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I'm not even sure how to feel about this. It's a feedback survey about the archeology skill and how it was communicated.

Can Jagex just look just about anywhere and see the resounding answer is "like sh*t" ? The communication was fine before the original release date, but then they do that weird thing where they go completely dark about everything after a missed deadline. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the players would like a ballpark estimate on release date. It would also be nice to release some more details about the skill, surely there must be some parts about it that are nailed down enough for that.

Lastly was the tone-deaf teaser of biting 4. Whoopee, more power creep. Instead of something new and interesting, BIS becomes more BIS and players' current augments become obsolete.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still excited for archeology. I'm just irate after being left in the dark for a month

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over 4 years ago - /u/JagexRowley - Direct link

Originally posted by the_summer_soldier

They actually plugged in achievements this week or last. Maybe some people would consider that polish. I would lean that way as I am not an achievement hunter or anything, but I have a feeling that the majority of the player base would not consider this added polish.

Don't get me wrong though I am quite happy they are taking time to polish it more and more.

To clarify, this week was adding MORE achievements. We already had 100+ Arch cheevos ready for the Jan release date.

Sure, communication can always improve (and I would assume that is part of the purpose of whatever this survey is), but the Runefest demo (search for videos) speaks for itself, as will the skill. I don't feel the need to change anyone's mind (Great Minds' post) or try to convince with words, nor do I think any words I could say would convince. Not to say I don't have a bunch of convincing arguments, but 'show not tell' and all that.

And on that note, just hang in there a little while longer...