almost 2 years ago - RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s [Music]
13s hello and welcome runescapers this week
15s our friends from steamforged games have
17s taken over the runescape weekly
18s livestream for a digital playthrough of
20s our new board game and development
22s runescape kingdom's shadow of elvarg is
24s a cooperative campaign board game which
27s is coming to kickstarter on the 31st of
29s may this is a cooperative campaign game
32s for one to five players explore asgardia
34s and mr lydden from above go on quests
37s level up your skills and take on bosses
39s today's dream will be the first time
41s we're giving an actual look at gameplay
43s through a digital tabletop so we're
44s passing over to jamie at steamforged
46s games to start the game
49s thank you very much monster um so
51s thank you very much for letting us come
53s on and as you say take over your stream
54s for the afternoon or at least the next
56s hour
57s what we're going to be doing uh over the
59s next hour is we're going to be taking
60s this through a couple of pre-scripted
62s turns through the game uh to have a look
64s at how some of the game mechanics
65s operate uh obviously um the viewers
67s might not realize this but mods do and
69s mod raven haven't actually had a lot of
70s contact with this board game before now
72s so they're very much coming into it as
73s new learners like everyone that's
75s viewing uh doing the channel so the
77s intention here is that we'll play
78s through some turns and we're gonna take
79s our really take our time with it and ask
81s as many questions and talk about things
83s as we go through as possible so i've
85s given person too much to you and my
86s raven to ask as many questions as they
88s can think of us as we watch into it um
91s the reason why we're doing a couple of
92s scripted turns is because the um the
95s gameplay from runescape kingdom is
96s actually quite quite expansive like
98s playing through a whole campaign can
100s probably take you
101s up to uh or perhaps beyond three hours
104s so
104s it's very much intended to be a game
106s that you engage with a little bit you
108s pack it when you box uh in its currently
110s played format and then break it out
112s again for your next session and continue
114s from where you were so because of that
115s we're just going to break it down to a
117s couple of but walk through a couple of
118s turns instead uh to show you how to
120s charge some of the game mechanics and
122s we're also going to have a look at some
123s stuff to do with the the boss fights
124s later on as well so we're going to get
125s to get to grips with karen draynor
127s himself towards towards the end of the
128s stream so um so i think what we can do
131s actually is we can we can just jump
132s straight into things and what we've
133s asked um to do is to take over control
136s of the knight for us
138s and moderate is going to take over
139s control of the wizard for us um
142s just to let um fans know as well is that
144s when you play one of these uh particular
146s miniatures it doesn't it doesn't
147s describe you to like a predetermined
149s play style they're very much blank
150s slates uh these characters you can you
153s can have them um leveled up in skilling
155s in whatever you like
157s um so just because if you're playing
159s with the knight uh miniature as your
160s adventurer doesn't actually prevent you
162s from say leveling up in magic or
163s crafting it's very much just the
165s characters
166s makes you play with our game board so if
168s we can have a look at taking the first
169s turn with the knight um we're going to
171s be playing cooperatively through the
173s vampire slayer campaign
174s um what that basically means is we've
176s taken some of the iconic quests from the
179s video games and we've turned those into
181s sort of larger overarching stories as
183s you're playing through the board game um
185s smaller elements of quests like gertrude
187s scat etc here are side quests but some
189s of the big ones like vampire slayer or
191s the long ones or other appear as your
193s campaign quest and that gives you like
195s your overall team objective of what
196s you're trying to accomplish and i
197s mentioned earlier that we're going to be
198s working towards that boss fight with
200s with count draynor so um what we think
203s the knights has decided to do with their
204s first turn is they're actually going to
205s go and try to achieve that first
207s objective on the campaign board to
209s complete vampire slayer which is to go
211s to speak to morgan so what they would do
213s is they would go straight to the
213s campaign board
215s and have a read actually of the area it
217s says speak to morgan that should tell
218s you what to do do you mind having to
219s read about first please um
221s so speak to morgan people of draenor
223s village live in constant terror their
225s numbers are dwindling all due to the
227s foul creature lurking in the manor to
230s the north known as a vampire one
232s villager morgan seeks aid
237s you want to read the rest as well
239s please yeah please do yeah okay if that
241s wasn't true just start alex parker okay
243s an adventure in draenor village with uh
245s one
246s defense or more i'm guessing can perform
248s the following action speak to morgan by
250s collecting vault card one
253s okay so what we'd then do uh actually
255s because the knight is currently stood on
257s lumbridge and um this is one of the
258s regions of the game ball that they can
260s be positioned in there's a couple of
262s there's a line of black dots that's
263s connecting the uh lumbridge to draenor
265s village so what we're going to do is
266s move the knight over to draenor village
268s as their movement whenever you take your
270s turn you can move to an adjacent region
273s which is connected by the black dots
274s once you've moved to a new region you
276s can do one of two things usually one of
278s them is explore the region so that would
279s be drawing an exclamation card and
281s interacting with whatever random event
282s occurs in that region game board the
284s other thing you can do is interact with
286s an ongoing quest whether it's a side
287s quest or a campaign quest is what we're
290s doing at the moment so because you've
291s moved to draenor village which is what
293s the campaign quest says um you can do
295s your quest action speak to morgan which
297s allows you to draw vault card number one
298s which i'll just draw for you
301s okay so we'll bring volt card one over
303s here we can have a look at that i've
304s drawn it already down near the campaign
306s board
307s if we have a double click of that we can
309s have a read of that would you mind
310s reading out for us please again
311s certainly
312s uh i wonder what morgan sounds like he's
315s been such an old character um i'll make
317s him fairly whiny um please please help
319s this bold adventurer our little village
322s has been dreadfully ravaged by an evil
324s vampire
325s he lives in the basement of the manor to
326s the north we need someone to get rid of
328s him once and for all
331s i have a friend who is a retired vampire
333s hunter his name is dr harlow he may be
336s able to give you some tips he can
338s normally be found in the blue moon inn
340s in vrok
342s apparently i've gained three coins and
344s one defense from that
346s you have indeed so what we can do now is
348s we can discard this fault card because
350s we've used that now and your character
351s has gained
353s those elements for completing that quest
354s so we'll take an experience points and
356s we'll put that down under defense if we
357s want to go down to the next character
359s sheets
360s just drag one these experience tokens
362s over
362s and you gain a point of experience in
364s defense so what as you can imagine uh
367s when you build up experience tokens
368s along your character sheets when you
369s effectively fill those tokens up you can
371s gain an entire level in that skill and
373s that will help you um be more successful
376s in skill tests and other things you'll
377s get to do later on in the game so
379s and also we have gained some coins as
381s well i believe so we'll take over three
383s coins um these can be spent on resources
385s performing other actions and sort of
387s stuff you can do this it's resources you
388s can spend later in the game
