Original Post — Direct link

The previous post was hidden by the subreddit moderators without explanation until I reached out to them. Therefore in order to not "mislead" people, I'm making a text post with all the info that came to light after I made my original post.

  • Jagex removed moderator status of former Jmods during the middle of a livestream.
  • Jagex still has yet to remove many former Jmods from a moderator position in the OSRS channel.
  • This is an inconsistant move considering Jagex utilizes non-Jmod moderators on Twitter, Discord, Reddit, and In-game.

I don't think this was done in-spite of anyone however I think it's worth questioning Jagex's decision to do this during the middle of a livestream rather than while the stream was offline. I also find it strange that it has taken them multiple months to do it but they decided to do it specifically today. I believe Jagex has a terrible/questionable history when it comes to Moderation on twitch chat which should be addressed and I don't think removing trustworthy people from these positions is a good idea, especially since it's inconsistent with how they handle other platforms.

Shauny's comment

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Mod_Niku - Direct link


It was indeed done with a pretty bad timing, and not directed at all to Shauny. Sorry if it appeared otherwise. We noticed mid-stream that the list of mods hadn't been updated for a while and was in a mess. Last thing we want is to have forgotten accounts starting to mute/ban everyone. So I decided to unmod all non-Jagex accounts without distinction and start fresh.

It wasn't done on the OSRS channel simply because we have different teams in charge of the OS streams. Now that you've raised this issue, we've given the list a peek and updated.

Next step now is to come up with a fair and secure process to select Twitch Mods (TMods?), and open that to trustworthy players who feel they can take on this responsibility. We have some players in mind, others who've already showed interest, and we'll give mod rights to non-Jmods once that process is in place. It just needs to be done right. I want this status to be felt as a recognition of being valued within the community.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Mod_Niku - Direct link

Originally posted by KieranRS

It's a shame you removed my mod from both RS3 and OSRS twitch chats. I've been a mod in them for close to 5 years now helping the community, and not even a message of thanks before removing them? Low blow my dude. Low blow.

Hey Kieran,

Unmodded accounts who were still active will be included in the first review batch of this new selection process.

And actually, one of the reasons why we're implementing this is also to ease communications between JMods and Twitch Mods (including thanking you for keeping our communities safe!).

almost 5 years ago - /u/Mod_Niku - Direct link

Originally posted by ImRubic

Thank you for the response Mod Niku.

Since you're here, I really hope these recent decisions weren't as random and were more organized or consistent.

One thing I've been frustrated with is the constant use of 20-30 second slow modes in chat. I don't quite understand why you guys keep trying to revert to it every stream. 10 seconds is more than enough. If you wanted a place to gather and collect questions make a Forum/Reddit post beforehand. Obviously questions from chat as the stream goes on is useful but Twitch chat is usually slow enough to copy and paste them.

Hey ImRubic, we shift between 10 and 20 sec to give hosts on the sofas as much flexibility as possible.

We do copy/paste questions into the script but hosts also need to get a sense of the general sentiment from the chat (to focus questions on something for ex.) whilst keeping track of the conversation, script and prompts from tech.

It's not a perfect science, but right now we're setting at 10sec for the usual stream, and 20sec when it's more likely to be chatty.