Major Issues
The below are issues I feel should be highlighted and fixed.
- It's impossible to permanently turn off the new player experience even if you turn off all the appropriate options and skip it.
- The Skip Tutorial -> Reset interaction allows players to dupe certain items and teleport from anywhere in the game.
- You can teleport out of Shard Worlds, Combat, Teleblock, Deep Wilderness, Quest Areas, Dungeoneering, Minigames.
- The combat academy tutorial has been removed.
- Mobile isn't officially released, it shouldn't be a reason why you hide something. Lock Mobile from it, not everyone.
Feedback - Issues
I will provide both major and minor feedback regarding the New Player Experience.
Tutorial Island
- The Yellow text for commandsis an eye sore and unhelpful/off-putting.
- Each time you complete a step, the game dings you. This is annoying.
- The Activity Tracker isn't sized correctly.
- The Ribbon defaults to two rows when not filled up (Tutorial Island), and looks ugly when filled up.
- The Default Interface changes between Tutorial Island and Burthorpe.
- The Chat box is moved, interfaces re-size, etc.
- Pop-up tips are all over your screen for no reason.
- If it doesn't have an arrow it default to the top center even if the previous tips weren't there.
- It can also be hidden behind other interfaces.
The Ability Interfacedefault sizing is terrible.
- Combat requires you to use a 2nd action bar but does not suggest key-binds.
- Upon leveling
- The Wording and tips could use highlighted text to better indicate info.
- When casting the Confuse spell, in the Ariane section, it requires clicking from the spell book.
- This is bad because it interact with GCD meaning clicking it at the wrong time won't set it off.
- Upon unlocking the upgraded version of lesser abilities, the lesser ability icon doesn't go away.
- The action bar also automatically adds the lesser ability again to your action bar.
Burthorpe Tutorial
- The Troll boss fight in the caves (with Melee) doesn't highlight drops when you defeat it.
- Same thing with the one you defeat with Ariane.
- The Mage crafting Path doesn't award/have you obtain the correct amount of material for both Path sets.
- The Agility Tutorial has a step for each obstacle, this is unnecessary.
- The Hunter Tutorial:
- Doesn't imply you can place 2 traps. The shop only provides 1 for free.
- Has no indication about different types of hunting such as Kebbit hunting.
- Combat Gear with Turael - When starting the range/magic portion and having melee/ranged gear equipped it isn't intuitive to remove it before continuing.
- Only chat dialogue implies this.
- Bread-crumb trails taking you inside closed buildings doesn't work correctly.
- Trails that go up multiple stories also doesn't work correctly.
- There are no lootbeams for mask parts.
- The breadcrumb trails can glitch out if you skip certain parts of the quest.
- For example: When doing Let Them Eat Pie, if you already have wheat, the game will always direct you to get wheat.
- This will never go away until you log out.
Overall Issues
- Shop Tutorial is repeated a number of times.
- Players can't use it normally until it's completed every single time.
- The Smithing tutorials are repeated a number of times.
- Item drop highlights alternate between a loot-beam and pop-up tips.
- The breadcrumb trail can occasionally be out of range and thus not appear for some tasks.
- The crafting tutorial interfaces default to 1 and the item without indicating this is not normal.
- Some Paths list the overall name, some don't, so if you clear it, you may not know which one to re-select.
- If you bank items in the middle of a path, it doesn't tell you to re-obtain them.
- If you bank items between paths that expect you to have certain items from previous paths.
Feedback - Solutions/Advice
Tutorial Island
- Have a better focus on standard interfaces such as the following:
- Stats, Equipment, Prayers, Social Interfaces (Chat and friends).
- The goal here is to introduce the default interface so players know where things are and what they do.
- Re-introduce Range/Magic to the Tutorial similar to Melee.
- Start players off with a ranged weapon and a magic weapon.
- Use the Yellow arrow/bread-crumb trail for certain steps and reduce the overall number of Path steps (53).
- Have a more improved default interface with better placement for the ribbon, a section for the ability spells, and social tabs.
- Resize interfaces back to a more appropriate size.
- Overhaul the entire Settings interface and Ribbon interfaces.
- Combine the Achievement Paths and Activity Tracker interfaces.
- I suggest looking into a better way to locate paths and see progress.
- Clearing paths currently isn't intuitive as was probably intended.
- Lock new players to 1 action bar or generate keybinds for the 2nd action bar.
- Drag the abilities in the Burthorpe tutorial to the appropriate place.
- Re-word Ability tool-tips all together so information is more intuitive.
- Threshold/Ultimate abilities are no longer taught, fix this.
Burthorpe Tutorial
- Banking should be in the primary path and not something found accidentally.
- The "kill bunnies/trolls" with no slayer task to "kill jelly abominations" as a slayer task is weird.
- Either make everything a slayer task, or nothing a slayer task.
- Or direct players to Commander Denulth at the beginning and then Turael later.
- Tutorial Island is the tutorial to saying combat exists, and attacking/killing something.
- Therefore make sure the Burthorpe combat introduces other basics such as abilities, eating, skills, xp, the action bar, etc.
- Refer to the skilling interface more often (see below as to why).
- When skipping the tutorial, provide a way to obtain the awards obtained from the path system.
- Remove the "Reset" function, it's buggy and pointless. If someone at that point of the game needs it they'd be more likely to make a brand new account.
- Improve the transition between how the Activity tracker works in Burthorpe to how it works in Lumbridge.
- This is important because the Activity tracker isn't fully developed.
- There's no indication of using the quest journal for information to progress.
- It relies too much on other interface aspects (blue highlight/yellow highlights) which hurts the ability to do future quests.
Overall Issues
In most other games, questing/leveling up is focused on using a very hand-holdy system with quest markers for each step and what to do. The new player experience takes this approach which is good except the rest of the game doesn't incorporate this. This transition should indicate that Runecape is different than other games. One way to do this is to indicate that the primary focus isn't doing these random tasks but rather getting levels/xp.
More Stuff
The "Skip Burthorpe" and then "Skip Lumbridge" are the exact same button, the only difference is the first directs you to unlocking the Taverly Lodestone then the boat to Lumbridge. The Lumbridge one puts you in Lumbridge but doesn't unlock the Taverly lodestone. Just auto-unlock the Taverly lodestone and only keep the Lumbridge skip.
The following should occur:
- Brand New Players: Start on Tutorial Island
- Returning/Old Players: Start in Burthorpe as if you just came off Tutorial Island.
- Current/Experienced Players: Start in Lumbridge with the Path tutorial turned off and starting lodestones unlocked.