390s okay that would actually
393s absolutely absolutely that so that would
394s uh complete your turn with the knight um
396s one of the things i do want to point out
398s by the way is that this uh this demo is
400s very much using it's a number of
402s placeholder graphics uh so for example
403s that headshot we have there of morgan
405s that's not intended to be shown as is in
407s the final game we very much intend to
408s replace those with something a little
409s bit more finalized when we come to
411s putting the game into your hands and
413s this is just what we have let's play
414s solder for now
416s um okay so
418s um don't forget by the way if there's
419s any questions or anything that's come up
420s or anything you want to ask about as
421s we're going through just just stop us
423s and then we can we can talk about it as
424s we're going going through there
426s um
428s but if that all seems straightforward we
430s can carry on and pass over to um
433s fraser and mod raven who are going to
434s show us to take us through the wizard's
436s turn
438s yes thank you jamie so we're going to do
439s the wizard's turn
441s the wizard has picked up a sidequest
444s goblin diplomacy previously in the game
446s and they're going to make moves towards
448s completing it so we'll bring that up as
450s i have a look at it
453s it's on the top left it's just just here
456s there we go uh if you could read the
458s just the bold italic text at the top for
460s me please
461s okay
463s generals bent nose and wart face can't
465s agree on which color their tribe should
467s wear
468s help them solve their dispute so the
470s world doesn't have to worry about
472s writing goblins
475s so there we go it's really um world
478s ending stuff
480s but the wizard to
482s continue this quest is gonna have to get
483s to goblin village
485s uh if we go back to the game board we'll
487s see that the wizard is in lumbridge
490s umbridge is not adjacent to the goblin
492s village
493s they'll have to travel through ice
495s mountain to get there so that's what
497s we're going to do we're going to take
498s the the wizards uh miniature we're going
500s to move it on to ice mountain
504s oh like jimmy said there's two things we
506s can do uh when we move on to a region we
509s can request action if there is one or we
512s can explore it in this case there isn't
514s the quest action so we'll be exploring
516s it
517s uh each uh
520s region belongs to an area
523s uh earth orb falador edgeville lumbridge
527s or varrock
528s uh
529s ice mountain belongs to edgeville so
531s we'll take uh
535s uh edgeville exploration card we'll draw
537s it we'll flip it over and we'll see what
539s it says
540s we're on ice mountain so we'll resolve
543s the section of it that corresponds that
545s corresponds to that region so if we can
547s read the uh ice mountain text please
551s an ice fiend charges towards you stand
554s your ground or scare it off with magic
559s okay
561s okay and this brings us to the first
564s example of a skill test
566s skill tests usually have a pass and fail
568s passes a reward fail usually is bad
571s you'll suffer wins or you'll get
573s pickpocketed or something like that
575s um how would you pass or fail it uh
578s depends on how you get on the skill test
580s you'll see there's these two columns to
582s the side
583s one with the sword in it and one with a
584s hat in it
585s the sword is a belly skill test uh the
588s hat is a magic skill test
591s and you'll see there's two numbers in
592s each scale test one the top and one on
594s the bottom
595s the top number is the skill test
597s complexity
599s uh that's to determine the number of
601s dice that you get to roll in the test
603s the more dice you get to roll the more
604s chance you have of passing it
606s if your skill level uh in the skill is
611s lower than the complexity of the test
612s your one dice if it's the same you'll
614s roll two dice and if it's higher than
617s you'll roll three dice and on any one
620s individual dice you're looking to roll
622s the number on the bottom uh the
624s difficulty of the test so if we choose
626s to if we choose to take a melee test we
628s would need to roll seven if we should
630s take a magic task we need to rule of
631s four
633s uh mod raven uh normally i would leave
635s this up to you to pick between them but
637s we've scripted it's gonna be the magic
639s test so that's what we're gonna take
641s um so we'll have a look at the wizards
644s magic skill
647s uh which is two
649s less than three so we're only going to
651s get through all one dice um let's
653s pretend we did that off screen in a
655s lovely scripted manner and we rolled the
658s let's say the nine that said that's this
660s they're sitting nicely three year old
662s for us
664s so we've passed the scale test our
666s reward was a coin so we'll collect one
668s from the
670s the bank let's call it
672s uh and we'll get so okay roll it for you
674s it was a time
677s thank you
678s all screen as well it's just that would
679s do it
680s um
682s okay now when you take a skill test pass
685s or fail you gain an experience point in
687s that skill
689s so the wizard will
691s in an experience in magic
694s which nicely
696s adds the third skill this third
698s experience point in magic so we remove
700s each other through each of the three
701s skill tokens
703s and we'll
704s level the scale up by one
706s easy is that not not so bad for
708s exploring a random mountain
711s well that's not finished
714s yes very very well the well explored
717s um that's not all we get to do when we
719s explore we'll see each of the
722s region banners has an icon on it at the
724s bottom
725s i'll move the
728s uh wizard figures slightly so we can see
730s uh the cooking icon that will either be
733s a skill icon or a resource icon for the
736s resource icon we would have gained the
737s resource because it's a skill icon
739s instead we can spend resources to gain
741s experience points in that icon
744s up to three up to three skill points
746s and each resource that we spend has to
748s be different
750s the wizard
751s if we have a look to the side of the
752s character sheet has two metal
755s so we can't
756s spend both of those because of the same
759s we'll spend one of them still
761s uh so we flip that to spend it
764s from the plate with two on it so with
765s one on it if that is actually the case
768s no okay so we'll ditch that one
772s and replace it with a one
776s beginner experience in
779s cooking
783s and that's how we interact with uh
785s skilling points throughout the map
788s uh that brings the wizard's turn to an
790s end
792s they've just said something it doesn't
793s matter what resource you you spend it
795s can be anything
797s it can be any resource you want as long
800s as they're as long as they're different
801s for each skill point you gain
803s right
804s yes
805s so the main reason for that is a couple
807s of different things one is because this
808s when you look at the the video games for
810s runescape and old school escape there's
812s quite a huge number of resources
813s throughout the game all different kinds
814s of resources like just a number of
816s different balls alone when you're
817s creating different metals it's like
820s five six seven eight of those if there's
822s more than those when you include things
823s like coal as well it's like
824s supplementary materials there's so many
825s different resources in the game we
826s needed to to bring those down to a
829s shorter list of things that we could use
830s that would still apply to the majority
832s of things using the game so we've got to
833s think it was about 12 different
834s resources that we can pick up which
835s things like flour eggs and then there's
837s more generic one like metal which
839s represents all different metals you can
840s pick up
841s when it comes to skilling obviously
843s there's quite a lot of those resources
844s that are required to use in skilling so
846s when i come back to the earlier version
848s if you were leveling up you know mining
849s in the video games you would be making
851s use of different walls that you found to
853s create metal bars and smith them later
854s on to increase your smithing experience
857s um we've in this case we basically know
860s that you will quite often sort of import
862s resources to gain experience out of the
864s games um and you'll often sort of gain
