4 months ago - RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s the standout feature for me from this
2s project has to be the improvements to
3s the mountain range before these really
5s had no business even being called
6s mountains they were so unimpressive
8s whereas now they're tall they're
10s imposing they've got a great silhouette
12s that just runs along that entire edge of
14s the continent and are always visible one
16s of my other favorite areas of this
17s update is Ardo and specifically the
19s market area in Ardo before it it kind of
22s looked a bit like a parking lot it was
24s very Square so I went in and tried to
25s add a lot more color and life and Market
27s stalls and make it look like an actual
29s nice medieval Market could place