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One big update every few months and then weeks upon weeks of fixes, patches and minor updates. We'll get a Farming and Herblore Expansion at the end of November, four months after the Anachronia Expansion. This will be followed by the Archaeology Expansion in January, and the Elder God Wars expansion later in the year.

Personally, if they are going to stick to an Expansion release schedule, I'd rather they came out and said it. It's surely better that people know they are in for months of patch weeks, rather than be continually disappointed week on week.


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almost 5 years ago - /u/JagexRowley - Direct link

Originally posted by AssaultPhase

They only said that to justify the fact they hadn't started work on the next expansion and so they wouldn't be held to their promises.

This is wildly incorrect. Parts of what was going to be the second expansion were peeled off and released as individual updates. Some artwork for it was seen in videos around that time.