866s other resources in return taking my
867s example like a mental bar
869s um this is why in this instance we've
872s made it a little bit simple for players
873s to suspend any of the resources that
875s they've got to to access these sort of
876s skilling points on the game board um
880s yeah
881s so there's an abstraction that like
883s you're selling those little bars to then
884s acquire some raw food
886s behind the scenes that you then be
887s cooking for the cooking skill but kind
888s of skipping a step for simplicity's sake
891s exactly exactly yes
895s yeah thank you very much very much it so
898s also in terms of the game experience in
899s game dance it also means that you should
901s never really have any kind of useless
902s resources that you've collected you can
903s always use them for something even if
904s it's just discarding them to gain some
906s experience in this skill
908s okay
909s so as fraser said that brings us to the
912s end of the wizards turns that means we
914s have to move on to the skiller who was
915s who fraser is going to pilot himself for
917s us that's okay fraser
919s uh yeah so back to me again
922s oh what we're going to have a look at
924s for the skiller's turn is their leather
926s body
927s um which is an equipment card
930s uh the reason i bring this up is because
932s equipment card is something that we've
933s not really gone over yet equipment can
935s do a lot of different things in the game
937s this one allows us to add an extra diet
940s equipment die special die to
943s defense skill tests
945s but
946s only for defense skill tests of
948s complexity 2 or lower
952s obviously at the moment we're early days
954s that's okay but as the campaigns go on
957s and get more dangerous the complexity
959s numbers are going to get higher uh so
961s we're going to look to upgrade this
963s equipment to
964s take us further safely into the
967s campaign so see there there's a number
969s of upgrade resource resources we need uh
972s two leather metal and a thread
975s and then beside that there is a skill
977s test listed to upgrade the equipment so
980s if
981s any character has
983s the
984s upgrade resources
986s uh in their inventory they can attempt
989s to during their turn at any point uh
991s take that scaling test
993s to upgrade the equip
995s the scaler has almost everything they
997s need
999s they've got three leather
1000s more than the two they need they've got
1002s one metal they just need the thread so
1004s what they're going to do is try and go
1006s and get some thread so we'll go back to
1008s the map and we'll see that the thread
1010s icon is on valador
1013s fortunately that region is adjacent to
1015s where they are just now uh entirely
1018s because you know scripted turns are
1020s great
1021s so we're going to move from tower league
1024s to falador
1025s and we'll explore explore it to get the
1027s thread
1028s we've just seen in the wizards turn what
1030s happens when we explore a province
1032s region those are the ones with small
1033s banners
1034s falador is a capital region big banner
1038s uh and we explore those in a slightly
1040s different way
1042s first of all we don't draw an
1043s exploration card uh it's more
1045s predictable what's going to happen these
1047s tend to be bigger more
1050s i don't want to say civilized but
1051s ordered places um
1053s on the map where you can tend to predict
1056s what will happen
1058s so there's three things that we we need
1060s to do first of all we're going to get
1061s the thread that we came for because
1062s that's important
1063s so i'm going to pick that up
1065s and drop it down by my
1067s character
1069s and not off screen so people can see it
1074s then
1075s i'm going to
1078s advance the escalation track which i
1080s have to do every time we explore a car
1083s uh
1084s major region that's this track off to
1086s the side with the the runescape token on
1088s it so that moves up by one so the moment
1091s that's not doing anything fortunately
1093s when this token gets to the top of the
1095s track we'll draw a campaign card which
1097s are the cards just above it
1099s these tend to be quite nasty they tend
1102s to be in in this case it'll be something
1104s to do with count draenor being a vampire
1107s and drinking blood and generally being
1108s not nice person
1111s and it makes the game board a more
1112s dangerous place to be so the longer we
1114s spend on it the more time the more
1116s dangerous things get the more
1118s um the longer we're not dealing with
1120s current draenor the more problems he
1122s causes
1124s we haven't got it off the track yet so
1125s we don't need to worry about that just
1126s now
1128s um the other thing we can do is
1131s like we've seen in province regions we
1133s can gain experience
1134s except this time we gain them by
1136s spending coins
1138s and it shows on the banner uh banners to
1140s the side
1141s uh which
1143s ex which skills we can get experiencing
1147s uh in falador's case we can get a
1150s crafting experience for one coin
1152s gathering experience or two cooking
1154s experience also for two to a maximum of
1156s one
1157s for each different skill
1160s so we need to make a decision here about
1162s what
1162s experience we're gonna get uh since
1165s we're just about to take a crafting cast
1166s for the leather body i'm definitely
1168s gonna spend that coin
1170s uh to gain one experience in
1173s uh crafting
1176s which brings me just shy of leveling
1178s that skill
1180s uh i can also get cooking from
1183s fardor that's more expensive that's two
1185s coins but i will level it up if i spend
1187s the coins so i'm gonna do that i'm gonna
1189s spend the two coins
1191s i'm gonna get my one experience here the
1193s third one would be placed there
1195s they would all be
1197s removed
1201s i'm cooking with with level up to three
1203s which is nice
1205s so that's us finished exploring uh
1207s falador
1208s well with turns not finished yet because
1210s we want to try not we've now got the the
1211s resources we need we can try and upgrade
1213s this leather body so
1216s uh let's see how we let's see how we get
1218s on uh jamie if you could roll me some
1220s dice off screen again so i can cheat
1222s yes need how many dicks are up
1224s uh i have crafting too and it's a
1226s complexity too so two dice
1233s great we didn't even have to cheat
1234s you're all the six so six is what we
1236s need to pass the test
1239s um
1240s so we so we've passed that
1242s past class effect as we collect uh vault
1244s car 20 discard of the all the resources
1247s listed above and this card so we've got
1249s to get rid of the thread the metal and
1252s two of our leather
1257s we have
1258s upgraded our leather body so that's
1260s that's now gone and we now have the nice
1264s uber protective studded body
1267s which gives us more protection against
1270s uh defense skill tests with higher
1272s complexity
1273s so that was good
1275s and
1276s like all other skill tests we've been
1278s with we've taken it so we've gained an
1279s experience in crafting that's the third
1282s one there we go excellent that will now
1284s level up as well
1285s so that was a
1286s fairly
1287s fruitful turn
1292s and with that
1294s the scale return is finished and we go
1296s back to
1297s the night
1299s just before we do that
1301s yeah sure that's what i should say just
1303s before we jump into that we've mentioned
1304s develop deck a couple of times it's
1306s probably just good we're spending a
1307s minute talking about that in general
1308s because we've drawn
1309s both the morgan card and we drew the
1311s studded leather as well from the vault
1313s deck um so there's actually quite a lot
1315s of different kinds of cards you can find
1317s in the vault deck there you'll only ever
1319s draw cards from the vault deck when
1320s you're instructed to buy the game it's
1321s where we store a lot of the games kind
1322s of episodic um both narrative and
1325s upgraded versions of equipment it's also
1327s where we'll store things like additional
1329s exploration cards that can get shuffled
1331s into the next year in the game it stores
1332s quite a lot of things that we want to
1333s keep hidden for the time being um
1336s we also thought it'd be quite comical to
1337s leave the gnome child on top there's
1338s actually no mechanic in the game that
1340s tells you to draw the gnome child card
