about 5 years ago - /u/Shaunyowns - Direct link

Hello everyone, as you may have seen we've been having some loginserver issues which have affected some of our players.

To address this, we're going to be performing some work to fix these issues, however, please be aware this may log you out in-game, so please refrain from doing dangerous activities in-game. Once we've fixed this, we'll let you know.

Additionally, we'll send out a broadcast in-game to make sure as many people are made aware of this.

EDIT: The login issues have now been fixed, you may now resume your activities!

External link →
about 5 years ago - /u/Shaunyowns - Direct link

Hello everyone, as you may have seen we've been having some loginserver issues which have affected some of our players.

To address this, we're going to be performing some work to fix these issues, however, please be aware this may log you out in-game, so please refrain from doing dangerous activities in-game. Once we've fixed this, we'll let you know.

Additionally, we'll send out a broadcast in-game to make sure as many people are made aware of this.

EDIT: The login issues have now been fixed, you may now resume your activities!

External link →