manually and then at a certain
2596s point they unlock the ability to turn it
2598s on and then be able to access those
2600s completely completely laid-back
2602s playstyles but yeah where do you stand
2604s on that
2605s um yeah
2606s um
2607s I think it I don't think it was a
2609s failure uh sorry you didn't say failure
2610s you said mistake sorry I don't think it
2612s was a mistake
2613s um
2614s I think it's a way of putting it like
2616s you you said um it doesn't help people
2618s get into pvm yeah um I think there's a
2621s current if I'm wrong maybe an assumption
2623s that you have to full manual to pvm or
2626s is that not what you're saying not
2628s necessarily I I think instead of saying
2629s to PBM I think that was an assumption it
2631s makes it harder for one year I think it
2633s makes it more difficult to get into full
2634s manual because the players are not used
2636s to actually manually firing any
2638s abilities and the difference from
2641s um you know going from base people that
2643s fired all your Basics but you're used to
2644s firing a threshold in the ultimate and
2645s then tacking on a few other Basics you
2647s can even do it one at a time I think
2649s that was a very gradual kind of
2651s progression towards using full manual
2653s whereas now the majority of players
2655s start on a full repo they reboot
2657s everything and when they want to go to
2657s full manual I know I I've heard it could
2660s be very daunting because all of a sudden
2662s it's just
2663s it can be a lot all at once and you're
2665s not used to actually firing keybinds
2667s period yeah no okay um I think that yeah
2670s so I think it's a really good idea for
2672s us I think it's been very beneficial
2674s um now speaking from like as a player um
2678s I I learned so I started Revolution
2680s before I went to full manual now I don't
2682s think you need to go to full manual
2684s that's number one like for anyone out
2685s there yeah I agree with that yeah yeah
2686s full manual is not needed for anything
2689s in the game yeah Revolution is like I
2691s have plenty of friends who just use
2693s revolution and they've got you know
2695s finished like 2K Telos with Revo 4K
2697s easily yeah
2699s um and there's nothing wrong with that
2701s so I think that to some degree to just
2703s on your point if you're never going to
2705s go to full manual and this is your
2707s RuneScape like this is how you eat bread
2708s and butter it's perfect I think and
2710s that's what I think it's really good for
2712s um
2713s I think that speaking personally I think
2715s ultimates is a bit of a iffy one and the
2716s ultimates don't really work with Revo
2718s because they're all situational right
2719s like why and when you want to death
2721s swiftness for example you don't just
2722s want to whack it on your bar unless your
2724s AFK and content and you follow someone
2726s there's a huge impact on AF King versus
2728s if you're manually fighting a boss on
2730s full Revo you're probably gonna manually
2732s hit your dead swiftness anyway it's one
2733s click per minute that's not a huge
2735s engagement to make but it's definitely
2737s yeah been a huge huge point in AFK stuff
2740s because you can actually pop off a fully
2742s AFK like good rotation that does a solid
2744s amount of damage yeah yeah no for sure
2747s AFK is obviously a different ballpark I
2750s reckon um it has made AFK possible right
2753s because like if we think back to I want
2755s to say like 2007 you just think about
2757s old school RuneScape
2758s combat was automatic there were no
2760s abilities right pre-eoc now we have
2762s abilities what about all those people
2763s who don't want to press them if you
2764s don't press them you are
2766s you're not you're doing no damage right
2767s like unless you're going legacy mode but
2769s there's different story
2770s um so if you just stay in like let's
2772s call it ability mode EOC mode and you're
2775s not doing abilities you're basically not
2777s playing the game right so Revolution
2779s allowed us to give you that opportunity
2781s to and like you said it started with
2782s Basics with encouragement to use
2783s thresholds and ultimates
2785s um
2786s I think they've just given just where
2788s the game got to I think it was just a
2789s good change
2790s um
2791s do you think mobile had any impact on
2793s that too because with Mobile coming out
2795s it's difficult to fire abilities period
2798s on mobile and do you think that was a
2800s consideration remember if the design was
2802s made for that specific reason but it is
2804s something that is something we think
2805s about more like
2807s can is there a way that we can make more
2808s content accessible on mobile
2810s is something we take into account I mean
2812s his Revolution didn't exist sorry for
2815s Evo plus plus didn't exist like it does
2816s now chances are we would have made it
2818s exist now for mobile just exclusively
2820s for mobile I don't know
2824s um obviously we try to avoid exclusivity
2826s between the two because it's one one
2827s game right
2829s um and but yeah I think that like
2831s depends on which side of the fence you
2832s sit on I think there are a lot of
2833s players who don't do have no interest so
2836s RuneScape is a huge game don't need to
2837s tell you that right
2839s um and combat is just a part of it it's
2841s definitely gotten bigger over the last
2843s let's just say 10 years like bossing
2845s became a RuneScape thing because once
2846s upon a time we had kbd and thank you
2849s right yeah
2850s um and because of that because combat
2852s isn't everyone's thing and they want a
2854s skill like having the ability to use
2856s revolution plus plus as we're calling it
2858s I just call it Revolution now right yeah
2859s it's just it's basically just Revolution