1341s so it's going to stare at you the whole
1342s time um okay so you're supposed to tell
1345s people that that was meant to be a
1346s secret
1348s it was just too funny to me i just
1349s enjoyed it quite a lot um
1358s so what we can do now is we can get on
1359s with the knight's second turn um so what
1361s the knight wants to do
1362s is start moving towards their side quest
1364s as well which is the bandit hunting card
1366s then
1368s the bottom left-hand corner so that what
1369s they're gonna do is start moving towards
1370s the black knights fortress and towards
1373s that they've got quite a long way to go
1374s but they're happy to just do some
1375s exploration along the way so we're going
1377s to move the knights from draenor village
1378s over to draenor manor which is just
1380s quite just next to it and hopefully not
1382s pumping to countering or in the process
1384s yes indeed well it's funny you mentioned
1386s that so what we're going to do is
1387s because we haven't currently got a quest
1388s interacts with draenorman and what we're
1390s going to do is we're going to draw an
1391s exploration card for uh for lumbridge
1393s instead which we'll have drain our
1394s banner sections on it so uh let's have a
1396s look at the top card from lumbridge deck
1398s just draw that and bring it down here
1401s flip that over and we'll read from the
1403s lumber section now um you'll notice that
1406s there's a section for general village
1407s and the wizards tower lumbridge would uh
1409s sorry not number sorry uh draenor mana
1411s would actually come at the top of this
1412s card but it says random event
1414s okay so sometimes you'll see cards that
1416s say draw a random event now where the
1418s exploration cards are normally coded to
1420s the area you draw them from so for
1422s draenor village train or mana you know
1424s the wizards tower those are in the
1425s lumbridge deck and you'll very much
1426s encounter thematic
1428s elements that are specific to those
1430s regions of the game board if you're in
1432s you know the wizards tower you'll
1433s probably interact with wizard for
1434s example to take a really clear one when
1437s it says to draw a random event this is
1438s when something completely random that
1440s can happen to say you might run into the
1442s evil chicken or you might run into the
1444s sandwich lady for example something
1446s completely off script and off region can
1448s occur there so in this instance we've
1450s drawn an event card and i'm going to
1451s flip it over and let you have a read of
1453s that let's do
1455s just going off the side over here there
1458s you go give coins for sword plz the
1460s goateed man says with a blank expression
1462s on his default features
1465s you may take him up on his offer by
1466s discarding two coins if you do collect
1468s vault card 33 and remove this card from
1471s the game
1473s okay so in this instance this is a good
1476s example of where you've got a choice for
1477s the players that isn't related to a
1478s skill test you actually get to decide
1480s whether you're going to do this based on
1481s the resources that you have um you'll
1483s get choices like this quite often in the
1485s board game not all of them are good um
1486s so some some
1488s we're going to be very intentionally
1489s this occasion we're going to not draw
1491s that card because i want to leave that
1492s bit of content for another time but it's
1493s just to give you an example of the kind
1495s of things that you can run into in the
1496s event deck
1497s and some other places in the game um
1500s that would result
1501s or not all of them again
1503s not definitely not all of them are good
1505s yes um quite a lot of them are you can
1507s find some very cool equipment
1510s definitely definitely yeah um
1512s okay so um
1514s so the knights has moved and has done
1516s their explanation because we've now
1517s resolved their exploration card and i
1520s believe that's gonna end their turn
1523s okay
1523s yeah
1525s so
1527s we now want to move on to the wizard
1529s once again
1531s right so we're back to the wizard
1534s the wizard now is in a region adjacent
1536s to the goblin village so that's where
1538s we'll be going
1539s do we move there we have a quest that um
1543s requires us to be in that region so
1545s we'll not be exploring we'll be doing
1546s the quest so let's bring up goblin
1548s diplomacy
1550s uh or raven if you if you will
1555s um can we read out again or am i doing
1557s the next page oh we've uh
1558s uh
1560s uh
1561s dealer's choice
1563s uh so we had a read of this before so we
1566s probably want to read the set the middle
1567s section onwards that's okay
1569s so if this adventure is in goblin
1571s village they can perform the following
1574s action
1575s steal their old clothes and present them
1578s back the generals as an alternative
1579s option
1581s i've got a skill check of
1583s one complexity
1585s against a target of five thieving
1588s yeah so we've got we've got we've got a
1591s skill one which gives uh sorry skill uh
1594s theme skill two which actually lets us
1595s roll three days because that's higher
1598s um and we only need to get one five to
1600s successfully swipe the general's clothes
1603s and
1604s present them back to them as if it's a
1606s new shiny option for their
1608s um colors for their stripe to wear
1611s we've got a seven so we've passed that
1614s excellent
1615s let's bring the quest back up we've
1616s passed
1619s uh if you could read the pass effect
1621s please
1622s the goblins agree that brown is best the
1625s quest is complete
1626s [Music]
1628s terrific so when we pass a quest we gain
1632s the rewards showing the top the the
1634s banner on the top in this case we'll get
1636s five experience in thieving plus the one
1639s that we just got from taking the test so
1640s six in total and two coins
1643s so that immediately gives us
1645s two levels in thieving
1651s and they say the crown doesn't pay
1653s [Laughter]
1656s i think we've gained three levels and
1658s thieving
1662s there we go
1663s so completing sidequests give
1665s great rewards compared with just
1667s exploring but there are certain
1668s criterias you need to meet to finish
1670s them in this case go to some goblins and
1672s swipe some clothes some of them are
1674s considerably harder to consider really
1676s more time
1677s some of them like goblin diplomacy can
1679s be finished quite quickly and quite
1680s easily
1682s it varies from side quest to side quest
1684s we've also got our two coins
1692s and that
1694s because we didn't explore the region we
1696s don't get to um
1699s use the scaling point we would need to
1700s stay here next turn to explore it to get
1702s to use that feature um
1705s we've got nothing else to do that's the
1706s turn finished
1708s okay just to cover up one of the things
1710s that we didn't see during those turns um
1712s so when on when you exploring around the
1715s game board we did come across like a
1717s skilling icon when we went to ice
1718s mountain and we saw how you can spend
1720s resources to gain experience in cooking
1722s um in the different regions of the game
1724s board you'll notice that they're not
1725s just skilling icons there's actually
1726s number resource icons as well um when
1728s you explore those regions instead of
1731s gaining you know spending resources to
1732s gain skills you quite simply just gain
1734s that resource to add to your character
1735s instead so let's say for example um when
1738s the knight had moved um
1740s to
1741s uh i just realized i missed that when
1742s you moved to draenor manor what actually
1744s should have done there is um giving you
1746s um a herb resource as well because you
1748s just picked that up along the way so in
1750s addition to actually pulling an
1751s exploration card you'd have just gained
1752s that resource just removing that area
1754s and those also are kind of themed
1757s exactly free stuff
1758s there's a theme to the area you move
1759s into so if you move to the farmland
1761s you're getting some eggs for instance
1764s if you're going through carefully then
1765s inevitably you kill some cows at the cow
1767s fields on your way through that sort of
1768s thing
1769s exactly exactly you've got it you've got
1771s it okay so um what that's gonna do is
1773s that's gonna
1774s nothing nothing wasted result so that's
