I disagree with this statement quite strongly to be honest. Representation matters in games, tv shows, films and all walks of life. When you grow up feeling other as many LGBQTQIA+ people do, it's hard to look at the world and not feel like you are somehow wrong, or alien, or invalid. When the whole world looks like you it's easy to wonder why these things matter, but when the world looks different and you see something you can identify with, it makes a big difference.
It's not untrue when I suggest that sometimes seeing these characters in games and media can be a lifeline for people.
All of the stories presented in this event fit within the RuneScape world and exist alongside the other stories. They're slices of life that just acknowledges that our world is deliberately diverse and inclusive. They're just little memories and moments in grander stories.
But I've already had several people reach out to me to thank me for stories where they see themselves reflected. The ace people who see themselves mirrored in Vicendithas' struggle. The trans people understanding the shared struggle of connecting with your true name. The little bi-butterflies connecting with Zanik's story. They might not mean anything to you, but for some people they mean a lot and these stories were written for them.
If it's not for you and you're not interested, that's totally fine. You do not need to engage with the event if you don't want to. The rewards are cosmetic or narrative based. I promise that the existence of this does not prevent or hinder the existence of any other content being made.
= Raven =