2861s now yeah um has changed the game for
2863s them I'd go as far as to say it's
2864s changed the game
2865s um because
2867s they can slay they can they can do basic
2870s I say basic pvm they can do goddess one
2871s they can do goddess two with all the
2873s things we discussed earlier
2875s um they if they want to expand their
2877s ability they can Revo um Kara packs and
2880s zaps and whatever else raptures but they
2882s will need to put some input in I'm sure
2884s there is a Revo bar out there that does
2886s work but at that stage you're probably
2888s and you can do the kill you may as well
2889s just press you're getting into crazy
2891s mode no as soon as you do that like you
2892s can I've done a fully AFK hard mode Care
2894s Pack kill with a Revo bar camping a
2896s shield where like zero inputs and it is
2898s doable but it's a 17 minute kill like
2900s there's no actual feasibility to it but
2903s you could actually do that same with
2904s basing a raid if there's a bar that I
2906s have that can just base the whole raid
2908s with no inputs so that you know if I
2910s really wanted to in a pinch you could do
2912s that but you're right that that's not
2913s you know generally what it's what it's
2914s made for and it's not you know generally
2917s what uh you know what benefits the
2920s player base the most personally like
2921s it's a it's a similar question of trade
2923s officers with the anime dead example
2925s earlier that
2926s um
2927s the the your question essentially was do
2930s you do you think Revo plus plus makes it
2933s harder to learn for manual essentially
2934s and I think I see your logic and I think
2935s I agree with you like it it it's kind of
2938s like learning a bad habit right it's not
2939s a bad habit because because revo's fine
2940s but like you know what I mean like on
2942s the assumption that you want to do full
2943s manual you're learning a bad habit and
2945s it's then harder to break that habits
2947s and I think I agree with your logic
2949s there but the question is like does that
2952s mean it's it's bad in that specific
2954s circumstance but does that mean it's bad
2955s overall
2956s and I'm not sure I necessarily agree
2959s that the benefits as you've been talking
2961s about it makes more content accessible
2963s to more players in a different way you
2965s outweigh that specifically I mean I
2967s think I'm I'm absolutely biased there
2969s because my bread and butter for the last
2970s 10 years I've been teaching people how
2972s to pvm and I have noticed a a strong
2975s decline in people like people having a
2977s lot of difficulties learning full manual
2978s especially since Rebel plus came out and
2981s I think from that
2982s specific angle it's made it a lot more
2985s difficult but I would absolutely be
2987s willing to concede or agree that for the
2990s entirety of the game an absolute
2991s positive it's just specific for for that
2993s one new community it is one thing that
2995s makes the game a little bit more
2996s difficult to learn in lieu of a you know
2999s a slew of other things that make it
3000s difficult it's also worth like um I'm
3002s just thinking about the difference
3003s between free just wherever and when we
3006s made it River plus plus on the original
3008s Revo it would rather all basic abilities
3010s which meant that you you still had to
3012s understand gcd to be able to use your
3014s thresholds because otherwise oh it's
3016s just doing another basic again whereas
3018s now the ability to do both you can
3020s you know for example I moved back to
3022s Rapid Fire and I decide I want a
3023s snapshot I can press if I miss it and it
3025s Rapids fine I still get a threshold off
3027s it didn't use a basic so I'd argue that
3029s yeah I think plus plus has definitely
3031s been good for the game
3032s um I still agree with you on that it
3035s does make it hard to learn full manual
3036s but at the same time I think it actually
3037s helps a lot because if you think about
3039s just going from Basics to full manual
3042s you've been you would argue you've been
3044s pressing your
3045s um thresholds and stuff this whole time
3047s but you've been relying on the game to
3048s do the basics so for me personally when
3050s I went from Revo to full manual I did
3052s exactly what you mentioned uh basics of
3054s revoed I also had threshold Revo but I
3057s would interrupt I would pretty much do
3058s it myself for the most part and then I
3060s turned it off eventually and noticed my
3062s DPS went down because I was missing yep
3064s cycles and stuff
3066s um for pressing it so therefore it was
3067s using like another needle strike or
3068s something
3069s um
3070s but yeah I mean without like talking too
3073s specific about it
3075s um I also wonder if like it's also just
3077s about because Revolution relies on your
3079s ability bar being in a set order that
3082s changes everything as well right because
3083s if your bar is around the wrong way yeah
3085s DPS is half as good
3088s um so for players who have no let's say
3091s no particular interest in learning it
3092s they just want to be told what to do you
3094s know you whack open a Wiki page
3097s done good to go yeah I mean if you gave
3100s me the bar and then told me you need to
3102s press needle strike before snapshot you
3103s need to do this before that that's like
3105s cognitive over like load that some
3107s players just don't want so yeah
3109s um for accessibility I think it's super
3111s positive no that's that's good
3112s perspective and I would not disagree
3114s with you at all that it makes the game a
3115s lot more accessible okay well that is
3117s all the time that we have for this
3119s episode thank you all so much for tuning
3120s in once again mods Ryan and Jack thank
3122s you so much for joining no thank you and
3124s until the next one
3126s foreign