1776s that's gonna bring us to the to the end
1777s of the scripture turns onto the main
1778s game board um what we're going to do
1781s move on to a moment is we can actually
1783s have a look at how boss fight works now
1784s so what would happen um on the main game
1788s board is is you noticed on the vampire
1789s slayer campaign board and i've put an rs
1791s token by the speak to morgan element
1793s because we completed that earlier once
1795s you've completed all these objectives
1796s and filled the board with the rs tokens
1798s all the way down um towards the bottom
1800s so you've grabbed the stake you've got
1802s the hammer etc wreath of garlic and
1803s spoken to dr harlow
1805s then you'd come to the bottom area which
1807s is to is to actually go and have the
1809s encounter with cat draenor himself
1811s and where a player character needs to
1812s any one of the player characters can
1814s just move on to the draenor manor um
1816s space and that kicks off the the boss
1819s fight elements of the campaign
1822s okay so and so what we'll do is we're
1824s just going to pan right over to where
1826s we've set up a little boss fight to have
1827s a look up a concerns of how that works
1829s um i think as well it's probably a good
1830s idea to just have a good zoom in if you
1832s want to and have a good look at that
1833s count drain or miniaturize because i
1834s believe we've only just shown that off
1836s today i think you can go and have a look
1837s at the
1838s the vlogs that you've shown off today as
1840s well if people want to go and have a
1841s look at that miniature
1843s okay
1845s it's a good time we need to update the
1846s one in game
1852s we've had i believe we had russ charles
1854s on with us on some of the the week for
1856s streams with us um already but
1858s when we came on again we can definitely
1859s ask him some good questions about kind
1861s of what the inspirations were behind a
1862s number of the scopes that i look at and
1864s the bosses in particular it's been
1865s really fun to take a number of different
1867s visual references um from from a
1869s combination actually of runescape and
1870s also runescape there to create an
1872s interesting visual
1873s um it's not it's not really distinctly
1875s one or the other
1876s okay so um so we're going to have a look
1879s at a couple of turns of how boss fight
1880s works now um now these are quite
1882s different to how it works on the game
1883s board what we've tried to to bring
1884s across as many of the game mechanics as
1886s possible to keep it familiar so skill
1888s test is still a thing when it comes to
1889s boss fight for example um whereas you've
1892s got this kind of fast travel view of how
1893s the main game board works we really
1895s wanted to zoom into like an encounter or
1897s instance level perspective for how the
1899s boss fights work and really get you to
1900s grips with them so it can give you a an
1902s exciting interesting and different
1904s experience that's suited to that in
1906s particular boss so when it comes to
1907s current draenor we've very much set the
1909s game board the boss board that you're
1910s fighting him on as being in the crypt of
1913s count the crypt of draenor manor um and
1915s the terrain card that they're obviously
1916s specific to countering us you've got a
1918s coffin you've got some piles of bones in
1920s the corners of the room that are going
1921s to impact the fight in different ways
1925s in terms of how the turn order works uh
1928s it's it's quite similar to the game as
1930s well in terms of that you'll each get to
1931s take a turn you'll get to move and then
1934s pick one from the list of actions when
1936s it comes to your turn i think at this
1937s point i'm going to pass up the phrase
1938s just to talk us through how some of
1940s those actions work and to show us
1941s through the first turn of this combat
1943s actually
1945s right cool so like jamie said we can
1948s move and we can do an action moving is
1951s fairly simple so explain that first you
1953s can move one space uh along um a flat
1956s edge
1957s not diagonally or corner to corner um
1962s done that's it easy
1964s um
1965s the other thing you can do like in the
1967s mean
1967s the main campaign is after you've moved
1970s you can do an action
1972s but unlike the campaign
1974s um each boss fight has a bespoke list of
1977s combat actions that you can pick from to
1979s do and they'll each be skill tests and
1981s they'll each tell you what happens uh
1983s when you pass them there are never a
1985s fail effects uh in these it's always
1987s past it's always passes
1989s so we see here we've got a melee test a
1993s range test and a magic test all of these
1995s inflict damage uh on count draenor and
1998s so we'll need to land
2000s several of these uh to try and win the
2002s fight in reducing to zero health we can
2004s also use our gathering skill and our
2006s thieving skills to influence
2009s the the battleground in other ways
2012s and these can change from fight to fight
2014s quite dramatically
2016s to give you a consistent experience in
2018s terms of
2020s um what you what you do but a differing
2023s experience in terms of what your role is
2025s in the fight depending on what skills
2027s you've levelled up and how they interact
2028s with each individual fight
2031s the first turn we're going to take uh is
2034s the mages as determined by the
2036s initiative track so we'll come back to
2038s the game board and we'll have a look at
2039s these row of cards around down the
2040s bottom
2041s this is the initiative track which is
2043s shuffled and dealt a new ev every every
2045s round and it determines the turn order
2048s first initiative card up is the wizard
2051s the wizard takes first turn
2053s uh wizard is up here on the top uh
2056s uh mod raven uh what we're going to do
2058s is we're going to move the wizard to the
2060s left
2061s onto the bones card
2064s bones card is a little bit risky to move
2066s on to but we'll deal with that if it
2068s comes up which it might not given that i
2071s know the future because we scripted
2072s these
2073s um so that's the move
2075s now it's going to do the
2077s um my magic attack combat action
2081s um
2082s the wizard has
2084s uh magic of three
2086s so we get equal to the complexity so we
2089s can roll two dice for this
2092s uh we'll roll the dice and then pretend
2094s that one of them was at least a six
2098s it was
2100s thankfully
2102s so we've inflicted one point of damage
2104s on current draenor
2106s so we'll have a look at the top um board
2109s here we see we've got two health tracks
2111s uh one for the adventurers and one for
2113s the boss when we inflict a wound we move
2116s the we move the token down one if we
2118s inflict two moons we move it down two
2120s etc
2121s uh we're
2122s usually the goal in a boss fight will be
2124s to reduce their health to zero at which
2125s point you've won the fight while
2127s avoiding your health being reduced to
2129s zero
2130s uh in addition to the the wound we've
2132s inflicted um the special another effect
2135s of passing the
2136s magic attack skill test is we've blasted
2138s count draenor away
2140s so we'll take cameron push him away
2144s uh
2145s since the magic attack is reasonably
2147s short range it's usually a good idea to
2149s keep your radar away from uh the wizard
2151s afterwards so that's kind of nice
2155s that brings the wizard's turn to an end
2157s so we'll look back to the initiative
2159s track
2160s uh the next uh card
2162s is the encounter in our behavior card
2164s lash out so i'm gonna pass you back to
2166s jamie who will take on the role of kevin
2168s draynor for this fight
2171s okay so um country now is going to be
2174s moving one space and it shows a little
2176s gray symbol there which is an arrow it's
2178s going to be one space towards the
2179s adventures initiative card to the left
2180s which means it's going to move one space
2181s towards the wizard because that's the
2183s card which means it's going to be one
2185s space back up to here which is into the
2187s same space as the knight
2190s okay um once card drainer has moved
2192s they're going to be attacking
2193s horizontally which means that they're
2194s going to hit all three of these spaces
2196s where the knight is where the coffin is
2198s and where the skiller is um so you'll
2200s notice about a lot of the bosses attacks
2202s that they do hit quite a wide area so
2204s choosing where you stand is going to be
2206s quite an important part of the tactics
2207s here um
2209s so because the uh the boss doesn't
2211s actually roll dice we're still using our
2213s skill test we mentioned from earlier
2215s while that's going to happen it's going
2216s to cause both of those adventurers the
2217s knight and the skiller to have to take
2219s defense tests at complex c3 um and
2222s requiring a seven or more to pass it if
2225s this is where if there's a failure state
2227s is that you're going to suffer a wound
2228s because that means you fail to defend
2229s the attack and cap drain or has hit you
2231s so if we can have both the knight and
2233s the skill of taking those defense tests
2234s i think we can do the knight first whose
2236s defense is three which means because
2238s your skill is equal to the complexity
2240s you get to roll two dice
2242s and try to get a seven on one of them
2244s uh if you want to do that first mods do
2247s sure okay so two of these dots up
2255s here okay so in this instance you would
2257s have failed the test because we didn't
2258s get a seven which means that the party
2260s together will have suffered a wound so
2262s whereas it's whereas on the main game
2264s board uh each adventure has health
2266s individually uh when it comes to a boss
2268s fight it's it's success or failure
2270s together so everyone has a combined
2271s health pool um one thing that's
2273s interesting to note is
2275s the more damage the players have
2276s suffered on the campaign on the main
2277s sort of game board that that transfers
2279s into the boss fight with you so let's
2280s say that players would start on 20
2282s health normally but between us we'd
2284s suffered five damage that means that our
2286s starting health and the boss i would be
2287s 15 instead of 20. so it's worth keeping
2289s track of the individual health as well
2292s okay we also need to have a defense
2294s skill test for the skiller as well
2296s and i believe the skiller has only one
2299s defense
2300s but they have these would actually have
2302s this studded leather body from earlier
2304s wouldn't they
2305s uh yep we would have that so we would
2307s actually get to add the special dice
2309s which is this um
2310s orange one on the bottom
2316s [Music]
2320s i get drilled both of these dice
2323s that one failed
2325s and that one was a success
2328s um had they both failed i could have
2330s relied on my
2332s garlic wreath the one of the uh
2335s equipment cards that we got we would
2337s have gotten during the the main campaign
2340s portion of the quest to have rerolled
2342s the dice of my choice so i could have
2343s rerolled one of them to try have another
2344s quote passing it
2349s okay
2351s so i believe that brings count draenor's
2353s turned to an end which means we go back
2355s to the next card of initiative track
2356s which is the skiller
2359s so
2360s um the scaler being who they are has not
2362s really leveled many
2364s combat stats the
2367s the melee the magic the range the
2369s defense so the skiller is not like
2371s feeling much like attacking don doesn't
2373s feel like it'll do
2374s all that much damage
2376s what they can do though is use one of
2378s the
2379s other skills uh the thieving or the
2381s gathering to
2383s um interact with the game with the the
2385s game board in a different way uh in this
2388s case we're going to use sleight of hand
2389s and i'll tell you why just now the next
2393s count drainer card on the initiative
2395s track is regenerate
2396s which allows which would count general
2398s will heal
2400s unless they have been wounded this round
2403s by an attack made with whichever
2405s adventurer has the stake which is the
2407s knight
2408s unfortunately the way that this
2409s initiative track was dealt the night's
2411s turn is going to be after the regenerate
2414s behavior so i'm going to use the sleight
2416s of hand
2418s uh to try and swap the places of those
2422s two cards to try and let the knight take
2423s their turn first to prevent the
2424s regenerate from uh actually killing
2427s countering or any any uh
2430s wounds
2431s so
2432s i've got
2434s a skill of three and it's complexity two
2436s so i get
2437s three die
2439s three dice
2441s and i'm looking for at least one six
2444s which i got on the on the zero which is
2445s a ten
2448s so i'm going to swap the knight with
2451s regenerate
2460s and that's the skillers turn finished as
2461s much as the skiller didn't do any damage
2464s or do anything
2465s particularly flashy they have set the
2468s initiative track up um for the whole
2470s party to be successful
2473s i appreciate the sailors finish
2478s it's a team game we've mentioned
2479s cooperative once or twice
2482s um
2483s the
2484s scaler's finished um normally would be a
2486s country in our term but because we've
2488s used sleight of hand it's now another
2490s adventurous turn
2491s the night
2493s hey i'm helping
2496s so as we mentioned previously um
2500s we want the knight to be attacking
2501s country or with the melee action where
2503s they can use the stake
2505s milli action you need to be in the same
2506s space scandrino which they already are
2509s so we'll use the
2510s so we'll bring up the
2512s um
2515s the combat actions list again to have a
2517s look at melee attack which is complexity
2519s 5
2520s and
2521s difficulty eight so that's normally
2523s really really hard fortunately we just
2525s had a look at the state card which
2528s lowers the complexity by two and the
2532s target number by three
2534s so actually this will be a complexity
2537s three on target number five test
2540s much easier
2542s uh we'll
2543s um since the knight has a skill four and
2546s melee higher we'll get roll three dice
2549s uh looking for fives
2551s uh so mod raven if you would like to
2553s roll
2554s or more special monsters this is the
2555s neighbor's mods too
2557s yes right
2558s so
2560s i can use the stay camera as well for
2561s like some sort of combo
2564s uh the statements the camera it doesn't
2566s have any effects on itself it just
2567s allows you to equip the oh i see it okay
2570s cool so we're using so it's all all of
2572s the
2573s effect is printed on the stake
2575s yeah
2576s so that's also worth pointing out as
2578s well that the the knights does have the
2580s long bronze long sword but the bronze
2581s alongside wouldn't it it would only work
2583s on complexity tests of two or lower so
2584s it's not gonna convection eye here but
2586s luckily you don't need it because you've
2587s just drilled some damage quite nicely on
2588s those dice yeah
2590s it was off screen but honestly i did
2591s just roll these for real
2593s quite high
2596s so
2598s something to know i'm glad you did that
2600s uh in boss in boss fights typically each
2603s individual success inflicts a wounds
2605s unlike in the campaign skill test where
2608s usually you only need one dice to be
2610s successful and then it's pat and then
2611s it's a pass fail from from that point so
2614s we've done three wins to kevin draynor
2616s with that
2617s attack which is
2618s quite impressive
2620s it's high roll
2623s and that brings the next turn to an end
2626s uh we're back to count draenor for the
2628s regenerate behavior
2631s we are indeed okay so um so can't draino
2633s uh heals a wound if he was wounded by a
2635s melee attack with an adventure made by
2637s an adventure equipped with the stake
2638s this round this effect is not applied so
2640s because he was winded by the stake just
2642s now you won't actually get to regenerate
2643s wound um can't drain is going to move
2645s onto the coffin terrain now because we
2647s were quite clever and we've adjusted the
2649s turn sequence to make sure i was doing
2650s the coffin
2651s that means that he's actually going to
2652s be attacking nobody because he attacks
2654s the same space
2655s it's a good example there of how looking
2657s ahead at the behavior cards and
2658s adjusting the turn sequence and where
2660s people stood can certainly benefit quite
2661s a lot however um
2664s even though he's attacked nobody with
2665s regenerate because we've shifted the
2667s turnovers and we had two adventure
2669s returns in terms of the skill in the
2671s night
2672s country is now going to get to do the
2673s same thing so he's just to regenerate as
2675s a behavior he's now going to move
2676s straight on to
2677s eternal fury so he's going to move one
2679s space
2680s towards the initiative card to his left
2682s which on the track which is the knight
2684s is going to come back he's going to have
2685s his revenge
2688s okay once he's gotten there he's going
2689s to be attacking vertically which means
2691s he attacks in a row this way so he's
2692s going to hit the mage and he's going to
2693s hit the knights as well the wizard sorry
2696s um
2697s and he's going to be attacking you both
2699s you you need to take a defense skill
2701s test um where it's complexity 3 and you
2703s need to roll the seven
2705s okay so should we have the the knight
2706s taking that test first
2708s okay so just throw one
2710s so your defense is three which means
2712s it's equal to the to the complexity
2714s schedule two dice
2721s average solder blue average
2725s so as you said was 7 before so is that
2727s too low
2728s yeah that's too low so in this instance
2730s that's going to cause you to the party
2732s to suffer the group probably suffer a
2733s wound so you've gone down to
2735s 12 health for all of you together um so
2738s you failed that that skill test we also
2740s now need for the wizard for moderate to
2743s take a test as well
2745s unfortunately the wizard because i've
2746s got to send him to i get one time
2749s that's correct yes you need to one night
2750s this you can still pass it we just got a
2751s little bit less chance i did seven
2754s nice hold on sure on the night how it's
2756s done
2757s um
2759s so you'd pass the test and that would
2761s mean that you don't take any damage um
2763s that would bring us to the end of our
2764s round in the boss fight what we would
2766s now do is pick up all those cards we'd
2767s shuffle the initiative cards for the
2770s players and we'd shuffle the behavior
2771s cards we can't drain or and we'd deal
2772s them out again in the same row of
2774s adventure followed by a behavior card so
2776s it gives you a different um turn order
2778s for the players and it gives you a
2780s different turn order for account drainer
2781s you might also see some different
2782s behavior cards for caltrain because he
2784s has more than just three behavior cards
2786s so it can change from round to round um
2788s and what would happen there is the
2789s players would continue to to go through
2791s and take turns like that until either
2792s countdreader has been defeated by going
2794s to zero health or the players have been
2795s defeated by also zero health um
2798s the
2799s other thing to point out is that if you
2801s have a quick look at the boss fights
2803s behavior the boss's behavior sorry uh
2805s the health um won't be tracking health
2807s um the fight number five is highlighted
2810s and that's because um in some boss
2812s fights they'll get to a certain point of
2814s health and they'll trigger particular
2816s mechanic and for um we can't drain or if
2818s we can bring up his reference sheet he
2819s has something called enrage effectively
2822s means he's realized that he's being
2824s overwhelmed he's starting to lose this
2825s fight he's going to get really angry and
2826s decides to
2828s change the game up this is where he'll
2830s jump into his coffin he's going to slam
2831s the door shut behind him and try to
2833s generate some health and then what we
2834s see from these um bones cards in the
2837s corners is they're going to flip over
2838s and become skeletons for you to fight
2840s and things get a little bit more
2840s difficult for you
2845s that's it yeah so basically what you
2846s have to at that point is someone with a
2847s high crafting skill has to come off the
2849s coffin and just literally wedge the
2850s coffin back over again to get cat drain
2852s or out um and the longer count drainage
2854s in there the more health he's going to
2855s regenerate whilst you whilst you start
2856s fending off these skeletons um so it
2858s kind of it it really changes up the
2861s the pace of what's going on in the fight
2864s now this technically would have happened
2865s because we did
2866s sorry
2868s i say so you you can't skip that it has
2870s to happen if you drop the low five it
2872s still has to happen so you go from six
2874s to four
2875s that's correct
2876s yeah that's correct the reason i'm
2877s pointing out is because technically we
2878s would have had to play through that but
2880s uh me and fraser didn't actually
2882s anticipate us rolling so well on our
2883s attacks that we would actually trigger
2884s that rage um it's well done for that
2888s but i just feel like it was worth
2889s explaining because that's what would
2890s have happened normally had we've been
2891s playing through the game and fall
2894s okay that actually brings us to the end
2896s of our scripted turns we've kind of
2898s shown you the vast majority of the
2899s mechanics in the in the base game at
2901s this point um
2903s so that gives you kind of a good
2904s understanding of the kind of things
2905s you're going to be playing through we've
2906s only seen things obviously we've only
2908s seen things once um
2910s there's other elements to the game like
2911s you'll see the at the exploration decks
2914s evolving over time as more cards are
2916s shuffled in this as we mentioned the
2918s sort of the threat of the game board
2919s enhanced increases over over multiple
2921s turns as the longer it takes for us to
2923s get to can't drain out the more
2924s dangerous the game body is to move
2925s around on that means the motivation
2927s cards get shuffled in something called
2929s danger tokens come out of the game board
2930s or that makes your skill test more risky
2933s and other stuff that happens as well but
2935s we've really sort of taken through the
2936s majority of
2938s the software the basic stuff of the
2939s different terms of term so i guess
2941s really like careful from what's doing my
2943s raven how did you how did you feel about
2944s that and have you any kind of questions
2946s for us before we before we end the
2947s stream
2950s um personally
2952s a lot of fun
2953s um yeah
2954s i appreciate that it ties into a lot of
2957s um recognizable elements from runescape
2958s you've um got the elements from the
2961s quests themselves and so forth uh
2963s recognizable areas on the map um it
2966s feels very
2967s grounded and um
2970s yeah fairly intuitive mechanics there's
2972s certainly a lot of different elements
2973s you can play around with here um yeah
2975s i'm a fan you need to give it more of a
2977s go
2978s i'll put your rovin
2980s i definitely like the uh little side
2982s quest mechanics
2985s i can see myself being terribly
2986s obnoxious by just doing those all the
2988s time
2989s leonis is going no no we need to fight
2991s the vampire like no i need to bake a
2993s cake
2996s a variety of these quests
2999s we definitely have yeah uh and we've
3001s really wanted to give players kind of um
3003s the opportunity to
3005s kind of be indulge themselves as many
3007s different distractions as possible
3008s really so the side quests are really
3009s great example of that of they don't
3011s advance they don't really directly
3012s advance the campaign overall at all but
3014s they do give you a good amount of
3016s experience and and resources as you're
3018s going along and they're also just good
3019s fun and engaging with the narrative but
3021s but yeah it's kind of as you mentioned
3023s you can kind of just go i'm
3024s now you guys can all go and go and do
3026s the main quest meanwhile in the kitchen
3029s um
3031s is that okay so i don't know
3033s is there a reason
3035s for the
3036s orange dice to be separate is it just
3038s that that just means it's the special
3040s one you get from objects or does it have
3042s any kind of other functionality
3045s um for the time being it mainly just
3047s signifies that you're you're using it as
3049s it's being used with a piece of
3050s equipment now the reason we have to
3052s change the color for it is because there
3053s are often limitations on the lower level
3055s weapons you get so if we take the bronze
3058s long sword that's a good example it says
3060s you can add the weapon die to a melee
3062s test only it has to be complexity two or
3064s less but your maximum result is six so
3066s let's say for example you had a melee
3068s test where you had to get a seven or an
3070s eight the bronze long side wouldn't help
3072s you because it's not good enough it
3073s can't roll higher than a six okay um so
3075s it has a different color so that we know
3076s which die the equipment
3081s dies yeah that makes sense
3084s so i'm curious about this this very
3086s large card you got there for for vampire
3087s slayer which basically has the
3088s objectives to it um
3090s yeah maybe this is a quest i shouldn't
3092s be asking so feel free to stop me but
3093s does it just mean like there's multiple
3095s quest cards available and like you like
3098s roll one randomly at the start or is
3100s there one dedicated to a particular
3102s campaign story or
3104s yeah so so the the campaign board is if
3107s you think of uh imagine if you had a
3108s side quest that was that was really long
3111s which you actually do have some of those
3112s in the game what will happen is you'll
3113s get to the end of the first part of the
3115s side quest and you'll be told to draw
3116s the next card from the vault to continue
3118s the side quest when it came to the
3120s campaigns we really wanted you to have a
3121s holistic view of what's going on with
3123s the campaigns overall so this is kind of
3125s imagine if you've taken there's like
3127s there's like six cards worth of quests
3129s on that campaign board we wanted you to
3130s be able to see the whole quest at once
3132s as you're plotting through it um because
3134s if you say because you're working as a
3135s group together maybe if one of you is
3137s trying to complete the speak to dr
3138s harlow elements and they're trying to
3140s level up their thieving another player
3141s could look ahead at what's needed later
3143s in the quest and go oh at some point
3144s later on for the wreath of garlic we're
3145s going to need someone with a higher
3146s cooking skill so i'm going to focus on
3148s that element and i can kind of prepare
3149s for what's coming up and it's also
3151s um for say once you've spoken to dr
3154s harlow uh as a lot of runescape and also
3156s old-school runes get quests do they have
3158s yourself splitting off in different
3159s directions to go and go and find
3160s different things around the world um so
3162s the wreath of garlic the steak and the
3164s hammer those are all three quests that
3166s happen simultaneously so you can all
3167s split off and go okay i'm going to be
3168s the person that's best suited to go and
3169s get the hammer i'm the person that's
3170s best to go and get the stake etc and you
3172s can you can kind of divide and conquer
3174s as a team
3175s um does that design to your question or
3177s it does yeah yeah thank you
3179s so to determine sort of the order you're
3181s supposed to do them and it's sort of the
3182s sort of vertical rows or horizontal rows
3185s right
3186s and then yes multiple ones in the same
3188s row you can live in any order
3190s that's correct yeah that's correct so
3191s top top to bottom and then if they're on
3193s the same row any audio like
3197s this is going to be a noob question but
3198s um
3199s when you start the game each time do you
3201s start with all of the um levels and so
3203s forth off your character so it's
3204s essentially like a it's a
3206s it's a fresh character each time you
3208s time you play or is there maybe some
3211s game mode where you retain some of your
3212s skills and
3213s um
3214s the more variety and things you've
3215s unlocked
3216s it's a fantastic question so what we've
3218s got here for this example is we've kind
3220s of got a game in progress where
3222s for the final game that players receive
3223s there will be a tutorial island section
3225s which is quite literally as you'd expect
3226s a tutorial start the game where you'll
3228s be shown how the skills work you'll be
3230s walked through a skill test you'll gain
3231s some experience points to start you off
3232s and we've kind of for this example
3234s jumped you kind of more into the middle
3235s of the game just past tutorial islands
3237s you've already got
3238s your starting equipment you've already
3239s got
3240s a side quest to kick you off with um
3244s the the back end of that question when
3246s you come to the end of the campaign it's
3248s very much intended to roll end to end so
3250s once we finished facing can't drain or
3252s you retain any skills experience you
3255s retain any equipment and resources
3257s you've gained and you'll take those
3258s straight through into the next campaign
3260s as well and you'll roll on with an
3261s upwards the skill test will become more
3263s difficult the requirements that you need
3265s will become more difficult more
3266s exploration cards get shuffled and the
3267s game kind of evolves with you as you
3269s play from campaign to campaign and there
3271s is intended to be um whilst we've
3274s certainly tried to keep as much as
3275s possible to um to the narrative of the
3278s runescape video games taken as
3279s inspiration there are elements of the
3281s campaign narrative uh that we've
3283s iterated on to give you sort of like an
3284s overarching feeling as you work through
3286s the game we've already shown off um
3288s obviously the game is called shadow bell
3290s bargain we've already shown off the
3291s airbag miniature so you're working
3292s towards uh that dragon slayer quest as
3294s your final campaign in the core box but
3296s the other ones in between uh will also
3299s give you a bit of foreshadowing of how
3300s we've iterated on the story and change
3302s that to to really feature el barca so as
3304s you'll kind of you big badge to this to
3306s the story
3307s oh cool i like the explanation
3313s okay so um so yeah if there's a if
3315s there's any more questions or we can you
3317s can draw to a close for today because
3319s we've got plenty more to show we'll
3320s certainly be we'll be back again on
3322s future streams we'll be back to talking
3324s on the weekly streams i think we've also
3325s got uh blogs releasing each week i
3327s believe on a tuesday where you'll see
3328s new miniatures new game mechanics um
3330s where you can read about all this stuff
3331s as it comes out on a weekly basis um but
3333s uh if any more questions you can go
3335s through those as well
3338s let's suppose there any uh questions in
3339s the chat sphere
3341s you might have seen i imagine you've
3342s already been too busy moving pieces
3344s around
3347s also i'm not sure if he even is his
3349s audio on so i probably shouldn't have
3350s lost it well
3351s [Laughter]
3356s that's no problem
3357s okay i have another question from me
3359s from your raven
3360s uh no no it seems um
3364s straightforward to be honest um
3365s [Music]
3368s yeah no i can see how this would work i
3369s can see how it goes together i can see
3372s laughing maniacally as a becky cake um
3377s yeah no no okay nothing to mind
3380s so what we can do then is we can we can
3382s bring this to a close we can talk about
3383s all different ways that um that the fans
3385s can get involved so we have we have a
3387s facebook group where players can join
3388s you can come and speak to myself and ask
3390s any questions you've got about the game
3391s come and talk to talk to all the fans
3393s and speculate on what things you might
3394s be in might be in the game as well um
3396s happily drop into there and have
3398s discussion with you about certain things
3400s um we also have uh you can you can join
3402s what's called the notify me you can have
3404s a look at the kickstarter page and um
3406s you can click the notify me element
3407s which means you'll be notified as soon
3409s as the kickstarter actually gets
3410s underway and that's best way to make
3412s sure that you're there on day one with
3413s the rest of us having a look at what's
3414s going to be on the kickstarter page and
3416s back in the campaign
3417s outside of that you can catch us um on
3420s some i think some of the weekly streams
3421s between now and the 31st of may as well
3424s um and um you can catch a weekly blog
3426s where i'll be showing new miniatures new
3428s content new game mechanics each time
3430s each week
3431s and outside that we've we've loved a few
3432s times on the stream thank you very much
3434s for having us on uh and be guests with
3435s us here um monster moderate um
3438s outside that i think uh we can cause
3440s their clubs thank you very much
3445s [Music]
3465s you